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Messages - Gorthwogh

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it's nice, I tried it on my next g phone i just activated today (an LG TU500 if that might help for optimization or something).
it works well. nice job :).

did both sound effects and music work?

Zelda Projects / Re: [Demo] Zelda Mobile - for javaphones [Demo 3 Released]
« on: December 19, 2007, 02:58:57 pm »
This is quite awesome- it's keeping me inspired as to what a fan and creator (like me) might be able
to accomplish :-)

I love the work so far - keep it up man, I can't wait to see the finished product.

My one caveat though- is there a possiblity you could add support for wide screen phones
like the t-mobile dash (htc excalibur)?

you mean like rotate the entire screen? i've tried it on some htc phones, and it seems that it rotates the game itself,

sadly i can't add scaling.. (they dont have that in mobile java.. i'd have to write it myself, and it would probably be slow.. )

Zelda Projects / Re: [Demo] Zelda Mobile - for javaphones [Demo 3 Released]
« on: December 11, 2007, 11:45:32 am »
theres 30 pages and im not gonna read them all... haha
so i Have a question.
is this game complete? or is it only 80% complete like the first post says...?
it looks rad.

its currently 90% and still going.. =)

demo3 contains 60-70% of the game
dungeon 1-6 and a boat load of items and heart pieces for you to find, try it.. =)
it takes about 2 hours to complete.. (if you are fast..)

its a huge demo.. more like a beta version of the full game..  8)

Zelda Projects / Re: [Demo] Zelda Mobile - for javaphones [Demo 3 Released]
« on: December 06, 2007, 08:44:59 am »
I need help. How do you beat the spirit in lvl 5?

he becomes visible if you use the candle..
light the candle (B-button), stand still and wait for him to appear infront of you.. before he hits you, hit him and run backwards..

Zelda Projects / Re: [Demo] Zelda Mobile - for javaphones [Demo 3 Released]
« on: November 06, 2007, 02:20:35 pm »
When I try downloading from my phone through the internet, any address I put it I just get some weird page with red writing and a big P sign (like a parking sign) and its in spanish or something... o_O

swedish, i guess you typed .com (i own that one too, but it is parked)
this is the right adress: http://www.gorthwogh.net/download/ZeldaDemo3.jar
or shorter:

;-; 404 Error for the first link and 406 error for the second o_o

406.. never even heard of that.. :P
very wierd..

luckily i host it on this big mobile games site too..
(they have wap download, check out the instructions on the page)

Zelda Projects / Re: [Demo] Zelda Mobile - for javaphones [Demo 3 Released]
« on: November 05, 2007, 10:07:33 am »
He swings the sword fine for me on my phone.  You did actually -get- the sword from the cave in the first screen, right?

dude, totally

i had to remove the swing animations, because of the lack of ram memory in the phones..
link wont do a full swing in the next version either..
memory is a big problem when developing for phones.. :P

When I try downloading from my phone through the internet, any address I put it I just get some weird page with red writing and a big P sign (like a parking sign) and its in spanish or something... o_O

swedish, i guess you typed .com (i own that one too, but it is parked)
this is the right adress: http://www.gorthwogh.net/download/ZeldaDemo3.jar
or shorter:

I'm really tempted to get this thing going on the J2ME toolkit's phone emu (assuming it'll work on that o.o) It looks like a kickass game O_O

it works really good on the sonyericsson toolkit and emulators.. (thats what i use for development.. )
and, it is free to download from their page..

I now really wish i was bored somewhere for quite some time with only my phone so i could actually find time to play this game (as i really want to) but with being surrounded by tons of other things to do, i doubt i'll ever spend the 1-2 hours worth of gameplay playing it T_T

someday, maybe, you are on a bus or a train without anyting to read or play.. thats the time.. =)
im taking the subway for 30min everyday.. and thats a great place to play this game since there is nothing else to do..

Holy !@#$%, Demo 3 is out, and I still don't even have a mobile phone that can run Demo 2 :(

Q: How big will the complete game be?
A: i don't really know, but i guess that it'll be smaller than 500k

It's already bigger than 500k, so you may want to change the FAQ ;)

haha, you got me..
i'll change..  :P

Such a shame I can't play this. I have a Java-capable phone but, alas, my phone plan apparently requires a $1.99 charge for one download, and if it fails that's a wasted $1.99, and I'm very, very, VERY poor right now.

Perhaps in the future :P

yeah, i know, i hate that they charge for downloads..
hmm.. you can't transfer it to the phone using bluetooth or ir or a cable?

what phone is it?
i might know if it works or not.. :P

Awesome! I hope I can borrow my Sister's cellphone soon. Because I really want to try the demo! :)

yepp, its shaping up.. soon its not a demo anymore..
it now takes 1-2 hours to complete (thats if you don't look for heart pieces..)

6 dungeons, and a almost completed worldmap (only the desert and deathmountain missing)

Demo3 is released..

the PC version is coming..
but meanwhile everyone having a good mobilehpone can play the midp2 high profile version..

6 dungeons
25 monsters
huge world map
mastersword.. =)

1-2 hours of gameplay.. (i think.. )

get here: http://zeldamobile.gorthwogh.net/Downloads.php

happy hunting.. =)

Hm...  It looks like it should work.  I tried to run it on my PPC and it said this.

    "There is no application associated with "Zelda". Run the application first and then open this file from within the application."
   Is there a Phone emulator that I need or am I just missing something?  Sorry for the trouble.

seems that java (j2me) support is not built in to non-phone PPCs..
there are however a few javaVMs that do provide support for PPCs
i found this list if it is any help, i think you have to install something (i have no idea what im talking about.. :P)


Wow this looks really good!!!  Will it be posible to play on a Pocket PC?  Say a Dell Axim X30 for instance?   :huh:
I play it on my Orange M2000 which runs Windows Mobile, and it works fine :)
  So which version of the game would be the best to download to see if it will work on my axim?

i think the normal version would work, (Normal version all phones with midp 2.0)
i've tested it on windows mobile 6 and it works.. =)
(it is a bit hard to play with the stylus, but otherwise good..)

Too bad this is a Cell Phone game... X_x Will you emulate it like for demo 2?

yepp, with the same crappy emulator... :P

any news?

long time no post...... :P

hehe, sorry, im just trying not to double post..
lots has happend, im soon done with demo3 and much closer to a complete game release.. =)

i think, demo3 will be out in september, and the full game sometime before december (after beta testing..)

im posting the latest batch of screenshots:

1: link rafting a rainy day..
2: fighting a big firebreathing boss..
3: finding a "super" secret in dungeon 1 (also equipped with mirror shield)
4: the mastersword..

That is great news Gorth! You should release that .txt file to translators as soon as it's ready so that on launch day you'll have the game ready to be played by the whole world!

Hehe, worldwide-game-launch, that something even big companies like Square and Nintendo can't manage.. (at least im not giving out a japanese version first.. :P)

Awesome Gorth! Can't wait to finish the game I never played on the NES, on my phone! On another note, have you thought about the easy-to-translate text input? There are some French fans out there that just can't wait to play the game, but understand it too!

don't forget the german fans, aii?
i'd still like to help gorth ^^

yeah, im trying to move all the text out to a .txt file, and using indexes to find what it should write on screen
So it will just be a matter of translating the words in the text file, and replacing it with a french/german/engrish/swedish or whatever language you'd like version.. :P

Still a few more things i need to do before i can release the game, but im well on my way and it is about 80% completed right now.. =)
i estimate 1-2 more months of slow development.. (i have a "real" job too ya know)

how's it goin'
this topic has not been posted in for at least 14 days

is everthin' allright gorth?
how about updating your page?
maybe u got some news to tell us?

can't wait any longer for zelda mobile :P

yeah, everyting is going as plan.. :P
im done with dungeon 6 and started work with 7 yesterday..  (2½ more to go.. )

adding an intro, and 3 save slots.. config menu, and lots more stuff.. =)

yeah, and i updated my page with some extra stuff, like heart piece locations and stuff..

and finally, a new screenshot.. link inside dungeon 6 getting his ass kicked...
edit: and link scaring off some ghosts with his lamp.. =)

I just had to post this.. :P

it is not your average screenshot, i call this a "worldshot"

it is a pretty huge image (4096x1408):

some thing look pretty stupid, (the tombstones for instance), they do not look like that in game..

Wow. O_O Is it just me or has Death Mountain sorta changed? If it has, then it's not an unpleasant surprise. It's different, but not bad... I guess to add new spice to the game?

yeah, i sort of changed it, the map still has the same basic routes, in the original deathmountain was a place where you went to face ganon and nothing more..
i wanted to add some exploration.. you can still take your favorite road to ganon (all except one), but now you'll also find that there is more to it than just the final showdown..  =)

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