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Messages - Nox

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Beautiful ... so beautiful.
It surprises me every time how you manage to make a sreen full of colored pixels look so alive  :)

Zelda Projects / Re: [Demo] The Crystal of Gidna
« on: November 04, 2007, 09:48:38 pm »
Nice video, but one thing i did notice, the trees in the background scroll faster than the rest, shouldn't what further back, scroll slower?
yea, that's the way it should be.

but when you look out of a fast moving train, the trees nearby are moving way faster than the ones far away ... so I'd say it should be tha same here or at least they should scroll at the same speed.

Bytheway *never postet here before* this game looks promising, also played the demo and loved it. This moving-eye-thingy that creeps the forest guys out - hilarious!  XD

Shadowgazer is the reason I signed up here, nice job King Mob

lol, me too :P

Zelda Projects / Re: [Demo] Zelda: Oracle of Life (1.1 Up)
« on: October 25, 2007, 03:04:49 pm »
Very nice atmosphere, especially the title screen, but this snow village somehow doesn't work with the green part  ;)
Where's the title music from? Or is it original part of the game?

You heard that already many many times, but: you're brilliant...

Looking forward to it!
Played the demo again and found out you could go to bed, and then at night Links grandma stood there, because Link was sleeping in her bed. Thats just ... oh well I would need a dictionary to express that  :-*
and then, Ive got a stupid question: will Link be able to pick up the chicken in the final version of the game?  XD thats so cheeky to ask ... sorry.

Recruitment / Re: Official Recruitment Topic for ZFGCCP
« on: October 12, 2007, 07:21:47 am »
Ah! Thanks! ...only need to make some "examples" to contact the director with  :)

...I see, you've got nobody for spriting tiling, and until there is noone, the project kind of can't get started, right?
That's sad!  :-\

Other Discussion / Re: Are you right brained or left brained?
« on: October 11, 2007, 08:27:43 pm »
awww  :'( I can't make her move counter anymore! There was one tiny moment me seeing that damn thing moving counter and now...
I really hope that this test is a fake, don't want to be a heavy rightbrainer!  :P

Recruitment / Re: Official Recruitment Topic for ZFGCCP
« on: October 11, 2007, 05:02:25 pm »
What exactly is the Artteam for?  :-\ I'd really like to help...

yay! Ran across your game some days ago at youtube, and it just knocked me off my feet;)
I really wish you good luck, patience and all for working on this game and comleting it! Because it's really good, I've never seen such a promising title.

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