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Messages - therabidwombat

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 38
Other Projects / Re: Dirt
« on: February 03, 2011, 05:56:12 pm »
Wow, okay, I found this. xD I posted it in the completed games section but, like a dunce, didn't see that it created this topic, couldn't figure out how to create one, and left. :P

Android - it's possible, but won't be for a while. We've talked about porting to other platforms it but we don't actually have any Android phones, so testing would be hard. Might go with Unity later for that kind of stuff.

Naviball - XD hopefully when I finish Furious I can do the iPhone version between weekend projects. :P

Other Projects / [Completed] Dirt
« on: February 03, 2011, 03:56:51 am »
You are the adorably deceased, pickaxe-wielding cat "Dirt," trapped underground for reasons unclear. Where are you? Why have you been falling for so long? What else is down here with you?

Excavate potentially infinite screens of dirt, gems, mysterious artifacts, and clues about... well, that's a little unclear. Why don't you start digging and find out?

-Endless, persistent world
-Multi-directional gravity using the accelerometer
-Plenty of mysterious secrets to unearth
-Ambient soundtrack carefully crafted to maximise immersion even on iPhone speakers
-You're a skeleton cat with a pickaxe wearing boots

Stephen Gazzard - Lead Programmer
Lopi Mackenzie - Programmer
Jennalee Stad - Concept Art, Additional Art
Josiah Tobin - Lead Artist, Sound Design, Lopi stand-in

Dirt was designed collaboratively with much love by the family of the Broken Kings House.


Hmm IMO the game looks good and everything but with a little improvement of the graphics you can get more sells! I recommend you to stop using pixelart and making graphics in photoshop, atleast for your next games, btw! I might be interested in making iphone games, but I am wondering is it hard to program? and! how much money have you won from this game? I am really interested in knowing how the iphone market is.. I hope you can help me : ).

Non-pixel art graphics probably would increase the marketability but truthfully, I love working with Josiah and pixel art is his thing, and he is -really- good at it, so I'm happy to stick with the whole pixel art look for now :). This game probably won't be going all photo-shop-y anytime soon, so...:P. There is an advantage to pixel art, too, because of the way he does things, the game is < 5 MB on the app store, which is ridiculous given the amount of backgrounds, units, etc. in the game. If the game is > 10 MB, users can't download it over the 3G, so there's potential loss of sales from impulse buys. It's a balancing act.

As for how hard it is to program for the iPhone, depends on how experienced you are. If you know a C-based language, then it'll just be a matter of a few weeks getting adjusted to the very different syntax for ObjectiveC. Then, you can pick up Cocos2D, which is the engine we use and which is very easy to get into. You can also do some stuff in C/C++ libraries but I figured I may as well learn Objective C, so...

It's always great to see old members return, having risen from lowly homebrew game makers to professional game developers. Especially when said member is one I was just thinking about the other day. Good to see you, TRW, and good to see that you've made a game.

Thanks :D It's good to pop by every once in a while.

TRW it's been ages! How's it going man? When I get an iPhone this will be my first app.

It's going pretty good ... most of my time these days goes to running my business, it's exciting times :D

Damn, looks pretty good. I'm Moldrill (Moldy, Drilly whatevs). I definitely remember you, though you probably don't remember me. It's all good. Glad to see someone from here doing some professional gaming stuff. Keep being an inspiration to the new ZFGC kids ok?

Of course I remember who you are XD. I'll do my best!

Hey guys - we've released three major updates since I posted this game. With the latest, the game now includes a campaign mode with 39 levels, and there are now 33 units in the game. As well, you can battle your friends locally on wifi and bluetooth!

If you haven't bought the game yet, and have been thinking about doing so, please do so now! We have an ad campaign going live and are hoping to hit the top 50 during it's lifetime, so this week, your purchase counts a lot more than it does any other time!

The iTunes link is still: http://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/castle-conflict/id315158886?mt=8

Thanks to anyone who is able to help out!

Other Projects / Re: [iPHONE] Shooting Star Panic
« on: February 02, 2010, 03:29:04 am »
Thanks for all your comments guys, the app is still not even in review yet, for whatever reason.

It typically takes two weeks between when you submit to apple and when it goes live. My last game I submitted only took five days ... but it was just an update, not a full fledged new title.

Updates / Re: Nominations - January 2010
« on: January 24, 2010, 04:17:51 am »
cause Mamoruanime
made me vote surface

Apparently I have 1413 posts here. I didn't realise I posted that much on this incarnation of ZFGC. Does post count mean anything? Am I more of a person because, in the past, I reached a 4 digit post count on this board?

Other Projects / [Completed] Broken Kings' 2nd iPhone App: Ant Attack
« on: October 29, 2009, 10:27:03 pm »
Hello all you happy Zelda fans,

I am here today to announce something specifically non-Zelda-y. It is called Ant Attack, and it is the second game by Broken Kings, my company. Like Castle Conflict, which I posted here before, it was developed exclusively by myself and former ZFGC member Josiah Tobin (aka FRoG32).

Youtube video:

App Store link:

We hope that those of you with iPhones who are able to play it enjoy!

To get you guys started, here are a couple of promo codes:


Nice to see everything is going well for you wombat :). I hope the indie game market works out well for you. I would show my support and buy a copy, if it wasen't for the fact that I have nothing to use it on :P.

Also: warbalgarbal; Finish NaviBlast :P.

warbalgarbal; I'm working on it.

We're also planning an iphone version. =D
So I heard :P. Would work great if you did do it.

XD It's in the works. My schedule is pretty hectic so the iPhone version probably won't get started until this summer. This month I'm finishing Gwabs, writing iPhone lessons / helping teach an iPhone course, and hoping to finish the PC version of Population Control. Next month I'm hoping to be done the PC version of NaviBlast. So the month after that, I can finally start new things and hopefully get NaviBlast on the iPhone. XD

Nice to see everything is going well for you wombat :). I hope the indie game market works out well for you. I would show my support and buy a copy, if it wasen't for the fact that I have nothing to use it on :P.

Also: warbalgarbal; Finish NaviBlast :P.

warbalgarbal; I'm working on it.

We're also planning an iphone version. =D

Holy !@#$%, TRW, whats up man?  Limey here, how you been?

/going to buy your game now

I've been busy...this is one of only 5 projects I've been working on in the past few months...but also really good. Owning a business is exciting!

For those who cannot play the game, here is a quick youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9nSBQdMpcM

Hello all,

Long time since I been here ... I've moved on to professional game development and have my own company now ... but this is where it all started for me, back in summer '04, so I figured I'd make a quick appearance and let you guys know that my company released its first game earlier this week.

It's for the iPhone and it's called Castle Conflict. So if anyone here has an iTouch or an iPhone, give it a try! It is only $1.99, so I'm starting small...

Some screenies for you guys:

Website is at: http://castleconflict.brokenkings.com/
It's not much yet, I've got a guy helping me out by making a landing page, but it's not up yet...also have a youtube video in the works. So hopefully there will be something a bit nicer up there shortly.

If any of you are able to play it, let me know!

btw...there seems to be a lot of new faces here. I don't know how many of you guys I actually know anymore. xD Nice to meet anyone new in the past two years

Graphics / Re: Okami
« on: May 17, 2008, 08:39:25 pm »
Jeez. What CAN'T you do? XD

I'm getting it because I loved Killer 7. I'm just waiting until my budget allows me to buy video games again.

Entertainment / Re: Will it Blend? Wii-motes.
« on: May 09, 2008, 12:17:54 am »
This video was completely relevant to a point I just made to Stephen. Completely.

So relevant my pants caught fire.

Other Projects / Re: [WIP] Working title
« on: April 23, 2008, 07:53:02 pm »
If you're still looking for an audio API, I'd recommend FMod. It's free if you're distributing your game for free, and it's dirt easy to use. You can have a sound manager running within an hour of downloading the API. It's super easy.

Anyways, the game sounds cool and I am interested in seeing how it'll look. Working with 3D in 2D could make collision calculations and the like easier. Is this for a class? What access to external tools (engines, etc.) do you have?

Coding / Re: Using a class encapsulated enum without fully qualifying?
« on: March 20, 2008, 08:04:31 pm »
@nitz: I think to do what you're trying to do in the screenshot post, you'd have to access the enum through teh scope resolution operator (for example, _myClass::UP), and even then, the enum might have to be static, I'm not too sure about that though [I've been using C# for a while and tiny details like that I have forgotten]

Graphics / Re: My very first 100% from scratch 16x16 sprite
« on: March 20, 2008, 08:02:33 pm »
I like them, they look like a more detailed shining force style.
Which is always good.

You win for referencing shining force. Shining force = greatest thing ever.

As for the sprites, it looks so retro with the tiles that I can't help but love it. XD

lemme guess, some stupid error like "unexpected end of file found while looking for precompiled header directive"?

That means that you've set your project to look for precompiled headers. If you do this, you must have #include "stdafx.h" at the top of every file in your project. If you don't want to have this on and you're getting that error, go to project->properties->Configuration Properites->C/C++->Precompiled Headers->Create/Use Precompiled Headers, and set it to "Not Using Precompiled Headers"

A precompiled header is useful for example to include all libraries etc. That you are including in your project. The contents of anything included in stdafx will be built into your projects precompiled header object/database/thing, and instead of rebuilding them every time you compile, they will only be recompiled when you modify your stdafx.h

Anyways, my story is strange...I had a project that would build on my computer,but the dang thing wouldn't run after built on any other computer. I spent hours looking through the options in VC++, double checking things, going through my code, but I couldn't figure it out. Whenever I'd send that project over to another computer and compile it, however, it'd work just fine. I never did figure out what was wrong ... I just settled for compiling code on other computers when I needed other people to see it.

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