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Messages - Sahittam

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Graphics Requests/Archive / Re: [Request] Minish Cap Bottle Swiping
« on: October 03, 2014, 03:00:03 am »
Might as well reply, since I have them...

The sprites are all in a 36 by 36 grid. A lot of useless space could be removed, but I'll leave that to you.

I've attached two files, because this animation is pretty weird in minish cap. The time each frame is displayed is very inconsistent...

The first image I uploaded is an approximation ... it should be good enough. Use that unless you want to be super accurate.
If you don't care about perfect accuracy you can stop reading now.

The second image contains no duplicate frames.
All animation frames are displayed for 2 time frames (in minish cap), except the following:
- The 2nd and 3rd frame are displayed for 1 timeframe each (half usual length).
- The 8th frame is displayed for 11 timeframes.
- The 8th and 10th frame are displayed for 4 timeframes each (double usual length).

I timed that using the next frame function (Ctrl + N) of visual boy advance ... but no guarantees.

Other Projects / Re: [DEMO 17 out] Alttp - Horn of Balance
« on: July 19, 2014, 02:07:12 pm »
It's been a while since I played it, but I'll try to remember.
(Also, I forgot the name of the boss... this makes my sentences a bit confusing, sorry)

The difficulty of the subbosses is fine. The boss was easier (I think) because it is larger, which is a disadvantage in multiple ways:

It needs more room to fly around, which means the room had to be larger, so everything was more spread out.
Essentially the result was that I was fighting one boss, sometimes two, at a time, while the rest of the bosses were far away.
In comparison: When I fought the subbosses, I was fighting 3 or 4 at once.

Another disadvantage of its size is that it makes for a bigger target. When the subbosses entered/exited the ground you had about 1/1.5 seconds to hit them. When the boss did that you have a much larger timeframe to hit it.

Related to that, because each segment of the boss is damagable, each time I managed to slash at the boss while it entered/exited the ground, it lost a large amount of health.
This means  that individual bosses died quickly while other bosses still had (almost) full health.
Basically, the damage wasn't spread across all bosses evenly, which means bosses died early in the fight, which reduced the difficulty further.

The boss is also slower (relative to its size) than the subbosses. This helps in causing all the problems mentioned above, and it means that the player has more time to think.

So I felt like this battle was slower and less chaotic than the subboss battles.

Thats how I remember it at least.

This also sounds like this fight has many problems, but that's not it exactly. It's just one problem that has multiple effects. I just tried to describe it very thoroughly.

About (17)... it only happened once. The other times when I threw crates at monsters, nothing happened if I remember correctly.

Other Projects / Re: [DEMO 17 out] Alttp - Horn of Balance
« on: July 06, 2014, 06:41:25 am »


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Okay, I found some time to play through it now. Took me a good 4.5 hours; that means a lot happened ... let's see if I can remember it all.
(Also makes me wish I recorded it. Not a full let's play with commentary, like FrozenFire, because I don't think I'd feel comfortable doing that. But it would help me remember things ... and you could see exactly what happened. Might do that in the future if I remember.)

I made some notes and screenshots though, so let me go through them ...

First I'll list all the bugs I found and then I'll give some general feedback/impressions.



I started the game by pretty much buying all items right away. I collected the 45 (?) rupees under the stairs in the first dungeon over and over again, so I had the money to do that.

1. (Minor)  -  I noticed that the shop theme doesn't repeat properly. After it fades out, there is a long period of silence before it starts again.

2. (Major (though not for this demo))  -  Bombs didn't work at all. I could equip them, but if I pressed the item button nothing happened (not even an error sound).

3. (Major)  -  When I was hit at the edge of a screen and the knockback moved me outside of the screen (so a scrolling screen transition starts) I got the following message:
"Unknown Link status. Please report."
If I pressed OK (or enter) I got the message again the next frame. By continuing to do this (hold Enter), the scrolling transition happened normally (except for the message). During the transition Link wasn't visible. After the transition was completed, the message didn't appear again and everything was normal again (I could continue completely bug-free).

4. (Crash)  -  When I entered the 3rd room of the Waterworks I got a game maker error. I tried to get through this by pressing Ignore repeatedly, but this time that didn't work. Each frame I got a couple of errors (not always the same error, but after a while the errors repeated themselves); even after the room transition was completed (the scrolling happened normally). So I had to Abort eventually.

I have the whole error log in the attachments, but Ill Ive analyzed it a bit more:

The first 2 errors are unique:

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action number 2
of Other Event: User Defined 15
for object parent_Enemy_Creation:

In script script_Enemy_Create_Default:
Error in code at line 30:
last_created_id.destroy_creator_at_end = destroy_creator_at_end;
at position 43: Unknown variable destroy_creator_at_end

action number 2
of Other Event: User Defined 15
for object parent_Enemy_Creation:

In script script_Enemy_Create_Default:
Error in code at line 30:
last_created_id.destroy_creator_at_end = destroy_creator_at_end;
at position 43: Unknown variable destroy_creator_at_end

After that the following errors are repeated each frame:

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action number 2
of  Step Event
for object parent_Enemy_Control:

In script script_AI_Bari:
Error in code at line 20:
    if (status = c_Status_Stone or status = c_Status_Frozen or status = c_Status_Burning or status = c_Status_Stunned)
at position 10: Unknown variable status

action number 4
of  Step Event
for object parent_Enemy_Control:

Error in code at line 2:
if ((status = c_Status_Stone and ignore_container_stone = false) or (status = c_Status_Frozen and ignore_container_ice = false))
at position 7: Unknown variable status

action number 6
of  Step Event
for object parent_Enemy_Control:

Error in code at line 4:
    if (status != c_Status_Frozen and status != c_Status_Stone and status != c_Status_Burning)
at position 10: Unknown variable status

action number 8
of  Step Event
for object parent_Enemy_Control:

Error in code at line 4:
    status_counter += 1;
at position 6: Unknown variable status_counter

action number 10
of  Step Event
for object parent_Enemy_Control:

Error in code at line 2:
for (i=0; i<=attached_count-1; i+=1)
at position 15: Unknown variable attached_count

However, after some time (presumably after the scrolling finishes) the following errors ALSO happen each frame:

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action number 7
of End Step Event
for object obj_Character_Control:

In script script_Character_Event_Collisions_Center:
Error in code at line 53:
                        if (argument[3].ignore_collisions = false)
at position 42: Unknown variable ignore_collisions

action number 1
of End Step Event
for object obj_Character_Collision_Center:

In script script_Character_Event_Collisions_Center:
Error in code at line 53:
                        if (argument[3].ignore_collisions = false)
at position 42: Unknown variable ignore_collisions

I don't think I saw everything on the overworld. I found 3 heart pieces overall.


Dungeon 1

5. (Minor)  -  In one of the torch rooms I experienced some light-related bugs:

That only happened during the transition. Before and after that everything was normal.
When I walked up into the torch room again, the dark overlay flickered on again, but only for a split second (too fast to take a screenshot).

When I walked up the stairs, the overlay appeared as well:

However, those bugs only appeared after I visited the torch room. And if I went up the stairs and down again, the bugs didn't appear again UNTIL I walked into the torch room. After that the transitions were bugged until I changed floors.

(The torch was lit during all of this.)

6. (Minor)  -  The following gap appeared in the wall:

As you can see it changes size depending on Links position. If Link moves down, the gap size gradually increases until it is about 16 pixels long, then it jumps back to about 8 pixels long. Then it increases again ...

7. (Minor)  -  I was in the room AFTER the room with the 5 switches and the iron balls. The balls in my current room had no sound.

8. (Minor)  -  The bottle you get along with the Rod of Medu overwrites the first bottle slot. I already had a bottle in that slot (the one I bought). Basically, it says I found a bottle, but I had 3 bottles before and 3 bottles after I opened the chest. But this is very minor, as that chest (most likely) won't be in the final game.

9. (Major)  -  I got the following error while fighting the dungeon 1 boss:

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action number 2
of End Step Event
for object parent_Character_Sprite_Detached:

In script script_Detached_Arrow:
Error in code at line 47:
           creator_id.attached_count += 1;
at position 10: Unknown variable attached_count

It happened at the transition of the first phase to the second phase (and by second phase I mean the phase that is like the first one, except that the grey knights jump around as well occasionally).
I think I hit him with an arrow at that moment, but it was pretty hectic so I can't be sure. I was definitely shooting arrow though.

That's it for that dungeon, on to the next ...


Dungeon 2

Oh boy, that dungeon. I'm surprised I made it through, actually. I hit so many (bug related) roadblocks, but in the end I somehow managed to get through it.
I did enjoy it though, even if it was frustrating at times.

First, let me ask something. Are you supposed to be able to lift the large wooden crates with the power glove? I kinda think that's the case, but I could't do it.
The power glove did enable me to pick up the small crates and the pots however. I could smash the large crates with them, so I got through most obstacles.

10. (Minor)  -  Graphical glitch in sanmola room: just a black bar:

11. (Major)  -  Cutscene freeze. This was the first roadblock I hit:

Basically, after lighting both torches with the lantern the cutscene started (black bars appeared), but then the cutscene didn't continue. The itself game didn't freeze; the torch animation continued and F4 still worked. I had to close the game with the task manager.
I retried this a few times but then gave up and continued through the dungeon.

Much later I tried something different and was able to trigger the cutscene correctly.
I lit the first torch, then walked all the way to the south wall and lit the second torch with the Fire Rod. The cutscene then played normally.

Maybe (This is what I thought) the cutscene froze because the moving wall was mostly outside the view. By positioning Link at the south wall, the moving wall was completely inside the view, and therefore didn't cause a freeze. That's just my theory though (and it worked for me).

12. (Major)  -  I mentioned that I could't pick up large crates. Well after I got the power glove I was stuck:

So it was Save+Quit for me.

13. (Annoyance)  -  A lot of switches don't stay permanently pressed. I mean they're semi-permanent. They stay pressed when you change floors, but not when you save+quit and reload the game. This includes the levers after the sanmola and lanmola fights:

So the door is closed even though I'm up there (I used the shortcut warp to get in).
This isn't that problematic, but I had to replay some parts of the dungeon every time I quit the game (and I had to do that quite often). So it's annoying.

14. (Minor)  -  When some autopilot enemies (aka enemis that mindlessly charge at you), like leevers, are at the end of some stairs ... then you can't go up/down those stairs:

The enemy hits me right back up the stairs every time. In this case it wasn't a problem, because there was another way down.

15. (---)  -  This room: (Btw, this isn't really a seperate bug; I just wanna tell a little story here XD)

This was the bane of my existence. Normally (I expect) this is easy. You just lift those crates, go to the room below, press the switch, lift the crates again, and continue onwards.

However, I couldn't lift those large crates. I had to pick up one of those small crates, walk past two beamos without getting hit, and throw the small crate at a large crate.
The first beamos wasn't a problem. If I just kept walking I was fast enough to evade the beam.
The second beamos was much more difficult, because it's eye is higher than that of the first beamos. That means he could see farther over the edge, so he had a larger attack area. Example:

The first beamos doesn't see me.

The second beamos saw me even though I'm standing much further away.

I found a way to consistently get through, though:
First you have to stand in the 2.5 tile hallway, far away from the beamos, and wait for him to attack.
Dodge, then run clockwise around the beamos (so south of the beamos). Then you have to throw the crate as early as possible, just as the hallway gets narrow again. Then you can just make it in time.

I have to say, if I'm wrong and this is the intended solution ... then this is one hell of an evil puzzle XD.

But it doesn't end there. After I go to the next room and press the switch, the crates have respawned. So now I'm trapped. I can warp back to the beginning of the dungeon with Save+Quit, but that also resets the switch (because of Bug 13), so that's pointless. Finally I have the idea to use the Mirror. Because then the switch should stay pressed. I do it and discover this glitch: ...

16. (Major)  -  Bugged Mirror warp point:

You can't really see it there, but Link is stuck in the wall. Nothing I did could get him out of there (Not even dashing).

So this means I had to Save+Quit and do the beamos room again. And this was before I discovered the consistent method...

(The way I did it was using the other entrance. Because that mirror warp works correctly.)

17. (Minor)  -  Also in that beamos room (although that had nothing to do with it) I got the following error:

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action number 4
of End Step Event
for object parent_Character_Sprite_Detached:

In script script_Character_Event_Collisions_Detached:
Error in code at line 422:
                                                   switch (argument[3].weight)
at position 70: Unknown variable weight

It appeared when I hit a skeleton with a crate.

18. (Minor)  -  The item text doesn't consider remapped keys. I had my map key set to T, but when I found the map it said to press E to open it. Yeah, very minor.

Okay, that was all the bugs I found ... now some general impressions + feedback:


I'll focus on the second dungeon, since that one is new, but first let me say something about the first one:

I thought the hint plates that were a nice in-universe way to help with some of the more difficult puzzles (the 5 switches + balls room; the carry pot over cracked floor room). Those weren't there the last time I played.
You have generally done a nice job to explain everything in-universe and I love that.
Both dungeons had both; a reason to exist before they became dungeons, and a reason why they became dungeons.
Those sort of details I appreciate very much.

In both dungeons you also had elements that would make sense to be there:
In the first dungeons it was the knight tombs/statues everywhere, and in the second dungeon you had things like the secret entrance which used to be an actual secret passageway, the sleeping quarters, etc.
I liked the improved the atmosphere brought by those things.

Related to that: I love the subtle storytelling in the second dungeon. You hear about all those things, ... that they didn't have enough food because the desert spread; that they had to abandon the palace. You also see this knight multiple times, could this be this Roy that has left messages everywhere? And at the end it is all revealed. I very much enjoyed that, despite some frustrations.
I found the boss reveal to be kind of funny, in a oh-!@#$% kind of way. First you have one, which is scary (and awesome!) looking enough, then comes the second. I honestly thought that was it, two seemed enough, but then the 3rd and 4th appeared :) Made me laugh a bit.

The boss fight itself was kind of easy though, I thought it was easier than the lanmola fight. I don't exactly know why though.

I also loved the fact that you can actually see the power glove in Link's sprites. Awesome detail.

I thought the second pillar-pushing puzzle in the secret entrance was really clever. Because at first I didn't look at the color of the pillars and was confused for a short time.

Now about that pillar-pushing puzzle:

I found that to be kind of unintuitive.

It's clear that the solution is:
  -  put the pillar up if the top pillar is black,
  -  and down if the top pillar is white.

But I thought this was the solution:
  -  put the pillar up if the top pillar is of a different color,
  -  and down if the pillars' color matches.

That would look like this:

I think I thought this because
 1. the top pillars and the bottom pillars share the same colors, (impiles importance of comparing top with bottom colors)
 2. the left group and the right group of bottom pillars have a different color (implies color of bottom row is important)

Both of those assumptions are obviously wrong.

I think the best solution would be to make all bottom pillars an entirely different color (grey?? (because it is a mix of white and black), brown?? (because it already exists in the dungeon)), or at least make both eighter black or white.
The bad thing is that it wouldn't look as nice...

You could also argue that it makes the puzzle easier, but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing.

In this puzzle you have multiple valid-seeming possible solutions, the difficulty is just trying out all solutions until you find the right one.

I think that the solution to a puzzle should be two things: it should be hard to find, but once you find it it should be obvious that it is the right solution.

Aaagh, what the hell am I saying ... other types of puzzles are ok as well, but this is a trait I like to have in some puzzles...

Eh, take from this whatever you want. It's very possible that I don't make sense anymore, I'm kind of tired now...

Btw. I played version 0.17.02. Feel free to ask for clarification. Sometimes I tend to word things awkwardly.

 - Intel QuadCore Q6600 (4 x 2.40GHz (not entirely sure...))
 - 3 GB RAM
 - Nvidia GeForce 8600 GT
 - Windows Vista 32-bit

I experienced no noticeable constant slowdown.
When entering a new room there sometimes were some slight hiccups in the framerate (could be my computer; it does that in other games as well).

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda A Hero`s Destiny
« on: May 26, 2014, 10:47:40 pm »
Yeah, good luck.
I kind of feel bad that I gave you my game in the first place, and that you had to use it... But that's over now. The new engine can only be better.
And, looking at the item texts from the Time Walker demo, it seems that the engine has quite a lot of items already implemented ... so that's awesome! Again, good luck.

Feedback / Re: Not that it really matters... but
« on: April 01, 2012, 08:36:30 pm »
What? I didn't steal anything and claimed I made it. I don't do that kind of stuff.

I really don't know what you all are talking about ...
I'm totally confused right now ...  :huh:

Edit: Oh, ok, I get it now ... I'm so dumb ... haha ...

Other Projects / Re: [Demo] Tech demo - Horn of Balance (working title)
« on: October 26, 2011, 03:03:53 pm »
3. I'll check it out myself first, but I may ask for additional information on this one.
4. Frozen statues right now can only be destroyed by picking them up and throwing them. Hadn't really thought of other functions. I hope to have the hammer implemented in the next demo so that would be a secundary option.
6. Could you give an example of a room where that happens. Maybe with a screenshot and/or a little description. I'll have to try to recreate the glitch first before I can fix it.

3: (If you haven't found it yourself yet:) See first attachment. The door was open until the scrolling transition started. This happens because the statues in the next room are reset to their default position if you change floors.

4: Okay, then the problem is that I couldn't pick the frozen enemies up! I tried it five times, three times with a blue skeleton, once with a rope, once with a Cukeman. But that's probably because I didn't have silver or gold gloves. So you either have to make ice statues pickubable without any gloves, or make sure that in the final game the player has to get a glove before he can get a freezing item.

6: See other attachments. In the second screenshot it actually happened in the room one floor above that, but I wasn't quick enough to press F9. I noticed that it only happens when you change floors. My guess is that some switches are activated as soon as you enter the floor/as soon as the switch objects are created (because you activated them yourself before) and make their clicking sound.

By the way, now I've finished the demo (that puzzle to get to the fourth torch ...  :o
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The sound effect there though was very nice. Very subtle, yet noticeable. But at first I thought I had to use bombs ...
) and collected all bonuses ... at least theoretically. I got bonus 2 two times. One from
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the chest where you have to fall down, and the other one from the chest where you have to dash against the wall twice.

Other Projects / Re: [Demo] Tech demo - Horn of Balance (working title)
« on: October 23, 2011, 07:28:48 pm »
Awesome NCFC demo! Finally we can play through the entire first dungeon (I think)!

This game plays very smoothly, I encountered only very few bugs, and no major ones!
You said yourself that most of the work you do is improving quality, and this is clearly visible. The attention to detail is incredible (stair-walking animation and other room transitions (many games leave those out), 2 layers, which seem to be working perfectly, that electrocuted effect, etc.). All in all, the game feels so consistent, unlike many fangames.

I would like to give my vote to the last option in the poll, but haha ... I'm completely stuck. I also died twice and didn't save before ... had to start over. I'll definitely continue playing it, though, and try to finish it later.


And now some small errors:

action number 1
of Draw Event
for object obj_Higher_Screen_Blending_Effects:

In script script_Area_Data_Draw_Upper_Blending:
Error in code at line 15:
        if (obj_Character_Control_Tile.Previous_Room != Dungeon_Map_Hero_Room) {argument[1] = 2} else {argument[1] = 1};
at position 41: Unknown variable Previous_Room

This happened after I died and pressed continue. It also happened constantly, even if I pressed ignore, it popped right up again. So I had to abort eventually.

The statue in the top right corner of the room with the big chest, when you have pushed it and then changed floors at least once, then you can push that statue even further, which closes the door permanently, because you can't pull the statue back! Exiting and Reentering the dungeon solved this problem (because all switches are reset).

When I entered the room with the many pots where you have to push 4 statues through the left door, that door closed (instantly, without animation), as soon as the scrolling transition began. It was just a graphical glitch, gameplay wasn't affected. (happened twice)

Frozen enemies can't be killed at all? At least not with the items I have ... That might be a problem if they block your way.

Some statues have dialogue. Most of them just say "[End]", but one told me to comment here and said this was version 0.8.5. You probably just forgot to remove it.

Sometimes when I entered rooms/floors I heard the sound of switches being pressed.


That's it for now, I think. Maybe I'll edit this post once I've played through the entire demo.

Coding / Re: HDR/Tone-Mapping example
« on: October 23, 2011, 07:23:43 pm »
Okay, it works now without any problems!  XD

Changing the step event to end step solved the motion-blur/lag problems (why didn't I think of that? It's so obvious!), and the other problem was countered by drawing a rectangle of color (0,0,0) with blend mode subtract across another, totally unrelated surface  :huh:.

This is great; it's exactly what I've been looking for for that one special area in my game.
Thank you, and I'll certainly credit you!

Coding / Re: HDR/Tone-Mapping example
« on: October 23, 2011, 05:28:59 pm »
Im glad you liked it  :) what ptoblems occur when you try to intergate it?

Well, the light part of the surface is only drawn in the upper left corner of the room, while the darkening part of the surface is drawn where it's supposed to be. Or something like that. (See attached image)

Also, Link's shadow and things he carries lag one frame behind him (and outside the light part there is a small motion-blur - the current frame and the last frame are drawn)

And when you load the game, two Links are created (how the hell did THAT happen?!?).

But I think those problems are very specific problems of my game, and don't happen because your code is wrong somehow.

Coding / Re: HDR/Tone-Mapping example
« on: October 23, 2011, 05:04:37 pm »
Yes, it works!  XD Thanks!

I'm having some troubles integrating it into my game, but as a standalone GM file, your code works nicely.
Thank you again!

Coding / Re: HDR/Tone-Mapping example
« on: October 23, 2011, 10:57:04 am »
This looks really nice, and I WOULD definitely try it, if I could! I still only have GM 7 and can't open a GM 8 file.
But I'm very interested in how this effect works, and I already have an idea where I could use this ...

Could you please try to save the gmk as a GM 7 file and upload it?
Maybe the effect can't be done in GM 7, but maybe it works just fine.

Also, your gmk was downloaded 16 times apparently, so I guess someone tried it.

Zelda Projects / Re: [Technical Demo] Zelda Time Walker
« on: October 16, 2011, 08:05:57 pm »
Wow, that looks good! The entire game looks pretty amazing! I'm looking forward to playing it at NCFC!

And the Ice Keese ... I don't know if I should be happy or scared. I mean, they look great XD, but I hate those guys, 'cause they always freeze me  :-\.

Also, if you ever need help translating, I could help, too.

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« on: October 15, 2011, 08:17:29 pm »
1. Based on the fact that NPCs move, I though collisions would be too buggy. As for enemies, I always found it annoying.

Yes, I thought the NPCs moving might be a reason for that, and I think it's okay.

4. Perhaps I should limit the number of bolts to the size of the bolt bag? Or maybe 99? I think I'll be leaving the difficulty of the rhythm game the same as it's just for fun.

Just a suggestion, but maybe limit = (number of targets)*1.5? And maybe rounded up to a nice number.

6. It's only 30 secs longer than the Wind Waker auction

Oh, I didn't remember it to be that long.  :o So I guess 2 min are good.

7. I can happily say that this isn't the game. The saving works perfectly on my end. It maybe be your computer

That sucks for me. Guess I have find a solution myself. Especially in the finished game that would be fatal.

9. To be fair, in the old games they never told you the controls. But I see your point.

You should maybe put it into the first post of this topic and into the F1 help screen.

Zelda Projects / Re: [DEMO] The Legend of Zelda : Chiming Bells
« on: October 15, 2011, 07:38:09 pm »
I played the game, too, so here we go ... :

1. I like how the game feels, somehow. It controls very nice, and although there were some issues (no collision for NPCs and enemies don't push you back, when they hit you), they didn't bother me that much, for some reason.

2. That NPC with the weird sound effect is the Happy Mask Salesman (I think). That bug happened to me too.

3. The suicide button is especially dangerous, because when you use it (D) in the menu to switch to the other menu screen, you die as well, as soon as you close the menu!

4. The mini games were a little bit too easy in my opinion? I got a perfect score in the shooting gallery and the rhythm game on the first try. Of course, you don't need to change that if you think the difficulty is just right.
In the shooting gallery you can also use the very cheap tactic of standing in one spot with auto-fire and just wait, till the target flies to it's doom. Maybe you should limit the number of available bolts?
But what I really liked about the food-throwing and rhythm games is that their difficulty went up as time progressed. That was nice attention to detail.

5. That boss fight ...
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You have to shoot him while he moves, right. Because when you shoot him while he's standing, he still appears to get hurt (flashes red), so I used all my arrows on him while he was standing, cause I thought it would damage him. So naturally I ran out of arrows real fast. Maybe change it so that he doesn't flash red when he's not moving and hit?

6. Maybe 2 minutes is a bit too long for the auction?

7. Saving didn't work for me. When I said save an error popped up: 'Error loading file for writing' or something. I pressed Ignore and the game went on like normal, but it hadn't saved. That could be because my computer is from Germany (That has messed up the save features for other GM games in the past already), or it could be a general problem.

8. What I really, really, really loved was the day-night cycle of the NPCs. They move around town, get to their houses at night and lock their doors at certain times ... I thought that was very well done. Although one thing that would have been nice is to know during what time the doors would be unlocked. Maybe have a textbox that says 'Come back at sunrise' or something when you try to open a locked door.

9. The Controls. Maybe I missed it, but it doesn't tell you anywhere what the controls are?
I had to find out on my own that P opens the menu. Also, I think that the menu button should be closer to the other buttons.

10. I also liked that there I could do many sidequests. I got
Show content
9 heart pieces, one bolt bag upgrade, a bottle, access to soup ... did I miss anything?

11. That dungeon was a bit short. It's okay for a first dungeon, but you should make the others longer.

That's about it, I think. Phew, long post.

Graphics / Re: Zelda's Custom Tiles
« on: September 27, 2011, 09:58:36 pm »
This looks really stunning! I especially love the half-snow covered bridges and postbox.
The only thing that's bothering me is, that there's no transition between land and water, but other than that all the tiles seem to fit together very well.

No, you don't have to credit me.

By the way, maybe I should note, that the animation for cut bushes isn't exactly like in Minish Cap. In the original animation, the leaves start at a higher point and fall faster to the ground. That said, this animation always worked for me ...

After Link puts away his sword, he moves like normal, like he never held out his sword.
He doesn't ever have to stop moving, not even while he makes the stabbing animation (this surprised me, too).

1: A fairy always heals 7 hearts and no magic, whether you are dead or not.

You caught a fairy!(wait until text-continuing button is pressed)
What will you do?
-Keep it in a bottle
-Set it free

(if no empty bottles and 1st option selected:)
You don't have any empty bottles. You have no choice... Just set it free.

(if 2nd option selected, or 1st and you have a free bottle:)
textbox closes.

3: When you walk into an enemy, the enemy is hurt, but receives only half the damage of a normal attack.
Link once makes an animation as if stabbing a wall, then he stops holding his sword.

All taken from the European GBA version of ALttP.

Feedback / Re: King of Thieves Revival
« on: March 17, 2011, 06:13:11 pm »
I'd help, too, if you need any more help. Software Engineering (the programming part only, if it's done in Game Maker, and maaaybe if it's done in something else), and Game Design of course.

Reading the Story and walking around the rich part of Hyrule Castle Town really make you wish this game was completed.
Let's all hope, that this time it will be.  :)
I'm sure we can do it!

Coding / Re: Programming Q & A Round II
« on: February 11, 2011, 12:41:35 pm »
It seems to work like this:
if (x==1||2||3) {do something};
So basically Darklight's version with double |s.

Attached is the GM7 source.

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