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Messages - unenergizer

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Discussion / Re: Im new! A java programmer looking to make a zelda mmo.
« on: February 01, 2013, 11:54:07 pm »
The graphics used in the game and the screen shot is just to show some proof of concept and skill.  The world map will be vibrant and well edited.  This I can assure you.  I have a real life friend that is going to be joining me soon on this project.  He is a awesome artist and I know he will come through for us on this.  He also see's this game as being a way he can communicate his art in video games and potentially as a future career.  So we both have common goals, a love for games, and a want to join the game creation industry.  He doesn't know about the website yet, but I'll surprise him soon. :D

I like stuff like this:

But I will make sure the art has it's own style as this will not be a pokemon or a zelda rip off.  This will be an original game and have an original story.  I would personally appreciate if people got involved more and gave their opinions on what they think the game should and should Not have.  Honestly, I want this to be loved by many and I want to make a game that not only I would love to play, but a game others will want to play too!


Discussion / Re: Im new! A java programmer looking to make a zelda mmo.
« on: January 31, 2013, 04:50:18 am »
I may send code your way sometime.

Do you have any plans or ideas for how you want to license your code?

(sorry for double posting)

I am not far enough along in planning to answer this question.  More than likely for security reasons the code itself will be mostly private.  however this may change in the future depending on what we will feel is best for the players.

Discussion / Re: Im new! A java programmer looking to make a zelda mmo.
« on: January 31, 2013, 04:46:39 am »
Making an MMO will be challenging man, but I do see alot of potential from what you've posted.
So most graphics you will be using or currently using are custom?  :huh:

Yes my graphics are custom.  I have a video for us tonight/today (depending on where u are).  It's 5 aclock somewhere right? No? who knows. Anyway, enjoy this:

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEHN_FDwNKY" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEHN_FDwNKY</a>

Read the youtube description to find out what is going on or visit the project website!  Soon I will have an about page and I will link to zfgc for kindly letting me talk about the game(yes I do appreciate it!).

best regards,

Discussion / Re: Im new! A java programmer looking to make a zelda mmo.
« on: January 29, 2013, 11:14:04 pm »
I find it really cool that you've decided to use Java. It really is an excellent language that is often overlooked because most people don't understand how to optimize the JVM and make speeds closer to C-like speeds. Also, the architecture of a lot of existing Java code is not optimized or ideal, which gives it a bad name there.

I use Java at work for my career. If you ever have any Java questions I can try to help. I honestly don't have much experience in the graphics aspect of Java besides for javax.swing.* and related UI packages, though.

What version of Java are you developing/testing with?

Hey I really appreciate your offer for coding help.  I may send code your way sometime.  I am using JDK 7.

I will also be using LWJGL and Slick2d to get started.


Discussion / Re: Im new! A java programmer looking to make a zelda mmo.
« on: January 29, 2013, 02:08:49 am »
Hm... Unergizer... I wonder if you'd be willing to give me a few tips on programming with Java.  I'm an aspiring video game programmer myself, and you seem to know a great deal about what Java can do.

I don't know how well you'll do with an MMO with Java, but you still seem determined to succeed.  I'll be watching this project, and hopefully I'll learn a few things from the code (that is, if you plan on releasing the source sooner or later).

Hi Linkxp500,

If you would like to begin learning java I would say watch a few tutorials first before you commit money to books and further education.  I know a lot of people like the video tutorials on youtube. Here is a great channel that will teach you basic to some advanced java techniques all for free! :D http://www.youtube.com/course?list=ECFE2CE09D83EE3E28

Once you have gone through a few tutorials and you feel like you want to learn more, I would say buy this book:

When you finish that book, you can move on to this book:

Then read this book :D :D ;D

Also to just to note, there are several java developed MMO title's ;D

UPDATE: HERE IS ANOTHER SCREENSHOT. This is just testing some new tiles.  Still needs a TON of work, but so far for 16 tiles, its not to bad. :D

Audio / Re: WIP instrumental
« on: January 21, 2013, 11:02:13 pm »
I just wanted to chime in and say I think this music is awesome! very well done sir!

Discussion / Re: Im new! A java programmer looking to make a zelda mmo.
« on: January 21, 2013, 03:24:30 am »
I have added a new image to the original post.

Discussion / Re: Im new! A java programmer looking to make a zelda mmo.
« on: January 15, 2013, 03:32:16 am »
I'm just the idea man, I've got ideas for everyone.

Message me back about them and I can try something else if none of those work. I'd like to work on races and classes.

I did message you ;D

Discussion / Re: Im new! A java programmer looking to make a zelda mmo.
« on: January 15, 2013, 02:42:45 am »
I messaged you regarding your game. Another idea just came to me as well.  About the war concept. One area could be ravaged lands. Volcanic, deserts, etc that are void of minerals and good resources. That could be another reason for invading.

You my friend, are complete awesome!

Discussion / Re: Im new! A java programmer looking to make a zelda mmo.
« on: January 14, 2013, 04:44:44 am »
Oh well, I didn't know you meant Zelda like. Not that it matters. That frees up more space for thought. So I'd like to be your idea man if you'd allow. I can think of classes, weapons, special attacks, and other advanced maneuvers that would be available to all classes as you level up. I can also name locations and items.

If you want inspiration I would research Minish Cap an Four Swords Adventures. Minish Cap implemented learning skills for combat and how they could be used, and FSA had team attacks, and a unique combat system.

Also, you may want to recruit around the recruiting section of the forum. I've seen many spriters here and you can probably find someone willing to help out.

Yes I would love your help with this project.  I need to start working on some type of story-line so I know my art and programming direction.

So we know that we will have two different factions of players.  One considered the good faction, and the other being the evil faction. Now we also need a story line on why these two are against each other and why they are both fighting in the world and killing npc's.

From a story line we can develop a story board to begin creating a world map and then the graphics that surround the map.

Let me know what you think!

Discussion / Re: Im new! A java programmer looking to make a zelda mmo.
« on: January 13, 2013, 04:35:08 pm »
I have just reserved some domain names for the game.  These may not be the official game name when it is completed.  however, these will serve as place holders for the game server and game registration pages.

I have purchased these two domains today.


Also I forgot to mention that I am a web developer.  I have a http://completegfx.deviantart.com/ (deviantArt) profile. I havent updated it in a long time, but I still know photoshop like the back of my hand and I can write css/html so I can develop a bueatiful website based off of artwork fot this game (which doesn't exist on paper yet, but its in my brain :D)

Let me know what you think about these names!

ZFGC Moderators/Staff:
(these are not active websites.  I am not advertising these websites to steal members.  I registered these domains to show that I am serious about getting this project up and going.  Also if you do a domain lookup on these you will clearly see that I made this topic before registering these names, which is further proof that these are for project development and not advertising.  I hope that the ZFGC staff will understand and recognize this. thank you for understanding)

Discussion / Re: Im new! A java programmer looking to make a zelda mmo.
« on: January 13, 2013, 04:05:43 pm »
Honestly I find the concept interesting. Let me clarify, you're targeting a Zelda-like MMO? If so, you should honestly consider scrapping out the World Of Warcraft comparison because you will want to go for a more simple gameplay style. I'm speaking from experience, as I have worked on a Zelda MMO myself back in 2006 with the infamous AoDC and his Zelda: Oracle of Life Project.

Feel free to check out the trailer for this, to give you some inspiration hopefully.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKXftQ6-B84" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKXftQ6-B84</a>

Anyways. I stress an emphasis on simplicity. My major gripe with MMOs today is that they look at World of Warcraft and try to spin off its design. And honestly, WoW's kind of complex and convoluted. Not trying to say its a bad thing, it clearly works for how WoW implemented the ideas.. just, its very hard to pull off properly. And when you're working on a game that's inspired off of the Zelda series, you want to keep the gameplay basic, short-n-sweet, etc.

Interesting that you picked Java to write this game in, but hey.. Java's here to stay. ;p I also find it interesting that you're employed in the satellite industry. Anyways. That's all I have to say for now. Good luck with this project!

I understand your concerns and I should explain more about the game I want to create, in comparison with the WoW series.

This game should have a open world (like wow) that players can explore to find loot and monsters.  This character should be able to find more armor and weapons, plus money on there quest to "save the world."  I like the idea of players being able to have a home town and I like the idea of there being two factions, one against another.  I like the idea of a party questing together and when a boss is defeated they have to roll on a desired item.  I like the idea of guilds and guild banks.  I like the idea of players being able to have a bag, and increase that bags size as the game moves on.

When I compare this game to WoW I am merely talking about mechanics.  I found the game WoW hard to learn at first, there was so much and I knew so little.  I think this is what you may be referring to.  In this instance, I agree that the game should not be over complex and the GUI shouldn't be littered with a ton of extras.  This being said, I also do NOT intend on making some small 256x256 screen.  This will be playable at full screen, so you will have a large viewing area.  Having a large viewing area will allow us plenty of room for gui elements (chat box, and other items).

I want to refrence a video here of a "poke'mon mmo" that was developed/hacked/made etc.  (I pray this video does not get me banned).

In this video, the pokemon game is being played out with mmo aspects.  I like the way the creator used simple gui to make a fun game funner.  I understand the importance of developing a game that is easy to play as it is as fun to play.

Now I noticed you mentioned something about me programming the game in java.  Many great games have been developed in java.  For instance, Minecraft.  Now when some of us think of minecraft, we think of lagg.  Lag wont be a problem in this game.  Reason being, is that hardware has accelerated so much in the past years that even older computers will be able to play this game. (I bet your computer can run the !@#$% out of snes and zelda).  Also java has an exellent 2d graphics engine support.  Plus we have the "write once, run everywhere" feature of java, that will natively run on 3 different operating systems (just like minecraft).  In my opinion Java will be an EXCELLENT choice for programming this game.  You don't need a super computer to display 16/32bit graphics :D

If anyone has any further comments please let them flow in.  If you have questions about what I have said or you need more clarification on somehting, then let me know!

Discussion / Re: Im new! A java programmer looking to make a zelda mmo.
« on: January 13, 2013, 03:40:40 pm »

I sincerely appreciate your enthusiasm.  Believe it or not, it does mean a lot to me. Now I have been researching and playing Zelda to get a feel on some ideas on what I know I would want. Here are some of the main ideas I had typed into notepad so my ageing brain doesn't forget.  Here is that txt file in a quote.

# Story Line =================================
2 factions fighting aginst one another (good and evil)
pvp (or faction vs faction)

# Worlds =====================================
lava land
snow land
grass land (think hobbit houses)
outer space (think wow bc)

# Mechanics ==================================
customizeable player characters
Inventory / bag
different weapons
different armor
texture packs
jump over objects/attacks
earn abilities (like swiming, rock smashing)
currency (ingame)
currency (real money) maybe
health / xp / etc
game chat

# Enviroment =================================
2D zelda like game
Dynamic weather
Open World

Now this will hopefully give you a little incite on what I have already planned.  Also if you see where I put currency in and "real money currency."  I don't want this to scare anyone in thinking this is another "PAY to get somewhere" kinda game.  Now I do need to monetize the game somehow to be able to afford server costs.  And operating on (future) donations alone will not be enough to keep a dedicated server going without me using the money I earn from work.  So In order to fund the server and the game, I have decided to sell only items that will customize your character. Hats, face expressions, clothes, armor (for looks, not "real" armor for combat), etc.

When it comes to traveling, I like the idea of using an earned mount.  I also like the idea of using a flying mount to get around.  The only thing about flying mounts though, if the player can control them, they will be able to fly over and find secret places that you would only normally find if you were questing or exploring on foot.  So until we have a better concrete example/idea on how use personal flying mounts, they will not be implemented.  However a "flying mount" that will travel you from one city to anyother on a predetermined path, that would be awesome.

Oh I believe this needs to be mentioned. I can NOT use the original zelda graphics, but I CAN create similar sprites and tiles.  I can not use the original tiles/sprites because I plan on earning money from this game (selling customizeable character clothes) however I might add a texture pack system so that custom texture packs can be developed and used on the game.  Including if someone wants to add original zelda textures to the game.  Now this being said, as the content grows in size, and more and more graphics are made for those areas, it may be an overwhelming task (for others) to make texture packs.

Okay so now programming the game is gonna take some time, so I need to focus on using OOP as much as possible so the code can be extended.  That being said, I need to know all of what needs to be made (mechanics wise) so I can start developing the seperate programs for each task.  I have looked up on how to develop this 2d graphics engine and suprisingly with LWJGL I can develop this engine in less than 100 lines of code :D.

Now if anyone here is not acclimated to a C style programming language and programming theory let me make a brief explanation.  First I create a "program" to display an engine (graphics) on the screen.  Once this is completed I will start to develop another little mini "program" inside of the game engine for player movement.  Then I will make another program in side the game engine for npc's, etc.  Each little feature you use in any game, your bags, killing monsters, looting, adding or changing gear, are all little programs inside of a "bigger" program that makes a complete game.  It is there little programs that will take the most time.  And as it stands right now, I am probably looking at 30-50 miniature programs that I will have to develop to get a functioning game.  This however does not include mission scripting, which without a doubt, take the longest (and this comes last as far as programming goes).  The cool thing about me programming in java is, it will natively run on MAC, Linux/Lunix, and Windows.

@Kienamaru.  I read something somewhere that someone said it would be IMPOSSIBLE for you to help with just story line aspects of a game.  THIS IS NOT TRUE!  Being a computer programmer, I don't have much imagination as someone who enjoys writing stories.  I would like you to help me with developing a plot and story line.  Now just a for warning though, I am picky, and I will always choose the best quality of work. So if I don't line an idea, dont get discouraged. Just understand that I will make decisions about the game that I believe will make the game fun and interesting. 

This is all I have for now, I hope other people will chime in and give there expertise on these subjects.  I would love to put together a team to help me create all of the game.

Discussion / Im new! A java programmer looking to make a zelda mmo.
« on: January 13, 2013, 05:16:58 am »
(this thread is not a joke, you read the title correctly)

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEHN_FDwNKY" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEHN_FDwNKY</a>


I am new to this website and I would like to take a second and introduce myself.  My name is Andrew I am 25 and I work full time in the satellite technology industry.  I have been programming in java for about 14 months now and I am confident that I can start making games for java.

Now, to get me started on game programming theory, I have ordered 3 books from amazon.  These books cover the api and more importantly AI (artificial intelligence).  My goal is to build a "2D, top-down, zelda like mmorpg" developed in the Java programming language.  I estimate the overall project to take about 4 years if I do everything by myself.

Currently I am working on developing a "project workflow" to better assist myself with development goals and overall features.  However this is where I need Zelda game lovers to chime in.  Think of this game as a cross between World of Warcraft features with 2D zelda like graphics.  Thats right, quest with your friends and slay what is still to be decremented!

Finally, let me know what you as an individual gamer thinks should be in a zelda mmo.  What do you hate about mmo games? What do you hate (if anything) about Zelda games?

Thanks for reading!
-unenergizer / Andrew

1/20/28 - Added new tiles to tile set and made a new preview image. Website now active.
1/20/13 - Added image to thread. New tiles made, displaying those now.

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