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Messages - Infitek

Pages: [1]
Yep thanks for the advice, i will implement it asap :)

Hello guys, this is a project I've been working on during a summer job, when I had extra time on an old Windows XP computer with Code::Blocks in C++ (with the SFML lib).

Sadly, when my summer job was done I didn't get enought time to keep developping the game.
But I really want to bring this project to the next level so let me now what you think about it :)

Here is a preview of what has already been done :


Some screenshots :

My goal is to make the exact same engine as the one used in Link's Awakening DX, and improve it.
After what I will create the real game world/storyline and add original tilesets.

My twitter account to follow the news on my projects (I'm also doing an ISO-Tactical RPG like FFTA)


Thank you for your time :)

PS: English is not my primary language so sorry about my approximative grammar.

Pages: [1]

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