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Messages - bennsoft

Pages: [1]
Zelda Projects / [Alpha]The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Sword (AR/VR)
« on: September 17, 2016, 08:39:57 pm »
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Sword

Hello, this is BENNSOFT!

You all know Pokémon Go. It's been one of the biggest Nintendo projects ever released. Let's call it a milestone in Nintendo's history.
But - did you ever think of an adventure on mobile phone, involving your real life, based on the MOST EXCITING GAME SERIES EVER?

This is


The first AR game, that brings your gaming experience to the maximum!

With that AR feature, you can
- Collect rupees by going outside. Just point your phone on the grass and - tap! "You found a rupee!" (not implemented for now)
- Open doors, having their switches behind them. Find and click on them.
- See what's in the room behind a door.
and many things more.

Here you can download the Image for rupees, keys etc. and for opening doors! Important for gameplay.

For Rupees and others:

For Doors:

Just download it.
Available for Android 4.0 and newer.

Work in progress. Software state is Alpha.

(Trailer coming soon)
Click on the thumbnails to zoom in


Criticism is very welcome!
Hope U like it  ;)


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