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Messages - Atrius

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Other Projects / Re: [Demo 13] The Legend of Zelda: Horn of Balance
« on: August 21, 2012, 03:40:34 am »
3. Action button that is also cancel. Is it really that annoying? I'll listen to any alternative you might have, but I'm not for adding more buttons.
Neither am I, the way I see it there are three options:

1) Make the sword button the cancel button, which is in line with many of the Zelda games using the B button for the sword & cancel.

2) Making the sword button and/or item buttons context sensitive so they can also activate objects, like many of the portable Zelda games did for the A button.  It's not terribly difficult either, basically just detect if the player can interact with something in front of them and if not perform the normal function of the button.

3) Turn the Sword into an item freeing up it's button for either action or cancel.

By combining some of these you could even get rid of a button or two further simplifying your control scheme if you do it intelligently.

Using the Enter button on the main menu is fine, but I don't see why it has to be mapped to anything the player doesn't want it to be in game.

Other Projects / Re: [Demo 13] The Legend of Zelda: Horn of Balance
« on: August 19, 2012, 09:59:03 pm »
Very good work so far, It feels a lot like LttP.  The engine is coming along very nicely, and has a good level of polish to it.

There is room for improvement though, here are a few things I noticed.  My main complaint right now is the controls so the first few have to do with them.

- Why can the player have two items equipped, and there's one button for using one, and one button for switching between which one you use?  2 items, 2 buttons, why make it confusing, let the player assign one item to each button instead of making them have to worry about accidentally having the wrong one highlighted.  Or get rid of the second item slot to cut down on your number of controls since you probably have too many right now anyway.

- Why is the button used for activating/initiating interaction also a cancel button in menus?  It's like saying green means go, but also sometimes stop.

- I want to assign the item menu to the enter button, why does it also swing my sword anyway?

Anyway, enough about controls, on to the rest.

- Freki's right, something feels off about attacking enemies sometimes.  I don't think it's the range of the sword, I think it might have something more to do with the timing of it detecting the hit sometimes.  I don't know for sure though, it's kinda hard to say.

- The physics of item drops look awkward, like they're moving at a constant speed as they fall and bounce.  There should be more acceleration/deceleration to it.  Gravity speeds things up as they fall, and slow them down when they're moving up.

- Why can I throw a boomerang over this, but not shoot an arrow over it?

- Is it just me or is the beeping when your life is low even more annoying than it was in LttP?  Is it quicker, or something?

Also, I hope you get rid of the default F1 menu, I kinda face palm every time I see that used seriously in a GM game.

Keep up the good work, I can tell a lot of effort went into this.  I haven't beaten the dungeon yet, but I really like what I see so far.

Coding / Re: Knockback?
« on: August 18, 2012, 07:42:08 pm »
You've got his direction all that's left is to move him.  Typically you would calculate the x and y components of your vector with cosine and negative sine respectively, but Game Maker provides simple functions for doing it as well.


On another note, why are you adding 1 and 20 to the player's x and y values?  If it's to adjust for his center things will be WAAY easier for you if you move the offsets on his sprites to his center point instead.  That way his x and y values will already be at his center.

Entertainment / Re: Hyrule Historia Coming to America!!
« on: August 18, 2012, 11:34:50 am »
Indeed, but if you're not a fan of split timeline theory you'll be disappointed.  Still worth the money even if you're not though.

Entertainment / Re: Hyrule Historia Coming to America!!
« on: August 16, 2012, 10:48:54 pm »
Yes!  I was hoping this would get translated!

It is a real book, and a must have for Zelda fans.  I imported a japanese copy a while back, and it's worth it even just for the pictures.  It's full of official artwork from the entire series all the way back to the first game.  There are even unused alternate designs for many characters, items, places, and even Link himself.

Enemy Units / Re: [Submission] The Seven Deadly Thieves
« on: July 28, 2012, 07:43:36 pm »
I think a more interesting Envy would be one that stole Link's items temporarily, and used them against him.

Zelda Projects / Re: The Adventure of Link II
« on: July 22, 2012, 07:42:09 am »
Wow... ZZT it's been forever since I've seen anything done with that.  Pretty impressive considering how limited ZZT is.

Graphics / Re: Minish Cap Ripping / Organizing Project
« on: July 20, 2012, 07:39:19 am »
It just reads the binary data from the game and draws it, nothing fancy.  Standard 4-bit GBA graphic format: 4 bits to a pixel sequentially from top left to bottom right per 8x8 tile.  There's separate data that arranges the 8x8 tiles into a complete sprite, I'm away from my computer right now though so I don't have the exact format at the moment.  I can get it and the addresses to the data in the US version of the game for you later if you want.

Graphics / Re: Minish Cap Ripping / Organizing Project
« on: July 19, 2012, 07:05:47 am »
Progress update!

I've located the data, and figured out most of the necessary formats.  So I can get the raw image data now, and even match palettes to most sprite sets, there are some that I can't though.  There are some sprite sets that don't seem to point to their data the way the rest of them do either, so I can't get to them yet.  It would also be nice if I could figure out the animation data format so I could automatically group individual sprites together by them.

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Graphics / Re: Minish Cap Ripping / Organizing Project
« on: July 16, 2012, 05:09:33 am »
I'll be volunteering my services.  I managed to crack the data formats of Golden Sun's sprites, and rip all of them directly from the games data, I don't see why the same couldn't be done here.  Considering Minish Cap's graphics aren't even compressed it should be easier.

Entertainment / Re: the natural origins of pokemon
« on: January 14, 2011, 03:13:41 am »

So I herd u liek me

Coding / Re: Curved view
« on: July 01, 2010, 02:22:20 am »
I'm sure you could use an inverse sine curve to figure out the x axis stretching as well.

My main computer died on me so I can't really test this out in Game Maker directly but the algorithm for scaling the surface would probably look something like:

Code: [Select]
for (i=0; i<view width; i+=1)
  t=i/view width;
  y_scale=1+(1-sin(t*pi)*effect multiplier)
  draw_surface_part_ext(surface, dx, 0, 1, view height, i, y_scale/2*view height, 1, y_scale, c_white, 1)

Replace the variables view width, view height, surface, and effect multiplier with corresponding values.  Effect multiplier is going to change how much the view gets stretched vertically, something like .5 or less would probably be appropriate.

Entertainment / Re: best DS rpgs?
« on: June 12, 2009, 01:01:13 am »
That would actually be VI

Entertainment / Re: best DS rpgs?
« on: June 10, 2009, 11:53:58 pm »
Once Golden Sun DS comes out, add it to that list.

New Golden Sun DS, everything else is pretty much filler to me after that...  Mostly because the only recent gaming machine I own is a DS, but also because Golden Sun is that good.

Coding / Re: Distortion in Game Maker?
« on: February 19, 2009, 02:22:33 pm »
Oh, well the Zelda games do that by repositioning the view during the screens H-Blank periods, so you can achieve a similar effect by drawing the screen to a surface, and drawing each row of pixels individually moving them by a certain amount.

Coding / Re: Distortion in Game Maker?
« on: February 19, 2009, 05:26:04 am »
I completely recoded the system in Zelda: Just Beginning four times before I got it working well, and fast enough that It could actually be used.

The main thing is not to try to manipulate it at a pixel level, Game Maker is too slow for that.  Use a grid instead.

Other Projects / Re: [Demo] Golden Sun: The Lost Age Editor
« on: February 19, 2009, 05:15:35 am »
I don't know how to do GUI programming in C++ yet.

Other Projects / Re: [Demo] Golden Sun: The Lost Age Editor
« on: February 16, 2009, 03:52:21 pm »
Version 0.2 is out now!

it adds all of the following features:
-Ability Editor
-Party Member Stat Editor
-Class Editor
-Map Viewer (Still WIP)
-Optional Code Patches
--Change Maximum party member name length
--RNG Patch (Attempts to fix the predictability of the Battle RNG that people take advantage of)
-Viewing/Swapping portraits in sprite viewer
-Swapping item icons
-Search boxes on most lists
-Largely compatible with other language version of TLA, the original Golden Sun, and some compatibility with Mario Golf & Tennis for GBA.

You can get it at the download link in the first post.

Other Projects / Re: [Demo] Golden Sun: The Lost Age Editor
« on: January 30, 2009, 10:36:08 pm »
You can't edit maps, or cut scenes with it right now, but eventually I hope to get it far enough that you could potentially make a new game with it.

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