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Messages - shanech

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Graphics / Re: Teh Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of the Past
« on: March 26, 2010, 08:34:57 am »
This is fantastic work! Real eye candy! Please keep it up.

Entertainment / Re: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
« on: February 11, 2010, 12:31:02 am »
You can see the real Hunter S. Thompson in the flashback scene [1965 San Francisco] where Duke is in the crowd at a Jefferson Airplane show and he utters the words "I recall one night in a place called the Matrix. There I was - Mother of God! There I am." The old man sitting down with the lighter in his hand that Duke [Johnny Depp] looks over at is Hunter.

I love this movie! I own the Criterion Collection version (I highly recommend it.) Ahhh, the memories!

Gotta love the Family Dollar LOL!

Apparently GameStop does too... lol

GameStop Marketing Meeting
[Marketing Executive] Gentlemen, I've hit upon a fantastic idea to move these Wii game systems. One word: 'Pack-ins'
[Marketing Peon] Sir, have you obtained a deal with Nintendo for some exclusive franchise promos?
[Marketing Executive] Not exactly but it'll still be a hit. Those poor rubes will buy anything as long as it has "FREE" attached to it!
[Marketing Peon] *clapping* Brilliant sir! Simply brilliant.

Discussion / [2010 REQUEST] Latest OoT2D+ Demo
« on: April 26, 2009, 03:38:21 am »
[2010 EDIT] I'm still looking to get a copy of this. This topic has had 248 views, but no replies and no PM's regarding it (sad, I know... lol. Not even someone wishing me luck on finding it, lol. Oh well.) Just curious; if I am able to find a copy, is anyone else interested in playing this? [/EDIT]

So I've been searching lately for the last released demo of daz123's (a.k.a. GANONSLAY3R) Ocarina Of Time 2D+ with no luck. I've PM'd daz, asked a few people here on ZFGC, and Google'd my brains out, but still nothing. So as a last resort I'm laying out the question to the entire ZFGC community. daz123 cancelled OoT2D+ last year sometime and shortly after released a demo of what he had done up to that point. See here:


A few weeks ago I went to try out the demo (I had been gone awhile and didn't know he had released it), but the download wasn't working anymore. I know it's a HUUUGE long shot but if anyone still has this demo and could send it or a working download link to me, I would be greatly thankful.

With this topic I'm not trying to stir up a flame war, I'm just asking for a little help, and any help is really appreciated. Thanks for your time.

Graphics / Re: 2d Zelda Game Graphic Rip Project
« on: April 26, 2009, 01:56:35 am »
The link to Windy's Tileset Optimizer (in Mamoruanime's first post) is wrong. It should be:


Also, this is a great idea and exactly what ZFGC needs. I'm really loving this. Best of luck to everyone working on this project.

Entertainment / Re: Legit OoT2D question...
« on: April 16, 2009, 07:46:03 pm »
Link to video please?

I'm not 100% sure, but I think this is the video in question:


Also, does anyone know who the author was of that mockup?

Who actually enjoyed the dark link comp?

Where can I find the Dark Link comp?

Zelda Projects / Re: [Trailer] Ocarina of Time 2D+
« on: February 25, 2008, 07:04:29 pm »
While everyone's waiting for the next demo, here's the old OoT2D+ walking demo from a few years back. Link is in Kokiri forest, but your limited to what you can do (unable to read signs, obtain a shield, jump, interact with NPC's, etc.) and where you can go (unable to enter houses, the Lost Woods, the Deku Tree, Hyrule Field, etc.) Even though, I thought this would be fun for the newer members who never got to play it, as I believe it shows promise.


   F1 - Toggle fullscreen
   Enter/Return - Start button (red). In-game menu
   Z - B button (green). Use sword
   T - Blue Tunic
   W - Upgrade Wallet Size
   E - Add Rupees To Wallet

Graphics / Re: I get bored...tooooo easily.
« on: December 23, 2007, 12:47:19 pm »
These are pretty awesome bertfallen. I can't wait to see more of your work. Also, I like the simplicity of the images, as if they were made in MS Paint as Fox mentioned. Keep up the good work!

Entertainment / Re: Dragonforce reveals their secret :O!
« on: December 23, 2007, 12:39:38 pm »

I need to find one of those 'Enhancement Pedals' !!! lol

Graphics / Re: A Highway made in Paint
« on: December 02, 2007, 09:47:06 pm »
I like this, it's pretty sweet.

C&C: The aforementioned perspective inconsistencies and also, that it seems like the truck should be larger, to fill more of the lane it is traveling in.

Graphics / Re: Turtle monster thing...
« on: December 02, 2007, 09:35:00 pm »
I'm not exactly sure what AAing is.

AA = Anti-Aliasing

I think it looks good so far. Very original!

Other Discussion / Re: wow... just wow
« on: October 26, 2007, 08:17:48 am »
I thought the one on the left was a skater dude wearing a tank top... ::)

The guy in the middle has that look on his face like "wtf is this?"

Graphics / Re: Random chick drawing.
« on: October 26, 2007, 07:58:37 am »
I really like the pic. So much so that I made it my current wallpaper:

BTW, my favorite is the shaded version!

Entertainment / Re: The best anime music video EVER.
« on: October 20, 2007, 06:59:02 am »
The music and video is great. You're crazy not to like it.
Yeah, that wasn't too bad, but you should check this one out:

Cowboy Bebop (Deep Purple - Space Truckin')
GoogleVideo version (recommended)
YouTube version (lower resolution compared to GoogleVideo)
Downloadable High-Res version (99 MB)

Might I add that if anyone reading this is a Cowboy Bebop AND Deep Purple fan, just skip the YouTube and GoogleVideo versions and go for the downloadable version. Trust me, it's well worth it! I converted this and threw it on my iPod, I like it so much... *salivates* Huh, huh

Zelda Projects / Re: [Trailer] Ocarina of Time 2D+
« on: October 04, 2007, 06:16:22 pm »
TheRealMethuselah's OoT2D contributors list
amh1010: Masks and various sprites
BantM: Startup Screen Background and Sword
Blade373737: Ocarina of Time Text Dump
Dachaindog52: Gohma sprites
DarkLink: Deku and Hylian Shield sprites
DarkShadowGM: Hookshot/Longshot engine
DJvenom: Zoras, Dodongo body, bean sprout and lots of various sprites
Dripht: Bush sprites and Bush respawning
DragonMaster122001: Dodongo head, Gohma spawn sprites, Stalchildren
Mamoruanime: Deku Tree Base and Kokiri Rock sprites
Master Link: Switch edit
Nate: Torch edit
Red Fusion Owns: Goron, Darunia, Scrub, various other sprites
sfz989: Ripped shield for template of startup screen
SwiftHunterX: Great Fairy Sprites
Wild Bill 86: Sage Medallions and Spiritual Stones

BTW, it's great to see you back Mammy!

Entertainment / Re: Zelda MMORPG's
« on: August 16, 2007, 05:43:00 am »
I've been searching for a good free zelda game, let me know if you find one
"The Legend Of Zelda: Oracle Of Life" is currently online and free. You can find more info on it here.

Infinitus also mentioned that he could re-upload his Zelda online game if someone wanted to play it.

Yes, there is World of Hyrule, but it's $15 a month
Are you serious? Or are you just joking?
I'm pretty sure he's just joking. [Actually, while I was typing this Fissure DID say he was joking... ::)]Here's a link to a topic on the official Nintendo forums where some people were talking about how they wished there really was a "World of Hyrule" MMO game for the DS.

How is making a new thread better? I think that gravedigging is better than re-threading, that way people can continue already established conversation lines.
I agree too, as it would theoretically save a user the trouble of having to hunt for already discussed info, BUT it's the rules. It is but a mere small price to pay to be here at ZFGC... huh, huh. :P

Feedback / Re: Z3
« on: July 31, 2007, 07:06:55 am »
Before Christmas would be a better deal IMO
I agree, since I imagine Christmas would foreshadow (is this the right word I'm looking for?) z3 if it was held after rather than before.

Zelda Projects / Re: [Trailer] Ocarina of Time 2d+
« on: July 30, 2007, 02:36:00 pm »
The new link worked, the trailer looks sweet! I'm looking forward to playing a demo.

Feedback / Re: Z3
« on: July 30, 2007, 02:17:03 pm »
Before I start, I should say that I'm not part of the z3 commitee/team, so I have no real inside knowledge or specifics to go on. The following is just my opinion from what I've heard thus far:

I think Andrew's idea of z3 - Winter 2007 sounds the most reasonable. He mentioned that the end of August is a possible goal, provided a new project manager can be found, so I don't think it would be unreasonable to say that a December deadline would provide adequate time to properly pull this event together without it becoming a failure? With the work that has been done already with development/planning, is this an attainable goal? This would allow time for an appointment of a new project/event manager, re-submissions of the applications & resources (if the originals aren't found or to allow anyone wanting to enter z3 that previously hadn't applied [I have seen a few new projects come to light since the start of this whole sha-bang!]), setting up affiliations with other Zelda sites/forums, wrapping up whatever work is needed to get z3 underway, while still having it sometime this year. Also, as sjegtp mentioned, the Character Competition is going on right now, so by setting a winter/December date, it would allow things to 'cool down' so-to-speak, I dunno. Your thoughts?

To play the Devil's advocate >:D, this is assuming that school wouldn't interfere with the z3 production or winter deadline...

... in the end you're pretty much left up to do everything yourself.
I hope you don't mind me asking, but what sorts of things need to be done yet?

If the game developers for Z3 aren't ready for it yet, I think we should delay it a bit.
After all the delays, I would think they have had enough time to get ready. Just my opinion...

... so anyone who has had stuff they were holding back for z3 can release their stuff without wondering if the next delay might be the last.  I don't want it to end like demo 4 D:
I agree, the developers deserve an answer.

I imagine a lot of ZFGC'ers [myself included] have been anxiously awaiting in anticipation for this year's z3, only to see it delayed again and again. It would be nice to finally see it come to light, plus a winter date would make for a great ZFGC Christmas gift... XD nevermind me.

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