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Messages - Ethelon

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Entertainment / Re: Wanderlust: Rebirth
« on: June 23, 2011, 04:31:44 pm »
If you don't buy the game, it still lets you play Chapters 1-3 and have a feel for items and all the classes (with as much character points (like skill points) as you can get in those chapters). That acts as a demo. If you try to play with people that want to start later chapters, it'll boot you out though.

Sorry for not following up sooner, I always forget to frequent alot of forums I used to go to.

Entertainment / Wanderlust: Rebirth
« on: June 07, 2011, 05:33:28 am »
Developed by Matthew Griffin and Jason Gordy.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76p1bvMfC0M" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76p1bvMfC0M</a>

So Wanderlust itself was a really popular old online game years ago at GMC. Almost 5 years ago, they started making Wanderlust: Rebirth. They've finally finished it, and it's in Open Beta right now (if you want to go play the first three chapters, there are new features if you've played it before).

On Jun. 14, the game will be up for sale for 10$, and I can honestly say that it's worth it (having played through the content as a beta tester). Buying the game will unlock Chapters 4-10, Epic Mode Chapters 1-10, and Crawl Mode (Once you unlock it through later chapters). Since Open Beta began on Jun. 1, there have been people online constantly, and plenty of dedicated servers, so you can always find a game.

Anyway, the point of this topic is to basically say, go try the game out, support fellow game maker developers, and discuss the game itself.

I apologize for a bit of sloppiness, I just wanted to get some word out here.


Zelda Projects / Re: [SCREENS]Ocarina Of Time 2D
« on: October 29, 2010, 06:06:34 pm »
The reason there is no demo is because we don't think it's smart to stick out basic demos. We want something with a good amount of gameplay content. We already have a huge amount done as it is, especially in terms of the underlying structure.

Entertainment / Re: Reach in less than 23 hours
« on: September 14, 2010, 02:35:58 am »
Yep, the NEW forge, is what I'm talking about.

I know someone else that's gonna go camp out for it lol.

Entertainment / Re: Reach in less than 23 hours
« on: September 13, 2010, 11:20:38 pm »
If I had a 360, I would get it. The forge system looks like it'll be awesome too.

Zelda Projects / Re: [SCREENS]Ocarina Of Time 2D
« on: September 06, 2010, 10:32:57 pm »
X posted today at py, he's just been busy, and won't be able to work on the game for at least another month.

And hopefully Cyp stays safe.

Zelda Projects / Re: [SCREENS]Ocarina Of Time 2D
« on: September 05, 2010, 03:40:10 pm »
Well both our coders obviously can't code right now. (Idk about x still)

Our artists have been doing something at least.

Zelda Projects / Re: [SCREENS]Ocarina Of Time 2D
« on: September 01, 2010, 01:06:47 am »
We did try to get things going again, but we'd really need x to get some real work done.

Well me and Cyp are talking, and we're gonna try to see what we can do.

Updates / Re: Nominations - July 2010
« on: July 24, 2010, 09:04:12 pm »
Technically I don't think we've posted any visible progress of OoT2D, so I don't think it meets the requirements.

Cool, the game certainly looks interesting.
You also might want to make sure the menu is over the fog overlay.

Other Projects / Re: Go to website http://www.pokecyrus.net/
« on: June 30, 2010, 01:08:31 am »
I sorta did?

Lime's criticism still stands.

Entertainment / Re: Just got done watching Lost.
« on: June 28, 2010, 06:27:40 pm »
Show content
Pretty much the story was done at the end of season 5, besides answering (though creating even more) questions.

Basically, everyone died, and because they created an alternate universe where they landed safely, all those people who landed safely (the same people) began to remember what happened, and that's the end.

I guess...

I never watched seasons 3 and half of 4.

Entertainment / Re: These R ur new pokermanz
« on: June 21, 2010, 05:12:56 pm »
So what's the third wheel gonna be called? Gray?

I'm personally interested to see and play the 3D cities, but I know some people that just hate the mix of 3D and 2D. Maybe I will too, after seeing it. Still looks pretty interesting though.

Zelda Projects / Re: [SCREENS]Ocarina Of Time 2D
« on: June 14, 2010, 01:54:57 am »
Hm, screenshot wise is just tests of me inside a blank "dungeon." Since objects and whatnot haven't been placed yet, it doesn't look as good as it could, and we're still hammering out the design. I'm sure X will post one in due time.

Zelda Projects / Re: [SCREENS]Ocarina Of Time 2D
« on: June 12, 2010, 07:32:30 pm »
Lots of graphics stuff done.

Xf finished the deku tree tiles, and I've finished half or so of the deku tree.
Gohma is looking amazing, animations and all along with other enemies.

We did have a gap where most of us had rl things to take care of, so no real work was done.

Recruitment / Re: The Legend Of Zelda: The Flute Of Elements
« on: May 25, 2010, 08:42:13 pm »
Like I said over at GMC, credits. A general credit to zfgc isn't giving credit to the specific members that created them.

I'd also be more inclined to read your OP if it wasn't a wall of text.

Entertainment / Re: The greatest google logo EVER.
« on: May 23, 2010, 06:37:36 am »
^ I played it, whataya got against me xD
Twinkie all the way o.o

Graphics / Re: Zelda's Custom Tiles
« on: May 12, 2010, 01:06:05 am »
Is that 3/4 view though? Looks more platform.

Graphics / Re: MC: Majoras Mask
« on: May 05, 2010, 01:20:53 am »
Actually I've always thought of those adult links as not accurate. Adults in MC if I remember correctly, were just as high as link, so if I were to create an adult link, I'd just give him the proper accessories, darken the cloak, change his face a bit.etc, but I wouldn't make him higher.

Graphics / Re: Teh Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of the Past
« on: May 04, 2010, 11:45:48 pm »
Mm, for certain animations, you can mimic existing sprites too. For that custom epona, you can look at the fsa one and use that as an example, if you need help animating it and whatnot.

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