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Messages - ZoruRevived89

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Re: Help Request: Spriting a MC style Ice Mirror.
« on: January 10, 2010, 06:03:54 am »
Glad you guys like it. ^_^ Kudos again to you Mira...that frame is quite nice. :)

Discussion / Re: Legend of Zelda: Twilight's Edge
« on: January 10, 2010, 05:59:43 am »
Wow, I'm really digging the story. Nicely told! And I love the backstory for Ganondorf. Also, the ice bombs sounds really cool. I can't wait to see where this project goes! Good luck :)

Graphics / Re: Help Request: Spriting a MC style Ice Mirror.
« on: January 10, 2010, 02:22:20 am »
Yeah I realized the perspective was odd so I've been working on one that fits the perspective...I'll post it soonish haha. :)


I used Miragos' edit...(nice frame btw!), shortened it a bit, then shaded the mirror for the perspective (which, I think gave it a nice icy look!). Better?

Graphics / Re: Help Request: Spriting a MC style Ice Mirror.
« on: January 09, 2010, 08:27:05 pm »

Something I put together real quick. I was going to do more with the frame but it involved making it looking really fancy and I wasn't sure how you felt about redesigning the mirror lol.

Entertainment / Re: The Decade's best tv,games,music,films and books
« on: January 09, 2010, 02:42:21 am »
Hmm...television: Heroes and... *coughcoughcough*Glee*coughcoughcough* >_>

Graphics / Re: How is this for Dr.Mizumi (MC Style)
« on: January 08, 2010, 06:16:41 pm »
It's generally pretty good - I played around with it and I have just a few things that could make it better.

The bottom of the robe is kinda pointed..get rid of those bottom 2 pixels to fix this.

Generally, in MC the bottoms of sprites have black outlines - this sprite completely lacks it. So I would go and put some black outlining to the bottom of the robe.

The colors on the robe need more contrast - the lightest shade in the robe is hardly different from the next lightest shade so it gives it kind of a plain look. So experiment with colors a bit.

Lastly, he has no face...?

I hope that helps. Again, good job!

Graphics / Re: New sprites :)
« on: January 08, 2010, 04:16:25 am »
Well, the effect isn't on the sheet...but it summons a ball of light directly in front of her. It's kinda similar to Zelda's punch in Brawl/Melee, just without using her fist haha. ^_^ And that sounds like a good idea, but kinda complicated haha but we'll see.

Graphics / New sprites :)
« on: January 07, 2010, 09:54:40 pm »
~Zelda walking and basic attack~

~A couple of new items I just designed :O~

Feedback welcome. ^_^

Entertainment / Re: Well Zelda Spirit Tracks is already annoying
« on: January 07, 2010, 09:34:30 pm »
Well the thing about Anjean...

Show content
Lokomos are referred to as a tribe...so yeah, they're a different tribe but not a different race. Physically, there isn't really anything that sets them apart physically from Hylians. So who's to say Tetra didn't just get old, get a scooter, and started her own tribe? It sounds a bit silly I suppose but I really believe that the resemblance between Anjean and Tetra is more than a coincidence.

On topic - this game was 1000x than Phantom Hourglass. :) I think it might actually be one of my favs in the series :0

The Legend of Zelda: {Insert Subtitle here}
(Just a minor screen of the engine test, to show off how it looks graphically ;) )


There is an ancient legend, passed down through many generations, that speaks of a great deity. It is said that this deity, which takes the form of a noble Phoenix, watches over the realm of those whose souls have departed from the world of the living. This realm has come to be known as the Spirit Realm. For many years, the Phoenix has guarded this realm, making sure all the spirits made it to their respective place within the Spirit Realm.

However, a dark magician from the land of the living gained knowledge of the existance of the Spirit Realm and the great power that was housed within the Phoenix. She used her dark magic to force her way into the Spirit Realm and steal the great Phoenix's power, shattering its body in the process. Using this new power, she sought to take over Hyrule and become its new Queen.

But before her evil works could be completed, a Maiden wielding a sacred staff confronted the sorceress. It is said that this staff, a gift from the Gods to the Royal Family of Hyrule, contained some of the power of the Phoenix within it. Using the power of the staff, she vanquished the sorceress and managed to restore the Phoenix's power. Using the full power of the Phoenix, the Maiden sealed away the evil sorceress within the deepest, darkest Valley
of the Spirit Realm. To this day, the sorceress has remained in that Dark Valley, trapped in a deep slumber...

~Background info~

You are Zelda, the Princess of Hyrule - soon to be Queen of Hyrule. It has been about a month since Zelda's father has passed away, leaving her in complete charge of the Kingdom. The game starts on the day of Zelda's coronation as Queen of Hyrule. All seems to go as planned until a mysterious witch interrupts the ceremony, killing all the guards and her former nursemaid. Zelda is then thrown into a prison (in her own castle!), where the witch demands
to know the whereabouts of the Phoenix Sceptor. Much to the witch's dismay, Zelda knows nothing of where the Phoenix Sceptor lies and orders to have her killed. Before the guards come execute Zelda, a strange spirit helps her escape the castle and guides her to a hidden temple that houses the Phoenix Sceptor. It is then that the spirit, who calls herself Gioru presents Zelda with the Sceptor and presents her with her destiny - to protect Hyrule and
the Spirit Realm!

(So that was pretty much the story that you are presented with early on in the game. Obviously, as the game
progresses, the story unfolds...but to keep from ruining the entire story, that is all I'm going to say. :) )


~ Items ~

There are still some items that I am working on, but a few finished concepts include the following.

Sacred Bow - A bow passed down through the Royal Family from generation to generation. It is said to have been crafted by divine spirits and has the ability to charge arrows with a sacred light that can dispel darkness.

Deku Vine - An unusually durable rope made from a vine. With it, you can lasso opponents and even toss them around, as well as grab and pull distant switches as well as pull yourself up to high ledges ( provided there is something on the ledge to grab onto).

Wave Ride (name subject to change) - A portable device, crafted by the Zoras, for single-person travel on water. It is basically a small round platform that floats on the water with a propeller (in the shape of the zora symbol...fancy!) in the rear. As far as its functionality goes, I haven't made many decisions other than the fact that it allows you to travel through water. It will probably include some kind of combat system for fending off enemies while in water.



Yes. Since starting from scratch several things have changed. The biggest was the changing the Phoenix Blade into a
staff. I felt this was a good decision because with the sword, it felt more or less like just taking a normal Zelda
game and swapping Link for Zelda. Also, Zelda is more associated with magic, so I felt wielding a magical weapon
would suit her much better.

Additionally, I've redesigned Zelda a bit to make her look more original, as much as I liked the Twilight Princess
design of her. However, I will be keeping the darker pallette because it fits the mood of the game much better than
the bright pallets seen in most 2d Zeldas.

There have also been numerous changes in the overall plot of the game, though mostly minor things as most of the
story stays true to the original concept for the game.


Graphics Requests/Archive / Re: {Request} My old sprites?
« on: January 04, 2010, 09:44:55 pm »
Thanks yue. :) Anyway I think I'll lock this, as I think I have everything I need now...hurray!

Graphics Requests/Archive / Re: {Request} My old sprites?
« on: January 04, 2010, 03:12:58 pm »
Hey Kren!! :0 Good to see you.

And update: I was able to get into my old account and found some of my missing sprites in the outbox!! Yayyyy. =)

Graphics Requests/Archive / Re: {Request} My old sprites?
« on: January 03, 2010, 07:20:03 pm »
I saw that topic but I'm still missing some stuff sadly. =( Thank you though!

Graphics Requests/Archive / Re: {Request} My old sprites?
« on: January 03, 2010, 07:05:11 pm »
Thanks I appreciate it yue! :)

And I would use my old account buuuut I can't access it for some reason. It says "username does not exist". D:

Graphics Requests/Archive / [Solved] My old sprites?
« on: January 03, 2010, 06:50:05 pm »
So embarrassing...but I think I have permanently lost some of my better works. :'( They were on my old computer at home and when I came to visit for Christmas my dad freakin took it apart to fix his computer. And because I'm so smart I never uploaded some of them to photobucket. But I know I've shown people and posted them on the forums before (but probably deleted the topics they were in).

Pretty much anything you post would be helpful...but I will reward you with candy and puppies if you can either get me the castle town I made for Phoenix Blade or the sprite sheet of Zelda I made, also for Phoenix Blade.

Thanks~  ;)

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