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Messages - mario_zelda_gamer

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Other Discussion / Re: New Computer!
« on: January 15, 2007, 05:18:48 am »
Look at my Avy and Sig... Now remember that... Now do it with your new ??b??r s3xyness computer! Do IT! and give credit to torch

Entertainment / Re: Tingle actually IS in TP... sort of >_>
« on: January 14, 2007, 07:00:56 am »
Nobody will EVER doubt my wisdom again.
but, i never did doubt your wisdom, and I never will, Almighty Fox.
seriously, those who didn't notice that the STARS guy is a reference to Tingle really needs to play more Zelda (no offence of course, just giving you another excuse to buy more Zelda games).

Other Discussion / Re: I'm bored, ZFGC. Time for a short cynical rant.
« on: January 11, 2007, 11:23:37 pm »
Um... Well firstly, why don't we just ignore these profiles of which you speak of? and if you can't, just remember, humans will be humans, but not every human is the same, yadda, yadda, yadda. As for you zerolink... what they say is more "ho do i fal a clas of the lang I spk? tats st0pd...I h8 scol!" or at least that is how anyone who uses "gay-speek" around here would do. I don't even put stuff in profile fields for the most part so "HA!" is all I have to say.

Other Discussion / Re: Tornado Warning!
« on: January 08, 2007, 02:44:27 am »
Oh crap...my town just had a Tornado Warning! If I never get back on..... DON'T PM ME!
Now would be a great time to end up changing your name before you get on again, then we will all think you died... Good luck man, good luck. That sounds crappy.

That just sucks. especially since i could never thank him for these awesome things we call "instant" noodles. We shall miss you!

Other Discussion / Re: Crap, this computer bug sucks
« on: January 07, 2007, 06:18:10 am »
That was very funny. I'm surprized that so many people were scared by that! Fissure, it is great to see you around! Of course, we all know that by saying this kind of stuff to fissure we will be told that we are supporting spam. Oh well, what can you do?

Coding / Re: help in gm5? any one?
« on: January 03, 2007, 11:17:53 pm »
or are you talking about register as in Zelda name/file registration? Of course I can't help, but I hate misunderstandings

Entertainment / Re: Spoilers: ****** **** is OoT Link?
« on: January 01, 2007, 08:37:49 am »
one of the largest feats of voice acting in a zelda was when link screams, in that freaky tp cutscean with the twili getting banished.
Yep, you went there... That thing sorta creeped me out... But as we all know, no zelda game can have a full in-english word. If it has words to be translated throw it in with the Tetra/Navi's Trackers in a sealed vault never to return again.

Other Discussion / Re: I got a new name.
« on: January 01, 2007, 07:32:02 am »
...Why oh why did you change your name? Is it because of the new year, to confuse everyone, or just cuz you got bored...? I'll just call you Soapy from now on... adn Ill just call "Helios" Inf... Good-bye sanity

Entertainment / Re: Spoilers: ****** **** is OoT Link?
« on: January 01, 2007, 06:48:18 am »
Hehe. I found a sentence that shows my whole opinion in a nutshell.


Remember that skeleton-dude is actually TALKING to Link. OoT-Link never talked, as no Link ever did. So, that's basically the biggest contra.

Also, why should it be some rusty, filthy skeleton that is representing OoT-Link? Why not, like, a soul, spirit, ghost?

I don't know... maybe it's some other dude from an other game that was a close friend/person to Link.
And with that I just want to say that the others are more right other than there are a few places where you decide what Link says. in OoT&MM Link speaks in green. Anything in green in oot and mm is Link Speaking! That is proof that Link speaks. Why can you people not get that! No matter how many times I say that no one ever listens! Think... The only time it does show link speaking is when you meet Zelda in OoT and she asks your name, but that does not mean he does not speak! I agree that since he is a player controlled character he does not speak.

Back to the theory, I had thought of the same things after I earned the third skill... Plus the world has a very close layout to the OoT Hyrule so it wouldn't be too far after OoT... besides somewhere in the topic I heard it was confirmed to be between MM and WW... so it is really possible.

by the way, we're also on Kotaku

Apparently you are the one spreading all of this... It is still fun to read through all of people's thoughts on this.

Patience is a vertue. something like that...
however, it is not a requirement for anything! I do not believe anyone here really has any patience.

Debates / Re: Christianity
« on: December 29, 2006, 04:15:53 am »
according to you, his voice could kill you, so you better pray he does not represent. 
I remember that from a movie i think... i think it was called Dogma or something to that effect.

Anyway, I guess me, and everybody at my church for that matter, is 'other'. We treat all forms of Christianity as one and it is all the same to us. All we care about is that you believe in God, and that you can have a valid point when you decide your own reason that something is written in the bible.

Zelda Projects / Re: Majora's Mask - GB(New Titlescreen)
« on: December 29, 2006, 03:35:14 am »
I want it now! I should play the song of doubled time!
Just make sure he plays the song of inverted time first and it will come twice as fast.

This game is looking great Hyrule_Boy, you truly showing promise! good luck to you, good luck.

Entertainment / Re: N64 ROM
« on: December 29, 2006, 03:32:06 am »
That actually sounds interesting Mitsuu... anyway, a forum dedicated to emulators and plug-ins ect. is www.emutalk.net and for your problem go to the configurations for the controller plug-in and make sure it is set to active/plugged in. If that doesn't work, yes go get another rom.

--This post does not break the rule about illegal material, no roms are distributed on emutalk.net

Amazing, in just the twelve minutes Ive been on the computer just now I have found tons of things relating to your RC1 of OoT2D! Go TRM, Go TRM. Also im still looking forward to this, so keep working hard until your finished with it. Good Luck again!

Zelda Projects / Re: The Legend of Zelda: The Legendary Swords
« on: December 27, 2006, 03:38:22 am »
Hey look its sparks... wait, that name sounds familliar... it cant be... he's back!

It's nice to know your back here... Your project looks just as great as before! I dont know why I didn't notice it before! Good Luck anyway!

Other Discussion / Re: What are your OSs?
« on: December 24, 2006, 04:57:52 am »
uh, wait... now it is SP2 im using... yay! go father not putting p/w on main Administrator Account!!1!

Other Discussion / Re: What are your OSs?
« on: December 24, 2006, 03:12:58 am »
Windows, surprize surprize. The only operating system my parents have ever really heard of. Right the computers in the house are set up as, Fathers - WinXP Pro SP2, Me&Sisters - WinXP Pro SP1, Grandparents - WinXP Pro SP...0. plus I think the thing was pirated from the beginning, so... well idk... my father likes to pirate... that is all I can say.

Debates / Re: Harry Potter.... banned?
« on: December 24, 2006, 12:08:21 am »
People hate that which they do not understand.
First, people fear what they don't understand and hate what they fear.

Now, This lady seems to just be one of those people who hate something, wants to get it off the face fo the earth and tries to keep people from recieving these things. An example of this is Jack Thompson and Video Games. She does seem extreamly bias, and saddly, like most people, will never keep an open mind over this kind of stuff, and will keep trying to get what they want at the cost of everyone else's beliefs.

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