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Topics - Pyru

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So, odd request, peeps:

I'm getting a gaming themed full sleeve, which is nearing completion, and I want a sprite of Link and Zelda to go on it. I want YOU GUYS to help me find one of each!

I'm quite fond of the MC sprite style, but I'm not opposed to considering other designs. If you want to see the sleeve so far, I can upload some pictures for you guys to mull over. Alright? Sound good? GO FOR IT.

And, yes, my favourite sprites will be TATTOOED, into my SKIN, FOREVER. :D

« on: December 10, 2008, 03:21:21 pm »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yo4t8PeqJ6E" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yo4t8PeqJ6E</a>

Fo' serious.

Other Discussion / Dear Canadians...
« on: December 01, 2008, 08:28:21 pm »
How much poutine can you buy for $4.07?

'cos this cost me $4.07 (or rather, £2.20), and it was all of a sixty second walk to Ahmed's van to go get it.

Feedback / Unnecessary locking of topics.
« on: October 17, 2008, 02:12:08 pm »
I'm sure you know what I mean. Topics being locked when they don't need to be; no rules being broken per se, but mods coming along and saying "I DON'T LIKE THE WAY THIS TOPIC HAS GONE. LOCKED." Half the time any "problem" within the topic itself was caused by the mod who locked it.

Not naming names, but this is generally pissing me off, and from other members I've spoken to about it, yeah, it's pissing them off too.

Debates / Keeping elections honest
« on: September 17, 2008, 12:12:09 pm »
I'd like to propose some (extra) rules for keeping elections - all elections - honest. I'll try to give all of my examples related to the US elections, for the ease of the American users of the forum. Obviously these would be "extra" rules to elections, above and beyond normal rules.

First and foremost, the election would work on a "strikes" system; every time a rule is broken, that is "one life lost", so to speak. With three gone, the party or candidate automatically "loses" the election; THIS is the motivation to keep them honest.

1. Budgets - the campaign budget would have to be strictly monitored. Each campaign would be allowed around 50 cents per citizen that the campaign was aimed towards (this would be adjusted yearly by inflation), giving each presidential campaign around $150 million. Every $100,000 over budget would be a "strike".

2. Donations - any and all donations would have to be declared, regardless of size. Any donations over the budget must either be returned, or kept for the next campaign, with the amount kept/returned to be declared, to all the donation givers, party members, and the government. A party would have to turn down any donations that it had reason to believe would lower the integrity of the election, such as donations from shareholders of any companies that produce voting machines, etc. Breaking any of those conditions is a "strike", and strikes for this rule accumulate.

3. Lies - untruths, in any form, whether it's in the form of "I think I heard that someone", rather than "It is is known" or whatever, that can be proved as untrue, to the extent that a court of law would require, are disallowed. Each lie or untruth would be a single strike.

4. Promises - each promise made by a candidate or party would have to be fulfilled if they win the election and complete their term. This means, if a candidate states, categorically, that they will make gay marriage unconstitutional, then they had better do it. Any numerical targets will be given a small margin of error - if a candidate declares the economy will grow by at least 2% in each year while president, but only grows by 1.9% in a single year, this will be allowed. Each broken promise is a single strike against the next election by the candidate or party.

5. "Late" discovery of any strikes - if, after the election, the winning party is found to have committed three strikes, they will be removed from power, and replaced with the next most popular party not to have committed three strikes.

Sorry if it's badly written/doesn't quite make sense/whatever. Just thoughts off the top of my head. Might add a few more.

Other Discussion / Favourite booze
« on: September 12, 2008, 07:03:38 pm »
After drinking my way through a reasonable portion of Jose Cuervo Especial tequila and Sailor Jerry rum this evening, the question occurs to me:

What are ZFGC's favourite alcoholic beverages?

You can list cocktails or mixers if you like as well, but I'd like an ordinary liquor/liquer/ale/whatever listed from everyone.

For me? I'm particularly fond of the afore mentioned Sailor Jerry's, but I also have a soft spot for Southern Comfort and Disarrono Originale (amaretto, basically), which leads to my current favourite cocktail: Amaretto SoCo Lime. Basically, Amaretto... Southern Comfort... and a squeeze of lime, on the rocks.

Entertainment / Reading Festival
« on: August 21, 2008, 09:21:52 am »
Yeah, yeah, I know hardly anyone here is gonna care, but Reading Festival, the best rock and alternative festival in the history of ever, starts tomorrow.

I don't have a weekend ticket - because the retarded organisers said "hey wait too many people are buying tickets to sell them on - LETS CUT THE NUMBER OF TICKETS" but I do have a Sunday ticket.

So, on Sunday morn, I will be missing the London 2012 party in London (which, yes, I do have a ticket to), and instead trekking a few miles up to Reading to rock out to some of the finest acts in music today. Woo.

Other Discussion / There IS a god
« on: August 19, 2008, 03:53:56 pm »

This is the cruelest topic I've ever made. <__<

Entertainment / Paris for President.
« on: August 06, 2008, 01:57:54 pm »

It's about time a woman was actually in the race...

Besides, she can't be any worse than Bush, can she? :P

Other Discussion / So, why is Chesu lying about his age?
« on: August 04, 2008, 10:38:04 pm »
Look at any of Chesu's mug shots pictures, and two things are quickly apparent:

1. Chesu has a huge beard.
2. Chesu is balding.

Okay, start on the beard. That's a pretty big beard. And since facial hair grows at about the same rate as hair elsewhere on the head, that's a good... year, year and a half's worth of growth? At least. Bearing in mind that net hair growth slows as the mass gets longer (it's true, but I can't be bothered to explain) it could even be as much as... three, four years of growth there?

I know different people reach "maturity" at different times, but out of all the guys I know, at my age, 18, maybe... three in a hundred have the capability of growing the foundations of a beard that could eventually become like that. I definitely could not grow a beard like that right now.

Given that, it seems most likely that Chesu's beard started growing at an age of at least 20. Add on the projected couple of years, and you'd expect him to be at least mid-20's, if not slightly older than that.

Ah! But Chesu claims he's only 22. Hmmm. Improbable, but not impossible.

Now, for Part II!

Chesu's balding. And quite significantly. His hairline's receded... quite far back, and behind the hairline, the hair's definitely thinning. Personally, the only guys I know who are that bald are in their late forties or fifties, but most even older than that.

Giving him the benefit of the doubt, I decided to look up on Wikipedia statistics about balding; only 25% of men start balding before age 30. Even given that Chesu is one of these 25%, it seems unlikely that balding would even start at age 22. Let's be generous, say he started balding at age 25 and that roughly 25% of his hair is already gone. Average hair loss is 100 hairs a day, and the average number of head hairs for a guy of Chesu's hair colour is 110,000. 25% of that is 27,500 - which should take a measley 275 days to lose. Less than a year, yes, but still skews Chesu's likely age upwards.

Other factor's - like Chesu's facial appearance and build also suggest that he is older than his twenties. In a short survey I conducted, none of the participants believed Chesu was younger than the "late thirties" category - all responses concurred that he appeared to be 35+.

So, unless Chesu is the real-life version of Robin Williams' title character in Jack, it seems most likely that he is older than his supposed age.

Now, the important question: why is a man, who appears to be in his thirties or forties, visiting a Zelda fan forum, mostly visited by young men in their mid-teens? Is he a gay pedo? I refuse to comment, but Jack Thompson had this to say: "Almost definitely yes."

But then, we can never trust Jack.

Other Discussion / Something for MetaKirby...
« on: July 30, 2008, 12:42:47 am »
Nah, taking the !@#$% a bit, but I found this equal parts amusing and terrifying:


Between 10 and 20%, huh? I guess Thailand desesrves its reputation for ladyboys.

Other Discussion / Red Bull Cola
« on: July 28, 2008, 10:11:41 pm »
Red Bull have launched a cola brand. And it sounds fuckin' awesome.

It's supposed to be a strong, all natural, real cola. You know how the original recipe of Coca Cola included coca (y'know, as in, cocaine?) and real sugar (not just fructose syrup)? Well, those were stripped out in the 80's, with "New Coke" and never replaced.

Red Bull Cola uses all of those, and more. Quick run-down of the ingredients (they actually LIST all their ingredients! It's incredible!):

Coca leaf
Kola nut


Corn mint

Mustard seeds

Yeah, that's right. I put in bold the more awesome ingredients though some just leave me going "wtf?"

Reaction's been mixed to the drink so far, and analysts aren't confident it'll survive in the competitive cola market, which is a shame, considering how rubbish the competition is (Pepsi tastes like ass and the company refuses to innovate with anything that tastes nice, Coca Cola is a bit meh and none of their more innovative drinks - Coca Cola Black, anyone? stay on the shelves for very long). Probably got a lot to do with the price point - 75p for a litre of Coke, 99p for 355ml of Red Bull Cola. Not a good comparison, but if it tastes better, I'm willing to make the jump.

Still, I picked up a can today, and I'll drink it tomorrow. If I like it then dear god yes am I going to buy more.

Entertainment / Song I recorded this evening...
« on: July 27, 2008, 12:31:50 am »
So, yeah, recorded this this evening:


I play everything - including two different six-string guitars, acoustic bass, and mandolin. I know the opening isn't so great, but I'm quite fond of the second half, so if you could stick with it, thanks. =D

Other Discussion / A serious problem
« on: July 26, 2008, 01:16:27 am »
So, I just went on Community Speak and saw this:

... I know Pyrazor predates me in terms of ZFGC's overall history, but Pyro, you have no excuse. Time for more original names, amirite?

In slightly related somethingorother, I've been using the name Pyruzor a little bit, sorry Pyrazor! D: If it makes you feel better, I've pretty much switched to Pyrunator or Nator when I need a longer name, so I don't use that one any more.

Debates / What should the US do?
« on: July 17, 2008, 01:48:31 pm »
To truly improve things for its citizens?


Read that first, then discuss.

Debates / Moral advertising
« on: July 09, 2008, 12:19:49 pm »
Basically, the title of this discussion is too long to fit into the subject line, so here goes:

Is the marketing and advertising of products intended for young children and babies insensitive to the feelings of individuals and couples who have, recently or otherwise, had their last pregnancy end in miscarriage?

I'm sure you can understand how if you were expecting - and then suddenly not expecting - a baby, and then you're exposed to advertising that says "Here's what being a parent is like! Isn't it great!" would be extremely aggravating and distressing. (Yes, I was inspired by this CAD comic, but it reminds me of a discussion I'd heard before)

Even more so if the advertising was, for instance, a mailing list that was signed up to and difficult to get off...

Further to the point, should such advertising be controlled or perhaps banned?

So, start debating!

Entertainment / Sony increase sales by over 25%...
« on: June 29, 2008, 10:05:33 am »
And still lost over a billion dollars in the last twelve months. But, hey, that's over a billion dollars less than the year before that. That's good, right? Quick answer: No.


The fact that neither Microsoft nor Sony are turning a profit in the market makes me wonder how much longer they can stay in the game. Sure, they're real competitive in the market, but guess what: although Nintendo fans are relatively unhappy, Nintendo actually makes money. And shareholders tend to like that. Hell, the banks that they take loans from tend to like that.

Especially with a supposed recession looming, I think Sony and Microsoft may have to re-think their business platform for the games market...

Debates / Is Zelda a Nazi game series?
« on: June 26, 2008, 09:27:38 pm »
Okay, hear me out. If you read into the games, there's a lot of racist imagery. Lemme talk you through it:

The protagonist and damsel in distress are both Aryan. Both blonde, blue eyes, pale skin. The Hylians and Hyruleans - the people you fight to defend - are all white, and there are a surprisingly large number of blonde people, and relatively few with darker hair.
Hyrule is sometimes referred to as a "realm" - a word that mirrors the word used by the Nazis, "Lebensraum".
With that in mind, it becomes clear that Link serves as the military defender of this realm from outsiders. And all of these outsiders are racially different from Hylians:
Moblins are the clear example. Pig like, large, uncultured, disgusting. They are the visible sign of Hyrule's decay. Ironically, they seem to be a characteriture of the Nazi view of Jews: beastial and inhuman (though if you look beyond the surface, this clearly isn't the case - they are intelligent and have culture). By showing them as the pigs they find "unclean", it shows this minority as being hypocritical and greedy.
The Gerudo clearly reflect Muslims; the women wear viels, they come from a desert nation, and their symbol (in the original version of OoT) is the same as that used by most Islamic nations. Again, ironically, their society is shown to be chronically lacking in men; though able to defend themselves, their inherent femininity represents weakness. They are also shown as terrorists: the Gerudo attack - led by Ganondorf - on the castle, at the end of the "child" section of the game, involves the assassination of the King. They too are power hungry, unsophisticated (they live in an unfurnished cold, barren fortress - their land itself represents a lack of spirit, life, or power).

Link, the Aryan defender of the "realm" fights back all of these defenders, none of whom wield European weapons, instead using those inspired by Asian or Middle Eastern weapons, with his large gleaming weapon, that resembles a Zweihander, but with his enormous strength, he is able to wield it with a single hand. His courage and strength overcomes their greed for power.

So, yeah, that's only a single reading of it - not one that I feel is necessarily correct - but it certainly seems valid, huh?

Other Discussion / Euro-whiff
« on: April 18, 2008, 12:50:07 pm »
Apparently easterly winds are bringing agricultural/industiral smells to southern England: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7354538.stm

Anyone else notice it this morning?

Other Discussion / Laptop problem
« on: March 26, 2008, 04:43:56 pm »
Okay, I've got a Fujitsu Amilo, and a red light is shining out of my headphone port. What the !@#$% does that mean?

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