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Other Projects / Zombie World Online
« on: March 19, 2012, 04:22:27 pm »
Been a while since I posted here, and I looked at some of the posts I made back from '06.. Yeah.

I've been working on an MMO engine for around 6 or 7 months now. The features largely revolve around an embedded scripting language, and being able to hotswap scripts/graphics/levels/any asset in and out for anyone connected to the game or online SDK simply by hitting the save button or uploading the new graphic while using the networked SDK. If any of you have worked on anything using Graal Online, you'd understand the paradigm behind the development, except this one is a lot more streamlined, flexible, and portable. The SDK connects directly to the game server and updates the assets that you update on other developer's SDK's and clients automatically. The client runs on the iPhone, Android, PC, Linux, and Mac platforms, and likewise, you can play cross platform between each of those.

The concept behind the game is a zombie roguelike MMO, as in you die, and your character is deleted forever, similar to any other roguelike you may have played. For all intensive purposes, everything else is basically a zombie simulation with an emphasis on social interactions, events, trading/economy, and PvE (realtime) combat.

I'm looking for some pixel artists to help continue making assets for the game, and I'm also looking for level designers to help create the overworld and interior levels.

As you can see, the aesthetic is largely mixed and not very fluent. UI design is pretty much utter crap at the moment, and I'm looking for everything from UI designers and pixel artists to someone to make a few splash screens for things like login and whatnot. Also, level designers to help create the overworld and interiors.

If you're interested, or have any comments or criticisms, send me a PM or post below and we can talk it out :]

Discussion / Untitled PSP FPS
« on: July 03, 2010, 09:28:11 pm »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwI0GNmu08M" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwI0GNmu08M</a>

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjvNdUMZPyk" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjvNdUMZPyk</a>

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhV7k5YsVDw" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhV7k5YsVDw</a>

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-3wV54JgjM" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-3wV54JgjM</a>

The engine's my own, derived from Quake. I reverse engineered and added support for Half-Life maps and Half-Life models. There's tons of networking improvements, since it's on the PSP, after all, has to stay reliable over a relatively shitty connection. It's a highly, highly improved Quake engine running on the PSP, that's what I made and that's what I'll use for it.

I'm mainly looking for people who've had experience with Half-Life mapping to help me out here.

As far as the game design plan goes, it's a multiplayer shooter with some basic freerunning elements. Think CoD4 + Mirror's Edge, or just think of the upcoming shooter Brink. Generic, but I don't give a !@#$%, it's fun.

MC & FS / [Solved] Minish Cap Smoke Sprites?
« on: January 03, 2010, 03:38:18 pm »
Around 1:30 after he finishes talking to Vaati in this video you can see the smoke sprites. I need the ones that trail behind the moblins and the ones that are visible when the rocks are spawned around the arena. They're probably the same.

Thanks! I know someone has it here :P

Other Projects / [Trailer] Cobalt Runner ~ PSP
« on: December 20, 2009, 10:06:50 pm »
Too lazy to post all the stuff here, so check out it's website and the videos on it:


It's a PSP game using Quake as a base for it's engine, but quite a bit has changed from Quake and I doubt it's even compatible with it any more.

Also, if you're too lazy to check out the [awesome] site, then I respect that. Here's the latest video:

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GaDMSTLWfs" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GaDMSTLWfs</a>

Discussion / Capturing the feel of OoT's movement
« on: August 21, 2009, 11:45:19 pm »
Any tips? I've tried and failed many times, although it could be because I can't rip or animate models for !@#$% and was only trying to replicate the way it's programmed up.

Graphics / OoT Ripped Models?
« on: January 08, 2009, 01:12:15 am »
Can somebody link me to 'em?  I sure as Hell can't find them, and don't know where to look.  My Google skills are rusty :(

Other Discussion / Pedo finder!
« on: October 20, 2008, 01:49:43 am »

Have all the pedofiles in your area (Including your uncle who diddled you!) conveinetly drawn to a map!

Got me a good laugh, this did.

Other Discussion / Warning, Adult Link!
« on: October 04, 2008, 09:07:36 pm »

Graphics / My third model... Ever... L33t!
« on: July 29, 2008, 12:23:14 am »
This is my third model I ever made, I think its pretty hawtsauce..  I'm going to end up using it for a game I'm making for the PSP, probobly.  I learned C++ recently ^_^
So without further ado...
My M4 (That probobly doesn't look like an M4 but I didn't really have a reference and I wanted to make something that looked like a gun, so I did.  I also don't have a name for my gun, so lets called it the M4.  Please)

(Heres one picture >.>)

(Heres another picture >.< Duh.)

Other Discussion / Open Heart Surgery for Dummies
« on: December 05, 2007, 11:51:47 pm »
"Here are a few excerpts from the popular book:

From the introduction:

    Are you tired of having your loved ones' heart surgery being performed by those pesky experienced surgeons? Who isn't? In this book, we show you how to fix heart valves, repair arteries, and patch up holes- on the cheap!

From Chapter 1 - Preparing:

    "Be prepared! That is what heart surgeons would say if they were also Boy Scouts. This rings true in the field of on-your-own heart surgery as well. Always make sure to wash your hands before surgery, and be sure you have all the proper tools: scalpel, thread, duct tape, and kitchen knife.

From Chapter 1.5 - Anaesthesia:

    It may be interesting for the patient if he or she remains conscious during the exercise, but most surgeons choose to apply some form of anaesthesia, because they do not like it when the patient criticizes their work. One of the most common methods is to hit the patient very hard on the head with a hammer. Where to hit, how often to hit, it is all covered in this chapter. Alternatives are also covered, involving gagging and tying up the victim patient. When gagging be sure to gag the patient tight enough so that any scream or sound is muffled.

From Chapter 2 - The Heart:

    The heart can be sometimes difficult to find, especially if you are operating on mean people. The heart is the red throbby thing right inside the ribcage. Start up, and scan down the body. If you see a long coiling thingy that appears to be digesting things, you've gone too far.

From Chapter 3 - Materials:

    Don't have everything you need? Improvise! The ribcage can be opened with a simple tire jack. Most brands of tape can hold together holes. Need a place to put the heart when you're taking a break? The icebox is a great resting spot! Just make sure you don't confuse it with the steaks!

From Chapter 4 - Surgery:

    You've made it! Time to shine. Find somebody you know with a heart defect. (Be sure that they're comfortable with the fact that it's very likely that you'll screw up if it's one of your first few dozen 'trial' runs.) The most important thing is to remain calm. The only thing that panicking does is make you realize that it's incredibly stupid to perform heart surgery yourself. Clearly, that is not very productive when you are going to perform it anyway, and may badly influence the outcome of the operation.

Fron Chapter 5 - Prenatal Heart Surgery:

    Many unborn children suffer from heart problems, often stemming from inbreeding or the prenatal kidney surgery you performed on them last week. This chapter will prepare you to deal with delicate immature bones and undeveloped tissues without confusing the hearts of mother and child. Special bonus section: Twins!

From Chapter 10 - Dealing with Fatalities:

    Every surgeon has one that, well, doesn't make it. Every completely inexperienced neanderthal has about five a week. You'll need to learn how to cope. Be sure to have a malpractice lawyer on hand. (Can't find one? Just buy Malpractice Defence for Dummies at your local bookstore!) "

I can do it!

Entertainment / Youtube has been down for about 43 seconds.
« on: November 25, 2007, 05:47:55 pm »
Guess what?  I tried to go onto a new page on YouTube and got an error.  Any page, for that matter.
Youtube is down, and I posted it within about 43 seconds.

Other Discussion / Dual boot Vista with XP without XP disk?
« on: November 03, 2007, 12:10:33 am »
So I had a computer with XP on it, I liked it :)
I have a new computer, the other fried up, and it has Vista on it, and I wanna run some other programs that are not Vista compatable.
I have the restore disk, but it only runs on an E-Machines computer -_-...
Thats what I get for buying an E-Machines.
SO.  I wanna dual boot my pre-installed Vista (No disk) with my XP (Incompatable disk) :)
Help?  Is it even possible?

Entertainment / Real Zelda Crossbow Training screenshots (Not scans)
« on: October 13, 2007, 12:19:21 pm »

Looks decent, what do you think?
The one with Link and all the skeletons looks awesome though, wouldn't it be cool if this played out like House of The Dead?  Or mabye more control over the character, like RE4 Wii.

Entertainment / skate. Demo Discussion
« on: August 22, 2007, 05:41:35 am »
Its so sweet...  Very realistic

Other Discussion / Whats the name of this song?
« on: August 10, 2007, 10:58:37 pm »
Whats the name of the song in this Youtube video, the one at the first gameplay of Banjo and Kazooie?  I ran across this video by accident while searching for something that escapes my mind right now.

So don't say its impossible.  The way it works is when you die, your char turns into a zombie, and its AI controlled.  Than you start a new char (NOT ACCOUNT, CHARACTER) and you can capture your zombie and treat him to be able to get your old char back, if you wish to.  If an area is infected with 100+ zombies, it becomes INFECTED.  Then the area can be LIBERATED by a squad of hunters.  Thats the main concept of the game, and of course it will have a large world with multiple weapons.  It will support 250 players per server.

So we need:
1 3D modelist
1 Level Designer
1 Musician

We already have a Coder and Skinner/Texturist.

Discussion / [pre w/demo] 3D FPS
« on: July 11, 2007, 01:03:53 pm »

There, its not that good but it works, and once I put in better models, thats when it will start getting better.  right now everything is pretty shitty, in terms of levels.  The engine is just how i want it though-

leftclick = shoot
wasd = move 

The shooting uses raycasting to detect walls and shits like that.  In the last room I threw in a cube that you can shoot and "kill".

Omgish I need a level designer.

Discussion / How to make a game successful.
« on: July 10, 2007, 08:50:43 pm »
I found this on the freebasic forums.  I did not write this.

Games are fun because of universal attachment to the character.


Newer games are less fun than they used to, because the game's world has dropped it's connection to the main character.

An example of this is Zelda. In Zelda, everything your character shows is really well connected to the environment. Simple game play elements can be re-used over and over again in Zelda for a variety of different effects and purposes. For example, a very awesome world connection to the character is storing things in bottles. Catch a bug? Put it in a bottle! Have a potion? Put it in a bottle! What about fish? IN A #%$@ BOTTLE ALREADY!

As you can see, it's just a bottle. You put stuff in it. However, the way this bottle was used was genius. Although the bottle might just have an attribute stating what's in it and how much, and that being it, the creative ways that you can use this bottle is really fun. Who here will disagree with me on this? If you do, I'll give you a few points which make the bottle very interesting.

It forces the player to balance which items to keep in them and which not to. They take up inventory space, causing the player to have to find even more interesting ways to get things done. The item which the bottle is holding is visible, which allows the player to feel more connected to the game. The bottle it interactive. NPCs and other objects around can benefit or pay the price, depending on what's in the bottle.

Another example is barrier relation to the character. Barriers, such as wells, mountains, floors, etc., are generally made just to limit the player to a certain area of the game. The world isn't connected all that well, and development is limited. Put a barrier there. Barriers are everywhere in games, but the way that they are used can really change how fun a game is later on.

Let's give the barrier a property. Tell it whether or not it can be destroyed. If it can, by what? Fire, Ice, Lightning, Bombs, Special Sword? Even more importantly, what is behind the barrier, and when does the character get the objects which can break it? If you do something as simple as making a single, hardly ever changing set of rooms underneath a set of barriers, and the character can destroy them later on in the game, this gives the player something to look forward to. It gives them a reason to explore your world.

Even if 90% of the time, they won't find anything unique behind the barriers, or maybe just a simple item that is little more than uncommon to them, it will make your world seem 10x bigger. I guarantee it. It also boosts replay value. If you have an item that's collectible, and will eventually grant something if you have enough, players will want to go back and see what happens if they collect *all* of them.

Remember, nearly any game element can easily be turned into your "connected" or universal element to the character. It's generally a player stat, item, or pattern which the character has to play out. You don't even have to have a lot of them for the character to have a ton of fun. In fact, I believe Zelda has taken high advantage of simply having objects destructible. Something is behind the destroyed object. It could be nothing, it could be a monster, it could be an item, a room. Anything. Even though most of the time it's something simple, it's still very fun.

Let's take Halo as an example of a game that could have been more fun. Not that it wasn't fun, but here's what could have been improved. You find an awesome weapon in a room early on in the game, right? What can you do now? Kill more stuff! Wait, you were already doing that! Uh oh...Something as simple as I dunno, an item that was only hurt by plasma shots in a level where the plasma shot is hidden would have done just fine. An explosive wall? A vehicle which is over a secret passage, which only moves from big explosions? There's any number of objects that could be set to be reactive to another which the player has. Take advantage of this. Halo didn't. Most game's aren't any more.

I think developers focus too much on implementing an entirely new feature into their game rather than making quick, fun edits to older ones. This makes games harder to make fun. It makes the job harder on the developer, and generally the extra feature, if ever added, is just another element which should be connected to the character and it's environment.

Connectivity Ideas:

Life - Implement negative damage. Instead of hurting an object, you have to give it life beyond a certain level. It then reacts and opens something, explodes, or some other secret.

Universal Stat or Item - Have one object in your game be the universal object you fall back on to implement secrets. Zelda has things like Bombs, Bottles, and new attacks. Your game might have explosive walls, too. Maybe, instead of an actual item, certain stats are connected to the objects instead! You can only move a heavy object if you have X amount of strength, or only blow up an object if your level is at least Y high. ^.^;;

Character Itself - Make small changes to the character's looks over time. As the character grows and acquires new stats, perhaps they can show it? This has been done before, and usually it works. Some games I felt got it wrong, but most seem to pull this one off right. Look to Megaman for an example of this one. I can't think of a game off the top of my head that does this for you, in a good way, automatically.

Don't Separate Features by Landscape - Too often, an area of a game will only have weak or lower level objects in them. Why? This lowers replay level. Sort out objects which can be accessed early on without breaking gameplay rules and stability (ex: making a character too strong), or which can be re-entered later on to take advantage of newer elements introduced. Even better is a feature a character will probably only try out after they already know about it. Give played extra "thank you for playing this again!" playability boosts their second or third time round, m'kay?

I hope I learnt you something,

Graphics / Second 3D Model (Man)
« on: July 08, 2007, 06:57:55 pm »
So.  Hopefully less people hating me.
Second Model, Not bad, No tutorial.
Its a little man :D

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