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Topics - Kevin-1990

Pages: [1] 2 3
Discussion / la vs alttp vs mc
« on: February 20, 2012, 12:35:31 am »
Just wondering I'm seeing alot of fan games either in la/oos/ooa style or mc style... Seems like alttp style is really not used any more. which one would you chose and why?

Graphics / ALTTP Town
« on: February 12, 2012, 08:16:34 pm »
I Found this in my old files. a town I made a while ago.
Though I load it up. let me know what you think, might use it in the game which I'm working on.

Graphics Requests/Archive / [SOLVED] ALTTP Library (outside)
« on: January 28, 2012, 12:18:21 am »
I want to make a library, but I need a few kicks in the right direction.
The Library I want to make is going to be in ALTTP style, max sizes 232 x 232
So let me know your suggestions.

Solved by myself.
But suggestions are still welcome!

Graphics / ALTTP Library
« on: January 25, 2012, 04:56:15 pm »
I wanted to try and make a Book trolley.
Let me know what you think and what I can improve to make it more alttp style

Zelda Projects / [MINIGAME] Catch The Cucco's
« on: January 18, 2012, 09:47:55 pm »
Catch The Cucco's.

A simple little mini game of link catching the cucco's in the farmers shed.
Gameplay is very easy. use the arrows to move and use space to pick them up.

How many can you catch before the two minutes are over?


Program used: Rpg Maker 2003

LTTP & FSA / [SOLVED] : Link punching
« on: April 26, 2008, 05:47:42 pm »
Hey guys,

As you all know I am working my arse off trying to get my game done. and right now I am in need of link punching.

can somebody make it:
I need it to be alttp style.

Thanks again guys

Zelda Projects / The Legend of Zelda: The Forgotten key
« on: April 25, 2008, 04:27:19 pm »



The Legend:
Legend tells about a wise wizzard. He created a pearl that Grants all your wishes.
He worked day and night on it, untill the goddesses of hyrule found out about it.
They toke his pearl and made a great temple on the top of the mountain. with an holy key . They broke the key into 2 pieces. and placed them secret places so nobody will find them. The wizzard wrote a book about ''The Holy key''. in where all the pieces of the keys lays.

The Story.
After a time the key was forgotten. but then one day an man found the book about the forgotten key. He told the king about the book. The king for worried and took the book away, and send the man to prison. The king torn up the pages 8 and hide them over the world of hyrule, where nobody could find them. Until one evil wizard found one of the pages.
The evil wizard Thretend the king to tell him where the other pages are, but he wouldn't tell him.
so the evil wizzard cursed the king just when zelda walkes in.
Zelda runs as fast as she can, to a place where she knowns that she's fine.




Well I ofcource also have items

here is what I have so far:

Hero's Cap - the legendary cap

Hero's backpack - to keep stuff in (menu)

Deku Flute - Magical Flute

Amulet - no use for now

Deku Amulet - No use for now

Deku Talisman - Collect Item

Zora Talisman - Collect Item

Goron Talisman - Collect Item

Letter - You've got mail

Jelleye - logo
geckoo - Church tiles
Norlem - Swamp Dungeon tiles, Town Sprites
Kleaver - Fountain, gerudo statue, farm tiles
Yoshi04 - mushroom
bludleaf - minish town
Unknow - Big mushrooms
Soapy/cb - Mini map mapping
Laigonaz - mini map mapping
Devy - house tiles
aab - custom tiles
bs zelda crew - ideas, items
Euclid - grass tiles, Guardhouse, graveyard tiles
Zelda - All the tiles/sounds/music
Rpg maker - Program
Nintendo - Most of the sprites, the style, the ideas, and the rest

And ofcoure you!

Graphics / Almost done with cover but need help!
« on: April 23, 2008, 09:59:36 am »
well Ig ot 2 things that I want in the cd cover of my band.
but I dont know how to make the statue look a bit that it looks real you know.
I dont have photoshop so I can do it I think
Could somebody help me.

This statue:

On the bottuom of this:

Please Help!!!

Graphics / Minish Village alttp
« on: April 12, 2008, 06:44:43 pm »

and the newest:

So tell me what you think.
more speciale things in my game
www.zeldafs.net so come and have a look :D

Entertainment / World Ablaze
« on: November 02, 2007, 06:13:35 pm »

Well I am in a band for about 2 and a half months now.
and well the band is going pretty good, these guys have already played 2 years together.

we got our first gig soon. and well.

tell us what you think.
(the quality of the demos aren't good because it was recored with one mike)

have a look



MC & FS / [Solved] King of Red lions mc
« on: September 29, 2007, 07:24:41 am »
Hey guys I am looking for an mc king of red lions head. about 20x20.

does anybody have this maybe?

Graphics / my first mc rip
« on: August 14, 2007, 11:03:08 am »
well I wanted to try and rip something that hasn't been ripped before
I think:

here's my first rip

Entertainment / stop bully's!!!
« on: August 05, 2007, 04:39:50 pm »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrF8kElujnU" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrF8kElujnU</a>
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrF8kElujnU

Graphics / Taking Request alttp
« on: August 01, 2007, 10:33:54 am »
well Guys it seems I need some more pratische
does anybody have any requests?

Coding / Is this posibul?
« on: July 03, 2007, 08:56:28 pm »
well Me and A friend want to make a site.
(yes we will be paying for his webhosting)

I am the disigner of the site.
and well I made a disign.
but I am not sure if this is posibul

here it is:

is this posibul?

LTTP & FSA / [Solved] Inside cave alttp
« on: May 17, 2007, 10:13:19 am »
I am trying to get just plain normale alttp cave in this chipset (tileset)

but the colours change the whole time.
and sins I dont know hwo to get the right colours
Could some one please try and get
Normal alttp cave tiles
in this chipset
and it should be alowed in rpg maker

Thanks alot already
And I understand if no one can do this is pretty hard

LTTP & FSA / [Solved] LTTP Swamp Tree
« on: May 01, 2007, 11:03:14 am »
Does anybody have like an idea of how I can make a entree to a swamp dungeon?
I dont want to use the alttp one.
but I want to use a alttp enter

if any body has something custom thats also welcome

Feedback / WHAT DID I DO!?
« on: April 01, 2007, 07:59:49 pm »
Finally we've regained control of the forum and fixed all the terrible things Kevin-1990 did to it. Feel free to blame Kevin-1990 as much as you like!.

~ Infinitus

what did I do????!!!

Recruitment / Calling all tilers and spriters! <reqeust>
« on: March 27, 2007, 04:40:08 pm »
Well I am calling all the people that would like to help me.
this would be great

I need alot of custom tiles
any thing is welcome
rocks,bushes, trees, houses, windows, karts, boxes, kanoes, boats, fishing nets, paints, dark world tiles, normale. anything that you can come up with.
All I am asking that they are custom or edits, and alttp style
here are a few tiles I found
you could edit them.

You can also edit some of mine stuff I made

Anything is welcome

Also! I am working very hard on my demo, but I cant do this alone
So I am looking for some pretty cool unique mosters sprites.

anything is welcome.

Though I am more looking spider,rat, and water-swamp monsters

Here are a few alttp sheep where you can remix some.

Sheats are from kleaver


Graphics / Competition. Alttp Statue (Reqeust)
« on: March 04, 2007, 07:03:25 pm »
Alttp Statue.

I am working on my demo very hard, want to get it end march done.
But now I am stuck.
I am using alot of custom stuff. but I need a statue now.
So I though make a reqeust but make it a compeition.

So I hope some poeple will enter.


Max: 48x48.
No ripping and just recolouring
Alttp style
Use this palate:

Well I am hoping some people will do this, I would apriat it.

- Open slots
*The gold chuchu

When we have entrees the comp. will end in a week. and the polls will be up for people to vote.

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