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Topics - Dumb_Ass

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You know, them get the atomic bomb, maybe a side plot about performing alchemy in our world and how it works... man, I loved that anime. It's like how I love Death Note. They both have a place in my heart.

Entertainment / Super Mario RPG coming to Virtual Console
« on: May 31, 2008, 04:09:07 pm »

Wow. :D I've had it for all this time on my Wii, and it's just coming to Virtual Console.

Entertainment / It's the last day!
« on: May 10, 2008, 05:03:29 am »
I'll totally defeat the reapers and save my selfish self.

Feedback / Please add an :awesome: smiley.
« on: May 07, 2008, 04:20:09 am »

Entertainment / Epic Japanese Ingenuity
« on: May 05, 2008, 04:58:24 am »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VB_eQAOU29k" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VB_eQAOU29k</a>
I just loooove the japanese.

Entertainment / Point Insertion
« on: May 03, 2008, 05:41:10 am »
If you suddenly wake up as Link in OoT, except it's real, different than before (that means the dungeons are different than in OoT), and there's no game overs, do you think you would survive? Oh, also, I'm also assuming that you can take as many hits as Link no matter how vital.

Feedback / Reviving the Chat
« on: May 01, 2008, 09:44:43 pm »
It's criminal that no one cares about the chat. It used to be so fun... but now, it's dull and boring. There's no conversations at ALL. It's really sad, because I am willing to not idle and chat with the members of ZFGC. I enjoyed talking about current events, news, and gaming. I'd idle for a few minutes, but I'd jump back on. I know that I can't force people to chat, but heck, atleast drop the channel if it's just going to be laggy, idle, dead-weight to the server.

Feedback / Contest Mistake
« on: May 01, 2008, 04:55:15 pm »
Why give out rupees as a prize if the shop system is going to be nerfed?

Entertainment / Blizzard buys diablo3.com
« on: May 01, 2008, 04:31:43 pm »
Once belonging to an old Diablo fansite (since 1998), it has been moved to diablofans.com after Blizzard asked for and recieved the diablo3.com domain. What for? Possibly, a new game. What game? NO !@#$%, Diablo 3!

Click here for the full story. This is not a rickroll.

Other Discussion / I need help BADLY
« on: April 30, 2008, 03:59:55 am »
I renamed a .rar.001 file to .rar on accident, and now Windows has it stuck as a .rar format because Windows !@#$% sucks. What should I do?

Entertainment / Legend of Legaia is !@#$% awesome.
« on: April 29, 2008, 05:27:43 am »
This is the only RPG that I didn't feel antsy enough to not play since... err, I can't remember. I love it, it's !@#$% awesome.

Other Discussion / HELP ME
« on: April 28, 2008, 10:36:25 pm »

EDIT: Malfunction is over. I couldn't reboot before, but I realised I could from the task manager, so I did, and it worked.

Entertainment / Steam connection problems
« on: April 28, 2008, 01:51:58 am »
I can't log in to Steam atm, can anyone else?

Feedback / WHAT?
« on: April 24, 2008, 09:35:43 pm »
There's a wiki for the ZFGCCP? What about the general wiki? Come on, I was really looking forward to writing some articles...

Entertainment / ZBoard
« on: April 15, 2008, 12:17:53 am »
This is the sexiest keyboard on earth. There's only a couple drawbacks, but the positives outweigh the negatives. It feels so comfty to play games with the action keyset, and the regular set is sexy too. I'm gonna go configure it, kthxbye.

Other Projects / Impact - Improved GFX!
« on: April 14, 2008, 08:33:42 am »
Game = 100% ALPHA! Everything... graphics, story, coding, music (from kid icarus till i compose it).

Perekin Paweet, a loner and pilot of a spacecraft that he owns, is cruising in space, when the power cuts out and he crash lands on a strange gray planet with no supplies... (demo doesn't have any storyline in it so far, don't have the cutscenes in yet, so it's just him landing his UFO)

A and D - Left and Right
W - Jump
S - Next Demo: Save
Shift - Pilot ship
Arrow Keys - Control Ship
Ctrl - Land ship

Version 1.1 demo, up to the first boss, new movement system, fixed controls. (NOTE: When you get 3 gems, you can fly the ship and cruise the planet's surface, or what I have done of it. Press shift by the ship to do so. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO LAND IN THE WATER, OR BELOW THE PLANETS SURFACE!)



Game Maker 7 Pro.

-Turrets, in order to avoid sniping, go into a defense mode when attacked. This causes them to go berzerk until you leave the area.
-Gem (or shard) doors are solid until you have the number of gems written on the block. You can tell if you can pass through a gem door by its color.
-You can save with F5 and F6 (next demo, checkpoints)
-Dying will bring you and your UFO to a safe place to respawn. (fixed as far as I know)

Feedback / Shop Item Ideas
« on: April 12, 2008, 08:48:32 am »
- Make a Clan (would also need said system), pay more rupees for more members for the clan. 1000 rupees per clan/guild/mafia/organisation, + 200 for 5 member capacity, or 500 for 10 member capacity.
- Buy a personal gallery, maybe? Like image hosting, but you pay per upload. Cost of gallery = 750 maybe, and 30 per image upload?
- This is cool... what if we could sell uploads for rupees? I could upload a completed project to the game database, and enter an optional rupee amount that's deducted per download. Pirating could also be punishable. You know there's some stupid ass that would brag about not paying for a game, and getting it from a friend.
- Buy a blog, maybe? Sorry, just thinking of member benefits...
- Pets?
- Custom smileys? (like images, but show up in the smiley area and can be added to the post like a smiley)
- Name coloring?
- Shoutouts as scrolling text somewhere near the announcements, that follow each other. Like this.
IT'S MAH BIRTHDAY! -Sexybeast46 | ZFGC rocks! -Icantthinkofnamesrightnow55555 | Baby got stole. -FISSURE | What do I enter in this box??? -Sora | Now I am afraid of harlequin fetuses! - Sharon

Entertainment / Sony wants to know why you heck your PSP.
« on: April 10, 2008, 06:04:58 am »

"The engineers at Sony can't be too thrilled with fighting the constant battle against PSP hackers, issuing firmware updates that "strengthen security" in a futile attempt to curb piracy and homebrew applications. Going by a recent survey commissioned by Sony Computer Entertainment, passed on to us by a reader who was asked to take part, the company seems to be looking into the reasons why PSP owners are opening up their portables.

Sony reps call the survey a part of "ongoing PSP consumer research", attempting to learn more about the size of the PSP hecking population and the mentality behind the behavior. Questions like "Do you know of anyone who has "hacked," or modified, transferred and customized their PSP firmware and software?" were included elsewhere in the poll.

We're following up with Sony to learn more about its research."

Hmm, I don't see the question "I heck my PSP because Sony put rootkits in CDs my parents bought and I had to clean it up."

Feedback / T_T
« on: April 10, 2008, 02:18:30 am »
Where's the ZFGC Wiki? I was really looking forward to it...

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