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Topics - Ryan

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Other Discussion / Happy 4th of July!
« on: July 04, 2008, 07:57:45 am »
Now I'm not American but I just wanna wish everyone a happy, safe 4th of July.
May it be a great holiday!


Feedback / Whad up?
« on: June 25, 2008, 03:39:44 pm »
What's up with ZFGC?
I can't change the template!
Also there are boxes around these posts now.


Feedback / XXX File
« on: June 25, 2008, 02:04:29 am »
Is it a virus or some !@#$%?

It says it's an application.

Adverts & Recruitment / Indie Game Comic
« on: June 23, 2008, 02:53:13 am »

IGComic is a webcomic about a bunch of people on a forum who play indie games. Updates every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at an unpredictable time.


Entertainment / Prison Break Game!
« on: June 20, 2008, 03:42:35 pm »
Now this is probably fake but it still looks !@#$% awesome!

Now it's not anywhere that I can see so your gonna have to download the .wmv.

Other Discussion / 2012: The Year The Internet Ends (NEW UPDATE!!)
« on: June 01, 2008, 07:29:13 pm »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2XPiqhN_Ns" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2XPiqhN_Ns</a>

Almost all smaller websites/services will disappear over time and multinationals who are used to using big budgets to brute force their content into every media outlet will finally be able to approach the internet in the same way.

This well-known illustration of why we need net neutrality turns out to be very close to the truth:

What can we do?
Internet providers have realized that the only way to not lose massive amounts of customers over this is to make sure there are no alternatives, that's why all major Internet providers are currently making agreements and planning to switch simultaneously somewhere in the year 2012. This is currently all going on under very strict NDA's (Non-Disclosure Agreements) because the last thing they want is the masses speaking out against it.

We were able to uncover this information because we have been well-known net neutrality activists for longer than a year now and over time have we've gotten in contact with many high-profile industry insiders. We will continue our activism and the I Power website serves as a platform for joining forces, sharing ideas and spreading awareness.

It's our responsibility to spread the word, use any sort of political or media contacts you may know. The more awareness there is, the more impossible it'll be for Internet providers to make this switch. Let's make sure that by 2012, ISP's won't even dare think about doing anything that goes against the principles of net neutrality.

 More info...
Net neutrality has been a much debated issue for several years now and there have been many lawsuits in cases where an Internet provider blocked access to a certain competitor's site or simply crippled download speeds on services that they felt were using up too much of their bandwidth. But this new information that has now been confirmed by inside sources from major ISP's and content providers gives us a far bleaker vision of what the future of Internet freedom will look like if we don't take action in every way we can.

Why is this happening? The entire media and marketing industry is losing its grip on the upcoming generations of Internet-minded consumers. Statistics show that traditional media is losing popularity as the Internet continues to grow drastically every year. And the Internet is a completely different place: consumers aren't passive any more and advertisements don't have the same psychological effect they normally have on television. Internet users are very active and focused: they only go to the sites and services they want, and with an infinite amount of alternatives, users simply switch to something else if one service becomes too commercialized with annoying advertisements.With this in mind, it's no surprise that the past 6 years the industry has secretly been planning a 'take-over' to secure the Internet as a purely commercial playground.

Spread The Word!
But there is hope... More and more people are becoming aware of the importance of net neutrality and now that we have uncovered what the industries have been plotting, it's not just about big corporations forming shady agreements, it's about what they will say to their users who will demand an explanation from their providers on what will happen to their access in 2012. As long as there are alternatives, we can pressure those providers who admit to being against net neutrality and favor those who take a stand and choose to give their users their freedom even after 2012. We can keep pushing for net neutrality laws and we can start spreading awareness on a massive scale to make sure that ISP's think twice before signing anything that'll go against the freedom that made the Internet into the important open medium that it is today.

It's our responsibility, spread the word and use any sort of political or media contacts you may know. Let's make sure that by 2012, ISP's won't even dare think about doing anything that goes against the principles of net neutrality.

For more information:
Mail the I Power team at ipower@movielol.org

For media inquiries or urgent issues:
Telephone: +32 (0) 496 93 90 44
Skype: reese015

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t89WwcsOj9U" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t89WwcsOj9U</a>

Bell Canada and TELUS (formerly owned by Verizon) employees officially confirm that by 2012 ISP's all over the globe will reduce Internet access to a TV-like subscription model, only offering access to a small standard amount of commercial sites and require extra fees for every other site you visit. These 'other' sites would then lose all their exposure and eventually shut down, resulting in what could be seen as the end of the Internet.

Dylan Pattyn *, who is currently writing an article for Time Magazine on the issue, has official confirmation from sources within Bell Canada and is interviewing a marketing representative from TELUS who confirms the story and states that TELUS has already started blocking all websites that aren't in the subscription package for mobile Internet access. They could not confirm whether it would happen in 2012 because both stated it may actually happen sooner (as early as 2010). Interviews with these sources, more confirmation from other sources and more in-depth information on the issue is set to be published in Time Magazine soon.
What can we do?

The reason why we're releasing this information is because we believe we can stop it. More awareness means more mainstream media shedding light on it, more political interest and more pressure on the ISP's to keep the Internet an open free space. We started this social network as a platform for Internet activism where we can join forces, share ideas and organize any form of protest that may have an impact. If we want to make a difference in this, we have to join together and stand united as one powerful voice against it.

Join the movement.

Don't let the Internet evolve to this:

Entertainment / Call of Duty 4
« on: May 25, 2008, 11:35:10 pm »
I just ordered it from Amazon.ca.
I have wanted it for a little while now so I decided I would finally order it.
It should be here on Wednesday at the latest.

So does anyone here wanna play when I get it and is it super-awesome fun?

Feedback / Change Custom Title Item ERROR!
« on: May 23, 2008, 05:02:10 am »
It says database error when I go to change it.



Entertainment / AVGN SUSPENDED!
« on: May 20, 2008, 03:40:27 am »
WHAT THE !@#$%!

Other Discussion / V for Vendetta mask (I WANT)
« on: May 05, 2008, 02:47:21 am »
Does anyone know where I can get a V for Vendetta or Anon mask?
If it comes with that hat with the hair it would be even better.
I really want one.

I wanna order online if there is none in stores.

Thanks for your help!

Entertainment / 360 Question.
« on: April 17, 2008, 02:51:41 am »
Hello ZFGC.

I have a question about the Xbox 360.
Is it possible to play games that you rented after you return them like the original Xbox?
Like it saves to your hardrive or something.

I don't exactly remember what you need to do so I wanna know that and if I can even do that with the 360.

My step brothers friend does it I guess but I dunno him so I can't ask him.


Entertainment / Selling my 12 day old Wii.
« on: April 07, 2008, 10:19:46 pm »
So I think the Wii is boring and there isn't many good games for it so I'm gonna get a 360.

Wanna buy? PM me and I will give all the details.

Entertainment / Can I has Wii?
« on: March 21, 2008, 05:05:29 am »
Yes I can! Well... soon anyway.

I have the money and now I'm just waiting for GameStop, EBGames, Wal-Mart and Zellers to get at least one in.

GameStop said to check back Monday because they think they are getting some then. I can't wait!


Entertainment / Is this game gonna be better than Brawl?
« on: February 17, 2008, 03:43:09 pm »

A new Super Smash Bros. type game that's coming soon. It's 2D but the graphics are really nice.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yC0w3NqfwE0" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yC0w3NqfwE0</a>

Other Discussion / Convert a GM game to an SWF
« on: February 14, 2008, 12:23:13 am »
Is this possible? If it is can someone link me to the program?

Entertainment / Banned from SSBNES. ZFGC ensues!
« on: December 25, 2007, 02:37:13 am »
Me and Bran got banned from the SSBNES forum so we made this video with ZFGC in it. <3

This video is meant to be a joke. We are not making fun of Drewdelz. We love him. <3

Recruitment / Need a beta tester?
« on: December 19, 2007, 03:04:45 am »
If you are in need of a beta tester. I will be glad to test your game for you. I have tested many games in the past so I am experienced. If you want me to test your game just email me at sk8erstich(at)gmail.com. I check my emails every day more than once so don't worry about me being late responding to your email.

Thanks for your time,
Ryan Lalonde

Debates / Fortunes: Do you believe them?
« on: December 17, 2007, 10:11:02 pm »
Well I for one have never gotten my fortune told. I know some people that have. One of my friends was actually told she was going to die when she is fifteen. She is fourteen now so she only has one year to live? I don't know but I don't want to believe it. So this brings up the argument of whether fortune telling is real and believable.

I think it's fake. Do you?

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