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Topics - TheRealMethuselah

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Coding / GB style MM Registration Menu Engine (GM 6.1)
« on: June 06, 2006, 05:09:14 pm »
Download: mmgbRegistrationTutorial.zip (312KB)

With External Resources: mmgbRegistrationTutorialExternal.zip (310KB)

Click thumbnail to enlarge:

Important: Do not use the sprites/backgrounds provided in your own projects as they are property of SpriteCollector and I.

Press F1 for this information
Quote from: F1
Majoras Mask GB style registration menu
by Daniel Barras a.k.a. TheRealMethuselah

Keyboard Controls
Z: A
X: B
Arrow Keys: Move the cursor
Spacebar: Take a screenshot (Saved in /Screenshots folder)
F4: Toggle Full-Screen/Windowed Mode

After first run you will be able to edit the Player#.mgb files.
You may use Notepad or your favorite text editing program.

Values for the Player#.mgb files:

name=(name, up to 8 characters)
[Heart Containers]
amount=(3 - 20)
pieces=(1 - 3)
double_defence=(0 or 1)
wallet=(1 - 3)
amount=(0 - 500)
odolwa=(0 or 1)
goht=(0 or 1)
gyorg=(0 or 1)
twinmold=(0 or 1)
amount=(0 - 24)

SpriteCollector for his 'Remains' and Menu sprites.
Please do not use his sprites in your completed games.
Please give credit to TheRealMethuselah if you use this in your projects.

Don't forget the Constants:

Internet Explorer 7.0 Beta 2

It supports .png transparency, tabbed browsing, RSS feeds, and multiple search providers (Google, Yahoo, Ask, etc), and is now more secure do to it's Anti-Phishing features.

Windows Media Player 11 Beta

Coding / [Example / Listing] Mappy Tutorial for GameMaker 6.1
« on: May 31, 2006, 03:28:08 am »
Download: mappyTutorial.zip (2.8KB)

Mappy can be downloaded here.

Start by opening Mappy and creating a New Map (File > New Map...)
In this example our tiles are 16x16 pixels and we want to fill a 320x240 area so we have 20 tiles wide and 15 tiles high.

For this example our tiles will be laid out like this.

Click File > Import... and choose the tiles.bmp file and create your map.

After you finish, click on Custom > Export Binary File

You will be prompted to save the file, save it in the same directory as your .gm6 file. In this example we have named it mappy.map

It will then ask you for an offset, choose the default of -1

Now we add the tiles.bmp as a background in GameMaker and create a room of 320x240 pixels.
Our script file will look like this, it can be modified for multiple layers as well as placing objects instead of tiles.
Code: [Select]
 // scrLoadMappyFile('file.map', background image, tiles per row, tile size, layer depth);
 mappyFileName = file_bin_open(argument0, 0);
 mappyTileImage = argument1;
 mappyTilesPerRow = argument2;
 mappyTileSize = argument3;
 mappyLayerDepth = argument4;
 // Read the width of the map from the Mappy File
 mappyMapWidth = file_bin_read_byte(mappyFileName) + (file_bin_read_byte(mappyFileName) * 256);
 // Read the height of the map from the Mappy File
 mappyMapHeight = file_bin_read_byte(mappyFileName) + (file_bin_read_byte(mappyFileName) * 256);
 // Draw the map on the screen
 mappyTileIndex = 0;
 for (mappyY = 0; mappyY < mappyMapHeight; mappyY = mappyY + 1)
  for (mappyX = 0; mappyX < mappyMapWidth; mappyX = mappyX + 1)
   mappyTileIndex = file_bin_read_byte(mappyFileName) + (file_bin_read_byte(mappyFileName) * 256);
   mappyTileRemainder = (mappyTileIndex mod mappyTilesPerRow);
   if (mappyTileIndex > 0)
    tile_add(mappyTileImage, (mappyTileRemainder * mappyTileSize), ((mappyTileIndex - mappyTileRemainder) / (mappyTilesPerRow * mappyTileSize)), mappyTileSize, mappyTileSize, (mappyX * mappyTileSize), (mappyY * mappyTileSize), mappyLayerDepth);

In the creation code of our room we place this:
Code: [Select]
scrLoadMappyFile('mappy.map', bgTiles, 20, 16, 1);
And voila!

Discussion / How to Plan out your Zelda Games...
« on: May 31, 2006, 12:09:50 am »
I see this time and time again. A member gets it in his head that he's going to make a game, then just like that the ideas are gone, the game is never made... why? you may ask... PLANNING.

I'm going to take you through my planning process and maybe, just maybe it will help someone, somewhere.

First and foremost I make a Design Document. In the design document I describe in frustrating detail every minutia of what I'd like in the game. Items, Weapons, Enemies, Cheats, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

I then collect as much information as I can from various sources, be it Zelda Fan Sites to Player's Guides.

I currently own 4 players guides for Ocarina of Time and use them on a daily basis. I also use an emulator and map out levels on graph paper (10 : 1 inch).

Before even writing one line of code, I will plan out exactly what something will look like in Photoshop, MS-Paint or whatever graphics program I'm using at the time, this way I can get coordinates and simply write them in my Design Journal (VERY IMPORTANT).

I do not use constants in the game (except for colors and environmental variables) so that if something needs to be changed by say one or two pixels I can simply change it and reload on-the-fly.

I would suggest sticking with a naming schema as well and a well thought out Folder style.

When programming, I will ALWAYS comment my code... even if I'm the only one who's going to use it... this is just good practice.

This way I can come back to my code and know where I left off, etc.

Yes, GameMaker DOES have to parse through spaces and comments, so what I do is in my RELEASE versions I will remove any extraneous blank-space and comments by creating a copy of the current .gm6 file.

Here's a good practice too... make sure you have a folder with Backups, dated. This way you can go back to a version if you should "mess" something up.

PAY ATTENTION TO DETAILS: I can't stress this enough. Remember, these are Zelda Fans, they will catch the smallest problem and blow it up to gargantuan proportions

I'll think of more later.

Debates / Has Man Really Been to the Moon?
« on: May 26, 2006, 06:12:58 pm »
Do you believe that man has really been to the moon, or do you believe, like myself that it was just a big hoax to get the American people behind something in light of the Russian/American standing at the time?

Other Discussion / Is TRM's Ocarina of Time 2D real or fake?
« on: May 23, 2006, 03:54:35 pm »
I've noticed some of you claiming you don't believe in the project and that I've spent three years working my butt off just so some teenage kids can go around forums (yeah, I'm talking about you Marcus) saying how I've lied and taken money, etc.

What are your opinions?

Debates / Is President Bush a good president?
« on: May 23, 2006, 02:53:13 am »
Putting aside all of the left-wing, liberal, atheistic agenda for a few minutes and actually focusing on the true politics of what Mr. Bush has done during his presidency. Do you think he has done a good job or not?

Other Discussion / For all kids of the 80's
« on: May 22, 2006, 04:17:33 pm »
Sing this in the tune of "We didn't start the Fire"

Skinny Ties and Rubik's Cube, CNN was on the tube
Cinemax and HBO, Miami Vice and Cosby Show

IZOD, Benetton, Clapper Off and Clapper On
Stirrup pants and Sun in Hair, Flipped up colars everywhere

Mr. T and Hulk Hogan, "Where's the beef?" was the slogan
Pee-Wee Herman, Polly Shore, Commodore 64

Milli Vanilla was a Fake, Strawberry Shortcake
Cabbage Patch and Care Bears, Aquanet and Mullet Hair

Dan's Gonna Play the 80's, All Weekend Long
Song after Song

Z. Cavaricci, Centipede, O.P.
Space Invaders all day long, Member's Only, Donkey Kong

Banana clips and Bolo Ties, Rayban glasses on your eyes
Big Bands, Spandex, Tops, Starters, Beta Max

Leg Warmers, Tom Cruise, Huey Luis and the News
Tom Hanks, Nick Cage, Valley Girl was all the rage

Live Aid, Hearing Aid, "We Are The World" in Band Aid
The fallin' of the Berlin Wall, Tiffany would play a mall

Dan's Gonna Play the 80's, All Weekend Long
Song after Song

Purple Rain, Rain Man, Ferris Bueller's master plan
Goonies and the Gremlins, Breakfast Club and Manikin
Less Than Zero, Top Gun, Ghostbuster's, Midnight Run
Caddy Shack and Footloose, Weird Science, Beetlejuice

Chevy Chase and John Candy, Deep Thoughts with Jack Handy
Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan, Ollie North busted lyin'

Michael Jackson had a nose, Sly Stallone was takin' blows
Patrick Swayze acts so phoney, Phoebe Cates and **** *****

Girls on Film, Duran Duran
A Flock of Seaguls, Iran
O Mickey, Your So fine, Call 867-5309

Adam Ant was lookin' Fly, but quickly had to say goodbye
The Go-Gos said their lips were sealed, Where's Rick Springfield

Madonna was a Lucky Star, DeLorean he made a car
Kajagoogoo had a hit, but didn't stick around for it
Men At Work and ABC, Billy Squier was Strokin' Me

Money for nothing, Chicks for Free
God I want my MTV!

Dan's Gonna Play the 80's, All Weekend Long
Song after Song

Discussion / My last post about OoT2D on ZFGC
« on: May 06, 2006, 02:49:25 am »
For those who sharply do not believe in my game, that's ok. For those who still do, I appreciate the waiting. I do have a life you know? (Son, Army, etc). Yes I have made some high handed promises in the past which unfortunately could not be fulfilled, but I suspect even Nintendo could not have gotten this game out sooner than I will have. You have to remember how nitpicky true fans can be, especially some like TSA who hold the world record speed run in OoT and one of the beta testers of OoT2D (I will send him the demo first for his take and have him send me his fixes).

I will purchasing my own domain space and host a forum of my own, but I will not be taking over ZFGC as was stated in the past... that train has sailed (lol).

So in conclusion, goodbye ZFGC forums, this will be my last post about OoT2D here.

Until the release

"May the way of the Hero lead to the Triforce."


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