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Topics - Domo

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Feedback / The ability to move our own threads.
« on: December 30, 2007, 10:41:25 pm »
On a few occasions I've accidentally posted a topic in the wrong board and had to PM a moderator to move it for me.  I think it would be convenient and perhaps save the mod.'s some trouble to give the thread-author the option to move his or her own topic.  I'm not sure if that would be possible, but it seems like a good idea so I thought I would mention it.


Entertainment / Well this is interesting...Wii Opera SDK
« on: December 21, 2007, 09:05:49 pm »
Quote from: Joystiq
An unofficial software development kit for making Wii-compatible browser games is now open to the public, thanks in large part to the work of Daniel Gump. More than simply tracking the position of the Wii-mote cursor, the custom Javascript libraries will detect the remote's distance from the sensor bar, the pressing of any remote buttons, and the movement of the device along the Z-axis.

Gump developed the custom code for use in his own game, Hullbreach, a massively-multiplayer game designed to be played in the Wii Opera browser. Though the code was previously available by request, this marks the first time the SDK and its documentation have been made fully public. It will interesting to see if this in any way encourages future Wii homebrew development... and gets people using their Wii browser.

I'm eager to see the sort of development that springs from this.  It was developed in order to create an MMORPG for the Wii, so that alone opens up a whole slew of opportunities.  Homebrewers rejoice!

My main concern is what Nintendo's reaction to this will be and whether they'll allow it.

Entertainment / Help me decide what PS3 game I should get
« on: December 20, 2007, 12:00:08 am »
So I just finished auctioning off my Wii and now have enough money to get a PS3 and one game.  I can't decide what to get and thought a poll might help me.  I'm won't necessarily buy the game that gets the most votes, but it should make my decision much easier.  BTW, please don't post stuff like "Buy a 360", because I've made my mind up about getting a PS3.

I would pick The Orange Box without a second thought, but I've heard the PS3 version has a lot of frame-rate issues, so I'm not sure about that.  The same thing goes for Assassin's parkour, plus it has gotten somewhat mixed reviews.  Call of Duty 4 it supposed to be really fun, but I'm not a big fan of WWII shooters, so I dunno.

The rest of the games listed don't really have anything that I'm worried about and are supposedly good, but I'm still not sure.  Right now I'm leaning toward R&CF:ToD or Oblivion, but I'm having a hard time making up my mind.

Thoughts?  Also feel free to mention other games that I didn't put as options in the poll.

Entertainment / Impressive displays of game physics
« on: December 19, 2007, 02:21:06 am »
Some impressive videos showing off the physics in Crysis:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YG5qDeWHNmk" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YG5qDeWHNmk</a>
Higher quality version: http://rapidshare.com/files/75280244/3000barrels_hq_xvid.avi

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaHS-y_mapQ" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaHS-y_mapQ</a>
Higher quality version: http://www.stage6.com/user/Neillithan/video/1911267/

I thought these were pretty cool.  Too bad I don't have a few thousand dollars laying around to spend on a high-end CPU... *sigh*
Anyway, post some similar videos showing off in-game physics.  They don't need to be from Crysis, they just need to be cool.

Entertainment / Resident Evil: Degeneration
« on: December 17, 2007, 07:22:15 pm »
Quote from: Wikipedia
Biohazard: Degeneration is the first full-length CG animation feature based upon the Resident Evil series of games and films. It was announced by Capcom and Sony Pictures Entertainment Japan on October 29, 2007. It is currently in production, with plans for a release in 2008.

On November 10, 2007, Capcom announced that the cast had been set, but did not unveil them. While the film will feature a "brand new storyline",[1] promotional footage suggests that the film will be set "7 years from Raccoon City" (the events of Resident Evil 2), showing Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield. It will be titled Resident Evil: Degeneration in the West, as with the rest of the game series.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIJfeaPjJrg" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIJfeaPjJrg</a>
Yes plz. 


Feedback / Was ZFGC down just now for anyone else?
« on: December 15, 2007, 12:04:38 am »
The title says it all.  I've been trying for about a half-hour and the site just finally loaded.  Did this happen with anyone else?

Entertainment / I'm going to sell my Wii
« on: December 08, 2007, 06:25:03 pm »
Maybe some of you have already seen this, but right now Wii's are selling at about double price on eBay.  This is of course due to both the complete lack of availability and the amount of people with the Wii at the top of their Christmas lists.  They're selling for $350-600US right now, so I'll probably get about $400.

I've already beat all of the games that I have any interest in that are already out and the only games even scheduled to come out that I'd like to own are No More Heroes and SSB:B.  Two games isn't enough for me to keep a system when I could sell it and buy a system that has lots of games out that I'd like to play and lots on the way. 

The only thing that would potentially prevent me from taking advantage of this is the Virtual Console...but honestly I've never bought a single VC game.  I already own all the classic games that I want.

I'm not doing this because I'm a graphics !@#$% and I'm not doing this because I don't love Nintendo, because I do.  I'm doing this because I need new games.  Why own a notebook if it doesn't have any paper to write on?  I know for a fact that I'll be buying a Wii again, just not until they are more available and have more games I'm interested in.  Maybe by the time that happens they'll have new colors, (the black color scheme has always looked nice), which would be sweet.

Anyway, do you guys think this is a bad move?  Do you think this makes me any less of a Nintendo fan?

Entertainment / Gumboy: Crazy Adventures
« on: December 08, 2007, 05:03:46 pm »
Have any of you ever heard of/played Gumboy: Crazy Adventures?  It's a really odd little game, similar to Loco Roco, with some nice hand-drawn visuals and unique physics based gameplay.  If you've never played it do yourself a favor and download the demo here: http://www.gumboycrazyadventures.com/

Tried it yet?  Okay, good.

I think it would be a perfect candidate for a WiiWare title.  It wouldn't take up very much space, it's already sold primarily through a digital download service, (STEAM), and would work great with some slapped on tilt control.  The fact that it's a unique and entertaining game doesn't hurt either.


Entertainment / Futurama: Bender's Big Score
« on: November 27, 2007, 06:01:30 pm »
Has anyone else watched it yet?  It came out today, (at least in the US), so you might as well rent it.

I thought it was pretty good, not fantastic, but pretty good.  It definitely had its moments, but some parts weren't very good.  Mainly I'm just happy to watch some new Futurama.

Entertainment / How well did your "Mario without cap" Mii do?
« on: November 27, 2007, 12:05:59 am »
I just checked the "Check Mii Out" channel and the results are in for the "Mario without his cap" contest.  The Mii I submitted got to the 9th level, almost on the top of the plateau.  It didn't make it make it into the top 50 though.

How well did your Mii score?

Other Discussion / I'm looking for a good video converter
« on: November 20, 2007, 10:50:48 pm »
I've been looking for a video converter that will convert AVI files to M-JPEG compliant AVI or MOV files.  So far I haven't found anything that has gotten the job done.  Do any of you know of any good programs?

Nintendo definitely should have been much more diverse in the formats compatible with the Photo Channel.

Okay, I found a program that converts to the proper format, but its not playing the audio on the Wii, (the audio works on my PC).  I have the option to change the audio format before I convert the file, (PCM, MP3, MP2/4, AMR ACELP, or IMA ADPCM), but I have no idea which would be compatible with the Wii.

Any ideas?

Entertainment / Aonuma is interested in making a 3D LttP remake
« on: November 12, 2007, 07:55:12 pm »

Apparently he's unaware that Nintendo already did this...they call it OoT.  It's true that OoT has a different story, items, and gameplay elements...but it's also true that it was originally meant to be a 3D remake of LttP.

Anyway, I guess it'd be cool as WiiWare or a DS game, but I'd MUCH rather have a remake of Link's Awakening.  Link's Awakening in 3D would probably make me wet my pants.

I'm not even going to touch on the topic of how this would mean it would be a really long time before a TRUE Wii Zelda game is released, and also how many critics and fans already gripe about how the series continues to rehash its own ideas in each new entry.

Entertainment / Phantom Hourglass question...
« on: October 17, 2007, 10:25:44 pm »
I haven't posted here for a while, but I'm nearly complete with PH and have a question...well, two questions actually.

First up, have any of you figured out a way to get this chest on Mercay Island?

I have all the items/weapons in the games, but I can't seem to figure how I'm supposed to get to this.

The second question involves the traveler in the southwest sea.  Is it possible to find his journal?  I've fought his brother plenty of times, but again, I can't seem to figure how I'm supposed to get the journal.

Sorry if these are dumb-ish questions.  The answers are probably right in front of my eyes, but I'd like to find out before I finish the game.

Other Discussion / Looking for a good video editor...
« on: September 22, 2007, 09:25:02 am »
I feel kind of dumb for posting this, but I'm pretty inexperienced when it comes to this sort of stuff.  I'm looking for a good video editor to combine several AVI files into a single AVI file, preferably a free one.

Any ideas?  If you know of a good one that isn't free, let me know anyway.  The main thing is that I need a somewhat quick response to this.  Thanks.

Graphics / "Nature over Industry" - CD Cover
« on: September 04, 2007, 10:06:23 am »
A few of my friends are in a band called "Forgotten Voices",  this is their third CD and they wanted me to do the cover.  They're a Folk-Rock/Punk/Indie band, you can listen to some of their older stuff here: http://www.myspace.com/forgottenvoices

I did stickers for their first CD, the t-shirt design for their second, and now this is the cover of their third.  They're not what you would call "mainstream", but if you like bands like "AGAINST ME!", "Two Gallants", or "Defiance Ohio", than you'll probably like them.  They're not much now, but they've got a pretty big following in the midwest, (particularly South Dakota), so keep an eye out for them.

Anyway, this is the cover I made for their new CD, "Nature over Industry":

There's a lot that I wish I would have had time to fix on it, but there's also a lot that I like about it.  They were a pretty tight deadline and I wasn't able to put as much refinement into it as I would have liked to.  Anyways, comments and critiques are encouraged, though keep in mind all of the above.  Also, though I may alter the image for my own sake, as far as I'm aware this is the final image that is going into production.

Oh yeah, made mainly with ArtRage, but altered slightly in Photoshop.

Feedback / Implementing a word count...
« on: August 05, 2007, 08:10:11 pm »
It seems to me that having an overall word count instead of post count might deter some members from making numerous useless posts and at the same time encourage more content.  I'm not sure what the best way to do something like this would be though. 

If it were strictly a word count the displayed "count" would be very long for many members.  Maybe a sentence count, or maybe just every ten words converting to one "point"?  Or you could possibly award a rupee each time a member posts a set amount of words.

I don't know what the best way to do it would be, and maybe it wouldn't work at all...It's just an idea that I felt I should post.  Any ideas?

Graphics / Sketch Dump, (56k warning)
« on: August 03, 2007, 07:07:00 am »
Well, I haven't really posted any artwork here in a long time, (largely due to me having not done a whole lot), so I thought I'd post some various doodles and sketches I've done lately.  Post critiques if you like, though keep in mind that many of these will never be updates because they are just doodles and I don't really feel the need.  Enjoy.

A dog...or something...done on my tablet:

A robot dog...also done with my tablet:

A metal/tribal thing, done with pen:

A...uh, mouse...tablet again:

A vector I made while bored:

???...made on my tablet:


This is actually one I intend to finish.  It's a computer.  There's a mouse, a tower, a speaker (I'm going to add a second one), a monitor (lizard), and a keyboard (I'm going to draw keys hanging from the hooks).  I have a pretty good idea of what I'm going to do with this one...for now ignore the cursor and icon.

Let me know if any of these are too dark to see. Thoughts?

ZFGC Character Competition 2007 / I have a quick question.
« on: July 15, 2007, 05:57:36 am »
I just wanted some official verification on something:  Can we update our characters, (pictures, info, etc.)?  I assume the answer to that is yes, but I thought I should check before I do something that could get me disqualified.

Also, what's this I'm hearing about prizes?

Entertainment / PSP...Lite??
« on: July 13, 2007, 07:13:25 pm »
As most of you know by now Sony announced an upgraded model of the PSP at E3.  Although it looks practically identical it is 33% lighter, 19% slimmer, has video output, and improved battery life.

The only thing I want to know is WHERE THE FUDGE IS THE SECOND ANALOG NUB!?   Seriously, I can't believe that they made an upgraded model and DIDN'T add a second one.  I would actually buy one if they did that.

Anyway, I want to hear what all of you think about this.  Please don't post in this topic if you truly hate Sony.

Characters / <DEFEATED> [UPDATED!! New Art!]...Ninja-Zombie
« on: July 13, 2007, 12:49:28 am »

This is Ninja-Zombie #1459320340.  Contrary to popular belief, ninja-zombies ARE NOT ninjas that have been bitten by a zombie...A ninja bitten by a zombie is just a zombie, nothing else.  A ninja-zombie is a preexisting zombie that has been trained in the deadly arts of ninjitsu...this is very hard to do.

Considering the fact that zombies are mindless creatures with no other thoughts outside of their insatiable hunger, it takes many years to teach them even the most basic of skills.  Just getting one to hold a sword without trying to eat it is a huge undertaking.   It typically takes many hundreds of years for a zombie to finally reach ninja status, and as such the training occurs over many generations.  When one master finally dies the zombie is passed down to a new master, typically the the highest ranking member within the clan.

You would think that there wouldn't many ninja-zombies out there with all the time and work it takes to make a decidedly clumsy and useless ninja, but apparently there are many others....1,459,320,339 others in fact.    It is unknown how many countless other zombies are currently in training, but as things are currently stand, THIS ninja-zombie is the latest and greatest of the bunch.  It has been said that it can even blow !@#$% up with its mind.  Crazy cool.

Every good character needs a good alter-ego, and Ninja-Zombie #1459320340 is no different.  During his downtime he fills in for the current Pope...so far no one seems to have noticed.  I guess this shouldn't come as a surprise, the resemblance is UNCANNY:


Only problem is you have nothing about this guy in particular apart from him being #1459320340 Zombie Ninja!
What distinguishes him from all the other ninja-zombies out there?
He can blow !@#$% up with his mind.

What's his back story/how'd he die?
He was a important scientist that was involved in a freak accident that gave him super zombie powers.  Now he must avenge "things" and fight crime.

No, not really.  He was a zombie that came into existence in feudal Japan...it is unknown who he was before this or how zombies were originally created.  He wandered from village to village killing many and gained a small army of zombie underlings before finally arriving at the training grounds of a secret ninja clan.

The ninjas killed all of his minions in an epic battle, but kept him alive, (or should I say "undead").  They could see he was their leader somehow...ninjas can just tell about that kinda stuff, I dunno, (they're ninjas...they can do whatever they want).  They decided that the best way to teach this mindless creature a lesson was to train him in the arts of ninjitsu.  Also, they thought it would be very funny.

Why should I vote for him?
Do it for the children.  Just think of the children, all child-like and innocent or something.

Wait... wait.. why even make a ninja-zombie? If it takes 100s of years to train 1, why not just train 100 million other humans in that same time?
Why?  Because they're !@#$% cool. If you were a ninja and came across a zombie wouldn't you want to train it to wield a katana? I sure as hell would.

Also, they do train many humans in that time span, (maybe not 100 million...), otherwise who would tend to the training of zombies?  WHO WOULD TRAIN THE !@#$% ZOMBIES?!

Also, since zombies keep there hosts skills when they are formed, wouldn't a ninja being bit by a zombie still make him a ninja-zombie? And for that matter, where are the zombie pirates?
They don't keep their skills, I covered that already:
"Contrary to popular belief, ninja-zombies ARE NOT ninjas that have been bitten by a zombie...A ninja bitten by a zombie is just a zombie, nothing else."
Maybe you're thinking of vampires or something.

In regards to the Pirate-Zombies, that didn't turn out very well...  When pirates first heard that the ninjas were training zombies, they too wanted to train zombies. (That way they could have zombie fights at their annual "Ninjas vs. Pirates" competition.)  Unfortunately pirates like to drink almost nonstop and it was only a matter of time before someone forgot to lock the zombie-cage.  Let me tell you, a hungry zombie DOES know what to "do with a drunken sailor".

Before long there were countless ships out on the ocean being manned by undead crews...unfortunately none of these zombies had the good fortune of being trained to man a ship.  It is speculated that the myth of "Ghost ships" is directly related to these failed attempts at making Pirate-Zombies.

If anyone has any other questions, don't hesitate to ask!


I was intending on adding some shading to this before tomorrow, but I'm on a short vacation right now and I wasn't able to get that far.  The line art is greatly improved however, so that's good right?

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