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Topics - Dracon

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Other Discussion / This is !@#$%
« on: March 26, 2008, 02:18:08 am »
So I have a crossbow, and I now just got another one. It's a little backyard shooter that I got to balance out my brutal hunting bow. Anyway, my Dad suggested to me that I go down to the archery range at Eldorado Park, which is within a quick distance from home, that I haven't used in a long time. My Dad drove me down with my small crossbow, and he said he would come within an hour to pick me up. When I got out there, I loaded my crossbow and started using it. This old man (who was an INCREDIBLE archer) came by me when he was going to pick up his arrows, and told me there was a rule against crossbows here, but he never saw it enforced, so he told me nobody took it seriously. After a while, though, a Park Ranger came by and started yelling at me. He told me read the regulations, and showed me the sign with rules and regulations on it, which was out of site from both entrances to the range, and was instead in the parking lot. Anyway, he started going on about how they "have the same regulations as rifles on ranges" or something. He kept threatening to confiscate it, but I managed to talk myself into getting off on just a warning. My problem was that my Dad wasn't going to pick me up for a long time. Anyway, there were other Park Rangers going in and out that would not let me off on just a warning, so I has to stash my bow until Dad came. Eventually he came, and I hid it in a bag. So I got away with it, but this is stupid. The guy next to me had a much more powerful bow, and that was just fine. Are they afraid of everything with a stock?
Gawd. I doubt most of you can relate with this, but, whatever.

Feedback / Spam request
« on: March 08, 2008, 09:52:17 pm »
Can you guys un-sticky all the threads with "pinned" in the title? It's cluttering up the forum, and since Spam has like, 8345 new threads a day, space is important.

Entertainment / Seriously, read Vagabond
« on: March 03, 2008, 03:25:07 am »
You've probably heard me preaching this manga before in the past, but I've never made a topic for it, so here I go.

I have a thing I do every now and then. I'll throw a rock out at a random manga, and see if I like it or not. This can surprise and disappoint. This was most certainly the greatest surprise and most incredible comic of any kind I have ever read. It caught my eye while I was beating a kid to death in Borders for reading through half the series of Naruto without paying for a single issue. After explaining to the corpse the difference between a library and a book store, I went and flipped through a few pages of volume 2. I was absolutely stunned by the artwork. After reading Vagabond, you will be completely spoiled to all other comics, ever, because the drawing is so incredible. They even kept in the occasional color pages that Viz usually omits to save money. Here's a page from a random volume.

Beautiful, isn't it?
Aside from the artwork, the plot and characters are especially appealing. The plot is derived from the very popular Japanese classic novel Musashi, (which I own). At first he follows the story's description perfectly, even depiction the positions people were standing in just as they were in the novel, however, the author Takehiko Inoue eventually begins to stray in his own direction. He made some very interesting changes, such as Taking the original character of Sasaki Kojiro and turning him into a deaf-mute. The characters are all likable. It's obvious that the author put a lot of care into the characters. Even the defeated enemies that die after one volume get some character development. It's the complete obvious of Ruroni Kenshin. Instead of having a bunch of cookie cutter villains that either fall to the ground the moment the hero draws his sword or stay alive for 20 volumes, realistic antagonists are created.
I own every volume published in English, and one in Japanese.
<3 Takuan

Debates / Have humans outgrown evolution?
« on: March 03, 2008, 03:17:41 am »
Yeah, I was thinking about how people put so much effort into keeping alive those who would otherwise have died before age three if they had to be out fighting for survival. There are some people that can't even go out in the sun without risking death. We've grown to the point where we no longer have to adapt to suit the environment; we can adapt the environment to suit us. What do you think will become of this?
This subject came to mind when I was re-watching Elfen Lied (awesome anime, if you're into that), and I thought about how the Diclonius were said to be the "next stage in human evolution", and that they "could end humanity as we know it". I was thinking that even though it will most likely not reach the scale of killer psychic powers, there might be some violent, powerful adaptation in humans (come to think of it, Akira explores the same concept) would appear and spread, while those weak who are allowed to survive and reproduce become more and more abundant. This will lead to a society fill with fragile people. Such a mutation, Diclonius level or below, would easily cause humanity to crumble, letting letting the new breeds of humans take over. The idea here is that there will be a force that not only resists human survival and reproduction, but one that attacks it directly, and that it will most likely rise from humans themselves.

Entertainment / HOLY ANIME BATMAN
« on: March 02, 2008, 09:28:50 pm »
Set to be release to coincide with the new Batman movie this summer, an animated Batman with 500% more Japan will be released on DVD and Blu Ray entitled Batman: Gotham Knight. Similar to the Animatrix, it ll have 6 stories set between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight.

More info and images here, and its looking very nice indeed.

Batman is looking nice and scary here. This image made me cum XD

Feedback / The shop is !@#$% expensive
« on: February 27, 2008, 10:42:04 pm »
Now that wer're making such painfully low amounts of Rupees, shouldn't you lower the price of things? Or at least make more items that don't steal your money?

Entertainment / I got to play Smash Bros Brawl today
« on: February 21, 2008, 04:43:01 am »
On a Japanese Wii. I loved it, even though a lot of it was more of the same. I still didn't get to try out the thing I was most hyped up for, though; the adventure mode.
It was fun, but the multiplayer was just Melee on steroids. Not many essential changed were made to the multiplayer formula. I'm not much of a guy to criticize what the game "does for the genre/series" though. I just like to sit back and enjoy the game, and that I did. We screwed around a bit, and did things like switch items to 100% final smash on high frequency. It was just a good, fun game.
I can't wait for a chance at adventure mode. :P

Entertainment / Looks like Blu-ray won the format war
« on: February 19, 2008, 10:49:38 pm »
Toshiba gave up HD DVD format, letting Blu-ray at the full HD video market. Huh. I always thought that HD DVD would end up beating Blu ray after getting the majority of the consumer support. Blu-ray got a lot of studio support had great marketing, so I guess that helped.

(I found this in Yahoo! tech news.

Entertainment / What a surprisingly good movie
« on: February 19, 2008, 12:35:32 am »
"Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins"
Yeah, you read me right. I got drug down to the movies yesterday despite the fact that I had to write a giant AP history report, because I thought we were going to see Cloverfield. I was incredibly pissed that I had to watch another stupid looking comedy made for the so-called "black audience". I went with it anyway, because I had nowhere else to go, and watched this tremendously stupid movie.
God was I wrong.
I actually enjoyed it. It had a plot worth caring about, likable characters, and above all, I was laughing the whole way through. I was surprised by how well done it was. It had pretty good comedy acting, and the story managed to be interesting (though not mind blowingly original or intelligently written) while successfully bringing on more and more hilarious scenarios.
Any thoughts/comments? Have you ever had a similar experience?

Feedback / Are we going to get useufl items eventually?
« on: February 13, 2008, 03:36:32 am »
Cos so far everything I've bought but the Spam pass (Steal credits, rocks, light rocks, heavy rocks) has been an epic waste. some even rob you of even more money.

Feedback / Credit Stealing
« on: February 12, 2008, 10:16:00 pm »
I bought five and tried to see what would happen. THe first four times I failed and got my Karma (Whatever that is) reduced, and the last time it said "Stop trying to steal, SMF Shop is smarter than that".
What a waste. I could have used that money to vandalize profiles.

Other Discussion / Shaving with a straight razor?
« on: February 12, 2008, 06:49:25 am »
So I had been thinking of what it may be like to shave with a straight razor. They are so nice and cool, even though they are big and out dated. I tried one out today from my Dad's stash of junk, and I was surprised by how easy it was to cut (I practiced on my ankle first). Getting a close cut is a lot harder to do, but, it's easier than I thought it'd be to shave.
Anyone else care about the way they shave? It's kinda fun shaving with a straight edge razor. you feel all... manly and stuff.

Other Discussion / Japanophilia
« on: January 04, 2008, 03:12:59 am »
Well, I'm going to bring up "Japanophilia" or "Weeabooism", so that we can take a look at it, the people involved in it, and the people against it. I noticed lately that if you show any kind of interest or atachment of Japanese culture, someone will show up and call you a Weeaboo. I guess this is the result of hypersensitivity to hardcore Japanophiles. The original Japanophiles probably became that way as a result of some sort of disappointment with their native culture. So people probably would eventually grow to hate them. I'm not sure. I want to know what you guys think.
Personally, I love Japan. The food, history, culture, and entertainment industry is something I have come to love. However, baka is not part of my vocabulary, I don't squint my eyes when taking photos, and I have NEVER said that I was going to go to Japan and become a famous mangaka. I think that when you force another's identity and culture on yourself that's were the line is drawn. I love Japan, but I am very in-tune with my Spanish culture. I would be in-tune with my American culture if it existed.
what do you guys think?

Debates / Bisexuality
« on: January 01, 2008, 03:51:44 am »
I started going down this line of thought the other day. I was laying on the floor playing my DS, and my sister was watching TV. As she usually does, she left the living room with the TV on. The channel was set to MTV. As shows went by, it eventually switched to Tila Tequila (In case you are new to the internet, look on anyone's MySpace friend list. She's probably there.), and it wasn't long before my half-attentive ears started to hear a repeated subject of speech. It was them making some deal about Tila being a bisexual. Sure, it's an odd characteristic, and certainly note worthy, but it wasn't long until I realized that the entire concept of the program was pretty much just "LAWLZ LET TAKE DAT MYSPACE GRIL AND MAKE HER AN SHOW CUZ SHES BI KAY?". Anyway, I started thinking about that concept. There is a strange cultural fascination with bisexuality. In a middle or high school class, a teacher can't use the prefix "Bi" without having a bunch of giggle and murmur "bisexual". It really annoys me.
First I'll look at the sexual fascination that males have with it. I don't seem to be included in the large group of guys that are turned on by girls kissing. Once a girl declares having a girlfriend, many of the surrounding guys will take sudden interest in a conversation they couldn't have given a !@#$% about prior to any mention of lesbianism (or possible bisexuality). Now, given that bisexuality will give a girl effortless male attention, a lot of heterosexual females will pose as bisexuals for the sake of receiving male attention. Girls will often wear this bisexuality, real or forced, as a badge. Sometimes it just get ridiculous. One time a girl I met announced that she was bisexual immediately after telling me her name. Why? Probably because it was a successful tactic in gaining male attention. A similar trend goes for guys that want to show how sensitive and sexually open they are to girls, and then cower when it comes time to take the !@#$%. I am fascinated and disgusted by what idiot tactics people use for attention.
Any ideas and opinions?

Entertainment / Surprise games of '07
« on: January 01, 2008, 02:27:06 am »
Have any of you played any good games that you weren't expecting to be good? Any games you thought would be good sucked?
For me there is Dementium: The Ward. I just bought this game after some mild speculation. No recommendation, nothing. I was very pleased. The next would be Phantom Hourglass. Seriously. I had SERIOUS doubts concerning this game, but it worked out very nicely.
Anyone else have a surprise game?

Entertainment / Battle in Phantom Hourglass
« on: December 28, 2007, 07:09:49 pm »
I like battle, it's a surprisingly cool little thing. Like mixing RTS with adventure and making them duke it out. I thought it would be one of those lame multiplayer modes thrown in just to say they had it, but, it's pretty fun. My only gripe is that there is no disconnect tracker thing, so people disconnect on this even more than on Mario Kart DS. Blegh. Anyone want to play me?
My code is 013005729861

Entertainment / Please help me put the Sci back in Sci-fi
« on: December 21, 2007, 01:20:38 am »
Okay, so here's a little problem I have. I've been getting really frustrated with Sci-fi movies lately. Why? Because the people who write them rely on vague recollections from eighth grade science class for their scientific information. All logic is removed in favor of transforming monsters and unnecessary explosions, wearing masks of "big words". The last Sci-fi movie I watched with full scientific plausibility I've seen was GATTACA (<3), and I watched that about five years ago, not to mention that it was generally passive as far as the science goes. So, anything in the Sci-fi world that isn't full of made up !@#$% loosely based on science? Stuff based on wild theorys is okay, as long as the movie gives an explination on it. kthxbai

Entertainment / Dementium: The Ward = !@#$% yeah
« on: December 14, 2007, 03:44:12 am »
I'm a quirky kind of gamer, with a good nose. I like throwing rocks out in the direction of games made by developers nobody knows about. It usually works well (Contact = <3), I've been doing this since I was eleven, and it only failed me twice. Holy God, it did not fail me now.
This game rocks. I've been playing it the last few hours, and it is like breathing pure DS oxygen. It's like the true next level of Resident Evil (Resident Evil 4 can go suck horsecock). Not only does it have a fresh new concept in which you're stuck in a hospital where brutal surgical experiments were done on the mental patients, but I re-introduces something to the horror game franchise that we haven't seen in a long time; that is fear. This game will make you want to physically run away at some points. It not only creates a creepy atmosphere with it''s lights and sounds, but you actually get to sense helplessness. You can't just whip out your BFG and kill those 20 zombies at times, you sometimes have to just run the !@#$% away. This game doesn't just squirt showers of blood from morbid looking enemies as it pretends to be scary. It actually wants to make you feel like someone is behind you. Yeah... I like it. It's nice to see some M rated material on the DS now and again. I'm not the kind of guy who buys a game simply because it is "Mature" and forsakes those who don't have buckets of blood, but it's no secret that you see very little of this kind of stuff around. Most reviewers give this around an 8.0, some a bit lower, some a bit higher.

Entertainment / !@#$% the Disney Channel
« on: November 25, 2007, 01:05:06 am »
Personally I'm really pissed off by the amount of crap that they've been playing lately. My 14-year-old sister is suddenly addicted to it, and this truly pisses me off. All of the shows do nothing but depict glorifications of materialism, petty teenage relationships, and outright arrogance. Seriously, look at all this !@#$%, like Highschool Musical, Hannah Montana, As the Bell Rings, and Zack and Cody. They all feature "romantically" active highschool students, with 9-year-old target audiences. Somebody make my day and tear the Disney channel to shreds.

Entertainment / I am America (An so can you!)
« on: November 06, 2007, 04:27:04 am »
I just got this book last Saturday, and finished it this afternoon, and I have to say, it's the funniest book I've EVER read. Stephen Colbert rocks.

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