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Topics - FrozenFire

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Feedback / Copyright 2007-2008 ZFGC...
« on: January 11, 2010, 11:10:50 am »
I just noticed that the copyright at the bottom of the page says:
Quote from: ZFGC Copyright
Copyright 2007-2008 ZFGC. All Rights Reserved

Nothing big, but if somebody notices that, they may think the site is out of date or abandoned (meh, probably not with active news and forums, etc, but still..).
Updating the year is an easy fix though. XD

Audio / An oldschool Zelda Theme tune I made! ^_^
« on: December 19, 2009, 02:56:27 am »
Hey guys, I just found an old Zelda Theme remake of mine that I did who knows how long ago (been finding lots of stuff as I clean up my PC, lol).
I used a program called ModPlug Tracker (which I no longer use, lol) to make it.

I converted it into mp3 and here it is:
(I probably shouldn't have saved it in 320 kbps. Kinda overkill :P)

I made it completely from scratch (just by ear) but it sounds a lot like the original, except the "outro" which gives it a kind of sad touch.

I hope you guys enjoy! ^_^

Discussion / My weekly time system
« on: December 11, 2009, 06:58:10 am »
For my Zelda, I plan on using what I call the weekly time system.

The idea is to have 7 days (um, duh?), starting with Sunday and going through until Saturday:

- This 7 day period will constantly and consistently repeat itself throughout the game's entirety.
   (Of course time pauses for cut-scenes, text stuff, any form of pausing, the menu screen, etc)
- Link is NOT going back in time at the end of the week; this is NOT supposed to be the same week repeating over and over again (>:( MM).
- Each day will have a daytime and a nighttime.
- There will not be months or seasons involved (no winters or springs, etc).
- The HUD clock is planned to only show the hour but may show minutes as well (undecided).
- The day will be shown as part of the clock in the HUD (i.e. "Monday").
- Character schedules and the like will not be nearly as precise/complex as MM.
- Some people will have weekly routines while others will have things they only do once.
- You will NOT be able to miss "one time" events (explained on reply#6 of this page).
- Link will have the ability to control time (to a certain extent of course).

Are there any problems in my thinking, any ideas, suggestions, whatever? Likes? Dislikes?
Anything. Bring it. :)

Discussion / My Zelda's prologue. Much thanks to Niek.
« on: December 09, 2009, 06:42:11 am »
THE REVISED PROLOGUE THUS FAR (thanks to Niek and dotd94) - Dec 11, 2009

  Legends tell of a great hero that saved the world from the evil power of the Dark King... Through time many more evils would rise to destroy the peace and harmony. And each time a young boy was chosen to take up the mantle of the hero to fight the darkness with all his might. … As light returned and peace became lasting, the legends of the young heroes were slowly forgotten and for the people the time of heroes seemed to have passed.

  In a small village an annual festival of peace is held to honor the young men that had come of age in the past year. Tradition states that these men would prove their skills and honor as warriors. To the best among them are given the title "Guardian of the Festival".

A year has passed and a new festival is about to begin...


Here is the story that my Zelda game (The Legend of Zelda: Mythic Realm) starts out with (accompanied by pics, which are not shown here of course):
Quote from: TLOZ: Mythic Realm - Intro Story
    Long, long ago, legends tell of a great hero that saved the world from a powerful and evil man… this man was known as the Prince of Darkness… even after he was defeated by the Hero, many new evils arose to threaten the lands, but destiny always chose a new hero to rise up to defeat every evil… finally, the day came when there was no more evil to threaten the land, the time for heroes had passed… the land entered in to a time of peace which lasted for many years… The legends of these heroes and the evils they had overcome have faded within time…

     In one small village, these legends are still passed on from generation to generation and it is a custom to hold a day of celebration in remembrance of the heroes of the past that have given them freedom and peace. On this day, every boy that has come of age is given a sword in hope that they will follow in the footsteps of the past heroes, to defend the freedom and peace of the land.

In this village, there lives a young boy that had just come of age… a boy named Link...

What I really want is to revise the second paragraph to make it sound right. I think it sounds unprofessional and it's bothering me.
(Note: "..." usually signifies that the pictures are changing. If it matters.)

My main points I am trying to get across in the 2nd paragraph are:
Most people (kingdoms, tribes, villages, towns, etc) across the lands don't know the legends, BUT this small village (Koro Village) is a rare place that tries to preserve them.
There is a day of celebration in remembrance of the legendary heroes.
On this day, there is some custom (for some reason) where they (village elders?) give boys that have just become "men" ("of age") a sword, having some kind of reasoning connected to the preservation and remembrance of the legends of the past heroes.

One more thing. If anyone is going to criticize my story, first read this:
I know that it sounds very unoriginal (or possibly my standards are too high for myself?), but believe me when I say that the game starts out pretty much like any other Zelda, but it soon drastically changes into a complex story; fresh and new. I believe in making REAL stories with mystery, emotion, plot twists, elements to drive the player to want to know more about the smallest things, depth in characters; all the goods.
Just remember, it is the intro story so give me a break.

Lastly, any thoughts and helps are welcome. Thanks guys!  :)

Other Projects / [Completed] So I figured I'd post some of my old games
« on: December 06, 2009, 02:56:39 am »
Hey ZFGC'rs,
I just uploaded 3 of my older games, just for the heck of it. ^_^

They are:
Super Bash Bros Ultimate: A Mario fighting game for 1-2 players and lots of content.
Tiny Man: A challenging platform shooter with a bit of humor + retro music!
Pak Track: A PacMan-like game with puzzles and power-ups.

They are not up to my standards anymore, but they have played their part in helping me progress further in my skills as an all-around game designer, and they have been well-liked by both my friends and others in the past.

Best things about each game:
Super Bash Bros Ultimate actually has quite a lot of content. Go ahead and cheat and unlock everything and you'll probably find a mini game that you might even play more than once! lol. Seriously though, the cut scenes you can unlock are worth the download.
Tiny Man is all about the music and the game play. The graphics don't look like much though. The music samples aren't the best, but if you like retro style music (dos), it's for you. It is also pretty difficult, so if you like a good challenge, just try and beat this, heh heh.
Pak Track is probably the worst game I uploaded.. I can't think of anything especially good to say about it. If you like Pac Man though, you should try it.

So, what do you guys think about my old stuffs?  :P

Almost forgot. Since these were made with versions of GM previous to GM7, the games may or may not work on Vista (with Win7 I'm not sure at all). I say this because I have tried to play some on my laptop which has Vista and they do not open. *sad face*
(I just changed it to show these were made with GM6, but some may have been done earlier?)

Discussion / [Solved] HQ2X conversion tool
« on: November 22, 2009, 12:24:09 pm »
So I'm currently changing up some things in a project I'm working on. Because of those changes, my sprites need to be doubled in size.

All I want is to be able to use an HQ2X algorithm to double the size of my sprites and then I want to save them as images (preferably as png files). I looked around on the net for a long time and I couldn't find any kind of program that would do it.

Is there any kind of image editor or something that can use to do this?

Help is extremely appreciated. Thanks.

Entertainment / Anyone else play Battlefield Heroes?
« on: October 26, 2009, 02:10:40 am »
Hey, just wondering if anyone on here plays Battlefield Heroes?

It's totally free unless you want to waste money buying stuff... totally opt though.

My game name is [Edge] if anyone wants to join me. I'm a level 8, close to a 9 with my soldier (my main character). And all my characters are Royals except one is a National.
If you haven't played or heard of the game, you should check it out. Seriously, I thought it would be kinda stupid at first, but it turned out to be good fun!

Entertainment / What's this? A YouTube vid of my song sample? Yep
« on: October 21, 2009, 08:50:26 pm »
Hey guys,
If you don't know, I'm a musical artist (among other things), and I'm currently working on a song.

My song is unfinished (without vocals mostly), but I wanted to get my sound out there to get some feedback on it, so I made a video of it and I put it on YouTube.
Yes, it features me dancing, but that isn't why I posted the video, I POSTED IT TO SHOW MY SONG SAMPLE. The dancing is just there so you don't have to stare at a blank screen. (dance crap is edited with Windows Movie Maker...)

With that said, here is my song.. and dancing:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie6UbatoB0c" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie6UbatoB0c</a>

I wanted to post it on here because all of my friends that actually know me personally all say it's amazing, but I think they might just be saying that because I'm their friend. I posted it on here because I want some good honest opinions.

(just remember, this is a sample, so it's far from finished and also, it's okay to laugh at the dancing... I did) ^_^

Entertainment / The Hero of Time Movie!
« on: October 19, 2009, 10:04:57 am »
Click here for the release information:

Yes, I know there's an old topic about The Hero of Time movie (Old topic: http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=13195.0)
But the last post was in 2007 and I didn't want to grave dig.
I'm posting this new topic about it because I thought some of you Zelda fans might not know that the movie has been released! Yep, the movie actually has been shown in theater in Atlanta, New York, somewhere in Germany, and also in Pasco (might have missed one).

There's much more info (and video clips!) at their official website:

I know the movie isn't going to be of professional quality, but heck, it's free and I'm a big Zelda fan, so I'm very excited to see it.  XD

Graphics / Platformer-Style Link Sprite Sheet [Ver 1.0]
« on: May 31, 2009, 07:00:20 am »
For this Link character, I started off using the main character set from Cave Story, which is a dang good freeware platformer game made by Pixel. (Highly recommended!)
I've decided to complete this charset, even though I'm not going to use it anymore, I'm sure some one else will find it useful. If not, it's good experience for me anyway. ^_^

The resource can be found here (Ver 1.0):


Ver 1.0 - 02/15/10
-Completed air attacks.
-Added defending with shield.
-Made a few minor fixes.
-Made three sets of all the actions in three tunic colors: Green, blue, and red.

Ver 0.8 - 06/05/09
- Link's tunic length fixed. (It was a little longer in some sprites than others.)
- Added animation numbering to show how animation works.
- Fixed a few minor flaws in sprites.
- Fixed Link pushing and pulling animations.
- Tested all animations. They all look good now.
- Completed ground attacks.
- Completed most of the air attacks.


Ver 1.1
- Add cliffhanging
- Add 2 different angles/styles of climbing
- Add any other basic actions I can think of (or any good requests).

Ver 2.0
- Link using various items (i.e. boomerang, bow, bombs, fishing rod, etc).
- Add any good requests.

I will post all updates on this first post from now on. XD

If your intresting in affiliating with our site, please contact one of the administrators ...

Should be "interested"

I know it's small, but I figured it should be a super quick and easy fix. That is, if anyone even cares :)

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