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Topics - Kami

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Discussion / Game Maker Obfuscator
« on: July 07, 2012, 05:05:36 pm »
I've accidentally found an Obfuscator for GM yesterday.
I know it works with GM 5, 6, 7, & 8.(I haven't tested GM 8.1 yet.)

Note: It doesn't make it undecompilable. So it's best to use an anti-decompiler with it.

Note: This doesn't need to be used, it's only here for those who wish to use it.

Side Quests / [Submission]Rock Wasp Extermination
« on: July 03, 2012, 01:33:50 pm »
Lcation of Person: Goron Cabon Mines
Items required: Fire Arrows or Bombcannon
Description: Theres an Elder Goron, He is sitting on a bench with a puzzled look on his face, when you approach him, if you don't have the bombcannon or Fire arrows, he'll ignore you. Once you have either item, he'll speak with you and ask you to destroy the annoying rock wasp hive thats been bothering everyone in the region. He states that these rock wasps are smarter than normal ones, and states they must be exterminated. He then complains about not being young enough to do it himself. You will have to go to a mini-dungeon that is a large rock wasp hive and desroy all of the Stange rocks from which they spawn, and desroy the remaining rock wasps after that so the Strange Sawning rocks won't be repaired.
Reward: A Heart Piece and a means of quick transportation from the ground level of the Goron mountain, to the basement floor of the Carbon Mines in a few places.

Side Quests / [Submission]Overgrown Keese Hunt
« on: July 03, 2012, 01:26:11 pm »
Location of Person: Hyrule Heights
Items required: Noble Clothes, and a 100 rupee down payment.
Description:The Nobleman, is walking around hyrule heights square plaza, he happens to freaking out, you chat with him(while wearing noble clothes, if you go near him in poor clothes he'll chase you away with his sword.), he reveals that huge bats stole all of his valuable things, he wants you to go find them, but only after a 100 rupee downpayment. He requires you to go att around hyrule to look for all of the overgrown keese lairs, but only half of them contain his lost treasures. The Unique one contains the most of his treasures as well as a heart piece hidden inside.
A piece of his Treasure-20 rupees
Quarter of his Treasure-50 rupees
Half of his Treasure-A Enlargened Rupee Bag, with an extra 150 rupees in it.
All of his Treasure- A maxed out Rupee Bag.

Enemy Units / [Revise]Rats
« on: June 26, 2012, 08:11:08 pm »
Name: Rat
HP: One-hit kill(everything kills it)
Location: Indoors
Description: These bastards jump off of walls or from on top of objects, and steal your rupees. They move faster than the player walks, but slower than the player rolls. WW Design is fine.
    Jump- .25 HP for begginning of the game, .5 HP for middle of the game, 1 HP for later in the game
They Jump at you. If they hit you, you drop some rupees, they grab them, and run away(They can't climb walls if they are holding something).
Player Combat Countermeasures:
-Everything affects them.

Name: BombChu
HP: 1.5
Location: Indoors
Description:Same description as  the Rat, but they are carrying a bomb. They start appearing in the early part of the middle of the game.
    Throw Bomb- .5 HP for middle of game, 1.5 for later in the game.
It'll throw a bomb, if it hits link, a wall or an NPC, it'll explode. After it throws a bomb it acts like a normal rat.
Player Combat Countermeasures:
-Everything affects them.
-A downward thrust while it is holding a bomb, it will cause the bomb to explode.

Gimmick Name: Rat Hole
Location: Indoors
Description: Its a hole in the wall were Rats and BombChus spawn.
If you have enough rupees, a rat will come out an sell you objects that cost 50% more than usual.(The stuff will cost more but youwon't have to go all the way back to a shop outside, since some dungeons are far away from a shop or is dangerous to move around in the dungeon or structure). The Rat who runs the shop looks different than the hostile ones, it wears a fancy top hat.
Items Sold: Arrows, Bombs, Hearts, Occasionally Red Potions, and very rarely will it sell a temporary stat booster.
The Stat boosters are usable items, that temporarily boost damage, or give a little temporary health regeneration, or reduce the amount of damage taken for a short time, depending on which one you buy. These ones have a weaker effect when compared to Dimitri's stat boosters. There is a stat booster that is rare than the others, due to it randomly choosing an effect, but it may have a negative side affect(50% chance).

Enemy Units / [Revise]Celestial Clock Specific Enemies
« on: June 20, 2012, 08:23:37 pm »
Name: Clockoraka
HP: 3
Location: Celestial Clock
Description: Machine enemies that have to use the hookshot to move across pit's or to move across platforms. They Climb on walls and are also found on the floor. When you hookshot it, link lands just close enough to it to not get hurt, but not far enough that he'll fall into a pit.
   Bump- .5 HP
You get damage for running into it when it's on the floor.

Name: Orbite
HP: 5
Location:Celestial Clock
Description: Turtle-like enemies that if you attack them, they curl up into their shell, useful for holding down switches, filling up single square pits, and can be used to block other enemies.
   Bump- .5 HP
You get damage for running into it when it isn't withdrawn into it's shell.

Name: Beamo
HP: 1
Location: Celestial Clock
Description:The statue enemies that shoot beams out of their eyes. WW design.
   Eye Beam- 1 HP
It shoots a continusous beam of energy. If it hits link, link is knocked to the ground, the Wooden shield is burned as well.
Player Combat Countermeasures:
-Projectiles can only damage it(With the exception of a downward thrust).

Name: Defendite Drone
HP: 3
Location: Celesial Clock
Description: They are clunkey looking flying drones.This version(Defense version), creates a temporary shield around it, that is inpenitratable, it also reflects projectiles.
   Shield Generator
It creates a temporary shield around it that protects it from damage and reflects all projectiles. It increases the damage of beams and magics reflected off of the shield. 

Name: Attackite Drone
HP: 3
Location: Celestial Clock
Description: They are clunkey looking flying drones.This version(Attack version), shoots a beam.
   Catalyst Beam- 1.5 HP
It shoots a beam, that if it hit's link, link will be knocked down. If a Defendite Drone is using it's shield generator, it may shoot a beam at the shield that will be reflected, increasing the beams damage and range.

Name: Repairite Drone
HP: 3
Location: Celestial Clock
Description: They are clunkey looking flying drones.This version(Matinence version), repairs machine enemies.
It repairs a machine enemy nearby, and can even revive them.

Name: Chronos Drone
HP: 2 HP
Location: Celestial Clock
Description: A small clunkey machine, that use Temporal Magic to slow down time for all organic creatures withing their aura. The Temporal Abnomally can help the other Drones to attack/repair. Destroying this at the beginning would be a good idea, since it is a disadvantage to you.
  Temporal Abnomally
It slows down time for the player, and that way, the other Drones can act faster. This is only just works for Drones, due to it slowing down all organic creatures within a 3-square radious. It Lasts for 5 seconds. After a use, it must charge mana for 10 seconds. Time of Mana Regeneration can be reduced by a Repairite Drone.

Name: Sentinal
HP: 2
Location: Celestial Clock
Description: Small Clunkey drones that specialize in finding hidden intruders, It has a special magic that allows it see anything invisible within it's eyesight range. It's eyesight is represented by a red cone. It cannot look through solid objects though.
If it sees link, it'll set of an alarm, which locks all of the doors, and alerts nearby enemy NPC's of link's wereabouts.
    Magic Bolt- 1 HP
It launches a bolt of magic.

Name:Drone Stations
Description: These small structures are doors in the wall, just big enough for drones to come through. Each Drone type, has their own specific type of Drone station. When a sentinal sets off an alarm in that area, a few drones come out of a drone station.
Machines supported: Attackite Drone, Defendite Drone, Repairite Drone, Chronos Drone, Sentinel.

These enemies are machines made to defend and maintain the Celestial Clock.

Enemy Units / [Submission] Wallmaster
« on: June 20, 2012, 06:34:44 pm »
Name: Wallmaster
HP: 2
Location: Any Place Indoors
Description: WW Design for floormaster is used as it's base, but it's portal is invisible and the outlines on it are blue instead of purple. It's arm is extremely long. and is able to touch the floor from the ceiling.
   Slam- 1.5 HP
It comes  from the ceiling and slams into the floor.
It will be on the ceiling so it's portal will be invisible. A shadow will appear where link is and a few moments later it will slam into the ground, it it hits link, link will be knocked down. After that it will slowly rise back to the ceiling.
Player Combat Countemeasures:
-You can either stun it with a boomerang or hookshot, and slash at them or use Bombs and arrows which can damage them without the need to stun them.
-When it's about to slam into link, you can use the shadow cloak's, shadow clone to swap out and it will slam into the shadow clone,  the shadow clone will burst into blackish-purle mist and the Wallmaster is stunned for a second, or you could use a Pursuit Slash instead of the Shadow Clone to counter it.
-Once they take 2HP damage they are severed and fall to the ground and dissipate into black-purple smoke.
-You can use the Shadow Cloak's, shadow clone, to distract them.

This was based off of one of the attacks that my boss submission had.

Name: Floormaster
HP: 2
Location: Varies
Description: WW Design.
  Grab- .25 HP
   The Floormaster tries to grabs the player and take him back to the beginning of the dungeon or a specified place depending on the dungeon or cave it's in.
  Throw- 1 HP
   If it can't reach the player, then it grabs the nearest object (Skull, Jar, etc.) and throws it at the player.
Player Combat Countemeasures:
-You can either stun it with a boomerang or hookshot, and slash at them or use Bombs and arrows which can damage them without the need to stun them.
-When it's about to glab into link, you can use the shadow cloak's, shadow clone to swap out and it will grab the shadow clone, the shadow clone will burst into blackish-purle mist and the floormaster is stunned for a second, or you could use a Pursuit Slash instead of the Shadow Clone to counter it.
-Once they take 2HP damage they are severed and fall to the ground and dissipate into black-purple smoke.
-You can use the Shadow Cloak's, shadow clone, to distract them.

Bosses / [Submission]Sealos & Gnollax
« on: June 13, 2012, 11:53:00 pm »
BlazeBigBang and I decided to put our two ideas together.

Name: Gnollax
HP: 12
Location: Lake Hylia Temple
Description: A Large Serpent-Like Machine that is armored, it has two eyes and a plate across it's head. There is a pulsing light coming out of it's mouth. It has 2 three-fingered Claw hands, and each hand has a reptilian style eye on it.

   Pulse Waves- .5 HP Each
It goes to the back of the arena, it looks downward and then slams it's mouth shut causing a wave in the direction of link. The wave goes over one platform and then vanishes. If it hit's link, link is pushed back, and most likely into the water.
   Hand Slam- 1 HP
It's hands go to the horizontal sides of the arena and follow link's y-cordinate, then stop for a moment and then slam together.
  Tidal Wave- 1.5 HP
After it's damaged, it will go to the back of the arena, and go upwards and then "fall", causing a huge wave. The wave can be avoided by diving under the water. If it hit's link, he's flung across the room, and takes damage for hitting the wall, not the wave.
   Hand Smack- 1 HP
Only able to do this if link is in the water. It makes it hand flat then rotates so it's facing downwards, and follows link, after a certain amount of time, it will stop and then fall into the water, but for some reason it hits the surface and stops, so this attack can be avoided by diving into the water.
   Magic Blasts- 1 HP each
Only able to use it while it's hands are dissabled. It shoots A magic bolt from each eye at the same time, and will repeat this three times.

In order to damage the Main Body of the Unit. You have to use the magnet gloves to cling onto one of the hands of the opposite polarity(The hands will switch polarity every once in a while), and climb over to where the eye is and stab the eye while clinging to it. The hand will then fall backwards into the water allowing you to use it as a platform, you do the same with the other hand, and then two plates will rise from Gnollax's head, and he will start using his Magic Blasts attack, and you bommerang his eyes and then he falls into the water. Then you use the hookshot on his head to remove the plate protecting the small space where his core, or weak place, is. You slash at it, and once you slash at it 4 times, eyes eyes will rapidly glow and then he'll spin around, and if link is still on Gnollax, link will be flung a distance away. Then his hands will revive, and repeat the battle cycle again, but without having to remove Gnollax's Forhead plate. After he only has 4 Health left, he'll get faster.

Name: Sealos
HP: none (any attack worth of 2 HP sturns him)
Location: Lake Hylia Temple
Description: The last of the Zorka Wizards, and the last of his kind. He tests Link through this fight, to see if he should get cog.

   Zorka Bolt- 0.5 HP
Sealos uses his staff to throw a water attack to Link. If Link gets hit, he will be pushed
   Twin Tridents- 1 HP
Sealos will disappear for a moment, and three Sealos will appear, one for each platform. The three will throw their staff (transformed into a trident), and if Link gets hit, will get damaged.

Sealos will just be using his Zorka Bolt randomly. When Gnollax gets 4 HP, will use his Twin Tridents AND Zorka Bolt (more likely), although Sealos will ALWAYS use his Twin Tridents when Link is standing on Gnollax. In order to have an easier time damage Gnollax, Link will have to attack Sealos to stun him.

Joint attack:
Triple Beam- 2 HP, each beam (usable only when Gnollax has 4 HP)
After damaging Gnollax, after his hands revive, Sealos will teleport above Gnollax. Sealos will point Link with his staff, and energy will flow into it, and shoot a beam (in order to evade it, the player must line up in front of one of Gnollax's hands). Then, energy will flow to the hand's eyes from Gnollax, and then will shoot a beam, each of it (in order to eavade it, the player must line up in front of Sealos and Gnollax). Finally, Sealos will point with his staff to Link, and energy will flow in it, and in the hand's eyes from Gnollax, and then three beams will be shot (in order to evade it, the player must quickly dive into water, and if it gets out before the beam finishes, the player will, anyway, get hurt.

Revision Notes: BlazeBigBang and I revised it, and I updated the whole thing.

Cut Submissions / [Rejected]Gyorg and Alpha Gyorg
« on: June 13, 2012, 08:07:59 pm »
Name: Gyorg
HP: 4
Location: Bodies of water, mostly found by being accidentally caught with a fishing rod.
Description: The purple sharks of WW. When link moves away the pier,(If the Gyorg was fished out from the depths) the gyrog will dive down and disappear
    Bite- 1 HP
Only able to do this if link is in the water. If link is on the surface it'll attack on the surface, if link is below the surface it'll attack below the surface. It can't change which one it is in while attacking. Link can avoid this attack if its on the surface by diving. If your diving and it's under the water you surface to avoid damage.
   Jump- 1 HP
Only able to do this if link is on a pier. It jumps out of the water and tackles link, knocking him into the water.
Player Combat Countermeasures:
-When it jumps out of the water, a shield bash, or a sword slash can knock it back.
-Projectile weapons effect it normally
-Boomerang and hookshot stun it.

Name: Alpha Gyorg
HP: 8
Location: found by being accidentally caught with a fishing rod.
Description: Based off of the design for the WW Gyorg. Its covered in armor which increases it's HP it's momentum when it rams into something. When link moves away the pier,(If the Gyorg was fished out from the depths) the gyrog will dive down and disappear
   Bite- 1.5 HP
Only able to do this if link is in the water. If link is on the surface it'll attack on the surface, if link is below the surface it'll attack below the surface. It can't change which one it is in while attacking. Link can avoid this attack if its on the surface by diving. If your diving and it's under the water you surface to avoid damage.
   Ram- 1.5 HP
Only able to do this if link is in the water. It charges at link. If it hits a rock or a wall it's stunned. If it hits link it knocks him underwater.If link is on the surface it'll attack on the surface, if link is below the surface it'll attack below the surface. It can't change which one it is in while attacking. Link can avoid this attack if its on the surface by diving. If your diving and it's under the water you surface to avoid damage.
   Jump- 1.5 HP
Only able to do this if link is on a pier. It jumps out of the water and tackles link, knocking him into the water.
Player Combat Countermeasures:
-When it jumps out of the water, a shield bash, or a sword slash can knock it back.
-Projectile weapons effect it normally
-Boomerang and hookshot stun it.

As a side note, I think you should be able to use all of the items except the bomb cannon, shadow cloak and the rock's cape, while your in the water.

Overworld/Locations / [Revise]Piers
« on: June 13, 2012, 07:52:46 pm »
Around Hyrule at bodies of water are piers where you can use a fishing rod to catch fish, that can be sold in the poor market of hyrule for rupees, depending on how rare it is. Occasionally you can accidentally pull up a random octorock, and it'll attack you. Rarer than the chance of pulling octorock, is the chance of accidentally pulling up a Gyorg(Purple Shark). It will attack you and you'll get rarer rupees for killing it, if your extremely unlucky or lucky(Depending on how you'll see it), an Alpha Gyorg may be pulled up, and it'll attack you. It'll act like a mini-boss, but once it's defeated it'll drop a heart piece for you to collect.

Enemy Units / [Submission]Plant Enemies
« on: June 13, 2012, 07:41:19 pm »
Name: Deku Baba
HP: 4
Location: Deku Swamp, Kokiri Forest, Forest Temple
Description: A carnivourus plant, famous throughout Zelda Games, It's appearance is the TP design.
   Bite- .75 HP
It bites you.
Player Combat Countermeasures:
-Bombs damage
-Arrows damage it.
-Boomerang and Hookshot stun it.
-When it's about to bite, the pursuit slash can be used to counter it.
-All other sword technics work as well.

Name: Baba Serpent
HP: 6
Location: Hyrule Field, Deku Swamp, Kokiri Forest, Forest Temple
Description: Similar to Deku Baba's but they pursue their prey even if their stem is cut off. They have the TP Appearance. When they take more than 2 HP damage total their stems are severed and they start hopping around. While the are still attached to the ground, they act like a deku baba, once they're stem's are cut, they pursue link relentlesly.
   Bite- 1 HP
They bite you, if they are hopping around then they will clamp down on you. To remove them, link will have to proform a Rolling Stab, a Spin Attack, or a Downward Thrust.
Player Combat Countermeasures:
-Bombs damage
-Arrows damage it.
-Boomerang and Hookshot stun it.
-When it's about to bite, the pursuit slash can be used to counter it.
-All other sword technics work as well.

Note:When the Baba Sepent is at 4 hp or less it's stem breaks and it'll cange it's AI to chase after you.

Name: Peahat
HP: 2 HP
Location: Hyrule Field, Deku Swamp, Kokiri Forest, Forest Temple.
Description: Plants with the ability to fly. WW design is fine.
   Ram- 1 HP
It trys to fly into you.
Player Combat Countermeasures:
-Bombs damage
-Arrows damage it.
-Boomerang and Hookshot stun it.
When it's stunned.
-Sword swings damage it

Notes: when you stun a peahat it falls out of the air. If it lands in the water, it'll sink and if it lands in a pit it'll fallownt(Both result in it dying.)

Overworld/Locations / [Submission]Graveyards
« on: June 13, 2012, 06:23:50 pm »
There are a 4-5 graveyards scattered around hyrule, the small gravestones are pickupable, which means you can throw them. The larger gravestones, you can't pick, only shake, and during the night if you shake the large gravestones, a ghost enemy or two will spawn and the gravestone will fall over. Not all of the gravestones will be reachable from the earier parts of the game, and a couple will require the rock's cape or the shadow cloak to get access to. If you clear out the graveyard for the first time, you'll get a heart piece. Afterthat, you will get rupees every time you clear it out, but you can only clear it out once a night. The graveyards are each taken care of by a Gravedigger, who once the graveyard's cleared out, will give you said reward.

Enemy Units / [Revise]Bubbles
« on: June 12, 2012, 07:33:32 pm »
Name: Red Bubble
HP: 4
Location: Goron Mines. Goron Mountain
Description: A floating skull with fire coming out of it. It floats around, once you dissable it's effect if hops around.
   Ram- 1 HP
It chases after link. If it touches link, link is set on fire, and this attack can burn link's shield
Player Combat Countermeasures:
-A boomerang bounces off of it.
-Hookshot drags them close to link, knocks them on the floor, and dissables its fire.
-Sword does half damage to it.
-Arrows damage it.
-Ice arrows cause this enemy to explode, Fire arrows are ineffective.

Name: Blue Bubble
HP: 4
Location: Hyrule Sewer, Water Temple
Description:A floating skull with white frost coming out of it. It floats around, once you dissable it's effect if hops around.
   Ram- 1 HP
It chases after link. If it touches link, link is frozen.
Player Combat Countermeasures:
-A boomerang bounces off of it.
-Hookshot drags them close to link, knocks them on the floor, and dissables it's frost.
-Sword does half damage to it.
-Arrows damage it.
-Fire arrows cause this enemy to explode, ice arrows are ineffective.

Name: Black Bubble
HP: 6
Location: Sheikah Temple, Final Dungeon.
Description: A floating skull with black smoke coming out of it. It floats around, once you dissable it's effect if hops around.
   Ram- 2 HP
It chases after link. If it touches link, link is unable to use items for a short time.
Player Combat Countermeasures:
-A boomerang bounces off of it.
-Hookshot drags them close to link, knocks them on the floor, and dissables it's smoke.
-Sword does half damage to it.
-Arrows damage it.
-Ice arrows cause this enemy to explodefreeze, Fire arrows cause it to burn.

Note: When the Bubbles have they effect negated, all items effect them.

Cut Submissions / [Withdrawn]Wizzrobes
« on: June 12, 2012, 12:08:21 am »
Name: Wizzrobe
HP: 2
Location: Varies
Description: WW Design is used as it's base. These creatures spawn other enemies except other wizzrobes.
It's the yellow-hooded, black-robed variation.
   Magic- 1.5 HP
it leans back and then hurls 3 blast of magic, one in the direction it is facing, one in the direction 45 degrees smaller than the direction it's facing, and one in the direction 45 degrees larger than the direction it's facing.
It does a type of dance and it summons other enemies except wizzrobes. A maximum of 3 enemies.
Enemies it can summon: Keese, Bokoblin, Moblin, Miniblin, Darknut(Later in the game), and Kargarock(Only in outside areas).
Combat: After it attacks, or is damaged it twirls and then fades away only to appear in another spot.
Player Combat Countemeasures:
-Hookshot & Boomerang stun it.
-Sword slashes harm it, If your close to it, and it's about to attack, you can preform a pursuit slash to counter it. A downward thrust can damage it as well. A rolling Stab knocks it back and damages it.
-Bombs damage it,
-Arrows damage it.

Name: Fire Wizzrobe
HP: 4
Location: Varies
Description: WW Design is used as it's base. These creatures spawn other enemies except other wizzrobes.
It's the red-hooded, black-robed variation.
   Fireball- 2 HP
it leans back and then hurls 3 fireballs, one in the direction it is facing, one in the direction 45 degrees smaller than the direction it's facing, and one in the direction 45 degrees larger than the direction it's facing. if it hits link, he's set on fire.
It does a type of dance and it summons other enemies except wizzrobes. A maximum of 3 enemies.
Enemies it can summon: Keese, Fire Keese, Red Bubble, Dodongo, Bokoblin, Moblin, Miniblin, Darknut(Later in the game), and Kargarock(Only in outside areas).
Combat: After it attacks, or is damaged it twirls and then fades away only to appear in another spot.
Player Combat Countemeasures:
-Hookshot & Boomerang stun it.
-Sword slashes harm it, If your close to it, and it's about to attack, you can preform a pursuit slash to counter it. A downward thrust can damage it as well. A rolling Stab knocks it back and damages it.
-Bombs damage it,
-Arrows damage it.

Name: Ice Wizzrobe
HP: 4
Location: Varies
Description: WW Design is used as it's base. These creatures spawn other enemies except other wizzrobes.
It's the blue-hooded, black-robed variation.
   Frostball- 2 HP
it leans back and then hurls 3 frostballs, one in the direction it is facing, one in the direction 45 degrees smaller than the direction it's facing, and one in the direction 45 degrees larger than the direction it's facing. if it hits link, he's frozen.
It does a type of dance and it summons other enemies except wizzrobes. A maximum of 3 enemies.
Enemies it can summon: Keese, Ice Keese, Blue Bubble, Bokoblin, Moblin, Miniblin, Darknut(Later in the game), and Kargarock(Only in outside areas).
Combat: After it attacks, or is damaged it twirls and then fades away only to appear in another spot.
Player Combat Countemeasures:
-Hookshot & Boomerang stun it.
-Sword slashes harm it, If your close to it, and it's about to attack, you can preform a pursuit slash to counter it. A downward thrust can damage it as well. A rolling Stab knocks it back and damages it.
-Bombs damage it,
-Arrows damage it.

Name: Dark Wizzrobe
HP: 6
Location: Shiekah Dungeon, Final Dungeon
Description: WW Design is used as it's base. These creatures spawn other enemies except other wizzrobes.
It's the purple-hooded, black-robed variation.
   Black Magic- 2.5 HP
it leans back and then hurls 3 blast of black magic, one in the direction it is facing, one in the direction 45 degrees smaller than the direction it's facing, and one in the direction 45 degrees larger than the direction it's facing. If it hit's link, he will be unable to use items for a certain amount of time.
It does a type of dance and it summons other enemies except wizzrobes. A maximum of 3 enemies.
Enemies it can summon: Keese, Shadow Keese, Black Bubble, Bokoblin, Moblin, Miniblin, Darknut.
Combat: After it attacks, or is damaged it twirls and then fades away only to appear in another spot.
Player Combat Countemeasures:
-Hookshot & Boomerang stun it.
-Sword slashes harm it, If your close to it, and it's about to attack, you can preform a pursuit slash to counter it. A downward thrust can damage it as well. A rolling Stab knocks it back and damages it.
-Bombs damage it,
-Arrows damage it.

Name: Masked Wizzrobe
HP: 10
Location: Miniboss Earth Temple
Description: WW Design is used as it's base. These creatures spawn other enemies and this one is able to summon fellow wizzrobes. It's the larger, masked variation which wears a red robe, that there's only one of.
    Magic- 2.5 HP
It randomly chooses one of these three attacks:
Basic Magic
it leans back and then hurls 3 blast of magic, one in the direction it is facing, one in the direction 45 degrees smaller than the direction it's facing, and one in the direction 45 degrees larger than the direction it's facing.
it leans back and then hurls 3 fireballs, one in the direction it is facing, one in the direction 45 degrees smaller than the direction it's facing, and one in the direction 45 degrees larger than the direction it's facing. If it hits link, he's set on fire.
it leans back and then hurls 3 frostballs, one in the direction it is facing, one in the direction 45 degrees smaller than the direction it's facing, and one in the direction 45 degrees larger than the direction it's facing. if it hits link, he's frozen.
It does a type of dance and it summons other enemies, but this Wizzrobe is powerful enough to summon Wizzrobes and Fire Wizzrobes. A maximum of 3 enemies.
Enemies it can summon: Keese, Fire Keese, Red Bubble, Ice Keese, Blue Bubble, Dodongo, Bokoblin, Moblin, Miniblin, Darknut(Later in the game), Kargarock(Only in outside areas), Wizzrobes and Fire Wizzrobes.
Combat: After it attacks, or is damaged it twirls and then fades away only to appear in another spot. It happens to usually stay on cliffs to avoid being caught up in melee and so the player has to climb to it or jump off of a small cliff to get at it. Evergy couple attacks it teleports to the middle of the chamber, which is the bottom, to make the battle fair.
Player Combat Countemeasures:
-Hookshot & Boomerang bounce off of it's mask.
-Sword slashes harm it, If your close to it, and it's about to attack, you can preform a pursuit slash to counter it. A downward thrust can damage it as well. A rolling Stab knocks it back and damages it.
-Bombs damage it,
-Arrows damage it, but deal half damage.

Name: White Wizzrobe
HP: 8
Location: These Wizzrobes are found in specific locations and are only found guarding heart pieces.
They are kind of like mini-bosses.
Description: WW Design is used as it's base. These creatures spawn other enemies except other wizzrobes.
 It's the White-hooded, white-robed variation.
   Magic- 1.5 HP
It randomly chooses one of these three attacks:
Basic Magic
it leans back and then hurls 3 blast of magic, one in the direction it is facing, one in the direction 45 degrees smaller than the direction it's facing, and one in the direction 45 degrees larger than the direction it's facing.
it leans back and then hurls 3 fireballs, one in the direction it is facing, one in the direction 45 degrees smaller than the direction it's facing, and one in the direction 45 degrees larger than the direction it's facing. If it hits link, he's set on fire.
it leans back and then hurls 3 frostballs, one in the direction it is facing, one in the direction 45 degrees smaller than the direction it's facing, and one in the direction 45 degrees larger than the direction it's facing. if it hits link, he's frozen.
It does a type of dance and it summons other enemies, but this Wizzrobe is powerful enough to summon Wizzrobes and Fire Wizzrobes. A maximum of 3 enemies.
It heals one of link's enemies by 1 HP.
Enemies it can summon: Keese, Fire Keese, Red Bubble, Ice Keese, Blue Bubble, Dodongo, Bokoblin, Moblin, Miniblin, Darknut(Later in the game), and Kargarock(Only in outside areas).
Combat: After it attacks, or is damaged it twirls and then fades away only to appear in another spot.
Player Combat Countemeasures:
-Hookshot & Boomerang stun it.
-Sword slashes harm it, If your close to it, and it's about to attack, you can preform a pursuit slash to counter it. A downward thrust can damage it as well. A rolling Stab knocks it back and damages it.
-Bombs damage it,
-Arrows damage it.

Overworld/Locations / [Submission]Hyrule Town Concept Layout
« on: June 11, 2012, 08:30:26 pm »
I've Done what I feel Hyrule Town should look like.

Cut / [Cut]Dodongo Concept
« on: June 10, 2012, 10:19:01 pm »
I've started a quick concept for a dodongo, I had to do it with Paint, due to my brother breaking photoshop somehow. C&C.

Note: I have to color it now, but I'm having trouble choosing it's colors.

Approved / [Approved]The Hunter
« on: June 10, 2012, 02:50:26 pm »
Name: The Hunter
Location: Shiekeih Temple
HP: 18
Description: Far before Ganon existed, there was a beast that cause chaos and destruction it it's wake. It was hunting the Shiekieh in their own temple when the shiekah sealed him in it. When the Sheikah were going to seal the cog in their temple, they accidentally broke the seal and released the hunter, with all their might they fought back but they underestimated it and ended up sealing in everyone that was in the temple at the time, the Hunter, and the cog as well(Nothing escaped the temple), and he's pissed about it and hunted many of the shiekieh trapped in the temple down. This beast is pitch black with a red outline, it is wolf-like to a degree. It has 5-Tails that look like the Floormasters of WW, but without a portal, and instead of them having purple outlines, it's tails have red outlines red.He is covered in Red body markings He is about the size of a average tree. While he was free, he enjoyed hunting the greatest warriors of Ancient Hyrule. Though once he was accidentally sealed, everyone except the elders of the societies of hyrule, forgot all about him and the younger people thought the stories the elders told were just myths.
It has already been stated that the sheikah sealed everything and everyone inside the temple during they were going to place shadow cog inside. The Hunter was already sealed inside way before the cog was created, they underestimated a very pissed off beast and the sheikah that were outside were forced to seal everyone, and everything inside, most of the sheikah were either hunted down or went mad. The Guardian has been eaten resulting in the remaining sheikah slowly losing their sanity.

   Floormaster Tails- 1.5 HP
He creates portals and sticks his tails through them. A second set of portals near link, that a tail comes out. You can either stun the tails with a boomerang or hookshot, and slash at them or use Bombs and arrows which can damage the tails without the need to stun them.When it's about to grab link, you can use the shadow cloak's, shadow clone to swap out and the tail will grab the shadow clone, which fades away and the tail is stunned for a second, or you could use a Pursuit Slash instead of the Shadow Clone to counter the tail. If they grab link, they throw him and he takes damage on impact. Once the tails take 2HP damage they are severed and fall to the ground and dissipate into black-purple smoke. You can use the Shadow Cloak's, shadow clone, to distract a few of the Tails. After his tails are gone the portals disappear and he then uses the Shadowquake attack. Every time the tails regrow there will be a pitch black one without an outline or markings that can only be stunned by it grabbing a shadow clone, which means to weakens it's immune to all damage while it's not stunned.
   Shadowquake- 2 HP
He Stands up on 2 Legs, then Black and Red Electricity sparks form him, and finally he leans forward and slams his front legs into the ground, causing a linear shockwave to go straight in the direction of link(If link touchesit he will be electrocuted by Red and Black electricity and will fall down for a second.), it can be avoided by rolling out of the way, or using the Roc's cape. After Link dodges (or not) the Shadowquake and his eyes start glowing brighter, his body will phase out, then his glowing eyes will fade away, and Link won't be able to see or attack him. If Link doesn't put the cloak on directly, he'll start being attacked by an invisible beast. The beast will only be visible and vulnerable during this phase with the shadow cloak on. After being attacked and phasing out, the beast will run into a corner (as far away from Link as possible) and regrow its tails. You can't attack the beast directly in this phase (he'll just bite Link) but as he's regrowing his tails, his eyes will glow either red or blue. You shoot the blue eyes with the ice arrows, or the red eyes with the red arrows. After getting in 3 (or so) shots this way, he'll finish regrowing all his tails and phase back into the visible realm.
   Bite- 1.5 HP
Uses this attack when it's regrowing it's tails. He bites you, throws you across the room and you fall on the floor.
   Claw- 1.5 HP
Uses this attack when it's invisible, and isn't regrowing it's tails. He claws at you.
   Wallmaster Tails- 1.5 HP
He will create more portals, but the exit portal of each pair will not apear. It will be on the ceiling so it'll be invisible. A shadow will appear where link is and a few moments later the tail will slam into the ground, it it hits link, link will be knocked down. After that it will slowly rise back to the ceiling. You can either stun the tails with a boomerang or hookshot, and slash at them or use Bombs and arrows which can damage the tails without the need to stun them. When it's about to slam into link, you can use the shadow cloak's, shadow clone to swap out and the tail will slam into the shadow clone, which fades away and the tail is stunned for a second, or you could use a Pursuit Slash instead of the Shadow Clone to counter the tail. Once the tails take 2HP damage they are severed and fall to the ground and dissipate into black-purple smoke. You can use the Shadow Cloak's, shadow clone, to distract a few of the Tails. After his tails are gone the Shadowquake attack. Every time the tails regrow there will be a pitch black one without an outline or markings that can only be stunned by it grabbing a shadow clone, which means to weakens it's immune to all damage while it's not stunned.
   Destructive Breath- 1.5 HP
It will randomly choose which of these three types of magic to breath a blast of:
The added effect is that link is set on fire on contact, and his wooden shield is burned.
The added efect is that it frezes link on contact.
Corrupt Fire
The added effect is that it curses link on contact, by either reversing the movement contorls for a few seconds, or dissallowing the use of items(With the exception of the cogs)

Combat Phases:
Phase 1:
Part 1. It's at it's starting place in the back of the room. It uses floormaster tails, once the tails are gone, the hunter will be weak for a moment and you can to attack it with your sword, then it'll get ready to use shadow quake.
Part 2. After a shadowquake it'll fade out, and you'll need to use the shadow cloak to be able to see and attack it with your sword. If you don't use your shadow cloak, you'll be mauled by the Hunter while it's invisible. It'll still attack while your invisble but you can either attack it when it's about to claw you, or after it's about to claw you.
Part 3. After it's taken some damage in the part before it'll go to the corner the farthest away from link and start to regrow it's tails, and if link gets close the Hunter, it will bite link, and then toss him across the room. You have to use the magic arrows to damage it depending on what color it's eyes glow(Red = Fire Arrow, Blue = Ice Arrow). After it takes some damage in this part, Phase 2 will begin.

Phase 2:
Part 1. It will go back to center of the room, it'll phase back into the visible realm and it will then use it's Wallmaster Tails attack. Once the tails are severed again, it will be weak for a moment, which will allow you to damage it.
Part 2. After it recovers, it's body fades out, and after that it's eyes fade out, All of the lights in the room will then be extinguished. It will then it will create a vortex, the vortex stays for a moment and then dissappears. The vortex will cause the movement controls to be mirrored for this part of the phase. It will then attack you the same way it did when it was invisible during the first phase, but it's more cautious this time around.
Part 3. After it takes some damage, the movement controls will return to normal, and it will go to the corner the farthest away from link and start to regrow it's tails, but this time it lets out a roar and summons a Demonic Dodongo, and if link gets close the Hunter, it will bite link, and then toss him across the room. You have to use the magic arrows to damage it depending on what color it's eyes glow(Red = Fire Arrow, Blue = Ice Arrow). Once it takes a certain amount of damage, it will then be undamagable for the rest of this part of the phase. After it takes some damage in this part and the Demonic Dodongo is defeated, Phase 3 will begin.

Phase 3:
Part 1. It will go back to center of the room, it'll phase back into the visible realm and it will then it's tails will alternate between Wallmaster Tails and Floor Master Tails attacks after each time they attack. The Hunter Will also use his Destrucive Breath attack every 15-30 seconds(Randomly) during this part of the phase. Once the tails are severed for the final time, it will be weak for a moment, which will allow you to damage it.
Part 2. After it recovers, it's body fades out, and after that it's eyes fade out, All of the lights in the room will then be extinguished. It will then it will create a vortex, the vortex stays for a moment and then dissappears. The vortex will cause the movement controls to be mirrored for this part of the phase. It will then attack you the same way it did when it was invisible during the first & second phases, but is more cautious this time around.
Part 3. After it takes some damage, the movement controls will return to normal, and it will go to the corner the farthest away from link and start to regrow it's tails, but this time it lets out a roar and summons a pair of Demonic Dodongos, and if link gets close the Hunter, it will bite link, and then toss him across the room. After the Demonic Dodongos are defeated, you can deal direct damage to it. Once the Demonic Dodongos are defeated, You have to use the magic arrows to damage it depending on what color it's eyes glow(Red = Fire Arrow, Blue = Ice Arrow). Once it's health is gone, a cutscene will play showing it burn up in black, purple, and red flames, and it's bones will be left, then the bones will explode into purple smoke, leaving a heart container. Then part of the wall in the back of the room will rise revealing a flight of stairs going downward.

Combat Countermeasures:
-His tails can be damaged by bombs, arrows, your sword.
-His Tails are Stunned by the boomerang and hookshot.
-The Hunter can only be directly damaged when he is invisible, and link is using the shadow cloak and only damagable with a sword.
-Fire & Ice arrows only damage it when it's regrowing it's tails, and It's eyes glow to match the corrisponding magic arrow.
(Red eyes=Damageable by Fire arrow, Blue=Damagable by Ice arrows)
-Hookshot, Boomerang, Bombs, and Arrows cannot directly affect the Hunter, they can only affect his tails.
-The Pitch-Black Middle Tail can only be stunned by it grabbing a shadow clone, and is immune to all damage while it's not stunned.

This Boss is also part of my Indie Game I'm currwntly working on.

Graphics / Sprite Develeopment for LoZ:KoT
« on: June 09, 2012, 04:14:27 pm »
Me and some other people were messing around with some sprites and we started developing a sprite. So far theres only one, This is the first version, we're are making it more LoZ style in appearance.
We're going to post more sprites as they come out.

Edit: This post will have all of the Sprites that Sinkin, I, and some other people finish as they are finished.


Volcanoraxus, Armored Dodongo, Kargarock, FloorMaster




Music / [Submission]Shiekieh Temple Theme
« on: June 05, 2012, 11:11:54 pm »
One of my friends made some remixes for fun not to long ago(maybe a few months ago.), and I think this one which is a remix of the Stone Tower dungeon in MM is fitting for the Shiekieh Temple Dungeon of LoZ:KoT.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2f_jdnq2eI" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2f_jdnq2eI</a>

Sprites/Tiles / [Submission]Blue Bubble
« on: June 05, 2012, 08:07:54 pm »
I was going through my files, and I found a MC Styled Blue Bubble, I put it into a sprite sheet. I know I didn't sprite it, But I don't know who did. Each frame is 36x34.

Approved / [Submission]Volcanoraxus
« on: June 04, 2012, 12:59:04 am »
Note: I'm going to update this later, after I find the paper that had the rest of it's info.(It's battle flow is missing)

Name: Volcanoraxus
Location: Earth Temple Boss
Floor of Dungeon: B2

Description: It's a large spider made out of stone. It has magma seeping out of it in certain places, and has three large glowing blue eyes. A sprite of this monster has been attached to this post for better referance.

   Bite- 1.25 HP damage to player
The monster bites you and tosses you across the room.
   Ram- 2 HP damage to player(Without Shield) .5 HP damage to player(w/ Shield)
The Monster backs up and then rams you knock you down if you don't use you shield, a shield bash stuns the monster.
   Jump- 1.5 HP damage to player
It jumps up and you see a shadow, were the shadow stops is were the spider will land. It causes a couple of short distance shock waves once it lands.
   Fire Spray- 1 HP damage to player
The monster steps back and spews a stream of fire. It link touches the flames or their embers(Which appear after the fire fades away), link will catch on fire and start run around the room until the fire goes out, making it hard to control what direction he's going.
   Carbon Web- 1.5 HP damage if link touches burning web.
If spits a few blobs of Web, when the web blob hits the it's target area or link, it will splat and a web will be on the ground. If link touches the web hes temporily stuck, after a short time the Webs will suddenly burst into flames, damaging link if he touchs it.

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