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Topics - Q.K.

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Graphics / Moar photos?
« on: September 06, 2008, 05:33:34 am »
Sooo it's been a while and I guess I've taken a few more photos... I've been trying out black and white stuff lately though.. for certain reasons. :p

Anyways, here are some shots I've done recently (well, some are not so recent).

Like I said, some of these are new, but some are old shots that were originally in colour, that were just recently converted to black and white.

Again, the forum doesn't like to stretch to fit these pics, so you might need to scroll?
Comments and criticism is welcome...

Audio / Halloween
« on: August 30, 2008, 06:59:46 am »
Sooo I don't know what's up with this piece to be honest, it's pretty weird. It started off by me slowing down and just totally messing up some sound clips and then I figured I would make a 2 minute long loop of ambient creepy stuff for Halloween or something haha.
Meh, it's not music but take a listen if you want? Feel free to use it for whatever reason there could possibly be u__u


Audio / Quite a few old finds...
« on: August 28, 2008, 06:04:14 am »
Scrappersa's LOTR 2D topic reminded me of an old old geocities account I used to have where I uploaded some graphics for it... unfortunately I must have removed the graphics, but I found a ton of other odd finds there... including some early music when I first started writing anything :p


And what's left of the site, though I doubt links will work...

Along with a mysterious zip folder called "Crystalline River", my old RPG project I was working on with Helios... Turns out it included all sorts of original documents and diagrams for the game's design that have since been improved upon or well, scrapped...

Also included was a gmd file (gamemaker 5 I imagine?) for a rupee engine that I *probably* made by myself with Goodnight's help.. it works pretty good, really accurate to LTTP if I can remember. I don't have gamemaker anymore so if someone wants to try this out and let me know how it is that would be great ;p

Oh and a couple old and terribly shitty games I made by myself years ago... like we're talking, 2004. Whoaa man.
(Those two are probably the same platformer demo zelda style rip off lol)
Some kind of shooting game?

Graphics / Photos from Jasper&Banff
« on: August 18, 2008, 08:07:12 pm »
These are a little late I guess, but I finally got around to posting some pictures, so here they are I guess. Let me know what you think~

Also, this picture wasn't from the trip, but from the lake just this weekend, but I thought I would throw it in too:

EDIT: Um, it appears there's no auto-wrap feature so you'll have to scroll to see these pictures I guess. Sorry about that.

Audio / Summer
« on: August 14, 2008, 06:12:38 pm »
I decided to learn the song 'Summer' by Joe Hisaishi from the movie Kikujiro. You can watch it over at youtube or here:

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sj3FoFfehSM" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sj3FoFfehSM</a>

C&C on my playing?

Audio / Working on some new stuff...
« on: August 14, 2008, 05:20:59 am »
I'm not sure how this is going right now.. basically I figured I would post the first 30 seconds just to see your guys opinion on if I'm taking this in the right direction I guess. Seems like the last few times I've tried something new it didn't go well so.. meh. C&C on this?


Audio / New song~
« on: August 05, 2008, 06:14:15 am »
This one's been kicking around for a while and I just... got stuck with it I guess. Anyways, I got home and just finished this thing. Fight/battle themes have never been my strong point so this might get repetitive. Meh, I'll work with it after...
Anyways, any thoughts on making this better? Like I said, I kind of usually write ambient pieces, this is a bit out of character for me. (not that it's not good practice though)

Adverts & Recruitment / Will anybody sell me this game...
« on: July 17, 2008, 04:43:41 am »
Been trying to find Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon for the N64 for ages now... figured I might as well check here. There's nobody here with a copy they wouldn't mind selling me? ;__; I'll be using paypal, if that makes a difference.

Audio / Guitar Intro
« on: July 13, 2008, 05:35:30 am »
I was at the lake this week and got kind of bored, so I wrote and recorded this song in about half an hour right at the lake, birds and all haha. I've been thinking of doing a short film, and this is the intro song I'll be using. Haven't thought of a title yet though. C&C?


Audio / Sound Effects
« on: June 26, 2008, 05:30:02 am »
Hey... recently bought a new recording device, it's fairly high quality and I've been recording a few things lately.
Mostly just music so far, but I started to play around with Foley sounds and such, just general sound effects.
Anyways, once I amass a large enough collection I'll probably upload it so you guys can download it.
The sounds will be high quality, so they're probably useful for anything from films to games.
Of course, this is royalty free, just let me know if/how it's being used, and possibly credit if you feel like it.
Anyways, I will upload it once I think it's ready... however I thought I should ask you guys first what you want.

So I'm taking requests for a recording of any audio you might want, and I'll try to get a recording or sound effect for it.
Go ahead and request if you need anything..

Also, if any musicians want me to record and build a soundfont or need samples of a live instrument I can record a piano, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, saxophone, flute, and misc. instruments that I have. Whatever you guys want. It'll give me good practice for recording as well.

Graphics / Photography... again!?
« on: June 22, 2008, 06:49:25 am »

Some of my more recent shots this time... I feel that I'm slowly improving with each shot. What do you think? Comments and criticism is welcome.

Also... the last picture, while not as dramatic or striking as the other pictures has some sort of quality I can't describe to it. It looks like a scene from an old movie or something... with the camera doing a horizontal pan across, blurring in and out of focus... not sure if anyone understands what I'm getting at but I really like this particular photo...

Audio / Akamagaseki Temple
« on: June 06, 2008, 10:54:30 pm »
So for a while, I hit a block with my music and couldn't write anything... since school's been out though, I've had more time to work on it, and today I spent about 6 hours working on this track. I think it turned out pretty decent... what do you think?


EDIT: I recorded quite a few parts of live instruments for this piece this time. Gongs, bells, windchimes, hichiriki (the whiny things at around 25 seconds lol, they're not technically real hichiriki but I used saxophone and other instrument combinations to mimic them).

Audio / Take Five
« on: June 03, 2008, 05:01:39 am »
So, I finished another year of piano... had a recital tonight... got it on video... here's one of the songs I played, Take Five.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zww6g3r2DX8" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zww6g3r2DX8</a>

Graphics / More photos
« on: May 19, 2008, 06:38:26 am »
So, a while ago I bought another lens for my camera :p It's a telephoto 55-200mm lens. Really nice...
And then, I picked up a polarizing filter... gives some really nice colours.
Anyways, tonight I went to go see some fireworks. Here's some pictures.

C&C is welcome..

Graphics / Okami
« on: May 17, 2008, 08:31:08 pm »
Hmm... just some drawing I did today. It's alright I guess. Again, I used a reference for this pic... C&C?

Audio / Zelda Medley on Piano
« on: May 08, 2008, 01:02:12 am »
Yeah, so after being really busy writing that commission for the school band (which is being played next week... in front of 600+ people lol, let's hope it goes kind of well XD) I worked a little bit on this zelda medley..
Here's the video for it. Opinions? lol
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15dHUHiLLA8" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15dHUHiLLA8</a>

Audio / Mechanostalgia
« on: April 03, 2008, 10:17:59 pm »
So I haven't had much time to write music lately... but getting FL Studio's latest version, FL 8 has got me writing more music...
This time around it's a bit weirder sounding, but hopefully it still sounds good...
Anyways, I've started working on a small project called Mechanostalgia. It'll only maybe be 6 songs or more, I think...
Mostly ambient, electronica type stuff. I've done a few 'remixes' on older songs, and I've left one old song unchanged in the EP, but there should be 2-3 new songs in there eventually. Anyways...

Track List:
1. Rainfall
2. Acid Rain Intermezzo
3. Obachan
4. Midnight Train

These are just the completed songs I've got so far... I'll probably keep updating this later. For now, listen to Acid Rain Intermezzo.
Comments are really appreciated, just to see how it sounds... I don't usually write music like this :p

Graphics / Q.K.'s Photography
« on: February 21, 2008, 06:17:19 am »
So it's been a while since the forums have been down, this topic is lost somewhere in the archives, and I though I would start again, posting some of my latest photos for you guys to see... enjoy I guess? C&C is welcome.

Graphics / Q.K's photography
« on: January 06, 2008, 01:00:34 am »
#1. Crackle
#2. Footsteps
#3. Reeds
#4. Underpass
#5. Breaker
#6. Plow
#7. Grapevine
#8. Moth
#9. Latch
#10. Headlights
#11. Salisbury
#12. Viewpoint

So these are my photos I've taken, the most recent are at the top..
I had an old thread somewhere here but it looks like it's gone.
Hope you won't mind the new topic >__<. Anyways, I'd love some feedback on these, thanks!

Audio / Concert band commision
« on: November 09, 2007, 04:36:51 am »
Just recently, my band teacher had mentioned hearing some of my music a while ago (lol) and asked if I would write a score for the senior concert band (my band class). So I basically get to write out an almost fully orchestrated (just missing strings) song to be played by a live band of about 50 players.They're also going to play it at the spring concert. !!! needless to say, I'm pretty stoked about writing it lol.

There's lots of parts I have to write for: flute, saxophone, clarinets, horns, trumpets, tubas, percussion, etc, but I'm working on what I hope will be my best orchestral piece to date XD. Can't wait to see how that goes...

Anyways, I'll be updating this topic with WIP versions of the song mockup (played by my soundfonts/VSTs with FL, haha) as I go along with this song. Here's hoping this turns out good. XD

(also, I'm including some very subtle references to a few video game pieces, just because... XD nothing too obvious though, the song's original...)

http://media.putfile.com/Bandsongfinal - Final version... C&C...
http://media.putfile.com/Bandsong - More recent 40 second preview... C&C!
http://media.putfile.com/20seconds - First 20 second preview... C&C?

And, here's the rough recording of us playing it live... the crappy recording kind of killed it, but I'll have a high quality version later next week.

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