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Topics - Jeod

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« on: May 09, 2009, 08:28:08 pm »
So I picked up the Collector's Disc for Gamecube today in order to play MM again. After getting the Ocarina, I traveled to the Swap and proceeded to do what was neccessary to get into the dungeon. Upon completing the dungeon, I got myself the Scent Mask, and went back for the Bremen's Mask and the Great Fairy's Mask. Then I warped back to Woodfall and cleaned house, gathering all stray fairies from the temple. (All this took about 3 hours for me; I had used the inverted SOT) So I went to get the Bomber's Notebook before going back in time and saving, y'know? Well guess what. My game froze at the loading screen for the Bombers game.

I won't be touching MM for a while.

Discussion / Can't believe nobody's thought of this...
« on: May 09, 2009, 12:50:02 am »
Has anyone given thought to a massive (as in 20 people) multiplayer online game of Timesplitters versus modes in 2D? Like virus, flame tag, etc. It'd be something like the attachment below, only online.

Other Projects / [Demo][WIP] Viral Fusion
« on: May 08, 2009, 10:12:24 pm »
I was just fooling around in MMF2, making random platform stuff, when I started turning it into a game. Now, the demo may not be perfect gameplay, and there are a few kinks I have yet to work out. However, if all goes well, I'll have a small game of ten levels, with added challenges like time limits and extra ways to the exit. (Haven't made an exit for the demo) Also, the file is a bit large because of the sounds. But the sound effects are the same in all levels, so the file size won't get much larger due to sound. (The level background music is not a sound effect)

-Time Limit
-Return to completed levels via special doors
-Keys can carry over

*I'm open for suggestions

Story is simple: No dialogue, you are an antibody bent on destroying a new form of virus that is invading your territory.

Arrow keys - move
Shift - jump
Control - shoot (not active yet)

*Doors will need keys to open. Find a key if you can't open a door!

Graphics / Ganondorf Mugshot
« on: May 03, 2009, 02:43:38 pm »
I'm going to be making edits of Fire Emblem mugshots and converting them to Zelda characters. Here's Ganondorf.

Entertainment / The Triforce Covenant
« on: April 28, 2009, 01:48:39 am »
There have been many legends, tales, and myths about the kingdom of Hyrule and the sacred Triforce. All are usually the same thing. The great king of darkness asserts his power, causes some chaos, and then a hero appears and does the dirty work. The most memorable legend is probably the legend of time. That tale pretty much started the whole trend, with the hero being someone nobody expected. Then there’s the follow up, where the goddesses flooded Hyrule, but the king of darkness somehow survived and began his evil plans to resurrect the kingdom and crown himself the ruler. Again, the hero turned out to be someone nobody suspected. That kid was actually all right. He earned his Triforce, in my opinion.
      The point is, all these legends have similarities. All of them featured a great king of darkness with immense power, and a hero who fought with courage. But let’s not forget the final tie: the princess Zelda, who fought alongside the hero with her wisdom. So why am I telling you this now? Let’s just say my story is a little different…

Chapter 1: The Winds of Change

   â€œIt looks just like the mark of legend!” And so the wise words of Kaileena are heard at last. She’s known to state the obvious, but sometimes she actually puts on a thinking cap and churns out brains. “No, it must be something else,” I joked. “Three triangles in that formation? That is definitely not the Triforce!” Kaileena frowned. Her brown hair drooped over her face, and she wrapped her arms around her knees. “You always make me feel so bad,” she sobbed. I knew she, too, was joking. Kaileena and I are best friends, and we always joke a lot. The thing is, we never really thought about a serious relationship. Somehow I think both of us preferred it to be simple. “We should show this to the elder, Kent!” Kaileena jumped up and started tugging my wrist. I tried to resist her pull, but she has a lot of strength in her. I gave in and stood, brushing myself off.
      My house, if you want to call it that, is actually a manmade cave. I realize that all the normal Hylians live in actual buildings, but I never got around to getting my own home. My cave was my temporary home, you see. I worked for old man Ingus down at the ranch. It wasn’t too bad of a job, considering the amount of work I had to do in order to get a wage of fifty rupees a week. Tending to the horses was kind of boring though, and I always came home smelling like a load of moblins who had been thrown into a swamp. Ingus was a nice guy, however, and he often invited me to dine with him. A rich kind of guy, but his heart was for the people, not the money.
      Kaileena practically dragged me through town and I really did try to keep up. Fortunately for me, the elder was busy with someone, so we couldn’t see him right away. It was good news for me, because the elder and I aren’t what you would call friends. If it weren’t for the king vouching for me, he’d have kicked me out of town. Kaileena defended me every time he and I got into a fight, but for some reason he could never put it past her. Kaileena had a sort of gentle aura surrounding her. No sane man would be able to say no to her cute charm. Of course, I can, so I must be insane. What a conclusion.
      Instead of loitering around the crone’s place, I made my way to the bank. Kaileena happily skipped by my side, saying “hello” and “how do you do” to everyone she made eye contact with. I bumped into a big guy accidentally, but he just scoffed and turned away. I figured it was Kaileena’s charm that protected me.
      The bank teller and I are real pals, despite what you might think after seeing us punch each other as a greeting. Not a full fist punch, just a light punch on the shoulder. “I’m here on some personal business,” I stated. “I need to make a withdrawal of two hundred rupees.” The register shook and made some noise as the teller pounded the keys. “My, Kent! This is your first withdrawal in months! What kind of business do you have today? I’m kind of suspicious,” he chuckled. I took the brown sack and smiled back. “Just some shopping. Say hello to Rickard for me when he comes by, alright?” The teller waved as I left. “I’ll let him know you were looking for him!”
      Borston’s Casual is the centerpiece of the town. One look inside and there goes your year’s worth of rupees. Unless you’re the laid-back, controlled kind of guy like me. Kaileena on the other hand is a dangerous threat to my cash flow, so I asked her to wait outside. “Okay, but don’t keep me waiting or I might run away!” I grinned and pushed the door open. Borston seemed to be waiting for me; all his shiny trinkets and jewels were neatly laid out on the table in front of him. He must have thought I was coming in with Kaileena. “Well, looks like Kent decided to drop by for a visit! Where’s your girlfriend, laddie?” I looked up at him. The beard hid the smile, and the stare made it look like he had a bone to pick with me. “Just some casual necessities,” I answered. “Nothing fancy. Kaileena and I are going out to Ingus’ place tonight and I thought I’d run some errands he’d have me do beforehand.” I nodded and Borston seemed to accept my excuse. “A smart lad, doing work before his boss even tells him to do it! What can I get you?” I pointed to a sack on his shelf labeled cattle feed. “I’ll take that, if you don’t mind.” Borston looked at the sack and turned to fill it, which is when I noticed my hand had started glowing. “…Impossible…” I quickly tucked my hand away and asked Borston for a pair of gloves. “Eh? Gloves?” I came up with a good excuse, saying I was doing some work involving sharp thorns and needed the gloves for protection. “Alright, boy, what color? I’d go with brown, personally. It suits you.” Borston didn’t wait for me to respond. He threw a pair of leather gloves on the table along with the sack of cattle feed. “Seventy rupees, kiddo. Can you pay for it?” I tossed the seventy on the table and took the goods. Without showing my hand, I slipped the gloves on.
      Kaileena shot me an annoyed look and followed me to the elder’s house. “What took you so long,” she said accusingly. “And why are you wearing gloves?” I didn’t answer at first, but when she started to tug at the gloves I grabbed her and looked at her sternly. “That mark on my hand started glowing,” I whispered. “That’s why I’m wearing these gloves. I didn’t want to cause any commotion.” Kaileena backed off after that, following me silently. I think she finally realized that I was taking the mark seriously.

 Spammy images.

Graphics / Free Avatar
« on: April 27, 2009, 12:58:52 am »
I was making some avatars out of images from various flash videos. The Ruto one sucks, and you can see I made a Link one from my avatar. (Taken from The Real Legend 3) I do, however, have a Goron one.

And so this topic doesn't go to waste by me just giving out a free avatar for anyone to use, I'll keep doing this if anyone requests anything from a certain flash or video, etc.

Entertainment / Dude! Zelda Unknown Origins!
« on: April 26, 2009, 02:17:29 am »
Unknown Origins

Please tell me he's still working on this! If Zelda were to become a TV show or movie, then this would be it. Best. Flash. Ever.

Entertainment / OoT Water Temple: Holy Hyrule...
« on: April 26, 2009, 02:04:14 am »
I'm lost. ;_; I saw Ruto, got the small key, then got another small key, got the map, got the compass, used both small keys. One on the lowest door and the other on the 2nd floor's door.

Discussion / Legend of Zelda: Spirit Blade
« on: April 23, 2009, 10:40:11 pm »

Long ago, the land of Hyrule was invaded by spirits of those deceased. The Spirit Raiders, as they were called, tormented and slaughtered the living out of jealousy and scorn. Following strict orders from an unspeakable force, the spirits showed no mercy. But the kingdom fought back, and with the help of a courageous lad and his sword, the raiders were cast back into the spirit world, and the hero followed them to ensure the catastrophe would not occur again. The hero gave his life in return for the prosperity of Hyrule, and so the royal family enshrined his sword with care. None could forsee the events that would follow...

I thought it was about time to post this here. There's an ongoing discussion for it on my website, and we've really gotten deep. There aren't screenshots yet, unless you'd like to see some mockups. (So if this breaks the WIP rules for no screenshots, place it in Concepts until I can make a few mockups please) I really need to thank you guys for helping me put this together, especially for the mapping tips. (The map isn't done yet, btw. Far from it) Anyway, here's a little preview of what to expect.

Characters and Races
Link - The present hero (not the one who died)
Zelda - The queen of Hyrule
Poe Collector - A spirit guru who lives in the village
Gerudo - Desert warriors (No Ganondorf in this game though)
Hylians - Humans
Gorons - Mountain Folk
Spirits - Souls of those deceased (Some are friendly)
Demon - The main antagonist (Does not have an official name yet)
Dark Link - Hero's doppelganger, leader of the Spirit Raiders
Zora - Water Tribe
Deku - Forest Tribe
Gerudo Prince - Only male in the Gerudo tribe (No name yet, bears a striking resemblance to Ganondorf)
King Zora - Leader of the Zora tribe

Item Sneak Peek
Wooden Sword
Wooden Shield
Poe Jewel
Power Bracelet
Spirit Blade

**The Spirit Blade is a secondary sword that replaces the Wooden Sword. It is the only weapon that can fight the spirits of the Spirit World.

Hyrule Overworld
Overworld WIP

**The staff would appreciate suggestions and/or comments. We want to make Hyrule and the Spirit World with an awesome landscape. We are using tiles from the Oracle games, although mostly Seasons.

The game will be programmed in Multimedia Fusion 2. If you would like to join the team, please see our website, Fusion League.

**We are looking for spriters who can do the Zelda gameboy style and can make original sprites such as bosses and characters. (Also, we do not intend to use this as a way to advertise. Fusion League is just our "base of operations", where all the discussion is.)

Jeod - Tiling, Story, Gameplay
Zabooza - Programming, Story, Gameplay
Wheeness - Story suggestions
Zelda Fan Game Central - Map suggestions, Story suggestions
VGMaps.com - Oracle of Seasons/Ages maps and tiles

Feedback / What Do I Do?
« on: April 15, 2009, 01:20:00 am »

I hate this place because of the rules and the strictness of the staff. I think it's because they cannot tolerate a bit of fun here and there. Yet I also like this place a lot because of the community. Everyone knows eachother and everyone is friendly. Except the staff, I've noticed.


How many times have the people of the community suggested many different things and then AGREED on something, only to find later that the staff keeps using the DO NOT CARE attitude?

Moral: A lot of us are younger than you and not really into the "adulthood" phase yet. Some of you are too into it. Have more tolerance or give the position to someone who does.

Why is it always TRIFORCE, anyway?

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwxVjNLPVhI" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwxVjNLPVhI</a>

So yeah, I spent all day on WW and just got to the part where I gotta drag my ass all over the Great Sea looking for Triforce. Way to blow my Saturday.

Graphics / Practicing my GB mapping skillz
« on: April 10, 2009, 10:03:06 pm »
Actually I'm making maps for my team's Spirit Blade game. I just finished the town, and I'm going to put Hyrule Castle just above it. (Which is why the gate is there) I used the Seasons tiles from VGmaps.com. Please comment on it...I want to improve!

OoA/S & LA / [SOLVED] Gameboy Hookshot
« on: April 03, 2009, 02:11:31 am »
TSR, Shyguy Kingdom, Google...none of them turned up any results. I can't find the gameboy hookshot animations. And unfortunately my ROM ripping software isn't working properly.

LTTP & FSA / [SOLVED] LttP Poe Sheet
« on: March 29, 2009, 01:26:49 am »
I'm looking for this guy:

I can't find his sheet at TSR, and I searched the forums. Anyone have him?

Discussion / Spirit Wand
« on: March 29, 2009, 12:07:22 am »
I've been working on this story all afternoon, as well as drawing concept maps and gameplay ideas. It'll be in GBC style, so please comment on it if anything should be changed or tweaked to fit the style better.

Style: Gameboy Color
Program: Multimedia Fusion 2

Basic Plot:

Legends speak of a lad long ago whose sister died of a sudden unknown cause. The young man searched for years for an answer but to no avail, until one day he decided to go against the royal orders and communicate with the dead. Magical rocks known as Soulstones were used by witches for their magical spells, so the lad tracked down a traveling witch and pleaded for her assistance. However, her powers did not come without a price. In exchange for her help, the lad would have to craft for her a special artifact: a wand with the ability to travel between the living world and the spirit world. The lad would craft the wand, she explained, and then she would enchant it with her mystical spells. The craftsmanship that followed came to be known as the Spirit Wand, and using it the young man contacted his lost sister. But what became of the lad and the witch after that? None heard from them again, and the Spirit Wand was lost in the ages.

When Link obtains the Spirit Wand, he will be able to use it to summon forth portals to the spirit world. These portals must be used to travel to unreachable locations and also to travel between the two worlds.

There are eight elemental dungeons for Link to conquer. These dungeons each hold a Soulstone, the keys to the Black Tower. The dungeons are as follows:

Forest - An abandoned temple deep in the Eastern Woods.
Fire - An active volcano in the center of Hyrule.
Water - A lagoon that is only accessible through the spirit world.
Shadow - A haunting crypt underneath a grave in the spirit world.
Light - A royal temple located at the spirit village. Gaining access is no easy matter.
Earth - A dangerous cavern at the base of Breezy Peak.
Wind - A palace among the clouds. Accessible only by climbing Breezy Peak.

After the player has obtained all eight Soulstones, Link will be able to enter the Black Tower, a place the player has passed throughout the game. It is there that he will learn the fate of the young man of legend and the witch who helped him. The Black Tower is the final breathtaking dungeon of the game, utilizing the full extent of the gameboy style for maximum epicness. At the top of the tower, Link will battle the malevolent demon who drained the life of so many innocents.

The Spirit World is very unique. Because no living being can dwell in it, Link's life will constantly be drained while he is exposed to the world. The more Soulstones Link has, the longer he can stay alive.

The Demon is the main antagonist of the game. Link will discover his existence in the Black Tower, but the player can also discover the true villan by speaking with the inhabitants of the spirit world. (Link can only speak with the spirits after the player has obtained the Spirit Wand. The Demon is a monstrosity who can drain the life of the living at will.

Feedback / Officially, Porkchop and Wallnut1000 suck
« on: March 27, 2009, 12:54:43 am »
<IM Convo deleted due to not being neccessary; sorry guys, I was just frustrated.>

I'm back to being here, unless those two can be mature. I won't bring any of that trash here though, just saying I'm probably back. I can do what you need me to do for the CP.

Coding / (MMF2) Boomerang Engine
« on: March 24, 2009, 02:27:55 am »
I made a GBC style boomerang engine in MMF2 for anyone to use. Actually, it can be used in any style.

Included in the zip
   -Boomerang Engine exe file
   -Boomerang Engine mfa file (MMF2)

Alternative download link:


I posted this at GDU, too. In the tutorials and examples topic.

Entertainment / Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
« on: March 16, 2009, 09:47:25 pm »
I have it. On Chapter 7, if anyone else has it. I'll gladly battle you.

Zelda Projects / [WIP] Link's Awakening Remastered
« on: March 11, 2009, 01:23:30 am »

After getting lost in a brutal storm at sea, Link finds himself on the island of Koholint in the care of Marin, a harpist who Link mistakes for Zelda. When Link goes to retrieve his sword from the beach he washed up on, a mysterious owl speaks to him.

"Hoot! Hoot! So you are the lad who owns the sword...Now I understand why the monsters are starting to act so violently... A courageous lad has come to wake the Wind Fish... It is said that you cannot leave the island unless you wake the Wind Fish..."

As from the title, I am recreating Link's Awakening in SNES style. I've been working with some others on the maps (in the graphics forum) and have been putting together some basic things myself.

File select screen, for now. Still tweaking with one that fits the style more closely.

The name input screen, which is complete.

The inventory screen. Incomplete, as seen.

Just making the engine and testing some basic actions...

The ending, digitally remastered. Credit to Harim for it, he even did the sound.

MC Link's Awakening / Community Project Redesign
« on: March 10, 2009, 01:52:42 am »
This topic is separate from the "What Changes Do You Want" topic for a few reasons. One, this is the community project board. So a redesign discussion belongs here. Two, the topic in announcements is meant for the whole site. I felt too much discussion about the community project in that topic would distract members from the point: what chages do you want to the SITE.

Now, if you'd like to debate my reasoning for a separate topic, fine. PM me or 4Sword. But your arguments are basically useless since this topic is actually on-topic and nothing hazardous.

On to the discussion. Here are the main points 4Sword has proposed:

-Two part system, one being the engine and the other being the game
-Open source projects
-Use of Game Maker as a development tool
-Contests committed to the community project
-Resource database that is organized and easy to sift through

Here are my main points:

-No multiple systems at once. Only one engine and one game should be worked on at a time for maximum effort. (Discussable since engines don't take a lot of work and many can be helping with them)
-Keep it simple. Nothing outlandish and ridiculous.
-Staff system to regulate opinion and keep it fair

Topic's open for discussion. Let's see some brainy ideas from you peeps who want this thing so bad!

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