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Topics - Dayjo

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 6
Entertainment / Ocarina of Time - Best Game Ever. OFFICIAL
« on: July 02, 2007, 04:09:21 pm »
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time has topped a poll of readers of Edge magazine and industry experts to find the top 100 games of all time.


Rightly so I say :)

Entertainment / WiiWare
« on: June 28, 2007, 04:48:00 pm »
"Independent developers armed with small budgets and big ideas will be able to get their original games into the marketplace to see if we can find the next smash hit," said Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America president in a statement.


Also seen here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/6248780.stm

This is cool, I can't wait to try it out and get a game onto Wii :D

Coding / Javascript/CSS Help
« on: June 27, 2007, 11:09:33 pm »
Ok, so I have a <div> (contactInfoBox), and within that I have a table. I have the table's td's opacity set to 0.75 (75%) in a stylesheet like so:

.contactInfoBox td{
   padding: 0px;
   padding-left: 5px;
   padding-right: 5px;
   background-color: #FFFFFF;

   opacity: 0.75;
   filter: alpha(opacity=75);


what I want, is to have two links (images) that will increase / decrease the opacity of those td's. I've no idea how to do that :s
Also note that there might be more than one contactInfoBox with different ID's so i wouldnt want to be changing all of them at once.

Audio / Zelda Rap - By Dayjo [Strong Language(ish)]
« on: June 13, 2007, 06:03:35 pm »
Written and Performed by Dayjo


I'm Link.
I'm the Hero of Time
I'm here to save Zelda so hear my !@#$% rhymes,
There's a evil power coming to rock this land,
But listen to my story and you might understand.

There's a hot looking princess locked away in a tower.
But Gannon's in the way with the Triforce of Power.
His minions are many, and they fight real rough,
After all this time, you'd think I'd had enough.

But no, I love this chick
I wake up every morning and feel a tingle in my,
Deku stick, got magic tricks, items and weapons galore,
Gonna screw this Gannon like a mother !@#$% !@#$%.

So I get up, equip my sword and shield,
Find as many weapons and items that i can wield,
I learn from a old man, about ganon's big old plan
And i climb up on Epona and storm the  Hyrule field

Moblins and Stalfos, Octorok and Tektites,
I smash my way through em, chuchus and likelikes
They keep coming, yeah they don't let up
But if I'm gonna save this gal, I'm gonna have to speed it up

Hookshot, Slingshot, Deku Nuts and Bombchu
The weapons I need, and use,  to get me through
The hard times, I don't !@#$% kid around,
This is serious !@#$% now and I cant get run-down

I stock up, on potions and spells
I do some little sides quests, grab some things I can sell
For fairies, they pick me up, when my life is low
20 years in the making, no amateur I'm a pro.

I've made some real good friends.. we're going way back now
To a time unknown, there's Gorons Zoras, even a cow
I played him a tune, and he gave me drink
I sipped it down, it brought my life, right back to the brink

But it's time right now, to straighten out
Forget that Zora princess, yea, that hot trout
Zelda's the one for me, no doubt about it
If I'm really gonna save her, I gonna have to take this hit

....I'm tired, yeah, of all this fighting
Why can't Gannon come right here and quit his !@#$% hiding.
I'm on my way now to Hyrule Castle
Where that evil !@#$% waits, oh hell that's a hassle

After all this hard work, it better be worth it
I better get some ass, or at least get to jerk it
This princess Zelda, she's a real stuck up chick,
But if i get a piece of that, I'll take my time, wont be quick

... go around and around, that's what it's about
... go around and around, i could really go and do without
This !@#$% moron, sitting in his windmill,
Playing !@#$% tunes, like a !@#$% pneumatic drill

... go around and around, that's all I'm !@#$% doing
Back and forth Hyrule, for what? Zelda spewing?
Blood all over the place, if I don't get a move on
Everything I've ever loved will all be !@#$% gone!

Back to Epona, my one true friend
She helps me on my journey's to prevent Hyrule's end
Right back across that field you know
Straight to the castle where Gannon better show

I'm prepped for the fight, everything is set
My weapons, my armour, now hell I'M the threat!
I can take this guy, no problem, I'm not shy
I'll show him what I got, then I'll stab him in the eye

The entrance is clear, no worries no fear
I'm marching to my destiny, it starts or ends here
The battle begins, I draw my sword,
My !@#$% ugly rival, he screams and RAWR'd

It's not an easy fight, it'll last all night
But I think I've got him cornered and It's fight or flight.
For him, not me, I'm not going anywhere
I've come for my prize, and I ain't stopping there

He's dead, yeah he's finally gone
He'll probably be back, but with me here, not for long
Here comes Zelda, the one I really came for
Where we gonna do it hun? the bed? or the floor?

Excuuuuuuuse me princess! I just saved your life!
All this !@#$% action, all this bloodshed, all this strife?
How'd you turn me down like that? it hurts like a knife
In my heart, I suppose this is it.. game over.., that's life.

I'm trying to convert some cursors (*.cur) which have alpha channels, into a PNG while preserving the alpha levels. Anyone know how?

Other Discussion / 2012 Olympics Logo
« on: June 04, 2007, 11:31:51 pm »
Well, there have been some great entries.. I think this is the best:

Other Discussion / Eat this Jack Thompson
« on: May 29, 2007, 11:25:50 pm »
Whenever anyone goes crazy with a gun, the press are usually quick to blame video and computer games for the young person's violence.

So we're grateful to one Reg reader for bringing the following to our attention - a man whose brain was so addled by the filth of online, and LAN gaming that he stepped in to try and stop an armed robbery he saw on the way to work.


XD, I love The Register...

Graphics / Peenoi
« on: May 23, 2007, 01:55:18 pm »
Check out the whole series at the official website; http://dayjo.org/peenoi/

Hello folks,
I'm currently looking for someone to design some fancy emblems for a game I'm working on. It's a 'sci-fi' genre, and I need images for use in-game.

Think C&C GDI / NOD emblems, like that kind of thing. It would be great if I could get it done as a 3D model, but like a high quality art work would be great.

If you're interested, post here or contact me via Personal Message and I'll give you all the details.

I'm not really 'paying' for this job, as I really don't have any money, but obviously you will be put in the credits, and if there's anything I can offer you I'm sure we can negotiate something :)



Other Discussion / GOLD o.o
« on: May 19, 2007, 02:48:57 pm »

Check that out.. how COOL is that.. and it's only a couple miles from me :D, I wish I'd found it :( would be awesome to be like a pirate with real gold. :P

I'm hoping they find out who the owner was and find out that I'm a descendant >=D

Feedback / GM7 Topic Icon
« on: May 08, 2007, 12:52:28 pm »

k thx bai

Coding / Quick Javascript help.
« on: April 25, 2007, 09:15:20 am »
I have the following code which should toggle between a selection of tables.. it works in Firefox, but after testing getElementsByName in Opera and IE, the function doesn't work the same as in FF.

Is there another way to do this?

Code: [Select]
function toggleStaff(name) {

    for (var i=document.getElementsByName('staffTable').length-1; i>=0; --i ){
      document.getElementsByName('staffTable')[i].style.display ="none";

    document.getElementById(name).style.display ="block";

Feedback / Warning Level Modification PM
« on: April 19, 2007, 06:28:05 pm »
I replied to my PM I received as instructed (and to ask for a little more information), but have received no reply from the administration. Did you get the message?

Other Discussion / Convert itunes m4p to wav/mp3 ?
« on: April 12, 2007, 05:10:56 pm »
I've been looking to do this today but haven't been successful in finding a working solution. So any help would be great.

Other Discussion / Breakout... EXTRA!
« on: April 11, 2007, 11:16:14 pm »
Boredom + 60 Pieces of Extra chewing gum = Breakout - EXTRA


And yes, those are my hands. 

[dantheman edit]  Sorry Dayjo, I turned it into a link since it's a 2 MB file

[Dayjo edit]  !@#$% 56kers, since when does 2mb take long to download... even on 56k it'd probably play normal speed.

[Infinitus edit]  you haven't been on a 56k connection for a while have you? I remember when I was, it took like 2 hours to upload a 7mb file so 2mb is still going to take them a while.

Entertainment / Nintendo to prevent modchips..
« on: March 27, 2007, 01:01:30 pm »
Nintendo is reportedly tweaking the Wii's internal workings to prevent the use of console modification chips.

I've never actually chipped a console before and used copied discs, but I think it's cool that Ninty are working to stop the buggery.

Feedback / News Fader.
« on: March 18, 2007, 06:53:52 pm »
PLEASE, set the news fader to a static height so that it doesn't stretch when the news loads.


Feedback / Username Status Colour?
« on: March 15, 2007, 12:09:54 am »
Is this going to be implemented?

Other Discussion / Home turned into an island. O.o
« on: March 15, 2007, 12:01:55 am »
As far as planning disputes go, it is a far cry from letters of complaint to the council over an unsightly conservatory.

After a row with developers, this family's home has been left perched 12m (40ft) up on its own concrete island.


Can I be the first to say: XD!
Those crazy Chinese folk!

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