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Topics - Dantztron 3030

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 7
Entertainment / ZFGC Game Servers
« on: October 21, 2008, 09:36:58 pm »
Dantz has another computer in his dorm, and is going to host 2-3 game servers on it for ZFGC.

Currently, the computer is running a TrackMania Nations Forever server over Hamachi. Hamachi is necessary because I'm on a university network. To connect:

1. Download Hamachi
2. Figure out how to use it (there are instructions, it is not difficult)
3. Join the network "Servetron 3000" with the password "cone5"
4. Games will be accessible over LAN.track

I am also in the process of setting up a UT2004 dedicated server. Any other requests? The machine can probably handle one more! I was thinking TF2 or Synergy.

Entertainment / Clocks: A Short Film by Dantz
« on: October 14, 2008, 01:00:46 pm »
The first short film I've done that can honestly be called mine is now complete!

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJhyUVnnq6k" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJhyUVnnq6k</a>
Subscribe! www.youtube.com/nobudgetprods

Okay, so this script was originally written for SpoonBank, the guys who did Fresh Prince of Gotham. They took it and ran with it, keeping maybe 15% of the original material, and created "A Small Touch."

This is the original version. The story: Steve Olson is living his dream of drumming for his favorite band Coldplay. Unfortunately...they're insane.

Written and directed by Jonathan Dantzler.

Nathan Barker
Zaque Smith
Timothy Snyder
Boris Zaverukha

Shot on a Sony HDR-SR11; a 480p copy is coming to the internets sometime soon.


Other Projects / [WIP] Written in Lights
« on: September 22, 2008, 04:07:00 am »
Another short story I doubt anyone will read. Cheers!

Not even close to finished.

I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed, but the world is different when night comes creeping. The differences go beyond the surface and reach into the indecipherable and the ethereal, beyond the darkness and the quiet. The very fabric of existence seems to undergo a shift into something else; daylight is familiar and easy, a favorite blanket. Night is somewhere far away you’ve never been, with no one you know around you…yet somehow, you fall soundly asleep and have beautiful dreams.
   That was the only explanation. It had to be a dream. US-421 had no cars commuting back and forth, there were no eighteen wheelers threading the needle between a compact and a hard place. Instead of headlights, there were stars, more than I had ever noticed before. The road was cracked and vegetation was beginning to poke its way through…Mother Nature’s way of reclaiming what was rightfully hers.
   We walked along the edge of the road, our path lit by moonlight. The mountains stood as sentinels against a silent sky, like giants hiding secrets from us.
   For the past month I was caught up in how everyone around me felt and, even more, how to fight through the jungle of emotions in my own mind. War does that, I guess. But now I wondered: if the mountains could speak to us, what would they say? Would they forgive humanity or look on in disgust at what we’d done and call us animals?
   I stared off into those mountains and remembered what they used to mean to me: the future. Endless possibility, my wildest hopes. The future. Looking back at them now they were relics of the past, of a life that I never even lived.
   Lya turned to me.
   â€œIs something wrong?”

*  *  *

   â€œI wonder if it’s ever going to end?”
   Lya’s red hair, always full of life, swept itself up in the breeze, billowing like a great cape. The leaves fell down around us, embers floating on the autumn air.
   In the valley below Howard’s Knob, tanks patrolled the streets.
   I thought about what I wanted to say. I wanted so badly to tell her everything was going to be okay, but that was probably more directed towards myself than anything. I knew that wasn’t the truth, but at the same time, I had no idea what the truth even was.
   â€œI don’t know. I hope so,” is what came out.
   Lya’s face showed she didn’t know either. I knew her face well; it had been a familiar sight since we were kids on the playground. It stayed a fixture when I grew up, then grew down, and when I finally began to start upwards again. It was a special face, one that I held dearly to my heart…and seeing it like this was crushing.
   â€œDo you think they’ll ever find out?” Lya asked, turning to me, her hair falling down across the sides of her face.
   â€œAbout what?”
   â€œYou know…about you.”
   About me? I was a little vocal sometimes, sure, but I’d never let anyone but Lya know I wasn’t loyal to the Separatists. I’d never really been loyal to anything; the people on TV telling me what was wrong were just pictures to me. I just wanted to live, really, and the New Union sounded like it was going to let me do just that. It’s a bit of a paradox, sure, but I’m positive I had my reasons, even if I didn’t understand them.
   â€œI haven’t talked to anyone from the NUF in weeks. I’m out of that now, Lya. I know we can’t win.”
   â€œI know, it’s just…they always seem to find out, you know? Remember what happened to Dennis? We thought he was going to be okay.”
   A sudden gust of wind made her huddle in closer to herself, and ever-so-slightly closer to me. I could almost feel her. “It’s just that…I feel like I need something to fight for, you know? Ever since the war started I feel like I’ve been waiting.”
   â€œWaiting for what?”
   â€œNothing. Because nothing’s going to happen unless I do something.”
   â€œBut I don’t want you to do anything, Scott.” For once, she was being completely unambiguous about what she wanted…
   She glanced away from me, almost as if she had something to hide. “Just…if you feel like you have to fight for something, fight for yourself…okay? Fight for me, fight for Caleb, fight for Rachel, for whoever…just don’t fight for something that’s not what you know just because it…” She struggled. “Because it makes you feel like you’re standing for something.”
   I couldn’t be offended.
   â€œLook, I know how that sounds, it’s just…I want to have you around, you know?
   Lya’s head fell on my shoulder, and I stroked her hair gently. I stared in the direction of the setting sun, and didn’t close my eyes.
*  *  *

   â€œHey, Scott? Does your watch still work?”
   My moment of reflection was brought down to earth by Lya’s voice. I turned to her, not really thinking anything, and glanced down at my watch. I was pretty sure it was 9 PM around an hour ago.
   â€œNo, I don’t think so.”
   We all kind of slowed to a stop, brought about by some sort of strange group mentality. However, no one really did anything except look down, up, around, in any direction that was out of the perimeter of someone else’s line of sight. I decided to be different, and instead sat down. I eventually succumbed to avoidant glances as well, but with a purpose: we had to find some place to stop for the night, some place where any stray patrols or Loners wouldn’t find us.
   Darting my head back and forth wasn’t sufficient enough for the task, so I put my feet to work instead and found a path up and around a rock face. It’d be hard, but we could scramble up on our hands and feet.
   â€œYou guys tired?”
   Patrick turned to me, his face distant as it always was for reasons I didn’t know. “Not really. I could probably keep going for a while.”
   â€œYeah, but it’s getting dark,” said Lya. “We don’t want to run into any Loners like last night.” Her face gave away her fear.

Other Discussion / Miss Teen South Carolina lives on my hall :O
« on: September 17, 2008, 01:44:59 pm »
For the unfamiliar:

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj3iNxZ8Dww" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj3iNxZ8Dww</a>

Yes, THAT Miss South Carolina lives on my floor, in my dorm, at Appalachian State University. Her name is Caitlin Upton, and she lives a few doors down from me. I just found this out like yesterday.

I first encountered her at club expo day, where I was representing the Student Filmmaker's Organization. An...unusually attractive girl came up to our table and started talking to us, she introduced herself as Katie. Small talk, etc. I tell her what we're about and ask her if she has any experience.

As it turns out, Katie the graphic design major has experience with After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere, and went to a technical high school where she studied video production. Then she said I looked familiar, and asked if I lived in [dorm name] 5th floor. Turns out yes, I recognized her too...it was crazy. So she gave us her email and phone number, and we invited her along with the 50 other interested people to our first meeting.

She didn't show up (which really is a shame since she's so experienced), but I read an article in the Appalachian, our newspaper, a couple days ago and realized HOLY !@#$%, THAT'S MAPS LIKE SUCH AS GIRL!

So yeah, cool story bros.

Updates / September 9th, 2008 - ZFGC Weekly
« on: September 09, 2008, 12:50:30 am »

Volume 2, Issue 4 - September 9th, 2008
irc.windfyre.net #zfgc
This week’s banner courtesy of mit and icon courtesy of Soil

Hello members, and welcome to another issue of ZFGC Weekly! Here’s what’s in this week’s issue:

1. Community Announcements (Ctrl+F CA2)
2. Best of the Forum (Ctrl+F BF2)
3. Weekly Awards (Ctrl+F WA2)
5. The Big Question (Ctrl+F BQ2)
5. Featured Project: The Visual Boy Advance Sprite Ripper and an interview with its creator, Windy (Ctrl+F FP2)

Community Announcements (CA2)
-- The ZFGC Community Project has released new sprites and concept art. Peep that !@#$% here, dawg: http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=30941.0

-- Infini's "How to design a Zelda game" step-by-step project is now open to community contribution. Tell us what you know, or else! http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?board=252.0
Got an important announcement? PM Hoffy or Dantz!

The Best of the Forum (BF2)
The Time Warp; Let's Do It Again
I got 25 towards female.

Sex, Drugs, and GIRLS TALKING ABOUT IT XD!!!!!
<factorial_nine> "Male masturbation is a personal turn off for me. As a single woman, I'm especially looking for a man who doesn't masturbate, even while he's single."
<factorial_nine> GOOD LUCK, !@#$%.

Sprites for Sale, Sprites for Sale

A compilation of TRM's old sprites, some I did and a few other random ones.  Maybe someone could use them, I dunno.

The Most Surprising Thread Ever Created
Classic HB thread

Got a topic you think should be featured? PM Hoffy or Dantz!

Weekly Awards (WA2)
The Obligatory Q.K. Award of the Week
Q.K's New Photos from an *ahem* certain project:
Sooo it's been a while and I guess I've taken a few more photos... I've been trying out black and white stuff lately though.. for certain reasons. :p

Anyways, here are some shots I've done recently (well, some are not so recent).

The "Yay, You're Doing a Different Style!" Thing of the Week
CrystalAngel04's Disney Princess

Author's note: I feel gay just saying "CrystalAngel04's Disney Princess."

The "By Golly, This is So Crazy It Just Might Work!" Award
Xfixium's Ocarina of Time 2D: http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=30924.0

The Big Question (BQ2)
In this section, we'll ask a relevant or interesting question to the community each week, which everyone can discuss, comment on, and generally go gaga over.

This week's question: What is the greatest ZFGC meme of all time, and why?

Join the discussion at http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=30974.0

Got an idea for a Big Question? PM Dantz or Hoffy!

Featured Project (FP2)
This week, 4Sword went through a bunch of Game Boy Advance game worlds with Windy...the two had a picnic and went hunting, and brought back lots of sprites!

This interview is currently forthcoming.

Updates / [ZFGC Weekly] The Big Question - September 9th, 2008
« on: September 09, 2008, 12:47:29 am »
What is the greatest ZFGC meme of all time, and why?


*bonus points for getting the irony

Updates / A Brief Dissertation on the Definition of "Trolling"
« on: September 03, 2008, 02:04:22 am »
Greetings, ZFGCers. Today I would like to go over a recent issue in our community regarding members trolling or being accused of trolling. Both of these things are important issues, and it is necessary to distinguish what is genuinely trolling from someone having a controversial opinion.

Naturally, dissention arises in all communities, especially the internet. There will be people that think, no, Advent Children was not a notable film in any aspect and that no, Halo is not a fun or original game. However, there are ways to express these controversial opinions without pissing off legions upon legions of extremely flammable fanboys.

Allow me to demonstrate:

Final Fantasy VII Remake Announced
posted by Member McMemberson on August 31st, 2008 at 8:00 PM

*insert link here

Wow, I'm really excited about this! Final Fantasy VII is the greatest game ever, and I'm glad they're remaking it. Sephiroth is my favorite character.

Now, this post is serious trollbait for obvious reasons. However, someone who hates FFVII could respond in several ways:

Troll response: LOLNO. !@#$% game is !@#$%. Enjoy your waste of $60.

Acceptable response: Count me out. FFVII's story was completely lacking, Cloud's characterization is annoying, and I think people would see it weren't such a great game if they didn't view it through nostalgia glasses.

You don't even have to be that nice.

Also acceptable: Dude, FF7 sucked. Shitty emo protagonist, stale battle system, and terrible translation. !@#$% horrible game.

See, responding to these kinds of things is all about eloquence. Profanity does not equal eloquence necessarily, but you're still giving content to your post. You could make a reply with /b/ memes in it, you can make a reply with XD and emoticons, but so long as your reply is not short and obviously condescending like the first one, it's still acceptable.

Note: not saying you SHOULD reply like the second example, but it's not going to get you banned or something.

This concludes our lesson.


Updates / August 31st, 2008 - ZFGC Weekly
« on: September 01, 2008, 02:59:15 am »

Volume 2, Issue 3 - August 31, 2008
irc.windfyre.net #zfgc
This week’s banner courtesy of Yubel and icon courtesy of MetaKirby

Hello members, and welcome to another issue of ZFGC Weekly! Here’s what’s in this week’s issue:

1. Community Announcements (Ctrl+F CA0203)
2. Best of the Forum (Ctrl+F BF0203)
3. Weekly Awards (Ctrl+F WA0203)
4. The Big Question (Ctrl+F BQ0203)
5. Featured Project Link's Awakening: Coop and an interview with its creators, Infini and Zidane (Ctrl+F FP0203)

Community Announcements (CA0203)


-- The ZFGC Community Project has completed the map for Hyrule City's rich side! Come pop champagne, or drink Miller High Life, or something else fittingly high-class in name or nature in this thread to celebrate: http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=28931.0

--Forum darling Scrappersa has returned, and brought another forum darling back with him: Lord of the Rings 2D. Open your eye of Sauron and check out the awesome screenshots at http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=30745.0

He also needs help with the project, and the community is encouraged to oblige. See the details here http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=30791.0
Got an important announcement? PM Hoffy or Dantz!

The Best of the Forum (BF0203)

Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus Baby...I Want You to Walk With Me~
Praise the lord!

The Discovery Channel Goes to Canada
I would have screamed out "OH MY GOD IM MASTURBATING TO THIS!!!!"

Take Me to Your Leader
Where's the 'make friends' option?  O:

McCain is Just "Palin' Around"
Needless to say, this election seems to be full of surprises.

4Sword 4u
I had some ideas of some things that I would like to see and some things that I would like to happen and I was wondering if anyone agreed with these ideas.  I will list them with a short description in order to avoid wordiness -

UPDATED! Windy Has a Nice Refreshing Sprite for You
New One, demonstrating the grouping feature and another feature to which I call origin tracking.  The origin tracking feature allows the sprite of link to use the shadow to determine the sprites proper location and to apply the appropriate offsets while the grouping feature allows for two separate sprites to be ripped as one which is quite useful in the situation where they don't even touch each other.

In this particular situation I'm just jumping off a cliff.

Oh, and just to better show off the origin tracking feature, here's a keaton.  The keaton is actually a bit harder to rip, mainly because of that god damn knife so it requires more from the end user (using a feature I've yet to mention).  I forgot to group the shadow for this one, which is why you can't see it.

Got a topic you think should be featured? PM Hoffy or Dantz!

Weekly Awards (WA0203)
The "Holy Crap, Something New!" Of the Week
Zidane's Final Fantasy IX PSP Theme: http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=30698.0

Soundscape of the Week
Q.K.'s Halloween Loop: http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=30789.0

Screenshot of the Week
Gandalf Leading the Hobbits from Lord of the Rings 2D

The Big Question (BQ0203)
In this section, we'll ask a relevant or interesting question to the community each week, which everyone can discuss, comment on, and generally go gaga over.

This week's question: If a futuristic Zelda game were made, what do you think it would be like? What kind of items and dungeons? How would Ganondorf come into play?

Join the discussion at http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=30810.0

Got an idea for a Big Question? PM Dantz or Hoffy!

Featured Project (FP0203)
This week Dantz went sailing with Infini and Zidane to talk about their project, Link's Awakening: Coop. Unfortunately they ended up washed up on a remote island with no memory of the journey, but thankfully Dantz wrote most of it down. The following was recovered at the crash site:

So...why Link's Awakening?
Infini: Why not. Its moderately simple graphical and programmatically so its not going to stretch us or become unworkable. Not to mention is also my favourite zelda game.
Zidane: Well, as said in the topic, we basically settled on Link's Awakening because we both agreed that GB Style would be easiest to work with. Thus, Link's Awakening.

How do you think LA compares to the other games? Do you think co-op might have been a better fit for other games in the series?
Infini: The mechanics of all zelda games are essentially the same, if co-op gameplay works in one it should work in all. The simplicity and relatively low level of story-intrusion in the gameplay also makes LA a game more suited to co-op.
Zidane: Link's Awakening is one of my favorite Zelda games, not near the top, but it's there. It is definitely better than some others. Co-op probably would have fit better in Link to the Past or Minish Cap (fusing Kinstones with each other ftw), but like I said in the previous question, we settled on Link's Awakening due to the style. I also think it fits fine in Link's Awakening. It may get crowed a bit, but it works.

Online games are a bit of a rarity here at ZFGC. How hard was it to write netcode? Is it your own creation or based off of an API?
Infini: Not too hard really, connecting and sending/recieving data is very easy, the most complex aspect is getting everything syncronized with as little data transfered as possible (the more you send, the more you choke up your connection!), which can be a horrible task, overall though I think LA-COOP works quite well on that end, it only sends very small binary packets of a handfull of bytes every few seconds, so it should work on most connections, possibly even 56k.

As for if its based of any API, no, as most people here probably know I dislike using API's or other peoples work, I prefer to write the code myself and learn from it.

Is the core game (meaning other than the bonus dungeons) being changed at all to accommodate cooperative play?
Infini: There will be minor changes here and there to fit in with the co-op style of game play, however I think the majority of the game mechanics will end up intact. Enemy count and health will also probably be increased to make it less easy :P.
Zidane: We've talked about it. I'm not to sure where that's going right now, but we will have two more "temples" at least that focus heavily on cooperating with each other.

Give us some cool examples of where co-op would be really great in the game.
Infini: Personally I think the most intresting example of co-op is in the inventory usage. All items in the inventory are shared between all other players, it means you really have to work together to get past areas that require specific items.
Zidane: Perhaps tackling two dungeons at a time? That would be pretty neat.

How would you guys feel about, say, competitive co-op? Sorta like The Four Swords.
Infini: Its a nice idea, but its not on the cards at the moment. We may add little mini-games and such where players can compete against each other
Zidane: That'd be cool, but since you share pretty much all resources, not sure how it would thin out.

Even maybe true competitive multiplayer, rather than competitive co-op? For example, players rush through the game separately in real-time, occasionally finding powerups that can sabotage other players.
Infini: Not really, the fun of co-op just dissappears if all your doing is playing essentially a single-player time-trial against other players.
Zidane: Again, you share resources so I'm really not sure if that could be possible, though, you never know. It would be a neat idea.

Would you ever consider any other Zelda game for co-op? If so, which ones and why?
Infini: Hum, LTTP probably, would fit in quite well. If enough modellers helped it might even be possible to do some small 3D co-op mini-games.
Zidane: Nope. I personally in my head have thought about Ocarina of Time co-op, but heck, that'll never happen. That or Majora's Mask co-op. (Imagine racing against time, each of you in a different temple :3)

Any chance this netcode could be released for use in other fangames?
Infini: Probably not no, its heavily ingrained in the game engine. However as with most of my projects I'll probably release the editor and assets when the game is complete to allow people to make their own mods.

Anyone who has ever quested alone in WoW will tell you that sometimes, exploring a huge virtual world by yourself can be an almost soothing experience. Do you think co-op kind of ruins this feeling sometimes, especially on the internet where humor and memes seem to prevail in many conversations?
Infini: I think your thinking to much in the terms of MMO's, this isn't really aimed at that sort of market.
Zidane: I don't think so. I mean, you can roam freely wherever you like, you don't have to be on the same screen like in Four Swords. The only thing that could perhaps stop you is if you need to move a rock and someone else is using the Braclet.

How would you feel about a game based entirely on exploration? Do you think that discovery alone is motivation enough for a player?
Infini: I have to say, discovery on its own would probably bore me to tears, but I guess there are other people who may like that form of game.
Zidane: It all depends on the person really. Some people (like Infini) could get bored of it, but I wouldn't, especially if there are new things to find.

As a level designer/mapper, how do you think you would have to adapt design philosophy to work in a game based entirely on that principle?
Zidane: Usually just sticking as close as possible as I can to the original. Most of the time I'll listen to music from that certain game. It helps motivate me.

What about as a programmer?
Infini: I'll just tell you what my design philosophy always is, regardless of context; KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid).

Well, that was a fun little sidetrack. Anyway: tell us about these new dungeons.
Zidane: You and your long difficult words and your... your short annoying ones.

Well new dungeons... not much to say right now as I actually haven't started designing them, but hopefully it'll let me expand on the world map and add more to it, so not just new dungeons, but new areas as well. I can say like I've said before "They will heavily rely on working together".

Will there be alternate routes in certain dungeons, maybe, depending on how many people are in your party? That could be a cool idea.
Zidane: Again not sure. Too early to say really as I've only got the first dungeon finished so far and in that nothing new, though I will look at trying to make it a bit different at least.

Any new weapons for players to discover?
Infini: Possibly, its not really a priority at the moment to design addition aspects, the normal aspects are work enough.
Zidane: I do like the idea, and especially with new dungeons with wouldn't be a bad idea. Though it's too early to say right now.

New enemies? Maybe with multiple weak points for extra co-op goodness?
Infini: As I said with the previous one, its quite possible we will add things, its just not a priority at the moment. Though chances are we will definitely be increasing the health and number of enemies for more difficulty.
Zidane: Basically what he said.

Anything the community can do to help?
Infini: lol, I can't think of much off hand. Everything is going quite smootly on the programming side of things.
Zidane: Graphics wise? Hmm... Nothing I can think of at the moment, I've got pretty much what I need. I do recall Infini saying something about Sound Effects though :P

Authors of This Week's Issue: Dantz

Updates / [ZFGC Weekly] The Big Question - August 31st 2008
« on: September 01, 2008, 02:53:29 am »
If a futuristic Zelda game were made, what do you think it would be like? What kind of items and dungeons? How would Ganondorf come into play?

Entertainment / Escape From Friend Zone
« on: August 30, 2008, 04:05:54 am »

I've never seen a game so accurate in my entire life.

Updates / August 24th, 2008 - ZFGC Weekly
« on: August 24, 2008, 02:16:41 pm »

Volume 2, Issue 2 - August 24, 2008
irc.windfyre.net #zfgc
This week’s banner courtesy of Kylink and icon courtesy of Hoffy

Hello members, and welcome to another issue of ZFGC Weekly! Here’s what’s in this week’s issue:

1. Community Announcements (Ctrl+F CA0202)
2. Best of the Forum (Ctrl+F BF0202)
3. Weekly Awards (Ctrl+F WA0202)
4. The Big Question (Ctrl+F BQ0202)
5. Featured Member Sprite Collector and an interview with him (Ctrl+F FP0202)

Community Announcements (CA0202)
-- The chat snooper is back (albeit not working at this exact moment!) Its revival has brought a lot of fresh blood activity into the chatroom. You can either be a creeper and hit F5 constantly to see what's going on via the snooper, or actually come into the chatroom and discuss with your favorite IRC client. Direct yourself, young padawan, to irc.windfyre.net #zfgc.

Got an important announcement? PM Hoffy or Dantz!

The Best of the Forum (BF0202)
cakefarts Been Biden His Time

An Anatomy of a Fanboy
Sometimes they wear dog collars.

The Ones That Got Away
Note: This thread is not for discussing games that never made it to your particular region, but only for games that were never "officially" released and/or were cancelled.  (In example, talking about BS Zelda, the original N64 Animal Crossing or Sin & Punishment--which is actually released for the virtual console on the Wii--would be inappropriate.)  No links to ROMs.

Nerd Girl I Don't Deserve You/I Don't Get the References You Refer To
My old best friend is a huuuuge LoZ fan, she adores Link.

Except she'd rather be playing LoZ than going out with boys :P

my projektz, let me show u dem.
I had no idea peope on zfgc were so talented and creative. Lucky this topic was created

Got a topic you think should be featured? PM Hoffy or Dantz!

Weekly Awards (WA0202)
Song of the Week
Darklights "Untitled Random Piece" :

Photos of the Week
QK's Shots From Jasper and Banff

The Big Question (BQ0204)
In this section, we'll ask a relevant or interesting question to the community each week, which everyone can discuss, comment on, and generally go gaga over.

This week's question: What was the greatest fangame of all time?

Join the discussion at http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=30671.0

Got an idea for a Big Question? PM Dantz or Hoffy!

Featured Project (FP0202)
This week Dantz bought a whole bunch of drinks with Sprite Collector and shot the !@#$% about photography, art, and everything else. And by drinks, we mean Sprite. Hence the name. You know, Sprite Collector...ah, forget it.

Tell us about yourself and your history here at ZFGC.
Well I can’t really recall how many years ago it was, but it was most likely during the beginning of the Invision forum that I joined though I had known about the EZBoard days and chose to remain a guest. TRM was well under way with his now infamous OoT 2D and building up a strong army of followers who consistently cheered him on, myself being one of them. That was when I had just started to get into spriting. I actually learned what a sprite was on ZFGC and really got involved in learning the tricks behind the LttP style which I previously favored. And of course, to learn anything in art, you have to immerse yourself in countless examples of what you wish to achieve. Hence, the name Sprite Collector came to be. Haha. I worked on only one fangame in my history here at ZFGC and that was MMGB. It was a style I grew to love very quickly. I was originally the main spriter for the project which was taken under by a former[?] member named simply, Zac. Looking back on the project, I’d call the sprites amateur at best in terms of fitting a certain style. They had terrible perspective, too many colors and some were just ugly. But it was a wonderful learning experience and a game I wish had been seen through to the end. Eventually, Zac had given up on MMGB and Hyrule_boy had picked it back up, completely revamping the engines using the sprites of Clocktown I had completed and some of his own. After a long haul, the piece fizzled out and the sprites had gone to waste. I’ve been pretty quite on the forums ever since. I do flip through some topics and check out some fangames at least every other day, though.
Do you do any work on fangames per se anymore, or do you focus mainly on more personal undertakings?
I’m actually not working on any fangames currently and only focusing on personal projects. Some of you may have seen the GB style map I’m working on posted in the “Discussion” forum under “Resources.” It’s something I really like as of now and I’d like to finish it so it can be at least useable to someone. I would eventually love for the map to be used in a proper, GB styled fangame but I’d hate to put any deadlines on myself given my schedule with college recently starting back up and work getting busier than ever. It would really only reflect poorly on the quality. I kind of like to think of the style I’m developing as a more polished, finished GB style in that it has the same color and height limitations as traditional GB games, but a bit more of an appealing visage. Actually, I started a new piece of it the other day featuring a mermaid section which would flow into Zora’s Domain, but I got stuck on some visual aspects and put it on hold temporarily. Otherwise, photography, mostly portraits, and some upcoming school working is what’s on my mind. I really enjoy taking self portraits to pass the time and just some random graphical things like signatures.
You've obviously got one hell of a camera! Tell us about it.
Ahh.. my camera. I do love it. It’s a Canon Digital SLR Rebel XS, 10.1 megapixels with a black body. Takes some really fantastic shots and I’m just getting to learn how to use it. Digital SLR, for those who don’t know, is a great mix between a digital camera and a traditional [SLR] camera, which uses film and is completely manual in terms of shutter speed and the size of the aperture opening. It has an automatic setting and a slightly more difficult to maneuver manual setting in which you can change many things about the amount of light let into the camera and the moment the photo is taken. A shortened version of that long winded explination : it’s more expensive. I had been searching for some sort of upgrade to my old camera, which was a 5.0 megapixel Kodak Easyshare, for some time and nothing within my price range was really showing up. I was flip flopping between Canon and Nikon pretty often, too, which wasn’t making the decision much easier. And then a light at the end of the tunnel; tax returns! Haha.. So finally I had some cash and I went to BestBuy to look at what they had to offer. It just so happened that they had one of the cameras I had been thinking about getting over the entire decision period and with a bonus, it was clearance because the manufacturers seal had been slit open. I couldn’t refuse the offer and that’s what I ended up with! I don’t regret it at all. It’s given me some wonderful shots so far.
On the topic of cameras, there's a classic debate in the photography world even more divided than the console wars are to gamers: film versus digital. Which side are you on and why?
Digital! Digital digital! Embrace technology everyone, film is out! Haha.. To tell you the truth, I haven’t had very much experience with film. I’ve actually only taken one class on black and white photography and it was a highschool course. So, resources were limited and we never used the same camera twice. The tools we had were extremely primitive and each student usually only had about forty-five minutes to get a decent print or two. However, Photoshop is my second home. We’ve had a digital camera at my house for quite some time and it’s just something I had gotten used to. While there may be a decrease in the quality of the image you get, it’s much easier to handle and edit than something printed on film.
A lot of your photography seems to have a certain kind of style to it: whimsical, sometimes colorful, and with high contrast. What inspires you in this regard?
My absolute main focus when I’m taking a picture is color. Just behind that is overall layout and position of the camera, followed by the look of the model whether it be human or not. I like a photograph to have a fluidity, some kind of motion that keeps you interested and looking around. Whether it’s a bright colorful image or something a bit more dark such as my most recent self portrait, I want it to be consistent and all over balanced without one part sticking more so than another. That being said, a great color scheme inspire me tremendously and a lot of fashion photography catches my eye. I can really appreciate the art of the body and the way clothing falls on it. I do like a very precise, clean line in photographs as well. That’s actually something I’m working on, clearer, larger images that still look presentable. I tend to shrink things and then edit them rather than editing the large version for higher resolution printing purposes.
What do you use for editing? Just Photoshop, or something a little more unexpected?
Photoshop of course! I wish I could say that I had something more interesting to play around with, but alas, I’m just like the others. Photoshop is something I started getting into way, way back when, maybe about seven years ago when I knew nothing about layers and was doing everything all on one, hoping I didn’t pass the 20 slated history palette and mess up. I used a bunch of downloaded brushes ineffectively and just kind of slapped stuff together. I found comfort in my friend who had been practicing a bit longer than I had, though she was younger, and had an older sister with a plentiful wealth of Photoshop knowledge. She became my mentor, for the most part, until our individual styles grew and we learned from each other. Just as I did with the sprites, I dove into many, many examples of signatures and graphic art and tried to recreate certain effects by my own means rather than through some of those half ass tutorials they have flying around Google. I’m not anywhere as good as I’d like to be, but it’s a growing skill. I’m taking some classes in college this semester which will hopefully teach me something compared to the prerequisites I had to take last year. I do tend to edit a lot, too. I’ve attached some before and after shots at the bottom of this so you can check out the work that goes into to my pictures.
Back to your individual style: a lot more films and games these days seem to be heading for the "brown and bloom" style, as its detractors like to call it (see: Gears of War.) The style typically involves hyper-realism with washed out colors and a sort of dreamlike glow. Do you think this is just a phase? Is it a positive or negative direction to be taking?
I think any trend in games and photos and film is a phase, whether it be good or bad. Art and advertising is a constantly changing force that will never be settled. There’s always going to be this battle of what’s appealing to the eye and what’s not. As of right now, the hyper-realism is something I’m really interested in as far as gaming goes. I’d like to see where these next-gen systems can take us in terms of art and the direction of beauty. One of my favorite games right now is Heavenly Sword on the PS3. On top of its wonderfully delivered storyline and concepts, the graphics are breathtaking. Realism in gaming is always something that’s been very interesting to me. Good color schemes and a well developed graphical style can really turn me on to something quicker than anything else. 
Your name is "Sprite Collector" so you probably know a bit about spriting. What's your favorite Zelda sprite style, and why?
GB style, of course! I don’t think that I specifically have a reason for liking the style, it’s just what appeals to me most. While MC is much more polished and refined and LttP style was my original favorite, GB just grew on me and stuck there. Maybe it’s because it’s so easy to edit them, there’s something about the simplicity to the sprites that really draws me in. I mostly stick to tiling nowadays rather than spriting and I’ve come to know the style well.
Is 2D dead, or just limited to the handhelds?
I have to say that I believe 2D on any major at-home console is mostly dead. It’s an unfortunate day.. however, games such a Phoenix Wright, Touch Detective, Elite Beat Agents and Pokemon keep the style alive on the DS for newer generations to enjoy. 2D games bring out something very nostalgic in me and I can’t help but reminisce over some of the memories of my Gameboy Color and Sega GENISIS.
Do you have any favorite artists in our community?
I do, actually! None of which I really know on a personal level, but there are a few people I keep my eye out for when looking at the authors of new topics. In terms of spriting, I think quite obviously .TaKam has a wonderful sense of light, color and perspective in the vast majority of his work. He’s very detail oriented and always delivers a nice piece of eye candy whether he’s replicating a style of someone else or creating his own bit of magic. Fox is another artist I see too little from. He has a great originality about his work that is scarce on this forum specifically. He, too, has such a great sense of color and always seems to know exactly where a speck of a complimentary swash will completely transform a sprite from bland to lavishly ornate. DJVenom is someone who I haven’t kept a very close watch on, but what I have seen has always impressed me. His style always has a nice change to it in that in every sprite, you see a slight enhancement that makes the last one that much more inferior. You can tell with each and every piece that his eye is growing and becoming more mature to what looks nice and what doesn’t. Revan is one of the more traditional artists on this forum that can always make my mouth fall open. The portraits and sketches that Revan produces are always becoming better and more finalized. It’s a nice thing to see on a board that is mostly about spriting. And of course, I couldn’t forget CrystalAngel who is my main Photoshop competition on this forum so far. She posts some really sharp digital works of art from time to time and always has such a nice attitude to compliment it. Haha.



Updates / [ZFGC Weekly] The Big Question - August 24th, 2008
« on: August 24, 2008, 02:14:48 pm »
What was the greatest fangame of all time?

Entertainment / Why Final Fantasy IX is the best game ever
« on: August 14, 2008, 05:29:37 am »
This is a recent Facebook blog post...I thought I'd post it here to see what you all think.

1. It combines the humor of old FF games with the series' modern benefits: incredible graphics (for 2000 at least), much better writing and translation, an epic musical soundtrack, and a more balanced battle system that is more targeted at the average gamer than the hardcore number cruncher.

2. The best-developed characters in any game ever. Vivi, the shy black mage with a prevailing misunderstanding of death. Dagger, who grows over the course of a game from an ignorant but well-meaning princess into a worldy woman with a strong sense of justice. Zidane, the only male protagonist in a Final Fantasy game who is attractive to women for valid reasons and serves as a focal point for all the other characters to grow through.

Not only are the main characters three dimensional, but almost every single character in the game has a distinct personality. Remember the guy near Dali who lives to drink coffee? The excited engineer in the Industrial District who wonders whether airship engines are better in the front or in the back? The dwarves, man? THE !@#$% DWARVES?!

3. A sense that the game does not always have to take itself so seriously. For examples of FFs that are way too serious, see everything Square-Enix has ever made after 2001. Even though the story gets mind-bendingly crazy at certain points (ex. "I...am an empty vessel..."), jokes still run rampant and the game generally has the feeling of an adventure, not some morbid, life-sucking journey, (Hello, Advent Shitren.)

4. Writing that, even without nostalgia glasses on, still holds up. It can be dramatic without being cheesy (no "FOOL! KNOW MY POWER"s or "I'M GOING TO GET YOU BASTARTDS!!!") and even cute and poignant at the right moments.

Dagger: I've been having trouble sleeping lately...

Zidane: Maybe all you need is some company, eh?

5. And the biggest reason: when so many games these days are reaching for reality and trying to imitate life through better graphics, better physics, and advanced AI, Final Fantasy IX is a glorious reminder of what games used to be. It asks you to believe in the impossible, to imagine what it'd be like to see a monster suck up an entire city in its mouth, to shrug off everything Philosophy 101 taught you and revel in the deeds of valiant heroes and gape in awe at the malevolence of grand, powerful villains.

More importantly, rather than the countless shitty wargames on the market or even Square's more recent offerings that are awash in boring, drab environments, FFIX gives us color by never forgetting that any good adventure, virtual or no, always instills in us a childlike sense of wonder. Remember seeing Bahamut and Alexander battle? Burmecia, trapped forever in eternal rain? The airship dock at Lindblum? The Iifa Tree? No other game has ever made me say "Wow..." so many times.

In short, Final Fantasy IX is the best game ever, and the best game there ever will be. Period.

Feedback / [Idea] ZFGC Game Tournaments
« on: August 11, 2008, 06:57:28 pm »
We had the Brawl tournament already, and everyone seemed to enjoy it...so why not extend this idea to other games?

Here, post games you'd like to see ZFGC sponsor tournaments for in a similar format to this. Note that my post is not merely an example, but rather a serious suggestion for what games we should play. Also I'd rather not start this until a few weeks have elapsed, as that gives us time to organize (plus it means I'm back at school and won't be interrupted to help with painting our house >_>)

Unreal Tournament 2004 Demo
- Low system requirements (32 MB graphics card, 256 MB RAM, Pentium 3 800)
- Basic deathmatch gameplay, accepted in professional tournaments worldwide
- Free (legally)

- Only one deathmatch level in this demo version

Age of Empires II: The Conquerors
- It's a fantastic game
- Various settings that allow for either short or long matches
- Well-established community of players in ZFGC's chatroom (irc.windfyre.net #aoe2)
- Extremely low system requirements; should run on any computer built after 1995

- Prone to lag due to old netcode
- Direct connections are hard to work with, especially with routers
- Matches can get very, very long (as in several hours) if playing a standard, non-modified game
- Not legally free (but it is cheap)

Other Discussion / Post your media player
« on: August 11, 2008, 06:02:05 pm »
Picture related.

Updates / August 11, 2008 - ZFGC Weekly
« on: August 10, 2008, 06:05:09 pm »

Volume 1, Issue 4 - August 11, 2008
irc.windfyre.net #zfgc
This week’s banner courtesy of Moldorma and icon courtesy of MetaKirby

Hello members, and welcome to another issue of ZFGC Weekly! Here’s what’s in this week’s issue:

1. Community Announcements (Ctrl+F CA0104)
2. Best of the Forum (Ctrl+F BF0104)
3. Weekly Awards (Ctrl+F WA0104)
4. The Big Question (Ctrl+F BQ0104)
5. Featured Project: Kirby's Rebound and an interview with its creator, Moldorma (Ctrl+F FP0104)

Community Announcements (CA0104)
-- ZFGC needs staff for various sitely duties. Prospective contributors can inquire within http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=30262

-- Infini has recently finished the new site for ZFGC, and is planning all sorts of awesome new features to go along with it, including ZFGC-API and onsite game hosting. Read about the site and the exciting new ZFGC-API technology at http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=30259.0

The Best of the Forum (BF0104)
Here are some of the best quotes of the past week or the most relevant topics of the moment:

XFD GREEN TEXT SUCKS !@#$%...Or Does it?

It Takes Two to Chatango

If we would ever get chatango put on this site, so help me god I would find Tim and kill him. That is all.


The Ancient Debate

This topic is new and exciting.

Goodnight, Sweet Prince ;_;

Ripping Sprites with VisualBoy Advance

Here's a couple of screenshots, the red boxes indicate actual sprites as they are stored in the oam to which you might know stores it in bits and pieces, to remedy this I've added in some additional code that basically attempts to guess what sprites belong to what which in these screenshots is represented by a green border.

Got a topic you think should be featured? PM Hoffy or Dantz!

Weekly Awards (WA0104)
Curiosity Piece of the Week
Hoffy's Logo for His Secret Project, "The Patron:" http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=30282.0

The Big Question (BQ0104)
In this section, we'll ask a relevant or interesting question to the community each week, which everyone can discuss, comment on, and generally go gaga over.

This week's question: If a game could only excel in one area besides the core gameplay/fun factor, which one would be the most important: story, graphics, sound, dialogue, internet integraton (like Steam or Live Achievements), music, or an interesting gimmick?

Join the discussion at http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=30335.0

Got an idea for a Big Question? PM Dantz or Hoffy!

Featured Project (FP0104)
This week Dantz bounced with Moldorma to discuss his new project, Kirby's Rebound. The results, besides a pounding headache from hitting so many walls, were pleasant, and give an interesting insight into the philosophy behind simple games.

Can a brotha' get some Tylenol?!

How did this concept originate?
I actually played the Gameboy game "Kirby's Block Ball" at a friends house a long time ago. I always thought that it was a really fun spin on breakout to have Kirby as the ball. Years later I played it again, and having some rudimentary game development skills at the time I decided to make a similar title.

What are you using to design the game?
I use a game engine called Unity. The editor itself is for Mac OS, but it can export finished products to Mac, Windows, or a Web Plugin that can be played in a browser (which I'll be using for this particular game). The system is based around objects that you can set in the stage which are basically just 3d models. From there you assign components to each object, such as textures, audio clips, and Javascripts.

You mention a "physics engine." Is this based on any particular physics API, and is it truly real-time physics, ala PhysX?
Unity actually uses PhysX for its physics. Unfortunately it's not PhysX's full capability at this time, meaning we miss out on some cool features like softbodies, fluid simulation, and deformable objects.

How exactly does the Unity Web Player work?
The Web Player is a plugin that can be installed in your browser, like Shockwave or Flash. It's a really quick installation, that doesn't even require you to close the web browser while it installs. Once you have the plugin installed, you can just open the game's URL and play it.

Can the game be played outside of a web browser?
Like I said earlier, Unity can export Mac and Windows standalones. Actually though, Windows Standalones are a feature of Unity Pro, which is a significant upgrade cost from Unity Indie which I have. So, I'll probably offer a Mac Standalone for the time being, and when I do get the money to upgrade I'll put out a Windows Standalone as well.

Besides Breakout, what are some of the games that inspired Kirby's Rebound?
Well, Kirby's Block Ball obviously, but also Kirby's Tilt n' Tumble, Kirby Canvas Curse, and pretty much any other ball-kirby game.

Oh, hello.

Both of the "Mole" brothers seem to have a unique graphical style in anything you two create: bright colors, crisp textures, and simple, clean designs. What games or anything have inspired this style?
I think a big inspiration for us would be Katamari Damacy. It made up for its simple textures and modeling with a bright and well organized design that I think really left us with an impression. Of course, we have some more serious and detailed games on our roster, but that hasn't really been apparent with the games we've put out at the time.

A lot of the games I've seen you guys design are really simple. Some would call that different, some would call it programming laziness. How would you respond to that, and do you think simple games can be better than complex ones?
I'm not sure that I would call any of our current work "programming laziness", because as simple as the game may seem there's definitely a lot of code that goes into it. I think that you might be thinking of an earlier title of ours, Sky Sky Panic 3D, but the intention there was to make a simple arcade game that could be played in a small session multiple times, and I think we accomplished that. We're currently working on a mid-sized space shooter, and that's one of our smaller projects.

What are some of the things that will set Kirby's Rebound apart as a game?
Kirby's Rebound will include inhalation, contrary to previous ball-Kirby titles where Kirby takes his powers by simply crashing into enemies. In addition it will include the power-combining that was introduced in Kirby 64, which for some reason has never been implemented again since that game.

Tell us about those boss battles.
Kirby will have to face off against a mini-boss and a boss for each of the seven worlds. If Kirby has a power than it will just be a matter of getting him close enough to the boss to use the power, but without a power things get more interesting! In older Kirby games if you didn't have a power in a boss fight you would wait until the boss dropped something that can be inhaled and then tossing it back at him to incur damage.

In Kirby's Rebound the bosses will have a bit more a problem-solving element to them. For example, the first boss battle is against Whispy Woods. Players will have to keep Kirby out of harms way while directing the apples that Whispy drops back towards him. It will be really fun to play these battles.

How will Kirby's inhalation work in a game like this?
In older ball-Kirby games, like I said, you just smash into people to take their power. That's not very true to the Kirby style, so in Kirby's Rebound you will be able to actually inhale. If you hold down the inhale button you'll see Kirby begin to inhale as he spins. Then everything edible within a certain range of Kirby will be drawn towards Kirby. If they move out of that range, anything in motion will drop to the next solid platform. Thanks for having me here on ZFGC Weekly!

Know a project you think should be featured? PM Dantz or Hoffy!

Authors of this week's issue: Dantz

Updates / [ZFGC Weekly] The Big Question - August 11, 2008
« on: August 10, 2008, 06:04:44 pm »
If a game could only excel in one area besides the core gameplay/fun factor, which one would be the most important: story, graphics, sound, dialogue, internet integraton (like Steam or Live Achievements), music, or an interesting gimmick?

Discussion / The Eyes of Men - Proof of Concept
« on: August 10, 2008, 04:07:49 am »
This is a large scale novel I'm planning and will not write until I have it all fleshed out...but it's my next big dream project (aside from my first finished screenplay, The Adventure. Here's a little bit of it that I've written, just to earn feedback, curiosity, or whatever :P

Will Zoeker led an extraordinary life, though there were many like him.
   This life had given him horror and hope; it had brought him pleasures and pain. It had led him to treasures and sights and sounds and smells, winters as cold as darkness and summers as bright as love. Its path had led him to heights where he could crush cities between his fingertips, and to lows where their walls blotted out the sunshine. He had felt the sting of death and had also stung others; he had been a king in a castle made of sand, and a prisoner in his own fortress of stone. Yes, life had taken him many places.
   But right now, it had brought him to Dumblus.
   It was not a foreign place to Will, but it wasn’t home, either. The creak of the wooden docks and the taste of the ocean floating on the breeze weren’t as much nostalgic or even comfortable as they were simply known. The starry sky, dotted with clouds, was exactly the same as every other starry sky anywhere else, and in many ways, Dumblus was the same as any other port town. It had the same wooden buildings, the same workers going home or out drinking at the end of their shift, the same stench of fish and salt and sweat and poverty, of effort and of laughter and love amongst the masses who found reverie in simplicity. And though it wasn’t home, it was a town full of travelers, foreigners, and wanderers…which is perhaps why its familiarity was a little more familiar to Will than its numerous copycat towns.
   On the edge of one of these docks Will Zoeker sat, staring off into the great blue forever. The waves lapped up gently against the aging structure, their smell ingrained into its very fibers. If he were to stay here, perhaps the smell would find a home in him as well, but he would never find a home in Dumblus.
   But the ocean was another mainstay in his travels, and something he had seen many times in his life. For others it inspired wonder, longing…for others it established who they were, where they were, and what they were doing there. Will had none of that, so instead its endlessness reminded him of the constantly flowing nature of his existence, and the idea that he was merely a drop, a molecule in a stream a million times bigger than he was where no one would know him or ever remember his name.
   And honestly, that was fine by him.
   But because that was how Will chose to live, it was amusing to take a look at the other side of things: people that had rooted themselves here, stagnating where he was flowing. People with “real jobs,” people with families and children, people whose goal was to simply work and come home, people who needed nothing more than money, beer, and a family to be happy. People who were honestly fine with staying here their entire lives, people who were content that the rest of the world could remain far-off mysteries on a map.
   Will wasn’t sure what the merchant was. He wasn’t sure of anything about him, except that he was now dead. Will never asked questions, at least personal ones. He asked only what was required. Who was who, where was what, when would what occur.
        Honestly, Will didn’t care much about where that short and skinny merchant came from. Because in that moment, when Will’s sword was at his throat, he was just like any other man about to die. He saw the same flashbacks, regretted the same things, begged for the same mercy, and died in the same way. Anything that set him apart was washed away by the rains of death. Nevertheless, he had ascertained certain things about him.
       He couldn’t remember the merchant’s name, for certain…Devin, Steven, something like that. He was young. Very young. Twenty-something young. And of course, his youth had led to eagerness and ambition…which had gotten him mixed in with the wrong crowd. And unfortunately for him, most of Will’s clients for more serious jobs like this happened to be in that exact crowd too.

Graphics Requests/Archive / [SOLVED] ZFGC Weekly 50x50 Picture
« on: August 09, 2008, 09:18:12 pm »
The site feed needs a picture to go with tomorrow's weekly. Create a 50x50 image of something that symbolizes everyone's favorite newsletter! Credit given to the one chosen.

Entertainment / Skit I made with friends
« on: August 07, 2008, 05:01:38 am »
Those of you who have seen my recent post in Mug Shots know I went to meet a friend from the intertubes. This is what resulted:

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7f21C7m4Pjo" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7f21C7m4Pjo</a>

I'm the cop; unfortunately my character didn't leave me a lot of room to be original, but still, fun times! Bump the vid, comment, and subscribe, these guys are great!

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