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Topics - Kevin-1990

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Audio / Request: Making the Music
« on: March 03, 2007, 11:38:18 pm »
      Well I am making the demo now, and so far I have used no music.
      but hej whats a game with out music.

      So I need help!.

      can somebody make me custom musics still a little alttp style music. for a

      The one with the * I need the most.
      • Town
      • Inside house
      • Farm
      • *Dungeon
      • *Boss

Yes this will be used for the legend of zelda: book of pendants

Graphics / My first gb sprite
« on: February 25, 2007, 01:54:42 pm »
Well I have made my FIRST gb sprites
so tell me what you think, and be VERY critical!! :D
here is PhantomGanon gb style

Graphics / What Happend to link!
« on: February 15, 2007, 09:56:59 pm »
I was just looking for the zombie man from mm when I fond this!

I loved it :D.
What do you think.

Recruitment / Tloz: TBop. <team needed>
« on: February 13, 2007, 11:46:38 pm »
I am looking for a team to help me with my game.

Also Still looking for a good team!
story maker

Zelda Projects / The Legend of Zelda: The Book of Pendants
« on: February 11, 2007, 09:33:08 pm »
The Legend of Zelda <No Name Yet>

No Story yet

Progress:Tiles: 50%
                   :Npc: 2%
                   :World mapping: 90%
                   :dungeon mapping: 10%
                   :dungeon Tiles: 5%
                   :House tiles:100%
                   :sounds: 0%
                   :Hero Animations:5%
                   :Extra: 0%
Latest Updates:
                   :Yeah I loaded up the gorons and minish already.
these are some of them, not all


                   :well I got the mountain done as last update



World Map:

Want to be kept updated Register here:

LTTP & FSA / [Solved] Minish/LTTP Forest
« on: February 08, 2007, 08:13:47 pm »
I was working on something again, but I though I need help. so wheres the best place to ask.
well thats here.

so my request:

I need some one to make a custom alttp style minish little woods:
Like this ecept custom and alttp style

And then if its posibul also to make it big style, alttp style.
It would really help me alot.

I also need some cool out sticking roots from out of the ground alttp style
that would be helpfull :)
thanks again
I would really apreziat it.
Thanks again.

and old pall

Any other custom alttp forest stuff Is also welcome!

Graphics / 2 differant styled room! *Spoiler*
« on: January 16, 2007, 08:07:08 pm »
wich one is cooler?
the old normale version
or the mc/alttp remix?

(its jpg so the colour changed I did this becauseI dont want anybody to use anything)

I am not sure wich one to use in my game.

LTTP & FSA / [LTTP] LTTP Rocking Chair Grandpa
« on: January 14, 2007, 09:43:23 am »




well I am working on my next charas for my game.
A grandpa in a rocking chair,
I got into a few problemos.

I need it to rock, but I dont know how and I can only use max: 24x32

And I got 2 hand posistion.
v1 and v2

So lets begin with the hands

Wich one do you like beter v1 or v2

Feedback / Where is the compation baord :O
« on: January 07, 2007, 08:39:41 pm »
I wanted to makea compatiton again, but I didn't see it :O
am I blind or is it really gone.

why is it gone :O

Other Discussion / Yeah got a new avatar
« on: January 07, 2007, 11:18:53 am »
Well the title says it all :D
its an avatar for my game.

I know it doesn't look great.

if you want to crit go ahead, tips always welcome.

Link's Quest / Post your OWN comix
« on: January 05, 2007, 11:24:01 pm »
I have a qeustion if we could make our own comix and if they where oke that they could get on the site.
so well Here you have it.
Post here the comix YOU have made.
and who know it might get on the site :D.
you have tara for that ;).

good luck to you all.

Okej, Well I'll qeuss all start out with the one I made:D

Hope you liked it :)

LTTP & FSA / [LTTP] LTTP Lamp Animation
« on: January 03, 2007, 11:10:56 pm »
Sorry I have again a little request.

I need alttp lamp ani
I checked the site if they didn't nay any and there was only one topic
but the picture got ****ed so I cant see it.

cant anybody please load me up thoes please.

Well as most of you know I am still working on my zelda fan game
the Legend of Zelda: Book of Pendants.
I've been working on it very much lately cause well I have time :D.
uhm but I need some help
In my game I am making something like oot
In the normale time, and in the old time with zombies and stuff.
I have finnished 3 maps
city - new
city - old
graveyard - new

and right now I am working on graveyard old.
I wanted to sprite a few cool trees like dead tree for my game btu they all failed :S
I also wanted to make a cool creepy fence for the old world
also failed alot of times:S
then I tried the small tree and making it dead
also failed alot of times
(sorry I am to ashamed to show them)
so I ask for help.
uhm here is a little of whats I've got
the things I need creepier are circled:

thanks again :)


(and the demo is coming soon if I get the things done soon :)
(walk demo with 1 qeust)

Audio / [reqeust] custom music
« on: December 22, 2006, 11:41:46 am »
Uhm, I need some custom made music for in rpg maker
but It has to sounds zeldaish.

I need one for:
-my city
-the inn
- Inside houses

If some one could make thoes that would be great.

Entertainment / Best Band Name? <poll up>
« on: December 18, 2006, 02:46:14 pm »
Tell us what you think is the best name for a band.
This is kind of hip-hop, reggie, en metal in one.


Graphics / alttp FIREWORKs (for the new year)
« on: December 18, 2006, 11:20:08 am »
Well I decided to make some fireworks alltp style.
it turned out worst then I though but still I hope some one likes them and could use them.

O and could some one please make an ani of this set? just some random ani.

(and by the last tile all you have to do as move it one pixel down and left/reght.)
yellow, green, red, purple, and light blue.

Well here it is:


Feedback / banner
« on: December 12, 2006, 08:15:00 pm »
well As the most of you know,
I got my own forum.

I asked if zfgc had a little banner to I can put a link to them.
and I got back that they didn't have one YET,
so I asked could I make one,
and so I was alowed,
so I made this one:

so tell me what you think?

Entertainment / Wich movies do you like
« on: December 06, 2006, 08:49:51 pm »
Well post them here,
( I am kind of looking wich one I should by)
I got:

the nightmare before christmas
corpse bride
van helsing
All the harry potters
All the Pirates of the carabeans
Findind nemo
School of rock
Dukes of hazzard
Ice age both
all the Lord of the rings.
over the hedge.
The davinci code

Discussion / All the towns of zelda
« on: December 03, 2006, 10:05:55 am »
I was thinking,
what are all the towns in zelda,
and forestes,
and mountains

Twilight Princess FTW: (possibly spoilers too)

Ordon Village
Faron Woods
Hyrule Field / Castle Town
Zora's Domain
Kakariko Village
Death Mountain
Forgotton Village
City in the Sky
Gerudo Desert
Sacred Grove
- Koriki
- Hyrule
- outset

- Lost wood
- korikis

-death mountain

Kokiri forest, Lost woods
Kakariko village
Hyrule market town
Zora's domain
Death Mountain
Gerudo's valley
Goron City
Gerudo Fortress
Lon Lon Ranch

Majora's Mask (I can't remember the names of the places >_>)
Clock Town
Great Bay (Zoras)
I forget the name of the goron mountain.
Ikana Canyon
Deku forest

WindWaker sigh... the main ones...
Dragon Roost (mountain)
Windfall island
Outset Island
Forest Haven
Link's Awakening
- Koholint
- Animal Village

Oracle of Seasons
(World of Holodrum)
- Horon Village
- Subrosia Village
- Sunken City

Oracle of Ages
(World of Labrynna)
- Lynna Village
- Deku Forest (dunno if counts)
- Crescent Island
- Symmetry City
- Zora Village
Minish Cap

(do normal locations count, or does it have to be towns?)

Hyrule Castle
Hyrule Castle Town
Veil Falls
Mt. Crenel
Darunia Town
Mido Town
Nabooru Town
Rauru Town
Ruto Town
Saria Town

Sorry If there a few dubble :P

Discussion / Reqeust help with trailor
« on: November 27, 2006, 06:53:13 am »
I've got an qeustion,
whats the best way to make an trailor ???
easy but cool?

Graphics / Making LTTP sprites is easy
« on: November 26, 2006, 02:43:34 pm »
Making LTTP sprites is easy. It takes alot of practice and with this tutorial it can help speed things up a bit.

When you make an LTTP sprite, the first thing you must remember is the proper outline color. Use the color provided above. Once you have the right color, you can start spriting what I'd like to call, the skeleton of the sprite. Note: Black lines are allowed inside the sprite. Don't forget to add the shadow below the sprite. If it doesn't have a shadow, the finished product won't look very LTTPish. Fell free to add any details inside the skeleon like a nose, mouth, etc.

After you create the skeleton, you can start adding colors and details. It is strictly important you use ONLY LTTP colors for the sprite. Use the palette above. Remember to use only 2 shades of colors for each body part. Make sure 1 shade is dark and 1 shade is lighter.

Now one of the most crucial things to know is how many colors to use on a sprite. A normal size sprite(Link)uses only 2 shades of colors for each part of the body. But a BIG sprite(Blind) Uses 3 shades of colors. For bosses the 3rd color is usually white, and for normal enemies, the 3rd color is sometimes a lighter shade then the other two colors.

Remember, the 'camera' angle in LTTP is not straight-on, so your characters should always be at a slight angle.
Read THAT. Its by OSM. In fact, I'm gonna go make an aLttP sprite..

Thanks to badassbill123 and OSM

Here is an Skeleton pack

and the one I made:

NOTE: if you have any little things like and hat, clothing, weapon, items, just post them and i'll edit them in myn, and give you credit!

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