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Topics - NickAVV

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11] 12
Coding / Check Spites' Frame
« on: November 21, 2006, 11:25:58 pm »
Is there any way to check what frame of animation a sprite is on? Like...

if(sprite_frame = 4){
global.hit = true
global.hit = false

Coding / Solid, but not...
« on: November 20, 2006, 11:45:01 pm »
I can't walk through the place where this object is, even though it's not solid. There are no other colliders that could be blocking the way, as I was able to get through fine before adding this object.

Code: [Select]
Information about object: objdoor

Sprite: longcollider
Solid: false
Visible: false
Depth: 2
Persistent: false
Parent: <no parent>
Mask: <same as sprite>

Collision Event with object Link:
set the sprite to sprOpendoor with scale factor 1
execute code:

visible = true
solid = false

Coding / Olden Help
« on: November 18, 2006, 08:06:50 pm »
Heylo. I found this text engine on the old invision free ZFGC, and I need a bit of help. When I go up to the sign and press A, I get an error that says "unknown variable: global.firsttimedrawbox" Here's the script with the problem. One more thing. The error is on Line 53 where it says if(global.firsttimedrawbox = 0)...

Code: [Select]
//argument0 = the text
//argument1 = whether or not to draw the box at the end
//argument2 = whether or not to initiate the text
//argument3 = whether or not to draw the text box
//argument4 = the picture to use
//` = white text
//^ = red text
//{ = blue text
//} = green text
//[ = yellow text
global.drawingtext = true //the game is drawing text
if argument2 = true //if it is the first time through
  self.position = 1//set the position as 1
  self.done = false //the text isn't done
global.text = argument0
global.more = argument1
global.font = sprLettersWhite //set the font at the beggining of the script
//sets the postion of the pointer, so it knows how much text should be drawn
if keyboard_check(vk_enter) = true //if enter is pushed
  self.done = true //you are done
  self.position = string_length(global.text) //end the text
  self.curstring = global.text //set the string to the text
  keyboard_clear(vk_enter) //stop generating events
if self.done = false //if the text line isn't done
  self.curstring = string_copy(global.text, 1, self.position) //the first line is a part of the actual first line
  if string_length(self.curstring) = string_length(global.text) //if the text is done
    self.done = true //this line is done
    self.position = 1  //reset the start point
if self.done = false //if not all text is done
  self.position += 1 //add one to the position

//draws the important stuff
if argument4 <> 0 //if a picture was selected
   if (global.firsttimedrawboxpic=0) {
  draw_sprite(sprPhotoBox, 0, view_x[0] + 16, view_y[0] + 108) //draw the box
  draw_sprite(argument4, 0, view_x[0] + 22, view_y[0] + 114) //draw the picture
if argument3 = true //if you should draw the text box
  if (global.firsttimedrawbox=0) {
  draw_sprite(sprTextBox, 0, view_x[0] + 16, view_y[0] + 160) //draw the text box
self.pointx = 22 //a little to the right...
self.pointy = 166 //a little down...
for(i = 1; i < string_length(self.curstring) + 1; i += 1) //once for every character
  self.lettertemp = string_copy(self.curstring, i, 1) //get the letter
  if self.pointx >= 270 //if it is too far over
    self.pointx = 22 //go back a bit
    self.pointy += 16 //go down a line
  if self.lettertemp <> " " and self.lettertemp <> "~" and self.lettertemp <> "|"//if it isn't a space or a tilde
    if self.lettertemp <> "`" and self.lettertemp <> "^" and self.lettertemp <> "{" and self.lettertemp <> "}" and self.lettertemp <> "["//if it's not changing the font
      self.todraw = get_letter(self.lettertemp) //get the imagesingle of the value
      draw_sprite(global.font, self.todraw, view_x[0] + self.pointx, view_y[0] + self.pointy)
      self.pointx += 8//move over for the next letter
    else //if it is changing the font
      if self.lettertemp = "`" //set it white
        global.font = sprLettersWhite //sets it
      if self.lettertemp = "^" //the caret
        global.font = sprLettersRed //sets it
      if self.lettertemp = "{" //blue
        global.font = sprLettersBlue //sets it
      if self.lettertemp = "}" //green
        global.font = sprLettersGreen //sets it
       if self.lettertemp = "[" //yellow
        global.font = sprLettersYellow //sets it
  if self.lettertemp = " " //if it is a space
    self.pointx += 8 //move over for the next letter
  if self.lettertemp = "~" //if it is a tilde
    self.pointy += 16 //move down for the next letter
    self.pointx = 22 //reset to the start of the line
 if self.lettertemp = "|" //if it is a pipe
    sleep(100) //sleep a while
screen_refresh() //refreshes the screen so you can actually see it

if self.done = true and global.more = true //if we need to draw an arrow
  draw_sprite(sprTextMore, 0, view_x[0] + 155, view_y[0] + 216) //draw the arrow

if self.done = false //if the text isn't done
   sleep(30) //pretty fast
   dialog_box(argument0, argument1, false, argument3, argument4) //do it all again
else //yer done!
  screen_refresh() //refresh the screen
  keyboard_wait() //wait for the keyboard
  global.drawingtext = false //get on with your regular life
  screen_redraw() //redraw the screen

Thanks people!

Entertainment / Game Universe
« on: November 18, 2006, 01:44:42 pm »
Theres a kick-awesome store near me (in Framingham :x) called Game Universe. They have tons of old video game systems (Sega CDs, 32Xs, Vectrexs!!!, SNES, N64, Atari, etc) for cheap, and tons of games for them too (english and japanese). I'm gonna go there to get a Wii once I have enough cash.

Graphics / My PI
« on: November 17, 2006, 09:18:15 pm »
Yep, yep. Evil TiVo. :D Don't know where I had the idea. Just did.

Coding / Request: GM5 Text Engine
« on: November 16, 2006, 08:08:30 pm »
Haldo. I see lots of good textbox engines (LTTP style) for GM6, but 6 won't run on my machine (nor will any games made in it) and I was wondering if anyone had one that was compatible with GM5. It'd be good if it had multiple boxes worth of text scrolling, and color change would be nice (but not necessary). Yous guys are the best.

n_n Your lovable GM n00b,
Moldorma :P

Coding / Depth of Tiles
« on: November 13, 2006, 10:33:02 pm »
What would I need to make a tiles depth to make it overlap an object (or can tiles overlap objects?) GM5.3 of scorse.

Coding / GM Alpha
« on: November 13, 2006, 10:00:19 pm »
How do I adjust something's alpha in Game Maker? I know i've done it before, but its been almost a year since I last used that program. :P

Other Discussion / w00t!
« on: November 12, 2006, 02:11:37 am »
Guess what? I'm posting this from Win XP Home! Virtual PC decided to work again (thanks to some craftyness from me) so I'm back on the scene for fangame playing/making. Good for me, eh? And on an even lighter note, it seems to be movin pretty fast too. :D

Zelda Projects / TLoZ: Curse of Archaia [DEC 4: New Info]
« on: November 04, 2006, 12:31:59 am »
The Legend
Long ago there was a land of peace and prosperity, with rolling green fields and high mountainous peaks. The land was known as Archaia, and it seemed that it would prosper for all of time. But it didn't. One day a cold wind was said to have passed over the land it everything vanished completely. Eons later a new nation called Hyrule began to grow on the same land that was once home to Archaia. The legacy of Archaia was long forgotten, but as of late strange occurrences have been stirring in Hyrule. A dark cloud swirls outward from the tallest tower of Hyrule Castle, covering the land with driving rain and lightning that threatens to destroy all life, and the King has become unreasonable, ordering the soldiers to take people from different villages and have them slaughtered in public for "disloyalty to the crown". One night a young man named Link who lives in the forest of Lon is awakened, so he ventures out into the pouring rain following a glimmer of light which leads him to the gates of Hyrule Castle...

The Screenshots

Link following Miri on a stormy night. Almost ready for a demo. :)


The Credits
Goodnight - Walking Engine
Miles Lombardi - Sword Engine/Hearts Engine
TRW - Text Engine
Moldorma - Updating HUD, Open and Enter Houses, Cut Bushes, Rain and Darkness Adjuster, Lots of Graphics
Nintendo - LTTP Style Graphics

The Other Info
This project is on hold until I get my new computer (Intel iMac) for christmas, which will be able to run windows at full speed (damn VPC), and also be able to run GM6 (again, damn VPC). I will start completely remaking the game (good thing I wasn't too far in) with completely custom graphics. See you then!

Discussion / Rated $ for Cash
« on: August 22, 2006, 01:32:27 am »
I was thinking of making a Shareware game (More than likely 3D) to make some quick cash. What kind of games would you all be interested in purchasing if I were to make something like that? It wouldn't be a full fledged humongous game. A simple arcade style game, or a fun addicting concept with lots of levels. So help me out guys! Thanks.

Audio / Sonic Crackers Main Theme!
« on: August 19, 2006, 05:51:36 am »
The main theme of the cancelled Genesis game Sonic Crackers. I ripped it from the rom using the emulator "Generator".


n_n Cool, eh?

Graphics / 3D Alien Time!
« on: August 18, 2006, 10:39:29 pm »

It is an alien! Run far away! >_> I made this in Blender and I'm working on giving it a skeleton and animating it for a FPS game I'm making. n_n

Graphics / 3D Motobug!!!
« on: August 09, 2006, 08:12:11 pm »
Picture taken before completion

All fear his mighty wrath!

You may use but credit Moldorma! This is my first 3D Sonic enemy but more may follow!

Download Me!

Other Projects / MarBall 3D (New Demo!!!)
« on: August 01, 2006, 03:07:51 pm »
Welcome to MarBall, the floating marble structure of gargantuan proportions! Your name is M, a Marble Warrior sworn to defend the planet Marabell. You've come to MarBall to get out some of the stress of being a hero. But unexpectedly, Zombie Marbles start appearing. These lifeless Marbles, made of lead, have no thoughts or feelings, but their imense weight is causing the entire structure of MarBall to fall out of the sky. Instead of teaking a break, you have no choice but to push the Zombie Marbles off of MarBall so that the floating resort can prosper once again!

I'm making this game in Unity3D, a sweet 3D Game Maker for the Mac. You Windows Users can play it with the Unity Online Player, but you might have to download a plugin. Mac users can PM me for the application which is faster and supports better resolutions.

Demo 2 - Play Now! - Play Levels 1-3 with transition screens and a Game Over screen! Jump with space, timer is reversed (record setting in final game), and beta music in level 2!

Demo 1 - Play Now! - Play Level 1 to get a feel for the game. Neat partical effects act as some eye candy!

My host doesn't allow hotlinking, so go to the screenshots webpage at:


The website for MarBall will almost always be updated earlier than the ZFGC Page, so if you wanna go there instead just head to


As of August 7th we've switched hosts (Our old host only allowed 1 MB files. Demo 2 is 11 MB!), so update your bookmarks (if anyone was devoted enouch to boomark me. :P)!

Other Discussion / Funny Message in Terminal
« on: July 28, 2006, 04:31:15 pm »
I'm building a MakeFile in Mac OS X Terminal and got this somewhere in between:

Code: [Select]
In file included from plugins/engine/3d/engine.cpp:73:
plugins/engine/3d/material.h:212: warning: `class csMaterialWrapper' only
   defines a private destructor and has no friends

That File is a Private Destructor and has no friends"


Debates / Tennis Balls
« on: July 28, 2006, 01:16:33 am »
Don't call me crazy here, but I seriously think Tennis Balls are green. Me and my brother get into huge debates about this, so I decided to let you guys finalize our discussions with a jaunty Debate/Poll! The options can otherwise be read as:

1. Moldrill is Color Blind
2. Moldorma is Color Blind
3. Neither is Color Blind

Please settle this important issue!

Discussion / Sonic X-treme
« on: July 27, 2006, 05:51:18 pm »
It's the Sega Saturns Prime. Sega needs a smash hit game for the holiday season, and they decide to bring back their mascot, Sonic, in a Full 3D adventure. The development team works day and night with no breaks trying to complete the game. The finish a beta which has Sonic running around tube-like levels that can be rotated. The director of the project says that the Tube idea is no good and that the game should play similar to how today's Sonic Adventure plays. They scrapped everything they had and began work again, but they didn't have enough time. Sonic X-treme was scrapped for a new version of Sonic 3D Blast. Because of the lack of a strong title, the Saturn, and in turn the Dreamcast, fell.

Very little info has been released about this Would-have-been Hit other than a few screenshots, two small videos, and Level Names. I plan on recreating this game, since I have practically a blank canvas to work with.

The Levels:
-Jade Gully Zone
-Red Sand Zone
-Midnight Carnival Zone
-Stone Temple Zone
-Crystal Frost Zone
-Dark Cove Zone
-Galaxy Fortress Zone

The Story:
The Galaxy Fortress is a giant Space Station, which has remained in orbit unused for many years. Nobody knows who built it, or what its purpose is, but Dr. Eggman has announced that he has hidden 6 Chaos Emeralds around the world on recievers guarded by ferocious monsters, and has the seventh in the fortress. By using the Chaos Emeralds to power the fortress, Eggman can turn the peaceful world of Mobius into an Eggman Empire! Sonic bravely steps up to take out Eggman's Plans once again!

(note: the story may sound a little cliche, but it takes a big twist near the end of the game)

Metal Sonic:
Metal Sonic in the past has been a robotic version of Sonic, built to match his speed and agility, but failing miserably. Eggman, with his evil genius, has decided to upgrade Metal Sonic.

(Scrapped Idea for the real Sonic X-treme ?? Chris Senn)

Meet Metal Sonic Mach 3. Completely redesigned, he trys no longer to emulate Sonic, but overpower him. Metal Sonic has been stationed in the Galaxy Fortress, just waiting to put Dr. Eggman's most brilliant plan into motion...

Graphics / You WISH You Could Live Here!
« on: July 27, 2006, 01:06:16 am »
I made a 3D House in Google SketchUp! It's my best model ever!

Full View of the House

The top view, showing off the wraparound deck.

You can kinda see the inside from here. Just a big open room. :P

Graphics / 3D Delivery Van
« on: July 26, 2006, 09:58:28 pm »

Very sloppy. Made in Google Sketchup Lite in about an hour. The other side is insanely messy and you don't wanna see it. Based on the Roche Bros Home Delivery trucks. ;)

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