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Topics - King Tetiro

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Other Zelda / Removed the content
« on: August 19, 2006, 11:03:12 am »
Removed the content

Audio / REQUEST-Majora's Mask Mini Boss Song in Midi Style.
« on: August 19, 2006, 06:31:27 am »
I require the Majora's Mask Mini Boss Song in Midi Style and I can't find it. Any help?

Audio / Request-Song Of Time
« on: August 15, 2006, 07:01:18 pm »
For my game I need the Song of Time played by the Ocarina of Time.

File type-Wave
More info-Ocarina Tune
Time Needed-ASAP
Credit given

Coding / Removed the content
« on: August 11, 2006, 07:39:17 pm »
Removed the content

I need to know how to make.....

Deku Baba-Attacks people.(The Plant)-If Link goes near the plant, the plant attacks. Sprites using in topic. Solved this one my self!

Deku Scrub-Like in OOT. Sprites using in topic.-PLEASE! THIS IS THE LAST ONE!

Please tell me ASAP.

I beg of you! PLEASE HELP ME!

Coding / [Request / Listing] GM6-Day/Night Time Engine Problem-Solved!
« on: August 03, 2006, 12:33:50 pm »
I need a Day and Night Engine but I have no idea how. There must

  • Must Have a Clock. Which instead of object being visible, it does all the images in the draw event(Not like MM but a Sand Timer with the time in the middle with the PM/AM(Only O'Clocks))
  • When the Hero goes into a new room, the Clock gives the Hero a bit of info telling him what time it is so that the clock resumes in the next room at that time.
  • Must be able to make it that the Hero can only do something at that certain time.(e.g-You can't go in a room unless it's 6:00PM

1-Is this possible with GM6?[/s]

New probs. I need someone to tell me how to....

1-Make Night(Like in Goodnight's engine but MUCH(X3) easier to do) (MUST HAVE)

2-Make torch light (LTTP big torches)


Detail on Night engine

if (Hero) global.night=true
if (Hero) global.morning NOT=true
Does action to make night

Any help?

Coding / [Request / Listing] GM6-Boulders-Solved!
« on: August 03, 2006, 08:32:52 am »
Can someone tell me how to make my boulder so that it randomly moves around but when it hits something, it rebounds?

I need it for Demo 4 of my game.

Also the Boulder rolls on the floor.

I need help. I haven't the faintest idea how to do a save game engine. I really need it. These are the files that will be the saved game files


PLEASE! HELP! It must be easy to code in and is using the DRAG and DROP button code to do it (game_save(___)

If this can't be done, how can I make it save and load a game progress?

Code: [Select]
var load_name;
load_name = get_open_filename ('Savegames (*.sav)|*.sav','');
game_load (load_name);

I want it to AUTOMATICALLY load Start.sav. How do I do this?

Discussion / Topic Dead
« on: June 22, 2006, 06:25:07 pm »
Lost purpose and time so I removed the topic.

Graphics / Lizard Games - Sprite Awards 2006[Final results are in!]
« on: June 08, 2006, 04:27:43 pm »
To promote
There are 3 catorgories, LTTP, MC and GB.

In each catorgory there are 2 sub-catagories

Spriter and Best Overall.


When you win, I will get a plaque for your signature saying you won. Please don't take these unless you actually won. Plus there's a chance you can win to test Demo 3 of LOZ-Rising Darkness with us.

Judge- Laigonaz-GB

Judge- Zero Koll-LTTP

Judge- Moree-MC

This is the winner of the sprite awards 2006's trophy


GB- GB Overall-Hyrule_Boy   GB Spriter-Tompel

LTTP- LTTP Overall-Tompel LTTP Spriter-Moree

MC- MC Overall-Memorex MC Spriter-Memorex

Overall Winner-Tompel

Coding / [Request / Listing] Keys?
« on: May 14, 2006, 07:25:56 pm »
How do you do keys, locked doors and boss keys? Anyone got an engine?
GM6.1 registered. (I have tried to think of a way but I had no luck)

Discussion / Naming Topic Dead
« on: April 30, 2006, 09:03:37 am »
Lost purpose and time so I removed the topic.

Discussion / Rising Darkness[Very Sad News]
« on: April 16, 2006, 08:33:59 am »

Main Story

Story of The Symbol Of Life

Info before the story
In Timeline- 1 week before you (The Hero) starts the quest
Main Purpose of this story-How Goqec Palace was lost.
Goqec Palace's last use- Laigonaz's Palace

The Story

The Symbol Of Life. The most powerful of all the three Symbols. It was given to Laigonaz as a Gift when he became the King Of Lustria. Tumpton told him to never forget the following words
"Laigonaz, you have two jobs as King Of Lustria. One is to rule Lustria to a Golden Age and the second is to guard the Symbol of Life with your life."
Laigonaz kept to the first job very well.

But the second......

Laigonaz had lost the Symbol to Deckra, a Deku Plant at first, but the Symbol activated. Deckra mutated and knew of it's powers and used it against Laigonaz and all of Lustria.

Hundreds of Lustrians died before Deckra and it's power. Deckra could not be beaten due to his knowledge of what Laigonaz can and can't do.

But Deckra didn't know animals as well as Lustrians.

But the one thing Deckra knows nothing about is


The End


Here's Demo 3! Here's what it includes

Old screenshots

New screenshot/pictures

_______________________________________Staff Needed____________________________

______________________________________News about the game_____________________

Okay people, this is how things work from NOW ON
I am putting up download links to the Music of Rising Darkness
ALL, I say again ALL music files which come in the sets go into the folder


Okay? Whenever You see a URL link saying

Music Update
You download it and add it to the folder

Because it takes less time to do the music in chunks?

We have the next trailer! This one's about Town Life and The Wolf. It's 3 and a half minutes long and I hope you enjoy it! This one is alot better than the first one.

The Wolf in fight mode


__________________________________________Demo 5!__________________________________

This is what it will include



Audio / Solved:MP3/WAV to Midi converter
« on: April 14, 2006, 02:17:56 pm »
For my game, I need midi, does anyone know a good and free MP3/WAV to Midi converter?

Coding / [Request / Linking] Also stuck on the following things...
« on: April 13, 2006, 12:58:03 pm »
Hi em i have lots of problems >:( on my game (gamemaker version 6.something) they are

1-pause menu (see previous topic in section)
2 rooms (how to do them)
3- Random movement + Attacks (Know nothing)
4-Start Up menu (All of it)
5-Events (e.g if I got a item, someone comes into the room)
6-Text and pause
7- Pits (start at the entrance came out of) 

Coding / [Request / Listing] Solved-Save Files
« on: April 13, 2006, 11:44:20 am »
I have made my game on game maker version 6.1 and I'm having trouble with my inventory. It's an object but I want it to pause everything apart from it until it's destroyed/closed PLEASE HELP! :'(

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