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Topics - MG-Zero

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 [17] 18 19 20
Entertainment / gamestop midnight sale?
« on: October 18, 2006, 11:48:02 pm »
has anyone else heard about this?  Where you get Twilight Princess and a Wii if you go there at 12 AM on the 19th and if you preordered zelda?  Need to confirm this so I can you know...do it.

Coding / Virtual (C++)
« on: October 11, 2006, 11:46:33 pm »
What does making a variable or a function virtual do?  Like if I do..

virtual int feh;


virtual int feh();

???  It's been bugging me for the longest time.

Entertainment / Cloud hung up on masamune? HARDCORE!
« on: October 04, 2006, 01:16:58 am »
AdventChildren Complete is in the works, and lookey at what SE released for us.

does anything kill this guy?

Entertainment / lmao, i rock with naplm (cs 1.6)
« on: October 02, 2006, 07:20:07 pm »

top 25 users of the napalm launcher on the server i play at..i think about 7000 people play there, 150 of them are ranked.

Entertainment / ok so how much would you guys pay for..
« on: October 01, 2006, 04:49:36 pm »
I'm selling about 20 games to get some money for Wii.  Just wondering how much you guys would pay for it so i'll know if gamestop is ripping me off or not.

1. Luigi's Mansion
2. Simpson's road rage (ps2)
3. Simpson's road rage (gcn)
4. Budokai 1
5. Budokai 2
6. star wars bounty hunter
7. star wars rogue squadron 2
8. metroid prime 2
9. drakkengard
10. spawn: armagedon
11. Galerians: Ash
12. Sly Cooper
13. Sly 2
14. Onimusha
15. Soul Calibur 2
16. Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
17. Madden 2002 (yuck!)
18. 007: Agent Under Fire
19. Mario Kart DS (possibly)
20. Chaos Legion

and 2 movies..
1. DragonBallZ: Cooler Returns (watched it once and i've had it for 5 years XD)
2. Inuyasha 2: Castle Beyond the Looking Glass

And that would be it....plus my gamecube which i won't sell until launch day since i still play it.

sooo that's what i got

EDIT: Forgot to mention, these are pretty much in good condition.

Other Discussion / Has anyone preordered Wii yet?
« on: September 21, 2006, 12:02:54 am »
My Gamestop keeps teeling me to "call them next week" to find out about their pre orders, yet they keep telling me the same thing...but the wtf thing is they're preording the games O_o  So has anyone preordered yet?

Feedback / community boards not showing up?
« on: September 16, 2006, 03:10:27 pm »
The community boards seem to have dissapeared from my board list O_o  Is anyone else having this problem?

Graphics / hay, buster sword model? *updated and rendered*
« on: September 11, 2006, 11:04:59 pm »

^_^  Made in 3DS Max 7, textures and everything by me.  It looks smoother when I render it, but then the textures don't show up.

Now the only problem is getting it into hl2 for my mod..

edit: NEW

Materia slots are smaller and I took off some of the bolts to reduce the vertex count.

Entertainment / Dirge of Cerberus = sex
« on: September 05, 2006, 01:08:28 am »
I rented it on saturday..and you know, screw what everyone says about the sucky camera, i'm loving this game XD  It plays like an FPS with the 2 control sticks.  You can use 4 different weapons and each one can be modified (change the weight, the barrel size, power etc ).  And of course, you can equip materia ^_^  Although through what i've seen, fire is the only decent spell.  Melee attacks are useful, possibly more useful than your gun.  You can just mash the attack button for a 3 hit combo, jump in the air and mash it for another 3 hit combo, double jump then mash it for a 6 hit combo, or press square and then mash the button for a 6 hit ground combo.  Limit breaks are in, although you only can use Galian Beast and one other (I think you can figure out which that would be =P).  It's got its humor in some parts from Cid, Barret, Yuffie and Cait Sith.  The story is possibly the best part, it's just crazy how square used what they set in the first game.  The only thing that i've been dissapointed with so far is that you don't really see Cloud fight too much =(

So, that's my 2 cents on the game ^_^

Other Discussion / Could someone provide me with a dll..
« on: September 01, 2006, 04:14:49 pm »
for fruity loops version 5.  Mine must have corrupted itself or something, but the program won't run.  I need FLEngine.dll and it needs to be version

Coding / Repeating int main()
« on: August 31, 2006, 03:32:29 pm »
I've made myself a shop program (inspired by Hero of Vortex XD) and there's one thing that's still bugging me..I haven't got a clue as to how to get the main function to repeat after buying an item.  Here is my code.

Code: [Select]
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
void EnufMoney(int); //checks money
int money = 1000; //money

    void EnufMoney(int ItemPrice) //again, checks money
     if ( money >= ItemPrice ){
          cout<<"lol, lets buy!!\n";
          money -=ItemPrice;
          cout<<"YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY ASS!!\n";


int main()
    int select; //selection
    int ItemPrice; //price of an item

    cout<<"what will you be buying?\n 1. poop (10)\n 2. muffins(30)\n 3. a shiny new sword(400)\n 4. brainz (you need em, 600)\n you have $"<< money <<"\n";//ask stuff
    cin>>select; //make a selection
    switch (select){ //sets price value and executes the EnufMoney function
           case 1:
           ItemPrice = 10;
           case 2:
           ItemPrice = 30;
           case 3:
           ItemPrice = 400;
           case 4:
           ItemPrice = 600;
           cout<<"NOT AN OBJECT ASS!!\n";
           return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

There's no errors or anything, I just..don't know how to repeat the main function.

Other Discussion / wow, it's been 3 years already..
« on: August 30, 2006, 06:45:53 pm »
ZFGC has been around for a bit more than 3 years already.  Where the hell did the time go? It seems like it was only yesterday that my post count level was just a wee little Kokiri.

Entertainment / Back from the FMA movie
« on: August 25, 2006, 10:37:33 pm »
...OMG IT OWNED!!!!! It was like sex on a plate with cheese on the side and topped off with ice cream!!  As usual Mustang and Armstrong owned and it was t3h funneh.  I find it funny how me, my sister, my friend and my sister's friend....were the only sick twisted bastards in the entire theatre laughing whenever Hitler showed up.

And at the end, the thetre spelled full metal alchemist wrong.  Some guy shouted it in the back of the theatre.

Oni has some more crap to say i'm sure, she'll tell you about the jock that we saw on the way in.

Coding / Making a call to this stupid function..
« on: August 25, 2006, 12:33:19 am »
I started playing around with this today and my only problem is, I can't figure out a way to call this function.

Code: [Select]
#include <iostream>

class CShapes
//shape stuff
int length;
int height;
int result;
int side;
int type;

    int repeat;

//constructors and destructors
CShapes(int l, int h)
std::cout<<"enter a length value\n";
std::cout<<"enter a height value\n";
length = l;
height = h;

CShapes(int s)
std::cout<<"enter a side value\n";
side = s;

std::cout<<"Area is "<< result <<"\n";
std::cout<<"repeat the program? 1/yes 2/no\n";
switch (repeat){
             case 1:

     case 2:

std::cout<<"that is not an option, exiting...\n";


//prototype for finding the area
int Area (int, int);
//prototype for finding the area for squares
int AreaSquare (int);
//prototype for repeating
int Repeater();

//function definitions
int CShapes::Area(int length, int height)
return length * height;

int CShapes::AreaSquare(int s)
return side * side;

int CShapes::Repeater()
std::cout<<"what kind of shape is this?\n";
std::cout<<"1. Rectangle\n";
std::cout<<"2. Square";

if ( type = 1 ) {

        CShapes rect(0,0);
rect.result = rect.Area(rect.length, rect.height);
        return 0;
CShapes square(0);
        square.result = square.AreaSquare(square.side);
        return 0;

int main()

in main, the Repeater function.  I've tried making an object for the class using 2 of my constructors.  the one with no parameters just doesn't work and if I use either of the other two, it automatically asks me for length, height or side values (which it shouldn't)  So my question is, how can I use this function?

EDIT: my error is:  identifier not found, even with argument-dependent lookup

Entertainment / Anyone in the new york area going to see the FMA movie?
« on: August 23, 2006, 02:19:37 pm »
I'm going on Friday to see the full metal alchemist movie, is anyone else going? =) =)

Other Discussion / hey, guess what?
« on: August 22, 2006, 02:17:59 am »
My sister is afraid to post here.  She just told me that ZFGC scares her XD

Other Discussion / converting a raw movie maker file into an mpeg?
« on: August 19, 2006, 12:53:02 am »
As far as I know, the only format that is accepted for the AMV contest at Anime Next is mpeg.  Now of course I have ages to convert this video, but i want to get it over with.  So, are there any programs that can convert a raw movie maker file into an mpeg?

Entertainment / oh !@#$%, Dirge of Cerberus came out today!
« on: August 15, 2006, 03:02:02 pm »
and i've already stated that i'm not buying anything else until Wii comes out X_X

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