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Topics - cb43569

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Entertainment / Twilight Princess beta stuff unveiled.
« on: March 16, 2007, 12:06:58 pm »
Well, the time has come. I opened up Google and searched for the most obvious thing: "twilight princess beta action replay". And what did I find on the first result? Digg.com... clicked the link... and damn, broken link D:.

However, do not worry, for I have a more direct link to the exact same stuff... Black Chu Jelly... Fire Arrows... glowing tunics... Magic Potion... the Beta Forest...


All in the released GameCube version.

...now go ahead and steal all the scrapped ideas for your fangames <_<

...you might have seen one of these pictures in my topic for "There really was a magic meter in TP".


Action Replay unveils all.

Feedback / [fixed] Strange colours?
« on: March 12, 2007, 07:00:03 pm »
On the main page, every category but "Sponsored Projects" is darker. I checked the background images and the darker ones are showing catbg2.jpg instead of catbg.jpg... "mistkae"* :P?

* Intentional spelling error <_<

Feedback / [fixed] Censors
« on: March 11, 2007, 05:23:42 pm »
Some words don't quite censor properly... for instance, is censored, but not !@#$% or !@#$%.


fix plz k thx

Feedback / PIs
« on: March 11, 2007, 11:54:33 am »
They're not here anymore. Where they be? Add them back. PIs rule. Pwn. End of story.

Bring back PIs.

Feedback / [fixed] Smileys?
« on: March 11, 2007, 11:01:23 am »
Er, okay, it's not like I'm going to complain about the smileys not showing up, seeing as this forum is still pretty new, but... I'm not sure I like looking at the smiley row in the Reply box, with text showing up saying:

Smiley Ouch, you poked my eye out! Cheesy Grin Loads Shotgun Emo-Kid? Where?! Holy Fu- Cool WTF! Are you talking about? Roll Eyes Look at me, I'm invisible! Embarrassed Lips Sealed Undecided Kiss Emo-Kid? Where!?


Other Projects / [Completed] Ice Cubes Deluxe
« on: March 07, 2007, 04:45:00 pm »
Ice Cubes Deluxe
Ice Cubes comes again... this time, revamped!

Game Information

Ice Cubes is a puzzle game in which you play as a small yellow cube, appropriately named "Cubes". You have to slide around a small level and reach the red block.

There are 25 levels.

What's new in the Deluxe version?

All the graphics have been replaced! All the graphics have now been replace with updated Ice Cubes 2 graphics. Additionally, a number of bugs have been fixed, and the existence of the "Restart level" key is made more obvious.


Download link

Ice Cubes Deluxe (EXE) ~ 1.16MB
Ice Cubes Deluxe (ZIP) ~ 1.03MB

Ice Cubes Deluxe (ZIP, Mirror) ~ 1.03MB

I hope you enjoy it!

Entertainment / Spoilers: Hey, guess what. I'm annoyed.
« on: March 04, 2007, 02:28:25 pm »
So, here I am, in the Temple of Time. I go through 8 treacherous floors, full of evil and monsters, and then defeat a black Darknut for the Dominion Rod, then guide a gigantic statue down the 8 treacherous floors, full of evil and monsters, then through the locked door, then I walk through a huge, treacherous hallway with rolling spikes, axes suspended from the ceiling, pits, Beamos (multiple Beamos!) and then I defeated two spiders to get to the Boss Door.

I walk over to it, and... I don't have the damn Boss Key! Why? Because it's on the flipping seventh floor, where I didn't see it, and left it behind!



MC & FS / [Solved] MC Link sheet
« on: March 04, 2007, 12:23:47 pm »
Well, for some reason the Link sheet is missing from both The Shyguy Kingdom and The Spriters Resource, and the GSArchive only has without-hat, I think I'll need to make a request topic.

I need a sheet of Link from MC, with his hat. Please.

Discussion / The Legend of Zelda: Untitled
« on: March 04, 2007, 11:59:20 am »
Recently, I've been playing around with the idea of a Zelda fangame. I didn't know if I could take it on. I was working on so much already... but, here it is anyway... and hopefully it'll stick.

Info? Screenshots? Demo? No. Well... it will be MC style. I can tell you that. I'll use a few Golden Sun sprites, just for fun...

And... here's a mockup?

I suppose that's it... comments?

Graphics / cb43569's Graphics Topic
« on: March 01, 2007, 09:48:12 pm »
Um, okay, yeah, me randomly spriting things, some for personal use, some just randomly made, some made for other people, etc. Enjoy...

Anyway, here we GOOOOOOO!

That's all for now! Enjoy.

Feedback / Excuse me...
« on: February 23, 2007, 12:06:14 pm »
The z3 Pre-registration topic is where we're meant to announce that we're submitting a project to z3, right? Well, uh. How exactly are we meant to do that when the topic is in Announcements, and we can't post in Announcements :P?

I think the amount of submissions might be small this year :P...

Other Projects / [Demo] Ice Cubes 2; the legend returns.
« on: February 20, 2007, 10:41:22 pm »
Ice Cubes 2
The legend returns...

Yes... for a few months, a near-finished Ice Cubes 2 GM6 has rested on my hard drive. However, I was very unhappy with the way the crappy, 25 levels had turned out.
The game wasn't really that good, and didn't deserve the name of Ice Cubes. I won't be releasing this game.

Though, taking some resources from it - graphics, code - I have created a new sequel.

It will feature 85 levels. I've already made 12 levels, so there's only 73 left to make!


Ending Image from the Old Version of Ice Cubes 2
Title Screen



Pre-MAZE Demo
Post-MAZE Demo

So, why wasn't I waiting for MAZE to post this? Well, I'm a bit too impatient, that's why >.<
Enjoy the new sequel :).

Entertainment / The Internet Song, by cb43569
« on: February 17, 2007, 08:22:51 pm »
The Internet Song, by cb43569:

What's this?
404s everywhere.

What's this?
Errors in the air.

What's this?
I can't believe my eyes
I must be dreaming,
Wake up, cb, this isn't fair!

What's this?

What's this? What's this?

There's something very wrong.

What's this?

There are MIDI-file songs.

What's this?

The streets are lined with
emoticons laughing
Everybody seems so serious
Have I possibly gone delirious?
What is this?

What's this?

The admins are all sleeping.
The servers can't be found.

(WIP song, finish it up later ;))

A modification of the song "What's This?" from the Nightmare Before Christmas. Original lyrics can be found here: http://www.stlyrics.com/lyrics/thenightmarebeforechristmas/whatsthis.htm.

I'm still working on this, I'll update when I've got more :).

UPDATE #1: Added some more...

What's this?

What's this? What's this?

There's something very wrong.

What's this?

There are MIDI-file songs.

What's this?

UPDATE #2: More song!

The streets are lined with
emoticons laughing
Everybody seems so serious
Have I possibly gone delirious?
What is this?

What's this?

Other Discussion / I'm posting this on my sister's behalf
« on: February 12, 2007, 12:07:45 pm »
She has a virus and three trojans in her AVG Free Virus Vault, and doesn't know how to get rid of them.

Yesterday, my friend sent me a link over MSN, leading to a site called "http://www25.emoprofile.net/emo.php?msn=(my hotmail address)". I went there and my computer ran a file which infected a file in my Windows directory.

The infected file is called "HOSTS". I can't seem to find directions of removing it on the internet...

I'm running Windows XP, and my anti-virus is AVG Free Edition.

I also used AVG Free to move the file to my Virus Vault, where I have three other trojans.

The other trojans in my Virus Vault are:

  • Generic3.AS
  • Downloader.Generic.HGT
  • Downloader.Generic3.GNC

Any help?

According to the internet, the HOSTS file is going to reappear infected again upon reboot, but we've yet to see if that actually happens...

Coding / Phoenix Engine: The Phoenix Project
« on: February 11, 2007, 02:05:37 pm »
    Phoenix Engine: The Phoenix Project

    The Phoenix Engine is going to be a small system to create Phoenix Wright (Gyakuten Saiban) cases. It will be easy to use. I've already shown the project to a large Phoenix Wright forum (Court Records), and got an extremely positive response.


    • Phoenix Engine: The Phoenix Project 0.1 alpha
      This is a really crap demo, it can barely be called a compatibility test. You are shown the Court Overview, and you can change the witness/defendant with a press of a button, and inputting a number.

    To-do list
    For version 0.2, I'm planning on...
    • Adding more character IDs.
    • Adding more character ID compatibility. For example, being able to use, say, Will Powers as a defence attorney.
    • Courtroom panning.
    • Reading from TXT case files.
    • Awesome new loading screen.

    Note: Damn, the Zora theme on Central doesn't show the white headings that well... Ah, well, better make 'em red. At least Court Records doesn't have ugly red headings :P.

    Other Discussion / Disable EDC check on CD-ROM drives?
    « on: February 06, 2007, 11:56:08 am »
    Okay, I've been searching for a while, and I need to find a way to disable the EDC check of my CD-ROM drive. I can't find a spot where I can switch it. Any help, Central?

    Feedback / Why does...
    « on: February 04, 2007, 11:34:12 am »
    ...writing H e l i o s (without the spaces), turn into [Can't spell his new name]? And, for that matter, I can spell his new name. Infinitus. So there.

    You people are strange <,<
    And copying over a :P emoticon and pasting turns into "Look at me, I'm invisible!"
    Mod Edit: Merged your two posts.

    Recruitment / Spriter needed!
    « on: February 03, 2007, 07:15:48 pm »
    Spriter needed for an upcoming RPG game. Must be experienced, and be able to draw in this style: http://www.gmrealm.co.uk/TeamMembersOnly/crono.gif. Concept art and reference images WILL be provided. And a truckload of them, too.

    Thanks in advance :).

    Coding / Help is required.
    « on: February 03, 2007, 02:25:32 pm »
    Well, here comes the question. I have a script in my upcoming RPG, which takes care of textboxes. It writes one gradually, like in Zelda, and when the textbox is full, you can press Z to continue onto the next textbox, until the textbox is finished.
    You can only have one textbox at a time.
    The textboxes also have a little bit at the top showing the character speaking, as in Final Fantasy.
    Now, here's my problem. When I call the script, here's what my code looks like:

    Code: [Select]
    draw_textbox("Hiya. Here's a little textbox sample. Of course, this isn't used in the game, it's just an example for Connection :P.",0.8,0,0,"cb43569#Human")
    It works perfectly, and looks awesome in the game :D! But, if I want multiple characters to say lines, I'd want to write it like this:

    Code: [Select]
    draw_textbox("What about that particular one... Dragons' Wrath?",0.8,0,0,"Wulfr#Unknown")
    draw_textbox("Dragons' Wrath? They think... that it was the masters of destruction, sir.",0.8,0,0,"Pent#Unknown")

    But... obviously, they overlap... how can I make the second textbox ONLY appear when the first has disappeared? How can I make command #2 only occur after command #1?

    I'm confused...

    Dayjo: Set the message icon to GM6

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