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Topics - Beavercanoe

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Other Discussion / Interweb Comic Ideas Needed!
« on: December 27, 2006, 05:34:53 am »
Well, my bro and/or I, we think we might want to start an internet comic....maybe.
Monthly or weekly, but just because we think it would be sweet. Se what we can succeed with.

We just don't know where to start. Think you could give me some of your thoughts on this matter?

I think it should be something pointless and simple, like White Ninja Comics. But whatever it ends up being. I have the programs/tools for it.

Other Discussion / DreamLines >> the amazing "dream weaver", very cool
« on: December 21, 2006, 02:39:37 am »
DreamLines is a Java applet.
You type in a subject for a dream - anything you can think of, 1 or 2 words - and DreamLines will draw a dream for you using thousands and thousands of lines, based on the word you chose.

Click below to launch the applet and try it for yourself:


Here you may discuss this or tell us all about some interesting words that will give DreamLines the chance to draw us a very interesting dream.

Read the following if you would like to read the information by the creator, and/or ruin the mystery of it. Or just to be sure that you're correct about your answer behind the mysteriousness of this, you big smartypants.

Dreamlines is a non-linear, interactive visual experience. The user enters one or more words that define the subject of a dream he would like to dream. The system looks in the Web for images related to those words, and takes them as input to generate an ambiguous painting, in perpetual change, where elements fuse into one another, in a process analogous to memory and free association.

The system has been developed in Java and PHP. First, a PHP script makes a Google image search of the words entered by the user. Then, the Java applet retrieves the images one by one, and uses them as input to generate an ever-changing drawing.

The pictures are never actually shown. The drawing itself is produced by 1500 autonomous particles in perpetual movement. The last image loaded serves as a sort of virtual terrain for them. The direction and speed of each particle is given, at each step, by the color values of the pixel they are stepping on. Different sets of formulas translate the hue, saturation and brightness of the pixel in angle and velocity values for the particle. The path of each particle is traced to the screen, and this forms the output seen by the user.

Thus, the work is at the same time a study on population dynamics, or on the emergent behavior of a multitude of very simple autonomous agents.

Who is dreaming? The user, or the Internet itself? In a certain way, both. The program generates a personal moving picture, unique, unpredictable, and forever gone when it is finished, just like dreams. But that dream is made out of pieces taken form the subconscious of the whole net, gathered by some words of the user and the obscure logic of searching algorithms.

The subject of this work is, many times, multiplicity. That of the particles in endless movement, that of the vast contents of the Internet, that of the users and the dreams they wish to dream.

All this multiplicities get together on the verge of chaos, on a process that mixes randomness and strict but complex logics, very much alike the processes that take place in our heads. Even when we rest.

Graphics / Stickpivot Animator Topic
« on: September 01, 2006, 05:47:09 pm »
Stickpivot Animator is a stick-person animator. Frame-by-frame, but once you get used to it, it's awesome. :D
To get Stickpivot, just sign up at www.groups.msn.com/pivotanimation, goto "Documents", and click "Pivot_3_Fixed" or something.

For a great place to view other peoples' work, or submit your own, goto www.darkdemon.org.

Please post some of your work in Stickpivot Animator here, in this topic.

Here is some of my recent work:

Just click the link, then click "Play Animation."

Kio v4
Bullet Dodge

Entertainment / Worms: Armageddon - where to buy?! [Canada]
« on: August 24, 2006, 07:34:47 pm »
Just wondering if anyone knew where the hell I could go to buy Worms: Arageddon from a Canadian store - meaning not online. It's a pretty old game, so I imagine that it may have been.....discontinued.

Entertainment / Opera DS lol
« on: August 16, 2006, 03:45:53 am »
(omgz website)

(testing Japan version....)

(DSR Article)

Yeah so.....Opera on DS. In Japan, I guess.
I mean, it's slow, but it's the net on my DS, so I'm surely gettying it if/when it comes out in CANADA.

Entertainment / Worms 2 Mods?! Extentions?! Plugins?! Utilities?!?!
« on: August 13, 2006, 12:07:53 am »
Yeaahhhh....don't know if this is the right place, but:

Does anyone know of or have any mods or modding utilities or custom patches etc. for Worms 2?
I know, it's a pretty outdated game, but it's still LOTS of fun....and I want to see how I can make it more fun.

So if you find any, please let me know :)

Graphics / JW Productions Logo (in PS)
« on: August 04, 2006, 01:43:37 am »

Dunno, I made this in about ten minutes. It's my second saved piece of "art." I think it's pretty good, only like 5 layers.

What do you guys think?

Entertainment / Guy Stands on 360!
« on: June 27, 2006, 04:44:35 pm »
I don't know if this belongs in off-topic, but....


My point is:
...all I know is the PS3 will definitely feature the ability to stand on it now.


Entertainment / Questions... [DS Lite]
« on: June 26, 2006, 05:20:29 pm »
Yeah, I gots a few questions about the DS Lite, seeing as I'm getting one this week. I'd like it if someone from North America could answer this, especialy Canada - just to get exact details for what I need.

- Does it come in the light blue, or only black and white?
- How much?!
- Why should I buy a DS Lite, rather than keeping my old one?
- You know, stuff like that.....

Thanks. :)

Entertainment / New eyes! [Wii]
« on: June 26, 2006, 05:17:31 pm »
Well, Microsoft is #1 on my list. Nintendo is very much appreciated by me - I love Nintendo. I'm not even going to get started about Sony....

But, I was on Future Shop's website lookin' for the price, etc. for a new DS Lite, and right on the homepage was 'Nintendo Wii - Pre-orders!'
I have a friend in BC who's going to be getting one, so I figured I might as well check it out. I did.
I have never really taken the time to read all the specs of the Wii, but now I realize why it's so freaking awesome! Now I can join in...

Be happy for me :D

Entertainment / Xbox 360 Update
« on: June 06, 2006, 11:30:39 pm »


I've been anticipating this update for a while...especialy the constant downloads part - where we can now download 6 items at once while playing games, etc. :)

There are over 250 updates (so I've heard...?)(most of them very minor). Does anyone know when this is out (or if it's already out and I just don't know it)?

Discussion / GM games using Xbox 360 Controller
« on: May 27, 2006, 10:10:05 pm »
It is possible. I saw it (and tried it) on a game called "Animo" on the GameMakerGames forum. It works so much better.

In my mind, it makes it simpler - you know where all the buttons are instead of having over 30 to accidently press, etc.

What do you guys think? Also, what would be your ways of doing it?

Entertainment / My mini Oblivion update reviews
« on: May 27, 2006, 06:14:59 pm »
I have to make this quick, but I just bought a 1250 Microsoft Point card (yeah, not 1600....Canada...), and I bought the Oblivion updates. This is for Xbox 360, and I only got the 150 point ones.

The Orrey
I was pretty excited to get the Orrey just because the screenshots looked awesome, but then I was dissapointed. When you buy, you have to do a quest in which you travel all over a big part of Cyrodiil to camps to kill bandits. You do this to retrieve Dwarven parts so a Mages Guild member can fix the Orrey. The quest takes a bit of time. When the Orrey is finished and activated, it looks crazy - all gears and spheres placed so it looks like it took the creators a while (and it prolly did, for this big machine has to represent the travelings of the moons), and thats it. You get a power for every moon, but that's it. I was very dissapointed, and I think it was not worth the $1.89. 5 out of 10.

Wizard's Tower
the Wizard's Tower is easy to get. You just go to it and it's your's, plus the furnishings that you can buy. The Tower looks really cool from the outside and looks interesting inside. It gives a garden with a vast amount of plants, including Oblivion Native plants, as well as teleports to every Mages Guild...and best of all: you can summon Atronaches that will follow you around and fight for you. I was very happy with this update, and it was well worth the time and money. 9 out of 10.

Thieves Den
The Thieves Den is an update that lets you uncover a cave outside of Anvil. When you go in the cave, you must kill a bunch of skeletons to "put them to rest" before you can call this cave your's. The pirate ships inside are pretty cool and stuff, but then you get to hire people into your "gang". This includes trainers for skills like Sneak and Security, and you can send other gang members on raids. Once a week these pirates will come back and share their loot with you.
This was an update I like to call "meh". It was only $1.89 so I guess it was worth it...7.5 out of 10.

I know I suck at review !@#$% but this was quick. Just don't pay attention to any parts that don't make sense :P

Entertainment / The way I see it...[Wii]
« on: May 24, 2006, 11:24:31 pm »
Just a small topic explaining something. You'll find out what it is if you just read:

The way I see it is that Nintendo knows if they make a normal system (such as the gamecube), they will lose money because of the PS3 and Xbox 360 (and how Nintendo could never match up with that technology), so they think of unique ideas so their systems are different and make people want to buy em. Like the DS: dual screens w/ touch screen and all...
In this case, with the Wii, they made it have that remote looking controller and the motion sensing and such. Renaming the system was a big mistake on Nintendo's behalf.

Now that I think about it, the only good thing about the name "Wii" is that it is short. Like 1 syllabel(sp?), easy to say/type.

Entertainment / Gamertags!
« on: May 23, 2006, 02:03:44 am »
Alright, so the title is pretty straight forward: post your gamertag...and if you want your gamercard (like the one in my sig). Just looking for other ZFGCers with Xbox 360's with Live :)

Other Projects / 4x4 Unleashed | NEW DEMO 09.07.06
« on: May 18, 2006, 01:08:01 am »

New screenshots of a possible bloom and blur effect. [08.25.06]
New demo and screens....look at the new features down below where it says..."Features." [09.07.06]

Goal of Game:

Meneuver through complicated courses while
dodging enemies and explosives and pulling off
insane stunts to get to the finish!

Screenshots [09.07.06]:

Possible Blur Effect
Possible Bloom w/ Blur


Download from Host-A
Download from Plunder (1) or Download from Plunder (2)
Download from FileFactory (Last Resort)

Demo Date: 09.07.06
Made In: Game Maker 6.1
Resolution Change: Yes, to 800 x 600

-[NEW] Save/Continue!
-[NEW] An even better menu!
-[NEW] Level changes, and some other changes...
-[NEW] Level 5: Water Park slightly redone!
-[SOON] A beginner's tutorial
-[SOON] Smoothed out terrain and enviromental objects......(trees, grass....)
-[SOON] Additions; new levels, bloom/blur effects (:D), new enemies and hazards....
-[SOON] Music, sound effects...
-[SOON] ALL levels redone, reordered, scrubbed and polished!


-Powered By the Verlet Physics Engine by The Intelligence
-Motion Blur by Cynical
-Some help with effects from the Gamecave's Effects Engine 2.1
-Menu Help by GL (or Scott Doolittle)
-Overall project support from Issac_Amisov

Other Sites:
4x4 Unleashed at GameMakerGames
4x4 Unleashed at the GMC

As you can see this is kind of a project of many engines. This is because this is my first internet-released game, and I'm learning. The rest of the coding was hand-made by myself.
Please download and try it out :D! If you do, try your hardest to leave behind some of your criticism, a bug report or two...or a suggestion; I will accept ANY SUGGESTIONS! In fact, you can even help out if you want; just PM me.
This most recent demo has some bugs, as it was released in a hurry. Don't worry, they're gone :D
New demo planned for next week or so.

-JWP Team

Other Discussion / MSN Conspericy (sp?)
« on: May 08, 2006, 10:56:23 pm »

I for one do not believe it :P
Besides, it's UK...my brother's getting all worked up about it...he got an email telling him to send it to everyone on his list or his account will be shut down because they (MSN) ,"Only have 567 account names left."

I know this is pathetic...but what do you think?

Entertainment / O-kay then...(LOST, SPOILERS)
« on: May 04, 2006, 02:08:49 am »
Ehm, I just saw the new LOST before (you know, that show where these people crash on an uncharted island and weird stuff happens). Well, it was a continuation of where we left off - and I was shocked :P


They get Micheal back, right, and he wakes up...I'm not going to tell you the whole story, but by the end...Micheal gets ahold of the gun and kills that new chick, then hurley's girfriend...then he opens up that place where that "Others" guy is...then shoots himself...



I was all like "WTF MATE?" Like it happens then it just ends...like omg...what do you think?

I think the director is trying to kill off some characters :o

Entertainment / Got XBL Gold!
« on: April 30, 2006, 10:20:12 pm »
Sorry if this is not needed...

Today I was walking into EB games when I thought, "Wow, my Xbox 360 is really bland without XBL..." So I bought the Wireless Networking Adapter...
Now I have Xbox LivE :) I got one moth of Gold for signing up, plus 2 free months from other games I have bought...best of all, my brothers (3 of em) are paying me back, so I only have to pay about 35 bucks :D

I am so happy, and I just decided I would spread my joy around ZFGC :D If you have, add me...don't ask what my Gamertag is, it should be quite obvious.

btw, don't try playing Full Auto XBL, nobody's ever on. And fun Xbox Live enabled 360 games I should try :)?

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