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Topics - Dracon

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Seriously, what's up with the "Death topics" on the internet? If someone dies, the first thing people think isn't usually "Oh, yes, I'm going to break into his account on that one site he goes on that I don't care about, and inform it's denizens of his untimely death."
Yeah, I was just thinking about that right now.

Entertainment / SIn and Punishment
« on: October 14, 2007, 02:27:35 am »
I perked up after I heard that this was the first Japan-only Virtual Console game in the states, but I really wasn't too excited about it at first. In fact, my initial thoughts on it were "I hope this means we get 'Mother' soon". The 20% import extra price didn't get me too enthusiastic about buying it either, but in the end, I did. I love it.
MY interest increased after I heard that it was made by Treasure, which I became a fan of after downloading Dynamite Headdy and Gunstar Heroes. I looked into it and got more and more interested with the information I had on it. So I though "I just bought some points, why not?", and got it. It was just what the doctor ordered. IT was fast paced, challenging, and the plot was impossible to understand the first time around (this is a plus in Draconland). I recommend. The only issue is that on easy mode, it'll probably take 3 hours to beat. The gap in difficulty from one mode to the next is pretty huge, whether you take that as good or bad I leave up to you. Also, if you don't like over-the-top action (the final boss is a planet. Yes, a planet), then maybe you don't want it.
I say yes. Does anyone else have it?

Entertainment / Not to make another "Halo is overrated" thread...
« on: October 01, 2007, 03:25:37 am »
...but why the hell is it that every time Halo does something that we've already seen before, people act like it's all new. I'm talking about The Forge. Remember back when Halo 2 came out, and everyone was soooo excited about dual-wielding? Something that has been around for well over a decade? This is pretty much the same thing. Halo 3's Forge is nothing but a watered-down map editor. We've already seen that a million times, in much better incarnations. Why is everybody acting like this is a really cool new idea? It's nothing special.
Halo sure is hyped to death. I hope now that's it has wrapped up, the Halo fanboys will realize that there are other games in the world. It's a good game, but not the mind-blowing orgasm from the future that people make it out to be.

(NOTE: Before you start yelling at me for not owning a 360, I'd like you to know that I used the power of my friends and system linking to play Halo all weekend in my house. Yes, my friends and their X-boxs lived with me this weekend. Boo-yah.)

Entertainment / Dragon Wars (My review)
« on: September 16, 2007, 04:52:09 am »
So yeah, I went to go see this movie on Friday with my friends. Pretty meh. I wanted to see a totally mindless action movie to make my life suck less. I was disappointed.
I wasn't expecting much of the plot, but, whatever. Here's my summary of the film.

The movie starts out with some destruction being shown in L.A. A dragon scale is found within the rubble and, almost immediately, sends the film into a flashback. In the flash back some kid ends up, through an unlikely series of events, with some crazy old guy who runs a store full of old collectible !@#$%. The man determines that the kid is the reincarnation of some ancient guardian. A flashback to 1500s Korea within the current flashback immediately occurs. The next 10 minutes pretty much
enforce the stereotype of the martial-arts obsessed oriental, along with some wild mumbo-jumbo about dragons and women with great destinies and her guardian warrior. An attack on the village occurs abruptly occurs. The girl run away, her dad (I like to call him Gandalf the Yellow) pulls of some crazy crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon !@#$%, and then everyone dies in their own way.
Then it flashes forward.
If you feel like sneaking into the bathroom and masturbating for the next 25 minutes do it now. It was pretty much a bunch of talking that you wont care enough about to remember the next day (I know I didn't) and and impossible to follow story line. Once you're done waiting through all that !@#$%, get ready for what is probably one of the coolest, longest fight scenes you have ever seen. Seriously, this scene is pretty much what the whole movie. I'm talking about a fight scene between the dark forces (An army of flying dragons, Sauron clones riding lizards, and Giant Stegosaurus-like beasts know as Dawdlers equipped with grenade launchers. Oh yes, and the evil dragon thing) and the military in L.A. Seriously, don't miss this. It makes even a mediocre movie worth watching just for the thrill of this scene. So yeah, you get the idea. Unfortunately after this the movie goes back into it's nest of impossible mediocrity with in only a few minutes of it's closure.
During the next 15-20 minutes you'll probably want to explore your homosexual desires with your best friend. That is much more interesting than the next few scenes of this film, which are agonizingly convoluted and ultimately uninteresting. So yeah, if you hear a mob of warriors cheering on some Korean-sounding beast's name, you might want to pull you pants back on to watch the absolutely beautiful final battle. Sure, it uses the basic DragonBall Z "penis battle" formula (Good guy has big penis, bad guy has bigger penis, good guy gets super penis, good guy wins) but, it's just too freaking awesome. Watching this scene is like breathing pure cinematic oxygen after all the !@#$% you had just been put through. After ending, however, we get the cliched I'll love you forever" line, with a dramatic flying away of the good dragon, leaving the viewer feeling incomplete and hungry for a better movie.
So, bottom line: if you're rich and can go to a movie for just two excellent action sequences with holding the patience to sit through a bunch of !@#$%, go for it, or if you just want to see the Korean monster movie version of The Two Towers, see it on the silver screen. Other wise, wait for it to come out on DVD, rent it, and laugh at it's mediocrity with a bunch of friends.

Entertainment / ATTN Fluent Japanese speakers
« on: September 04, 2007, 03:58:50 am »
I was playing Metroid Prime 3 earlier tonight, and I punched in a random code (cos I felt like it), and instead of getting the pointless babble that I expected, I got and actual message.
A secret message from Miyamoto. Anyway, due to my nub Japanese,  was only able to get about 1/3rd of the message, so I writ it down. Here it is.

Ah, kikomasu.
Miyamoto desu. Metotiodo a sonderu shitachi kikaimasu ka. Tomoshi deshou, mone, tebokuno, Metoroido, katari hajimite. Nande mo masucedo mo. Hondo no ai manaka dasiko deshou setai, sayomade, asandemitene. Jane.

Help me! If you own Metroid Prime Three, to hear this message, just go to the radio in your shi, and type in the frequency 8-3-5-4. I numbered the symbols from left to right. (The farthest to the left being one, and the farthest to the right being 8).

Other Discussion / I hate this goddamn ad.
« on: August 26, 2007, 08:54:46 pm »

Doesn't that !@#$% scream "HEY, YOU, TWELVE YEAR OLD, CLICK HERE!"? Seriously. It's a giant clod of !@#$%, with a side of stupidity. When you click on it, you get the same thing you always do; a few screens of saturated !@#$%, and then a bunch of "Special offers".

Other Discussion / I hate plastic surgery.
« on: August 08, 2007, 04:21:26 pm »
I !@#$% hate the cosmetics industry. I hate the whole basis of "UR NOT GOOD ENUF" that it's based on, I hate the little groups of plastic surgery obsessed people with shallow lives, I hate the target audience, and most of all I hate the ad campaigns. I really hate it all.

Just look at the way that they advertise their !@#$%. It's always the same spoonful of distilled BS. "DO YOU NEED A BOOST IN CONFIDENCE? YES YOU DO! COME OVER, FORK OVER THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS, AND WE'LL GIVE YOU A PAIR OF UNREAL BOOBS! YEAH!!!!!!". Just think about that. Boost in confidence? BOOST IN CONFIDENCE? What kind of a shallow, pathetic, idiotic woman gauges her confidence on her bust size? Honestly. It's either that or become a prostitute. I really don't know what they are trying to get at there. All they do is decrease the confidence of the A-cups. Confidence my ass. I'm not trying to sound like a "male feminist" here, but honestly, the amount of psychological importance that these people put on cup sizes is just ridiculous.

Oh, and I just don't like operated parts as much as human ones. Just look at this handy-dandy chart I made.
Giant boobs? Pumped up lips? No thank you.

Really, I think that the only legitimate reason to get plastic surgery is if you were horribly mutilated in some sort of an accident. Any other reason is just... no.

There, I said it. Discuss.

Other Discussion / Ask a Spaniard
« on: August 08, 2007, 03:56:25 pm »
Because I'm jumping on the muthafukin' bandwagon.

Entertainment / Why I dislike Kingdom Hearts
« on: July 25, 2007, 02:14:31 pm »
Well, with all the recent excitement on the internet with the possibilities of what will happen in KH3, if it will happen, and what console(s) it will happen on, I’ve been getting kind of annoyed by it, and just want to get a few words through. Oh, and before you grab your flamethrowers, just remember I’m just trying to put my opinion out.

Reason #1) The series does have an interesting plot wherever original plot appears. The problem with that is, though, that 90% of the plot is just a bunch of “filler” created by taking old Disney movies, shortening them, and adding in Heartless for you to fight with. These moments are tremendously boring for any person with RPG quality standards. The plot is constantly held back for you to go through tedious levels and see horribly mutilated versions of stories you already know. The game could have had a much better plot if it were 7 hours long, personally.

Reason #2) It’s being held back from being an original series. In the original concept it was tied to Disney and Final Fantasy characters. The problem is now that if the developers ever want it to gain it’s own status as an original series, a lot of people would freak out by the removal of the Disney/FF supplements KH has been receiving. The series can never really feel like an original accomplishment.

Reason #3) You can’t spend more than 2 minutes on DeviantArt with out stumbling on KingdomHearts yaoi depicting homoerotic images of Roxas and Axel or Riku and Sora. No further explanation needed.

Reason #4) One of the things I did like was how in KH1 was how the Keyblade was so mysterious, powerful, and unique. By Kingdom Hearts 2, there are plenty of Keyblades, making it so that the original appeal of uniqueness given by the KeyBlade is gone. In the secret ending of KH2, hundreds of KeyBlades are just laying around, finally completing the goal of KH2 and making one of the more interesting original plot concepts yet another mundane object. Here’s my time line depicting the history of the KeyBlade.

Reason #5) They constantly hold back for the kiddies. It probably has something to do with the fact that the game is built on the idea that they need to help the content by adding a bunch of kid movies to make it worthwhile. Even in moments where the plot  does get deeper and darker, they quickly switch back to a bunch of incongruent statements about “The power of love” and a bunch of junk about Sora’s heart, and then they send you off to visit Winnie the Pooh. This really makes no sense, because the majority of there players (who are therefore the target audience) seem to be in their early teens.

Reason #6) The battle system, and every other aspect of the game from which you would expect to have to use your brain, is dull. When fighting you pretty much do the same thing over and over; you jump in the air, and hit attack repeatedly. Occasionally you use magic, but you never use it enough to make it seem like a fundamental action, leaving it as more of a supplement. The rest of the game (level navigation, random battles, boss battles, platforming) follows the same formula; you jump, slash, or use a small amount of magic. The battles all end up being tedious and uninteresting, and levels are left for the most part dull and boring.

There, I said it. I hope you guys can accept my rant, KH fans or not. If you want me, I’ll be hiding in a concrete bunker.

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