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Topics - Cassyblanca

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Discussion / University Instructor Application
« on: December 22, 2008, 12:21:09 am »
The following is the ZFGC University instructor application, and a readout of the qualifications and requirements of University Instructors.


Discussion / ZFGC University Staff Lounge
« on: December 22, 2008, 12:15:43 am »
This board is for the discussion of issues pertaining to the development of ZFGC University.

Issues such as concerns about the quality of tutorials, methods we can use to reach out to the audience, or any other issues related to bettering the online "university" can be discussed here.

This board is accessible to Instructors and Board Members alike.

Coding / [C#, XNA 3] Heads-Up Display Component Tutorial
« on: December 21, 2008, 04:15:32 am »
Well, I've completed another tutorial. This one isn't related to my earlier tutorial series, and we're still waiting to see what goes on with my ZFGC University proposal before I continue that.

In the mean time, enjoy this tutorial on the creation of a heads up display component for your games.

This tutorial targets those working on a two-dimensional game, though three-dimensional games rendering their heads-up display as two-dimensional sprites will work fine with this tutorial. It assumes basic knowledge of C# and XNA.

Heart-on, Heart-off health system. This system uses a health system that goes with a heart-per-hit-point approach.
Mana Bar magic system. This system creates a "magic bar" of specified dimensions to show a player's remaining percentage of magic.
Wallet system. This has a wallet system that uses an image for a wallet and a sprite font to display the number of coins in the player's wallet.
Buttons system. This shows action buttons, with associated action, weapon, or item.

I created the images in this tutorial on my own, with the use of Microsoft Expression Blend 2. You may use them freely, though they are of admittedly low quality.

(ZFGC - PDF ONLY) - http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=32778.0;attach=4956
(ZFGC - DOCX ONLY) - http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=32778.0;attach=4957
(ZFGC - ENTIRE) - http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=32778.0;attach=4958
(Minalien.com - ENTIRE) http://files.minalien.com/HUD%20Tutorial.zip

Discussion / [[STANDBY]]
« on: December 17, 2008, 01:45:19 am »
I'm going through some documents and working up a proposal for what I want to do with the future of this section. Please stand by for more news, and use this topic to discuss any ideas, thoughts, and opinions.

Frequently Asked, or Good Questions
-) So this ZFGC uni is for Zelda fan game creation related stuff only?
No, it is not. Although Zelda games are going to be the primary theme of this idea, should it come to fruition, I believe that we are first and foremost a development community, with a focus on Zelda. Therefore, instructors who wish to teach things that are not directly Zelda-related are welcomed, if, in the worst case, only for the fact that it can possibly be applied to Zelda in some way.

Discussion / Series Direction Discussion
« on: December 15, 2008, 08:42:38 pm »
This topic should be used for discussion about the direction of the tutorial series, so that we can keep the user survey separate.

Discussion / Direction of the Tutorial Series
« on: December 15, 2008, 08:18:45 pm »
Alright, let me put this out in the open here and now.

While there were a couple people who did follow along with the tutorial, there was little feedback and fewer questions, which means that there is less activity than I would prefer to have if I'm going to continue this tutorial series. So, I figured that I would start over, and I also figured that, in order to gain activity, I would develop it with the community's interests in mind.

I want only replies that follow the guidelines I am about to set. I would like it if you answer the questions honestly and, and want you to elaborate, so that I can fully understand where you are coming from and how you think you would do best.

With that, please reply with answers to the following questions. Anything else should be taken to the Discussion Topic.

1) Did you follow my previous tutorial series? If so, what could I do to improve it, and what did I do that you feel is right?

2) Did you follow Infini's tutorial series? If so, what did he do right, and what could be improved upon?

3) What platforms would you like me to cover in the new tutorial series?

4) What would you prefer to use to develop with, and why? This can be anything ranging from game engines to media libraries that you are interested in.

5) Are you willing to learn new languages and/or to learn to use other tools and engines? If not, why not?

6) What format should I deliver the new series in? Should I do multiple formats, such as PDF, HTML, and even BBC? Or should I focus on another distribution medium, such as podcasted video tutorials for your Zune, iPod, or other podcast viewer?

7) How general should I make the tutorial series? Do you want me to cover techniques used in a specific style, or cover multiple styles? Should I teach you how to create your own design tools?

8) What, specifically, do you hope to learn and gain from reading my tutorials?

9) What other comments do you have, with regard to the tutorial series, that could help me to make the tutorial series better for you to learn from?

Discussion / Returning Soon
« on: December 15, 2008, 04:09:52 pm »
Just putting this out there; now that I have returned from being away, I am going to be starting up this tutorial series again. This time, I intend to get some information on what you, my readers, want me to cover in terms of what we're going to use.

But more on that when I'm NOT posting from my cellphone, and have a good number of options fleshed out.

Entertainment / Post your XBOX Live Avatar!
« on: November 20, 2008, 06:39:50 am »
As the title of the topic says, post pictures of your avatar :D

(Note: Because the website for accessing these can sometimes be a pain in the ass with loading, please save your avatar and upload it elsewhere before posting.)

If you don't know how to get a picture of your avatar, just go to the following URL:
http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/YOUR XBOX LIVE GAMER TAG/avatar-body.png

Mine, for example, is http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/MiNalien/avatar-body.png

MiNalien - Feel free to add me :D

Discussion / |||GAME IDEA REQUEST|||
« on: November 20, 2008, 05:13:03 am »
Well, I am currently COMPLETELY without ANY ideas for what to develop.

Please, feel free to give me random game ideas, so long as they hold to these standards:
1) Must not be a fan game.
2) Must not be a remake of an older arcade game. Exceptions may be made in the case of incredibly badass arcade games.
3) Must not be a game based around whining because you don't have status on a forum anymore.
4) Must not be currently in development by somebody else.
5) Must be presented in a semi-intelligent manner.
6) Must target either the PC, XBOX 360, or Zune system.
7) In accepted projects, I wish to withhold the right to distribution of projects through XBOX LIVE Community Games over my account, and PC and Zune games through my own hosting systems. I am willing, however, to negotiate the specifics.

So yeah, I'm bored as all hell, and decided I may get some work thrown my way by freelancing. Guess I may as well start doing so here, so I have something to show off when I start freelancing elsewhere.

Other Projects / [Completed] RSS Reader
« on: November 08, 2008, 07:09:34 am »
Database URL: http://www.zfgc.com/index.php#?action=games&sa=view&id=93

A simple RSS Feed Reader for Microsoft Windows, featuring Favorites and a list-based overview of RSS feeds. Double-clicking on the feed item in the list view will take you to the URL associated with the full version of the feed item.

Requires the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or higher to function.


Viewing the Ziggyware.com RSS Feed

Managing Favorite Feeds

Version 1.0 [Installer]

Feedback / The effects of Marijuana usage on a web forum.
« on: November 04, 2008, 10:47:39 am »
Come on, now, Tim (4Sword Tim). Isn't there some sort of quality that you look for? At the very least, EFFORT? INTERESTING PROJECTS? Ones that aren't admittedly just a sprite replacement (and not many sprites were even replaced) by the developer?

Come now, why the hell is there a Project of the Week if you've got better odds getting selected for it by you than we'd have with a randomly-generated selector?

fixed it for you. I don't care if you're pissed, or you take my ability to do anything there. It seriously needed to be done. Don't just randomly choose some !@#$% project when there's something with some damn quality, that had effort put into it, please.

Suggestion for improvement:

Debates / To The Voters Of California
« on: October 20, 2008, 12:05:46 am »
Since certain people only like showing and/or listening to one side of every story, I'm here to post the other side of this one.

Proposition 8, titled "Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry," is a proposition to amend the constitution of the State of California that would cause same-sex marriages to no longer be recognized as valid within the State of California, and would prevent further same-sex marriages from occurring in said state.

Many people believe that marriage should be solely a religious issue, and this proposition would be but one step on the path to making it as such. Although there are legal benefits to marriage, these are mostly issues that should relate to a man and a woman, and help with issues such as raising children.

I don't hold myself to a certain religious system, though I do identify myself as a follower of Christ, but I see certain things from a social standpoint as being morally wrong. Yes, a homosexual couple can have children, should they choose to adopt (or, in the case of a female-female relationship, if they should choose the route of getting a sperm donor), but what of the child as he/she is being raised?

I don't want to even begin to fathom the repercussions the kid would suffer for the fact that his/her parents are of the same sex. Abuse from peers, particularly in a school environment, can be very damaging to a child, can harm his/her self-esteem, and is a strong background influence on mental issues the child may face, such as depression.

Although we would like to believe that this is a kind, forgiving, and perfect world, where everybody can be equal, regardless of who their parents are, the fact is that it is not, and the fact is that a strong impression of how a child is will be judged by the child's parents. If a child is raised by two homosexual parents, kids will naturally begin to think that the child is a homosexual, an issue which may actually make a child feel homosexual, due to confusion and a lack of self-esteem and self-pride that would allow that child to otherwise rise up against the insults of his/her peers.

Vote what you will, but here's somewhere to discuss the "yes" side of Proposition 8.

Recruitment / Looking for 2D Platformer Artist
« on: October 06, 2008, 07:17:46 pm »
Due to the fact that I have a complete lack of skill when it comes to graphics design, I find myself in need of a graphics artist.

Project Details:
Platform: Windows XP/Vista, XBOX 360
Genre: 2D Platformer
Theme: Halloween-themed run-and-jump platformer.
Summary: The game basically plays out similarly to classic platformer games, where the player is collecting items while avoiding traps and enemies along the way, as well as solving various puzzles to advance through gameplay. I don't really have much I can show for a demonstration of gameplay features, though, if needed, I can easily create a prototype engine (bearing in mind that this prototype engine will not contain graphics similar in style to what I'm looking for, and therefore the gameplay won't be completely the same.)

This is what I'm looking for in terms of graphics style:

In terms of character design, I was looking towards something similar to the following:

The game is a lighthearted platformer, targeting casual gamers.

If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them in PM, a reply to this, or through email (ken [at] minalien [dot] com). If you're willing to apply for the position, I would like an example of your work in the aforementioned style, and you can contact me in the same manner as you would for asking questions. If you desire a prototype, contact me through the same means as well, and I will put together a small gameplay-only prototype.

Discussion / [MINALIEN] 02: Input and Displaying Images
« on: September 22, 2008, 12:11:08 am »
Here's the second tutorial for the series. In this, I cover development of an Input Manager game component, I cover using the input manager, and reacting to input, as well as how to display an image on the screen.

In the next tutorial, I plan to cover sprites, animation, and movement.

Discussion / [MINALIEN] Tutorial Questions
« on: September 21, 2008, 07:33:58 pm »
This topic should be used to ask any questions related to the tutorial series itself; Questions such as "Will you include collision detection," "When will you cover audio?," and others are relevant questions to ask here, and will be put in the FAQ after asked. Questions such as "How do I make the animations go faster?" should be posted in the board as a new topic (if one hasn't already been asked).

Frequently Asked Questions

Discussion / [MINALIEN] 01 : Setting Up The Project
« on: September 21, 2008, 07:28:40 pm »
Alright, so I've released the first tutorial in the series, and Tim's allowing me to take control of this tutorial series. This first tutorial covers setting up the project, including creating the XNA project, configuring project settings, such as name, company, copyright information, etc, and goes through giving an explanation of the default code created when you create an XNA project.

I want to hear your thoughts on the tutorial, and I'll answer any questions you may have as well. The only reason I'm writing this tutorial in the first place is so that others can learn, and hopefully we may see more coming down our way for XBOX and other projects.

All of the tutorials in the series will be pinned when I release them (as this one is), and I ask that you keep discussion in these topics related to commenting on the quality of information, and anything directly related to comments on how I could improve the tutorial, what I did good in it, and what you enjoyed or disliked about it. Questions, on the other hand, should be posted as a new topic in the board, but I ask that you ensure that you check other questions first, to see if your question has already been asked.

Questions about the tutorial series itself (ie: will you teach us this, this, and that? When will you cover feature x? What all are we planning on doing?) should be directed to the Tutorial Questions topic, so that the board's main topic revenue can be questions about the development and what has happened so far in the series.

I will work to release these on at the least a weekly basis, and when I can, a bi-weekly basis, but I ask that you understand if I miss a posting or two, due to the fact that I have had a hectic work schedule, and it's only getting worse from here, due to pre-deployment training.

Coding / Developing a Zelda Fan Game
« on: September 21, 2008, 05:11:05 am »
Well, I'm considering taking over the tutorial series that Tim had started with my own tutorial series, covering development for Windows and the XBOX 360 using XNA Framework (this is all still awaiting me talking to him about getting the access to the board, getting it cleared, and putting my !@#$% in <.<).

Anyways, I want some thoughts on Part 1 of my tutorial series (see attached PDF), so I know what I could improve in future tutorials, what I did well in this one, and thoughts on the idea in general, so that I can get a feel for whether or not the community thinks I should continue this project.

I want to hear your thoughts on everything, and I'll answer any questions you may have as well. The only reason I'm writing this tutorial in the first place is so that others can learn, and hopefully we may see more coming down our way for XBOX and other projects.

This is not only going to cover development of the engine using XNA, but also creating custom content importers for XNA, writing a custom exporter, as well as using the tool itself, for Tim's World Artist application, and the tutorial series is going to cover everything required to get a decently-working XNA Zelda project going on the PC and XBOX 360.

Other Projects / Sudoku!
« on: September 02, 2008, 09:49:33 pm »
Well, I've been really bored as of late, and figured I'd whip together a Sudoku game.

Game Database Link: http://www.zfgc.com/index.php#?action=games&sa=view&id=73


GUI Updated. Gameplay works. I solved the puzzle :D

GUI Plan

I'm developing this in C#, using WinForms. I'm planning on using the ZFGC API with this project, for various features. One of which being the high scores system, and possibly charging for the use of the Hint feature, but I'm still just considering things like that. I'll probably end up releasing the source for this, after I finish (granted, without the ZFGC API parts).

Feedback / Chat | ComicBot Blank Strips | Request
« on: August 14, 2008, 03:16:51 am »
Alright, I've got Comic Bot up and running, but I need some blank comic strips for it.

All you need to do is give me some short, quality comic strips in PNG format. Preferably 3-4, but up to 5-6, strips, with no more than two lines of strips (This is for the purpose of keeping the comics to a reasonable amount of text being used from the chatroom).

Just attach them in replies. After I get at least 10, I'll configure them, and upload them to the server ComicBot is hosted on.

Entertainment / Star Wars: Clone Wars
« on: August 10, 2008, 10:58:44 pm »
Well, I just got back from watching Star Wars: Clone Wars, the new CG Star Wars movie. They were showing a "Sneak Preview" at the on-base theater; Our "sneak previews" tend to be full movies. ;)

Anyways, the movie's pretty tight, and I recommend watching it to anybody who likes Star Wars, once it comes out in mainstream theaters. Some pretty interesting !@#$% happened in it :D

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