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Topics - Downsider

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Other Projects / [Completed] BumpTop 2.5
« on: August 04, 2006, 12:09:44 am »
Should blocks be stackable?
I think Ill add an option to turn stack on/off later.

First update in a while peoples!

PokeTop is an interactive desktop based of the new desktop thingie BumpTop!
Please read ALL the instructions to fully understand this project.

Gameplay Video:

Future Plans:

Centering the PokeTop area

Allowing custom images to overlay on the icons Please PM me if you can help ='(
Squares that roatate according to hit-ness or whatever..  :P
Saving (Definetly Next.  Actully expect by mabye tommorw.)

Installation instructions:

Step 1: Download and extract files.
Step 2: Right click on desktop- Than Properties
Step 3: Navigate to the background tab and click browse.
Step 4: Find the files and use the HTML file.
Step 5: Hit OK, than Apply and Close or Ok and enjoy!

Actual Instructions:

To define the links, click on the box in the bottem left.
To define the icons, click on the box in the bottem left TWICE, either get an icon on the net and put its HTTP in there or download and put in same directory and just put the image name (Reccomended!)
Throw the boxes around
Control+Click = Open box's hyperlink
JPG files are automaticly resized to fit the box.  Others will not be.
NEW! Hold Shift to freeze boxes and click on the mini box above the icon to maximize the image! (Works best on JPG only)
NEW! Saving and loading! 
NEW! Made when you hit load, it loads all the icons images as well without hitting Go!
NEW! Dynamic Backgrounds!


Version 2.5: Download Here http://www.mysharefile.com/v/1076133/BumpTop_2.5.zip.html




Ideas appreciated!!

Other Projects / Spiderman Game Demo
« on: July 11, 2006, 05:00:17 pm »
Spiderman Swinging Engine!  Its quite fun..  I will incorperate this into a spiderman-based platformer.  Please ignore the messy grahpics.  I can't draw for my poor life.  That will be my sister's job.  I might just get a sprite background instead though.  It would look nicer.  Either way, expect better graphics in the final release..
Also, don't race the goblin on anything above 19- It will be impossible to win-  I limited the speed to 20
do to a glitch that will be fixed and the speed will be maxed out at 50 in a latter demo.  Also, this IS NOT THE FINAL
IDEA FOR THE GAME.  There will be a regular platform part too!  The swinging is JUST FOR SWINGING.  Nothing else!
And you can expect the ability to ONLY swing on objects too.  No swinging on the air in the next demo..
You might see the climbing engine done too.  (Note.  In the climbing engine you dont climb up the sides- you climb up
the front)
Click here to Play Spiderman Swing Engine Demo
Oh ya controls..
Hold Space- Fly off of web :D
Release Space- Shoot out a web >:]
EDIT: And uh I forgot, you gotta click at the beginning to start the swinging mode, than tap space and go from there

Look! its the Green Goblin and Spiderman racing in ALIEN TOWN!!  Nah its just my drawing mad skillz

Ooooohhh..  Hes Swinging from a shiny web..

Coding / [Request / Listing] Need Flash MX 2004 SIMPLE X/Y HELP
« on: June 12, 2006, 08:53:17 pm »
For some reason, this doesnt work.

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
   if (_root.pet._currentframe<5) {
      if (_root.pet._currentframe>1) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
   if (_root.pet._x eq _root._xmouse) {
      if (_root.pet._y eq _root._ymouse) {


Glowing part is main problem!  Please help

Other Projects / [Completed] IPod Song Player (Flash!)
« on: June 07, 2006, 08:37:11 pm »

There check it out :)  DONT FORGET TO VOTE!!!

Coding / [Request / Listing] Saving game in flash
« on: May 14, 2006, 01:18:43 pm »
No idea how to do it.   :D

Coding / [Request / Listing] Flash MX 2004 Attach MC?
« on: May 14, 2006, 01:13:55 am »
 :) I can't figure out how to attach a movieclip in Flash MX 2004 with a script!  I've tried everything..  Just give me the way to do it, damnit!  (Actionscript 2.0)

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