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Topics - Dark-Hylian

Pages: 1 2 [3]
MC & FS / [Solved] Minish Cap style Gossip Stones
« on: January 02, 2010, 07:21:49 pm »
Anyone have any sprites or wish to sprite and of an MC style, OOT Gossip Stone. If you can find/make one, it would be greatly appreciated, and credit would be given. Thanks  :huh:

MC & FS / [Solved] Minish Cap Color Palette.
« on: January 02, 2010, 06:15:02 pm »
I've been looking all over for this palette so that I can recolor some sprites. I used to have it, but an extreme laptop crash kinda deleted it. I know that it's said to be posted above in one of the Palette topics, but when I check, the image isn't there. If someone could please get one to me, it would be a major, major help. Thank you  XD

Coding / Control Scheme suggestions.
« on: November 16, 2009, 02:22:44 am »
In my WIP game Oracle of Mystery(working title), your control interface consists of four buttons.
These buttons are:

Action Button

All of these buttons are displayed in the top right corner, like in Legend of Zelda Minish Cap.
Any suggestions for the keys they should be assigned to? I'm thinking ASDW, but the use of ZXC and Space appeals as well. Anyone have a prefrance?

Coding / See any errors in this Roll code?
« on: November 15, 2009, 09:16:39 pm »
Code: [Select]
if keyboard_check(vk_space) and moving=true and sprite_index=sptRunLeft and rollingdelay=0 // if we're moving, and if our sprite is Run Left and if we can roll
    image_speed=1;sprite_index=sptRollLeft;x-=4; //our sprite becomes Roll Left, and we move more to the left

if sprite_index=sptRollLeft and keyboard_check(vk_space) and image_index=7 //so, if rolling, and image index = last
if keyboard_check_released(vk_space) and rolling=false

for some reason, it keeps rolling, doesn't reset the image_speed, and if you hold space, you roll forever...

please help  :'(

(I might come up with an answer, in which case disregard this whole topic) but until then..

Graphics Requests/Archive / [Solved] Icon Edit
« on: November 12, 2009, 10:15:33 pm »
My game, Oracle of Mystery(name may change) revolves around the use of an item...(name not yet decided). Since the game has deep ties with the Sheikah clan, I made my icon to resemble some of it's features. If, perhaps, someone could fit a red, blue or purple tear into the slot on the Icon, that would be very very much appreciated. I can't seem to get it right, so I'm asking for your help.


Graphics / How is this for a Minish Cap style Poe
« on: November 12, 2009, 03:11:32 am »
I took colors from the MC pallete and made this. If you want to clean it up for me, that would be much appreciated, but comments and critique just as well.

Graphics / How's This for a MC style Beamos?
« on: November 12, 2009, 02:21:30 am »
Took a few minutes and sprited a Minish Cap style Twilight Princess Beamos. I know it's missing some stuff, but how do ya think it turned out?

MC & FS / [Solved] Deku Baba Edit, MC style
« on: November 11, 2009, 02:00:15 am »
Anyone feel like being a big help and editing a Deku Baba into Minish Cap style? I don't care if you edit it, change it's colors, or(if you want *hint hint*) make more poses and animations of it.

Here's what I've got...(Yes, I know, terrible)

Recruitment / Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Mysteries(working title)
« on: November 08, 2009, 09:24:34 pm »
Alright. I'm working on a game in Game Maker 7 currently. I don't REALLY want to release much at this point, but it's in Minish Cap style and a bit like a mix of the Oracle of Seasons/Ages games and Majora's Mask. Please, if you are interested in helping, I'm in need of Scripters and Spriters. My email is Scar_boy@comcast.net, and my 'website' is http://www.oracleofmystery.webs.com/

If you email me, I will fill you in some more, and see if I can use your talents. That's all. XD
[Edit: Site's broken, webs is being stupid. Might take a bit to rebuild]
[Edit: No Longer Broken!!]

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