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Topics - imfletcher

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Entertainment / Billy the Body - A poetic film I made.
« on: July 17, 2006, 12:42:44 am »
I wrote the poem a week or so ago and now, for those less literate, I present to you the film version:


The whole poem should be posted somewhere in the literature section.

Graphics / Godzilla
« on: July 09, 2006, 02:24:01 pm »

I got bored and made this. I'm not too great at custom but I think it turned out alright. Oh and it's only LOOSELY based on the picture beside it. I still say he looks better green rather than grey, in sprite form anyway.

Entertainment / Jay Vs. Pepsi Man
« on: July 05, 2006, 08:22:01 pm »

New film that my friends and I made.

Entertainment / Billy the Body
« on: July 05, 2006, 04:18:04 am »
Billy the Body
By Kyle Van Dongen

In a basement furnished and bright,
Jim and Betty are in a fight,
Betty wouldn???t give out for Jim,
Now he wants to go back to Kim.

???Tis the nature of their odd love,
To pinch flesh, cheat, lick lips, and shove,
Betty isn???t a simple girl,
That???s enough to make ???ol Jim hurl,

Soon Jim???s alone by the food rack,
Fixing himself a mid-fight snack,
He wanders back with soup in hand,
It would have been better fresh not canned,

Jim wanders through the scary dark,
Fearing he???ll trip and leave a mark,
Jim brushes against a cold blob,
He screams in fear then starts to sob,

Our Jim was never a brave man,
What he touched was not a steel pan,
It wasn???t even a rare steak,
Or a type of pie you would bake,

He bumped into Betty???s old friend,
One with whom her love she would lend,
Yeah Billy was a shameless bum,
Dating Jim???s girl was really dumb,

Alas this find was really thrilling,
???Cause Jim did not do the killing,
Jim begins to move the body,
Thinking Bill???s clothes are quite shoddy,

Jim worried not about the stain,
He always thought the floor was plain,
Billy grinned though he was quite dead,
A million plans filled Jim???s hairy head,

He could bring Bill to Betty???s place,
So she could see him face to face,
Or cram him in her car???s small trunk,
The cops would think she???s quite the punk,

So many ways to frame this girl,
They even make Jim???s small mind whirl,
The problem is choosing just one,
A plan that will get the job done,

So Jim races into the night,
Doing what he knows is not right,
Betty was far too mean to him,
So he???ll make her fate rather grim.

Entertainment / Spidey 3
« on: June 27, 2006, 04:51:36 pm »

Low res recording of the teaser in case anybody is a big Spiderman fan here. Personally this was dwarfed by the Snakes on a Plane trailer also released recently.

Entertainment / Romero and Juliet
« on: June 25, 2006, 01:32:43 am »
Not a typo btw. This is a trailer for a fake film that my friends and I made about Romeo and Juliet coming back as zombies. Narrated by Guy (Pyru) Simmonds, woo.


(Do tell me if this is in the wrong place)

Entertainment / USA Gozilla vs. JAP Godzilla
« on: June 20, 2006, 02:47:26 am »
This is a scene from the newest Japanese Godzilla film (Final Wars). Basically Toho (the people who make these films) hated the American version and this is their response.


Dunno, thought you guys might like to see how they stack up against each other.

Other Discussion / How Clean are You?
« on: June 15, 2006, 02:38:40 am »
How often do you shower?
How often do you brush your teeth?
How often do you come home dirty?
How often do you change your clothes?
How often do you clean your ears?
Do you ALWAYS use toilet paper?

My answers:
Before bed
Once in a while
Most of the time ;)

How about you guys?

Entertainment / Dream double features...
« on: June 15, 2006, 12:40:33 am »
As you all know, theaters sometimes play two movies back to back for a discount price, this is often refered to as a double feature. So let's dream for a second, which two movies would you LOVE to see as a double feature at the theater? No limits on when it was made or genre, pair as many as you'd like, these are always fun to read.


Godzilla (original 50's movie uncut)
Godzilla: Final Wars

The Fly
Naked Lunch

Return of the Living Dead 3

A Boy and His Dog
Death Race 2000

Yeah mine are a bit odd, feel free to do more mainstream films as well.

Entertainment / B-Movie Music Video!
« on: June 12, 2006, 08:12:04 pm »

I whipped this together last night. Basically a music video featuring clips from my favourite type of movies and that's B-Movies! Comments are appreciated, oh and see if you can name any of the films featured in the video. If not, don't go around saying "such and such" is the worst moie ever cause you haven't seen some of the things I have...in which case I envy you.

Audio / Help: General Sound Editing.
« on: June 11, 2006, 04:46:21 pm »
Pyru and I recently recorded our second podcast, unfortunately Pyru's headset unplugged or something and we now have a slightly delayed echo of me in the background. It doesn't make it any harder to hear what we're saying nor does it interfere in any real way but it is a bit annoying. I'm not such a good sound editor so I was wondering if somebody here thinks that they are talented enough to take the echo out, or make it quieter.

If so I can get the file to you ASAP.

Other Discussion / Living in the Streets
« on: June 07, 2006, 01:09:34 am »
I'm going to film a short film this summer that involves two guys living in the streets for 7 days with extremely limited income. I'm about to write the script and am brainstorming ideas. If put in this situation, what are some of the things you'd do to save money?

My list thus far: (I did a quick job for now)
-Cleaning selves in puddles or other water sources (kid's pool?)
-Eating cheap food, perhaps even ketchup and vinegar packets from restaurants.
-Walking up to fountain to refresh selves (also using many cream packets).
-Quarters from returning shopping carts.

Zelda Projects / Zelda: HOTD - 1st dungeon and beyond demo
« on: June 05, 2006, 11:09:15 pm »
I haven't worked on this in months due to lack of motivation. Your response to this demo will make or break this project. Enjoy.


The demo goes a bit past the first dungeon and includes many side-quests. Save doesn't work and it picks up right where you would after navigating the menu screens. Dying will restart you with 0 hearts, normally this would bring you back to the title.

z - sword
x - secondary weapon
space - talk
p - pause

Thanks to NAZ for the hosting.

Other Discussion / Need Help, voice stuff...
« on: June 04, 2006, 10:02:12 pm »
Hm I need help finding a way so that three people can voice chat in fairly high quality (that x's teamspeak). We tried Skype but I got cut off after 20 seconds (a solution to this problem means we can use skype just fine) and Yahoo is too crappy. MSN only allows two people as you know. Any suggestions?

Entertainment / Pyru/IMF Podcast FEBRUARY Romance
« on: May 31, 2006, 10:32:49 pm »
UPDATE: January 07

The first post was way out of date, so I cleaned it up. Basically this is Guy (PYRU) and I's monthly podcast that we do for http://friderwaves.com. It's a 30 minute show (usually) where we chat about movies, games, music, etc. It's been going for a while and the entire episode list can be found here:


Comments are always appreciated and feel free to give ideas. Also, for those unfamiliar with podcasting, they're just mp3 files so you can listen to them on your computer just fine.

Entertainment / 'Weird Al' Yankovic
« on: May 16, 2006, 01:08:05 am »
I knew what this guy did and I've heard a few songs but recently I stumbled upon his Jurassic Park video on YouTube and went nuts. I always praise Lemond Demon for his great lyrics and I wonder if Weird Al was an inspiration. The style is very much the same and they both strike those perfect (and hilarious) rhymes while paying tribute to whatever they're singing about.

Here's some great stuff I found:

The aformentioned Jurassic Park song:

Star Wars: EP 1 parody

"One More Minute" nice parody of sappy songs that gets uber-morbid

Song made from palindromes

Anybody else a fan of this guy?

Entertainment / Some funny Jeopardy stuff
« on: May 15, 2006, 12:49:53 am »
Here are some funny Jeopardy clips I found on YouTube.

A contestant wagers $1337

"What's a ho?"

Entertainment / Duck Hunt 2 with a light gun shell?!
« on: May 10, 2006, 07:26:26 pm »
Head over ot IGN to see the pictures. Looks like a zapper with the Wiimote jammed in the front. Either way the fact that its going to be used in a new Duck Hunt game is the kind of stuff wet dreams are made of.

Entertainment / Snakes on a Plane
« on: May 03, 2006, 12:53:39 am »
I'm curious is anybody else REALLY EXCITED for this? It sounds soooo awesome. It's got Snakes...and they're on a plane. And no, I'm not being sarcastic, this is honestly one of the best ideas for an action/thriller ever.

August is soooo far away.

Other Discussion / Mature-ish: What do you look for?
« on: May 01, 2006, 09:21:29 pm »
Well Off Topic is becoming a perverted wasteland so why not embrace it?

Basically, what parts of the body are you most attracted to on the opposite sex? Or same sex if that's your bag.

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