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Topics - Dumb_Ass

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7
Discussion / Idea for a Zelda MMORPG...
« on: August 23, 2007, 10:04:48 pm »
  Okay, so imagine that you start the game in Hyrule. The Hyrule that OoT took place in... but no new reigons. So, you are in training to be a part of a new force of soldiers that will protect Hyrule from any dark forces. Here, you pick your class. Even as a soldier, you could practice magic. So, depending on your class, you take a run through tutorial. The first part, is waiting in the castle for training to start. You could walk around, talk to NPC soldiers, and after a minute or two, training will start. The cool thing, is that if another character is created, it will be sent to the tutorial with you. But only 4 are allowed at a time, any extra players need to wait even longer. But hey, you can't just get into the game immediately, and it's even better if you get to go through it with other players. But how will different classes work? Well, depending on your class, you get a different assignment for training that is incorperated with the other classes assignments, something that'll work out if one class isn't picked at all. After training, you go on a mission to secure the castle's dungeon from ghosts and redeads. Then, after the mission, you could stay on the soldier force, or quit and become a citizen/adventurer.

  The world has an allignment, and so do your characters. Depending on your choices, you build allignment, and if you and other players of the same allignment decide to take over Hyrule, you can do so. But other players will try to stop you. Because Hyrule Castle is across town, you have to get through the town before going through the Castle. And also, the soldiers can also try to stop you. When you start taking over, the town is alerted, and everyone in town is placed in the same party. So everyone in town could try to stop you if you take over the town, or let you go if they want you as king. This is only temporary though, and after the raid, the town is set to normal and no attacks can be used. During the raid, people in town may only attack the raiders.

  Once you make it to the castle, you quest up to the top floor where the royal chamber, and the current leaders recide. It's less of a throne room than seen in most Zelda games. Stopping you, is a army of soldiers. Some are NPCs, some players. If you get past the army, you get to face the leaders. They may of leveled a little from making allignment-guided choices. For example, if you're good, and you help the gorons clear Dodongo's Cavern by sending a group of soldiers, you get a total of their EXP from clearing the cavern, divided by how many leaders there are. Max of 6 leaders. So anyway, if the raiders defeat all the leaders, they are instated as the new leaders, and the castle and town are put under a new allignment.

I'll add more later, but what do you thing? It's pretty much a world that runs when you're not playing, with new features, but still zelda-styled adventuring. I'll add some more info about the government system, and the old school adventuring system later.

Other Discussion / I play Smarter Child, and fool Jesse.
« on: August 10, 2007, 04:14:21 am »
I used a script to steal all Smarterchilds info, like username, personal message, and display pix. Yet, I was still on my own account.

- SmarterChild - *unicef contributing to charity says:
Get all of your puberty advice in one place! Add myawkwardlife@hotmail.com to your Contact List and fear your life...

Hello, Jesse!

Type a request below...

jessetyler@gmail.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
.. D:

- SmarterChild - *unicef contributing to charity says:
I don't like rape at all. I'd rather ask their permission before I have sex with them and beat them.

>>> You could learn more about this topic by typing *saferape*.

- SmarterChild - *unicef contributing to charity says:
Join in the fun! There are lots of people talking to me right now. You can:

 1 Leave a *deaththreat* for someone
 2 Send a *hitman* to someone
 3 Take the *morning-after pill*
 4 *Create a riot*
 5 View *childporn*

What would you like to do?

jessetyler@gmail.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
What the hell? D:

- SmarterChild - *unicef contributing to charity says:
What about d?

- SmarterChild - *unicef contributing to charity says:
Let's play.

 1 Russian Rouletter
 2 Porno Trivia
 3 Hang-a-man
 4 Safe Rape
 5 Run from DICK Cheney
 6 Impregnate Several Women
 7 Doggy Style

Go ahead and pick a game.

- SmarterChild - *unicef contributing to charity says:
Headline news provided by Reuters, © 2007. --> http://www.zfgc.com/

1 "Tiny" fears grip Asian porn (08/09/07 11:04 PM)
2 Drill still hours away from doomed Utah miners (08/09/07 10:42 PM)
3 More victims found in bridge bombin... I mean, collapse (08/09/07 09:48 PM)
4 Smooth sailing for the train that sailed  (08/09/07 11:43 PM)
5 Musharraf ejects semen (08/09/07 06:59 PM)

Type "gotohell" to see the next set of stories.

>>> Breaking news, local news, right on time. Sign up for MSNBC Windows Liveâ„¢ Alerts. ---> http://www.zfgc.com/

jessetyler@gmail.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
I am currently idle.

- SmarterChild - *unicef contributing to charity says:
What? You want me to nudge you?
* You cannot send a nudge to your contact because they're using a version of Messenger that does not support this feature.
 SmarterChild - *unicef contributing to charity says:

- SmarterChild - *unicef contributing to charity says:
5 dollars will now be billed to your debit card.

>>>To learn more about credit fraud, type *owned*.

- SmarterChild - *unicef contributing to charity says:
Thanks to advanced technology, I can now send you illegal files to your computer without your consent. To enable this feature, type *yes*. To disable this feature, type *yes*.

- SmarterChild - *unicef contributing to charity says:
Language now switched to "French".

- SmarterChild - *unicef contributing to charity says:
Amour pêchez-vous des bâtons comme je  ?

jessetyler@gmail.com (E-mail address not verified) says:
Votre pooper sera violé bientôt.

jessetyler@gmail.com (E-mail address not verified) says:

- SmarterChild - *unicef contributing to charity says:
J'ai tué John Lennon, et suis parti avec lui, aussi.

- SmarterChild - *unicef contributing to charity says:
Now switching back to english...

- SmarterChild - *unicef contributing to charity says:
Now scanning your computer for illegal files...

- SmarterChild - *unicef contributing to charity says:
     ALERT!     Scan found 5 gigs of horse porn. Now posting new topic on ZFGC...

I thought it was funny. I tried AoDC too, he laughed, but it never got as far as this.

Feedback / Newbie Tourguides
« on: August 03, 2007, 05:57:44 pm »
It'd be awesome if there could be a special group of mods that can moderate people with a postcount of less than 25. Not really like a mod, but a mentor that could show them around and explain everything to them. They could edit their posts, move the posts to other forums, and maybe warn them if they're recklessly breaking the rules. Then, when their post count is more than 25, newbies probably used to the forum, and are ready to go on their own. I'd think tourguides would be like a less strict mod, unless the newbie is really a trouble maker. It'd make newbies feel at home because  tourguides wouldn't be constantly troubled like the mods, and would maybe have more mercy. Please consider it, thank you!

Feedback / User Rank Request
« on: July 30, 2007, 08:41:01 pm »
I think 10000+ post rank should be "Mammy", as a tribute to the only person whose post count was hueg leik exbawkz.

Entertainment / XFire Tags
« on: July 29, 2007, 04:03:28 pm »
What is XFire? It's a way to contact friends while they're ingame without disturbing them. A message simply pops up in their game on the side, that won't interrupt your game. Then, when you get free, you answer it by pressing a combination of keys. The cool thing, is that you can not only recieve IMs, but you could bring up a buddy list, and send IMs while ingame. Someone in Counter-Strike, a game supported by Xfire, could IM someone in Guild Wars, or Wolrld of Warcraft, also games supported with Xfire. But there's many, many games supported by XFire. There's much more, though. You have your own profile, you could upload your CPU specs, and even screenshots ingame. But the screenshots are uploaded by the program, so it's all automated. In some games like Soldat and Counterstrike, you get a list of servers, you could favorite servers, and visit your friends favorite servers, all in the app. There's much more, I suggest you visit http://www.xfire.com/cms/xf_tour/

If you just signed up, or you already had an account, post it here, and I'll add it to the list. Post your username, I don't think your nickname works. Also, post your favorite Xfire game.

ZFGC Accounts: (ZFGC Name, Xfire Account Name, Fave Game)
  • BlueMonkey, hikij, Guild Wars
  • Knivu, hadoken54, Unknown
  • bertfallen, bertfallen, Tribes II
  • Limey, l1m3y, Unknown
  • Zserv, zserv, Star Wars Battlefront II(?)
  • Colbydude, Colbydude, Unknown
  • StarReaver, starreaver, EVE Online
  • AoDC, aodc, Halo 2
  • TheDarkJay, TheDarkJay Oblivion
  • Windy, wwakerfan, Freelancer(?)
  • Source, riyodezrook, Halo/Silkroad Online
  • Drew200, Toxic365, Soldat
  • Ranma/Ken/MiNalien, MiNalien, Unknown

Apparently, they caught me downloading an ISO. Nothing will happen yet, but I hope it stays that way. I uninstalled BitTorrent, and now I pray nothing will happen. Seriously, if you're downloading movies and isos, then you better be careful. I'm stopping, I think you should too.
EDIT: More info, the site was isohunt.com, and I think the torrent was an old torrent from the PirateBay, so I guess they got shut down. Maybe they're cracking down, maybe it's just IP tracing from PirateBay, but I'm stopping because I'd hate for something to happen. And yes, I do own Animal Crossing, so all that !@#$% about having the game is still punishable, but I think everyone knows that.

Entertainment / Question to people who quit Maple Story
« on: July 03, 2007, 04:00:51 pm »
Can I have your account? I'm serious, I really want to try a really high level character just once, but the rates in maple story suck when you're around level 25, because you need to train on weak monsters because you need to get to level 28 to do some good damage, and I don't play it much, so can you PM me your account details? Thanks alot!

Feedback / Chat problem...
« on: July 02, 2007, 08:44:55 pm »
Okay, so today I download Maple Story on my grandmas computer. After a slow download and installation, I find out that my password isn't working. I know it's an online game, but I am pissed, because I spent 20 bucks on cash items the other day. So then I get on the chat to get contact AngelWolf, who gave me the account, but guess what? I'm apparently z-lined for spamming. This day has been horrible to me, so can I please get on ASAP?

ZFGC Character Competition 2007 / I'm in a little situation here.
« on: July 02, 2007, 04:57:45 am »
I have a great idea that I've been expanding on for a year. It's a great idea for a character, but I have no hand/tablet/pen/photoshop skills to draw it. I'm in a bit of a bind, here. What can I do?

Entertainment / Paris Hilton on drugs.
« on: June 30, 2007, 07:28:34 pm »
Turns out she smokes pot, mushrooms, hash, and weed. That ho.

Entertainment / Cool Miis
« on: June 18, 2007, 02:50:45 am »
Post some cool looking miis here. These are all mine except Scream, and Edward (Elric).

The Scream

Calvin (and Hobbes)

Smiley Face (recreated from Nintendo Power, almost 99% accurate)

Nintendog (recreated from Nintendo Power, almost 99% accurate)

Metroid (recreated from Nintendo Power, almost 80% accurate. I did the best I could, the NP image was recreated on a computer, so obviously it breaks the Wii's limits. Go figure.)

Kirby (recreated from Nintendo Power, almost 99% accurate)

Edward Elric

Entertainment / Wiiplay Rejected Games
« on: May 31, 2007, 04:08:02 am »
Lmao, my ass, off. I like Female Pleasure, that was funny... also, I liked Prostate Exam. But during Seal Hunt, I cried. Ya rly.

Entertainment / The Gorgeous Tiny Chicken Machine Show
« on: May 18, 2007, 04:27:15 am »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YQmkDDCyXQ" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YQmkDDCyXQ</a>
I peed my pants, this is so funny. And weird, without being too perverted. I like the song at the end. TALK TO THE HOT DOG, IT CAN READ YOUR MIND! IT'S A FRISKY FEELING THAT IS SO DE LI CIOUS! HAPPY HAPPY BUNNY, HAPPY HAPPY BUNNY, GRANDMA GO TO HA WA II! GO GO DANCING LOBSTER, GO GO PRETTY SUNSHINE, I JUST GOT THIS LOWSY T-SHIRT. IT... SAY... I'M TO DRUNK TO F *clap clap* K! IT... SAY... I'M WITH STUPID! I'M WITH STUPID! Okay, now lemme change my pants...

She kept sending me them, she wrote them 2 years ago.
Iam sick the tampon is stuck up there help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ps.taylor you got your at 7 how do you get a tampon out when it is stuck
Iam pmsing i hate you i mean i love you you suck your sweet bye ps.call me ryan
Hi peeps i got my period it is stuck to the toilet help me rachael or kayla or taylor at [phonenumber] thanks
Iam pmsing leave me the hell alone
I have my period and i dont have a pad it dripped in my pants what do i do todays date january 3 help me get me pads [name] thanks
Iam bored i hate my period i dripped on the floor iam not a sick girl its not my fault i got my period [name]
Iam bored i got my period and iam pmsing help me taylor call me [phonenumber] to talk to me about a girl thing bye xoxoxoxo
EDIT: More!
I love ryan i asked him out today iam in [blank] grade he is so hot i wanna hold hands with him ps.ryan give me your number
Iam pmsing grr.........
Today was crap i woke up got out of bed and got a blood stain on my bed then i fell and hurt my ear i hate people today iam pmsing bye
I hate pmsing awwwwww i poked my self in the boob i got a bruise i got to go ice it up bye
My boobs are big and they hurt taylor i need your boob help call me
My boobs are purple and cold iam a girl bye
My boobs have snow on them and they have blisers on them i got my period and iam pmsing bye i love ryan iam still in [blank] grade
Iam pmsing its stuck to my niple help
Omfg my boob is bleeding its out pms
I just got pms yesturday blood is coming out of my niples call me taylor for help bye
My butt is full of pms
Amanda lewis got pms and she is a !@#$%
My boobs hurt and they have leave stains on them

Other Discussion / Weird thing happening to my website...
« on: May 06, 2007, 11:32:40 pm »
Okay, so I was working on my website, on the main page, and typing the name of my project in an IM window to my friend describing my project for Z3. He doesn't go to ZFGC, so it's okay. Any way, this weird page popped up... I think I've been hacked! Since then, though, I haven't been able to replicate it. Can any of you try it? I'm not done with my site yet, but here's the URL. Sorry if it seems like advertising, after it's solved, I'll take down the URL. [link here] My project name is Waddledee's Adventure. Maybe typing triggers it?
EDIT: Taking it down to investigate.
EDIT2:What happened here? I looked at the main page code, and there is a javascript password! I found it didn't work in Firefox, so I found the URL... but, I can't exactly solve this. Anyone wanna try it? I'm shocked someone would do this.

Other Discussion / Idea for [you] tag...
« on: May 02, 2007, 03:59:25 am »
Okay, so the tag was only for a day or two back in April... but people still use it as if it still exists. So... what if there was a greasemonkey script that changes all [you]s on a page into your username? By doing it, you'd be tricked, but it'd be great fun. Anyone here know how to code a greasemonkey script? BTW, it is a extension in Firefox.

Other Discussion / Unofficial Official Smacktalk Topic
« on: April 30, 2007, 02:39:21 am »
This thread is to share your smacktalk creations, located here. Please be appropriate, or else mark if there's a penis or whatnot.
Here's mine.

Entertainment / Boxart for new Wii Nights revealed.
« on: April 24, 2007, 03:42:57 am »

I think I like it...?

Feedback / I also wonder why I got a warning...
« on: April 21, 2007, 03:40:07 am »
The PM said for spam, but showed no example... I don't want to be bad, really!

Feedback / Another Igurine Fidea.
« on: April 17, 2007, 07:00:09 pm »
If we have figurines, well, I'm sure the staff can't make em all, right? So, if we say make a really good game, and the admins approve, I think it'd be neat if we can make our own figurines for ZFGC that you can get by beating the game, and sending a code generated on score and such by the game to an Admin, who can approve of the code by decoding it with a program made by the maker, and he can award the figurine. Maybe a little complex, but you can really try it anyway you want. So, is it too stupid? And, extending the idea, what about a yearly game that awards a figurine? Some game with puzzles, TONS of ZFGC cameos, and it's really hard, and could take place at some kind of anniversary party.

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