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Topics - Q.K.

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Audio / A series of short piano pieces
« on: March 17, 2007, 06:01:38 pm »
I'm going to use this topic to place any new piano pieces I do. I was thinking of putting together an album for download after getting a whole bunch of pieces together, but I figured it's just easier to listen and download them here, and I'll keep updating things as I write more piano pieces.

1) <a href="http://www.binaryphoenix.com/projects/Music/Reflections.mp3>Reflections[/url] - NEW
2) <a href="http://www.binaryphoenix.com/projects/Music/Into%20the%20Fog.mp3>Into the Fog[/url]
3) <a href="http://www.binaryphoenix.com/projects/Music/After%20the%20Rain.mp3>After the Rain[/url]
4) <a href="http://www.binaryphoenix.com/projects/Music/Snow.mp3>Snow[/url]
5) <a href="http://www.binaryphoenix.com/projects/Music/Falling.mp3>Falling[/url]

Audio / Will make music for spare change!
« on: March 12, 2007, 03:50:57 am »
Alright, so I'm asking the guys here for a favor. In short, I'm short on cash. I wouldn't bother you guys about it if that was the only thing though. Basically, I'm trying to save up some money to buy a sound library. I'm going to be using it to greatly enhance the sound quality of the Crystalline River soundtrack and future soundtracks.

So here's the deal. If you give me a donation of somewhere around $2-10, I'll write you a song. Plus, once I get enough for the sound library, I'll go back to your song, and enhance it once again with the new samples.

What I need to know:
1) Donation amount
2) The style of music (Orchestral, Ambient, etc. Basically, the genre)
3) The setting of the song. Please be descriptive here, it will give you the best results, and make my job easier.
4) Misc. Details. If you need it a certain length, certain instruments, just let me know.

Thanks a ton guys. Donations can be made via paypal to kavanaughmusic (at) gmail.com Just make sure to use the @ sign instead ;).

Completed works:
1) http://www.binaryphoenix.com/projects/Music/After%20the%20Rain.mp3 - After the Rain

P.S. Forgot to mention guys, but I would rather this stuff be all original work, and no remixes of stuff like Zelda themes. Doesn't mean you can't use it in a Zelda fan game or whatever, I just don't want to be remixing copyrighted material and making money off it.

Audio / Ambient Album
« on: February 18, 2007, 05:51:02 am »
Right, so I'm taking some time off of the Crystalline River soundtrack because I was getting a bit tired of writing for the same thing for so long. So, I'm working on a personal project. It's just a small, maybe 10-20 minute long album of ambient music. I figured I would just put a 1 minute sample out there for you guys to listen to.


Anyhow, comments and criticisms are welcome. Thanks.

Graphics / Crystalline River - Asgard Forest
« on: January 23, 2007, 09:28:29 pm »
Right, so this may or may not stay in the final product of the game, and most likely WILL change, as I find it overcrowded and busy right now, but I thought I would share a mockup of how you can expect Crystalline River to look like. Please note I didn't pixel these tiles. The tiles and characters were done by Ryumaru and Adarias, 2 pixel artists I hired on for the game, although Adarias had to quit. I just did the test level design and fog overlay.

You can leave comments, criticism, whatever. Hope you enjoy.

These tiles are copyright Binary Phoenix 2006-2007. These are not for use in other projects. Thank you.

Audio / Rising Sun - Album sample
« on: January 21, 2007, 07:23:07 am »
So, I don't think I mentioned this, but I'm working on a small, 5 or so track album, with music influenced by China, Japan, etc. It will probably be a little while before it's complete, so I figured I would just put this WIP here so you guys can get a sense of what it'll be like. Hope you enjoy it. Comments and criticism is appreciated. Thanks.


Graphics / Character?
« on: January 12, 2007, 06:51:01 am »
Hmm... I guess I'll post this here. Basically, I was really tired, but I started spriting. This is basically what happened.

EDIT: Looking at this now, it reminds me of Windwaker Link in his pajamas. Didn't actually intend for that to happen, but ok. I'm fine if it gets moved to Zelda graphics because of the resemblance.

Audio / Tutorial - How I Make My Music.
« on: January 11, 2007, 02:18:16 am »
Alright guys, I promised I would do something like this, so here it is. I figured I would make a small walkthrough on how I go about making my music. You may or may not find it useful, but I guess that depends on the person reading. Hopefully you can all at least find it somewhat interesting. :P

Now note, that while I use "steps" I don't always follow them. A lot of the time, I completely scrap these steps, or go in all sorts of order, but generally, I find this the best, and most effective way to produce music.

- Step 1: Melody -
The first thing almost ANY song is going to need, is some sort of melody. Some songs may not need as much of a melody, say, if you're writing something like Ambient music, or the like, but for most songs, a good melody is key.

Now, I can't exactly give you advice on how to come up with a melody. I don't think anyone could really give a set of guidelines to follow in order to magically "produce" a melody. A lot of the time, it just has to come to you. In fact, I always seem to get these great tunes whenever I'm somewhere really inconvenient, making it hard for to me jot it down. If you're having trouble, just do something simple like take a walk outside, look out the window, maybe take a shower or something, etc. Something simple that doesn't take a lot of concentration, so that hopefully your mind will be clear, and you can just start humming something. Keep working on the tune, and who knows, you might come up with something!

- Step 2: MIDI -
The first thing I like to do when I get a particularly good melody is get it down in a MIDI, so I can store it, and edit it. Personally, I use Anvil, as it's free and quite suited to my needs, however there are many other good programs for MIDI out there, such as Jazz++, Cakewalk, Sibelius, etc.

There are a number of ways you can work with MIDI:

The cheapest (read: free) way would be using a program, and inputting your notes with the mouse, and only the mouse. This however, can be tough, and frustrating to get things just right, if you're not familiar with note values and sheet music.

There IS another way though, however this one requires that you have either a keyboard or MIDI controller hooked up via MIDI cable, to your computer. You can now do two different things from here. Either, you use this merely to place notes of a SET value, if you're unfamiliar with sheet music, or you can use it to "record" MIDI signals sent from the keyboard/controller to your computer. This will give you the exact same thing as what you played, however, there are some downsides to this. I would not reccomend recording MIDI signals when working with a track that needs a steady beat, such as most videogame music, because unless you are very talented, your timing will most likely not be good enough for things to sound right. However, if you are playing something more flexible like a piano piece, this can be a very good way to do it, as often, it becomes rather complex to work out tempo changes, ritardandos, crescendos, and whatnot manually. This will give you a much more natural feel to the song.

In any case, GET THAT MELODY DOWN. The last thing you want to do is lose it! Now, once you've got it down, worked out any little adjustments you want to make to it, we can start to think about chord progressions, harmony, and expanding on the theme.

- Step 3: Expansion -
Alright, now that we have our melody in our MIDI, I usually start with some sort of bassline. Like the melody, I can't really tell you "what notes to pick" but generally, if you stay in the same key, and use notes from that scale, things "should" work out. Of course, feel free to experiment...

Once the bassline is established, it's time to fill in other sections. Start writing accompaniments to the melody and bassline, and just keep working at things.

I'm going to skip ahead now with all this text, and give you an example of where you should be by now.  http://www.binaryphoenix.com/projects/Music/Tutorial/Luin.mid

- Step 4: Quality -
Now that MIDI could very well be called "done" and just leave it at that... but that's not good enough for me. So, what I do, is I open FL Studio. Now, there are other options, like Reason, Sonar, Logic, etc, but I won't get into that. Check out the demos, and see what you like best. For what I do, FL Studio is quite adequate.

Anyways, I load the MIDI into FL. Right now, my tracks have no audio samples assigned to them. So what do I do? I get some audio samples! Hehe... there are a few good sites out there for soundfonts, and VSTs, and google is your friend. I WILL reccomend KVR-audio however. There's some nice stuff there to check out.

Right, now that these channels have some sounds to go with them, let's hear the newest version, and see just how much it's improved. http://www.binaryphoenix.com/projects/Music/Tutorial/LuinWIP.mp3

- Step 5: Finishing Touches -
Well, the sound samples I've used are definitely better sounding than MIDI, but it's still got a ways to go. It's sounding pretty flat, and pretty unrealistic at the moment. Basically, this sounds just like the MIDI version, but with slightly better sound quality. This next step is where it all comes together.

I now go into all my channels, and apply all sorts of fun effects. Reverb, delay (echos), compression, equalization, etc.  This is also a difficult process to explain in great detail, since it really depends on the style of music you're writing, and the kind of feel you want the instrument to have. Here, I've used lots of ambient reverb and echoing. This fills out the soundspace a bit more, and gives it a full, deep sound.

Now, with all the fancy effects applied, I like to do a bit of humanization. That is, adjustment of note timing and volume (also known as velocity) to make it more believable; make it sound as if a human was playing the instrument. I did a minimal amount of this, and really, you never want to overdo things like this. However, adjustment of velocity is essential. It really helps give the music that extra bit of emotion.

Alright. So we have effects, a realistic, expressive performance...what else do we need? Ah... some sound effects maybe... and mastering, actually, but that's the last thing we have to do. Basically, this is a relatively small step. I just add things like pianos, bells, and the odd-but-fitting sound effect here and there. This is really all dependant of the piece, but here you should hear a couple...3, I think. I think this kind of thing can really add to a song's mood.

Lastly... mastering. Listen. I'm not really all that great at this myself, so this step would probably present a few problems. Basically, you have to fiddle around with compressors, limiters, and the like, in order to get a maximum volume, without causing clipping. (Surpassing a certain decibel level. Doing so will result in possible damage to your speakers.) Anyways, I like using multiband compressors, since you can boost or lower the high, mid, and low frequencies individually to mold your sound into the right "shape". I won't elaborate, since I don't know a whole lot about this part myself really. Sorry guys! :P

And now... the FINISHED PRODUCT. http://www.binaryphoenix.com/projects/Music/Tutorial/Luin.mp3
Notice all the updates, and the quality that was brought to it by those final touches. It's sounding pretty decent now, don't you think?

Whoo, thanks guys! That was a loooong post, probably my longest post ever in fact. Hopefully it will prove useful to some of you! If you have any questions, or need clarification, or just want me to go into more detail with something, just leave a post! Comments and such are welcome too. I hope you like the music.

Audio / Crystalline River Soundtrack Progress
« on: January 10, 2007, 12:42:34 am »
Hey guys. Listen, I know this is a bit of a self-plug here, but hear me out ;). I set up a blog recently, at www.itoh.wordpress.com right? Well, I'm using that mostly to show off music and updates on the CR soundtrack. But then I thought I would do something else.

I was thinking of writing some sort of tutorials, or walkthroughs on how I go about making music, and possibly even how I go about synthesizing sounds every now and then. So, on top of being able to check progress, you'll probably come across some things like that every now and then. You guys should check it out ;)

Also, I figured I would post this here, since a lot of you probably don't visit my blog right now :P http://www.binaryphoenix.com/projects/Music/Jetsam.mp3
I released this song to launch the blog. It's not particularly great or anything, but I'm working on it... Eh, just main point: keep an eye on the blog for updates, and tutorials. Thanks?

Graphics / Shoot Em' Up sprites
« on: January 05, 2007, 06:13:20 am »
So, I took a break from these for a while, but I've retouched the first 3, and added 3 more. Feel free to critique all of them, but for now, I'm focusing on working on the latest 3 (on the right side). Pretty much anything, from design, palette, etc goes. I'd like to try and get these as good as I can, but for the latest 3, I feel something's not right. They don't seem to fit in as well with the previous ones, especially with the blue one. Any help would be great, thanks. Also, I'll be working on these for a while, so there should be some updates every now and then with new ships. Thanks guys.

Audio / New Piano Piece
« on: December 01, 2006, 02:32:10 am »
Alright, so I figured I would write some piano music. Hope you enjoy it, etc, etc. Can you guess what the title means?

(btw, this is just on putfile temporarily for now, I'm waiting for Helios so I can fix my ftp account on the Binary Phoenix site)

Graphics / Weiss Kreuz Coloring
« on: November 04, 2006, 05:23:38 am »

Alright, I found the lineart for this while searching through lines to practice on because I'm really not all that great at drawing yet... that's something I have to work on. Hopefully the colouring is decent though. C&C or whatever is fine. The character is from Weiss Kreuz, I believe...

EDIT: Changed the background to black. Also, fixed the spelling of the title...

Other Discussion / How to eat sushi...
« on: November 03, 2006, 04:25:27 am »

Graphics / Pixel Dump!
« on: October 27, 2006, 06:53:37 pm »
Yeah, I figured I'd do a pixel dump... dunno' why. Anywho, here's the pixels.

Basically, at the top left I've got a bunch of random piece of pixel art, some sprites, a self portrait, etc. Then under those I've got some (old) tilesets I made. I'm not using them for anything anymore though. Underneath those there are some more random sprites. Then to the right is a mockup using some more recent tiles I've been working on.

C&C is nice, etc, etc.

Graphics / Hey look! Another self-portrait XD
« on: September 27, 2006, 03:12:48 am »
Yeah, TomPel.... You know what these are all about >: D For everyone else, it's a fad going on over at the Pixelation forums. Pretty much everyone has one of these. XD If you want to see mine, just check my avatar.

Audio / Falling
« on: September 07, 2006, 09:14:28 pm »
Alright, so it's fall time, school is starting, it's getting colder, and it's kind of sad. I was staring out the window watching all the leaves fall down, and I decided to write some music. So, here. Listen. C&C is fine.


The piece is named after the falling leaves.

Audio / Track -1 : Latest Piece
« on: September 04, 2006, 10:47:41 pm »
Alright, so a little while ago, Therabidwombat asked me if I would make him some music for a game he's working on. Of course I said I would, and well, this is what I got.


As for his game, well, it's probably easier to just ask him, but from what I gather, it's a scrolling shooter game he's doing for school. Apparently it's also got some online features and whatnot. Should be pretty fun, and it should be out relatively soon. Thanks for listening. If you've got any C&C, just let me know.

Graphics / First try at digital drawing
« on: August 19, 2006, 09:30:58 pm »
Alright, I'll start off by saying that I don't actually like naruto. Heh, just chose it as practice for my first try at coloring something digitally since the art style was kind of interesting. Anyways, I used Gimp for this. C&C if you want. I drew this on paper first, then scanned it in and did the coloring.

Audio / Crystalline River Demo Reel Updates
« on: August 03, 2006, 07:57:17 am »
Alright, as you may or may not know, I'm currently working on a 30 track soundtrack for the game Crystalline River that Binary Phoenix (Helios and myself, among others) is currently working on. In each 1 minute long clip you will hear snips from 4 of the tracks. I figured I would just show you guys what you can expect from the game as far as audio goes. Hope you enjoy.

http://www.binaryphoenix.com/projects/CrystallineRiver/Demo Reel.mp3
http://www.binaryphoenix.com/projects/CrystallineRiver/Demo Reel2.mp3

Tracks on Demo 1:
#5 - Jetsam
#6 - Asgard
#15 - Lantern Village
#17 - Sleep

Tracks on Demo 2:
#26 - Floating Silence
#22 - Parched Sand
#27 - The Forest
#8 - Journey's end

This will be the last (foreseen) demo reel, so please, if you like what you hear, keep an eye out on binaryphoenix.com to find out when you can purchase the 30 track soundtrack. Thank you!

Graphics / Chibi Samurai Robo?
« on: July 04, 2006, 03:26:24 am »

Well, I was pretty bored, so I decided to talk to Kren for a while. I asked him for a topic to sprite, and... chibi robots? Well, here's my Chibi Samurai Robo. Might not show up that great against the dark blue background though.

Anyways, I think some stuff is off with this, such as the colors on the head, and the hands, but hey, if you guys notice anything else, some C&C would be nice. Only spent about an hour on this.

Audio / Remixing Riviera
« on: May 27, 2006, 12:30:48 am »
Alright. Lately, I've had a bit of a musician's block, and to try and fix that, I've been working on some orchestra pieces, trying to learn things, like which instruments tend to play certain parts, all that fun stuff. Anyways, I've decided I'd do a bit of a study on Riviera: The Promised Land, seeing as how it had some really nice orchestrated pieces. Check back here every so often for updates.

(Mods, the reason there's nothing here at the moment is because this topic was previously requesting people's suggestions for orchestrated remixes, but I just had the idea to do Riviera. You can lock this if you want, but I'll be putting music here soon. Maybe even some general tips for other people doing orchestrated music.)

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