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Topics - Mewgull

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5
Discussion / [Poll]Which one? Zelda Party? or Link-Man?[ENDS:December 23]
« on: December 21, 2006, 01:18:16 am »
I am making a new game, and I need to know which would the public chooses.
For "Zelda Party":
its exaclty like Mario party, except in zelda forms! ^_^.
it has the plot of Ocarina of Time, where just like Mario party 7, you go around a bored, get certain keys to unlock certain doors, and who ever gets to the boss room, first, gets the heart container and wins! ^_^.  The characters are like: Link, Zelda, Talon(maybe), Malon.  Any others(???[My mind is drawing a blank]).

For "Link-Man":
Its exaclty like Pac-man, except if zelda forms! ^_^.
it has the plot of Ocarina of time, where just like Ms. Pac-man"Maze Madness", you go around different mazes while collecting keys, and opening doors.  Also, this is an RPG, maze, where you KEEP the items you get!

For both of them, I am syched about :D
More details will be provided later, untill I know which one I am going to make.

Additional information:
Graphics: Link-Man = MC
               Zelda Party = MC/LttP/?Custom?
Plot: Ocarina of Time (For both)
Remakes of: Link-Man = Ms. Pac-Man: Maze Madness(Simularity)
                   Zelda Party = Mario Party 7(Simularity)



Entertainment / [Spoilers] Twilight Princess Hylian Shield... WHERE!?!
« on: December 17, 2006, 02:18:00 am »
Hey ppls.

I have been looking for the hylian shield, for the longest time.  I am probally a noob to all of you right now XD.
"What the hell? this guys hopless, he can't even find the hylian shield."
is what I think most of you guys are goiung to think :P
would it be at the shop in the Goron mines, or in Ordon village? or someplace else, like in the Hyrule castle town?
Where would I find it?


Entertainment / [Spoilers] Last tunic Spot?!
« on: December 15, 2006, 03:37:56 am »
Hey ppls.

What is the last tunic spot? and where do I get it?! Its bugging me now!

Coding / [Help] External Music/Sound Volume
« on: December 03, 2006, 12:59:44 am »
Hey ppls.

Would there be a way to make a SPECIFIC EXTERNAL sound, volume to lower to the appropiate volume that I desire.
I dislike "sound_global_volume" becuase it isn't specific to the sound I want, and it does every other sound that is playing.
I have tried "sound_volume" and it doesn't work on external sounds such as the "global."s.
Anyone have any ideas?

Love y'all

Coding / [Re] LttP block 16x16 grid move!
« on: November 12, 2006, 11:49:06 pm »
Hey ppls.

I need to know how you can get a block to move like what you see in Link to the Past.
If you played it then you know what I mean.  Its those blocks that you can move that always stay in 16x16 grid.
if you know how, It would be greatly appreciated if you could TELL me or make an example, I will accept either or.
Thank you :)


Entertainment / Twilight Princess Released!
« on: November 05, 2006, 05:34:58 pm »
Well, my bro just went shopping for a wireless controller.  and he found Twilight Princess on the Market with the Wii!!
I am happy, and excited for christmas now! YAY!
I live in canada btw, and the Twilight Princess is the Wii, not for the Gamecube yet, which is the one I am going to buy, I have been saving my money since my B-day (Feb 14) to buy the TP in GC version. YAY!
Just thought I should share


LTTP & FSA / [LTTP] LttP Bush/Rock/Pot destroying sprite.
« on: November 03, 2006, 08:01:34 pm »
Hey ppls.

Ass you can see in the title I am looking for a Link to the Past Bush, Rock and pot destroying animations.  I have searched for these already, and yet I have found nothing, maybe I missed it.  I don't know.  But I do know I really need this
It can be in tile-sheet form or pre-animated, It doesn't matter.
Please and thank you


Other Discussion / You tube help
« on: September 11, 2006, 07:40:10 pm »
hey ppls..

There is something work with "Youtube" because apparently I have to get the latest download of Macromedia, or my JavaScript is turned off...
I have downloaded the latest Macromedia, numerous times.
I searched over the internet on how to turn on javascript, and I followed every procedure.  but I still can't watch my clips!!
I have also restarted my computer after doing both of those things!
Whats wrong?!


LTTP & FSA / [Solved] LTTP Flowers
« on: August 22, 2006, 04:10:45 pm »
hey ppls.

I am looking for the LTTP Flower animations. there are three different animations.  I would like them all please ^^
and can it be already animated, I am kinda rushed...

pwees and thank u!

EDIT: fine how about the tile sheet and at least 1! ;)

Entertainment / Super Smash Bros Brawl - Character UNLOCKING Predictions
« on: August 04, 2006, 11:53:32 am »
well.. we all know who we get at the start of the game, as the default party:

Mario, Peach, Link, Pikachu, Kirby, Marth, Roy, Snake, Dr. Mario, Luigi, Pit, Bowser, Ganondorf, Metaknight, Wario, Zelda, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Captain F, Fox, Falco, Ice Climbers, Ness, Samus, Zero-suit Samus, Young Link, Jigglypuff, Pichu, Mr. Game and Watch, and Mewtwo.

but do we know who we get to unlock?!

well... here are my predictions:
-Diddy Kong(Donkey Kong)
-Dixie Kong(New)

(New) = No Dummy
(Name) = Immated Dummy

I don't know if there is already a topic like this, but these are my opinions in which new characters you can unlock in the new Super Smash Bros.(Brawl).
Anyways, what are your predictions?

Other Discussion / Ingrediance for making a Mewgull [This is awsome!]
« on: July 31, 2006, 03:26:13 pm »
Making a Mewgull:
1 part Pride
3 parts Courage
5 parts joy.

Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!

go to: http://www.go-quiz.com/cocktail/cocktail.php  for your ingredience

Other Discussion / Something is comming...
« on: July 31, 2006, 03:52:14 am »
OMG! 0_o
what do you think is comming... =0

Feedback / Suggestion: New Forum Page/Name
« on: July 28, 2006, 12:44:26 pm »
hey pplz.

I have been wondering, that there should be a new fourm page, named the "Life Experiences" or just "Life" or "Life Talk" something to do with our lives.  Because people have been talking about their lives, and experience, and all that lately on off topic.
This is just a suggestion, don't flame me plz...


Other Discussion / I JUST FOUND OUT SOMETHING FREAKY!!!1oneelven
« on: July 26, 2006, 06:03:09 pm »
hey ppls.

during dinner last night, we got into a random conversation about the queen of england. and then my sister said:
"Remember when she came here to our london?"
I was like, what?!
and she said that the queen of england came here to London(Ontario) because of something, and I was a baby and there when that happend!
but I was starting to think, why she was there...

London Ontario's name came from the british settlers who lived in London England - Random Fact.
I can't believe that she came to a small city, for no reason...

this was quite scary when I heard it.

Entertainment / Favourite Music Artists?
« on: July 24, 2006, 05:04:42 am »
who are yours, from #1 - x?

Kelly Clarkson
Sean Paul
LAST!!!! : Green Day!!

Yanni: Yanni is an orchistra that has been making instrumental soft music.  its number one, becuase that it my number one favourite type of music!
Green Day: IT IS THE LAST ONE ON MY LIST!  I hate them so much, they drive a bad image to peoples minds, unless you think that the new sheik is gothic emo... WRONG.  and a lot of their music videos have subliminal messages!
That tells you about me, a little

and Mreow, don't spam this topic with Hilary duff all over it :P

Warning: What you say will tell a lot about you!

Other Discussion / Car insurance Video...lmfao!!!11one
« on: July 21, 2006, 06:20:20 pm »
I love this video, it was really funny

Other Discussion / Mother's Day Video, Hilarious!
« on: July 17, 2006, 08:02:31 pm »
hey ppls!

I found this and I was laughing quite a bit, I think you will to

Audio / Converting MIDI to GB! Free!
« on: July 10, 2006, 04:25:31 pm »
I am willing to convert any music that you have into Game-Boy styled music. That means, that the music, when you get it back, it will sound like its from the game boy!

1. NO songs with voices!
2. Only midis I can convert.
3. give credits :P

Current File Format :


http://www.freewebs.com/mewgull/brambles.mp3 - Donkey Kong Country 2/Stickerbish Symphoney
http://www.freewebs.com/mewgull/DragonRoostIsland.mp3 - Legend of Zelda, the/Wind Waker/DragonRoost
http://www.freewebs.com/mewgull/map.mp3 - Donkey Kong Country 2/World Map





OMG Mewgull, you are AWESOME! I PMed him and he made the skyrunner theme GAME BOY STYLES!!!!! I cried when I heard it...(Due to awesomeness.)

To download:
Redirection: [ Right Click, "Save Target as.." ]
File Not Found: [ PM Mewgull ]

Updated: July 14, Friday, 2006

Coding / [Request / Linking] RPG Battle System..
« on: July 09, 2006, 01:32:42 pm »
hey ppls.

I am looking for a nice behind view RPG battle system in GM6.  I have registered version too.  I already had a battle system, but it is really buggy and it freezes a lot, the battle in it is fine, but the room returning doesn't work.  if I could get it to work, then I don't need an already made battle system.  When I edit this post I will upload the battle system... mind you, its not mine.
so if you have a good one, or want to help me with my current one, then plz do so.

Battle System:

plz help, and thank you

Edit: Added the Battle System I already have.

Other Discussion / All-Nighter! Alright!
« on: July 09, 2006, 02:56:09 am »
hey ppls!

I finally decided to pull an all nighter tonight.  This would be my first :P  <(^_^)>

I am eating lots of candy... but don't worry, my health will be fine, I am very active, and I am a HEALTHY food freak.
I will bring updates of what I have done so far :P

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