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Topics - Moon_child

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Some people think the Wii Zapper is violent and looks like a real gun! Here are some quotes:

In a recent New Jersey Star-Ledger online survey, one grandparent responded to news of Zapper by writing, “Why don’t they enclose an application to the NRA in every box as well? … The marketing person who came up with this brainchild of an idea should be fired.”

I think it’s going to make it feel like you’re actually holding a gun in real life. It’ll change everything about FPS.

Now just look at this picture:

That looks much like a real gun huh? I would like totally hold my hands up when some guy comes in a store with that and says its a robbery...[/sarcasm]

Why the !@#$% are these retards complaining about this huh? There are so much toy guns in shops that look hundred times more like a real gun then the Wii Zapper just look at this one for example:


Audio / REQUEST: Bullet time/Slow Motion sound effect(s)
« on: November 17, 2007, 03:48:57 am »
I need Bullet time/Slow motion sound effects! Like the one you hear in 300 when they fight, and you see everything in slow motion. Just something like that would be perfect.

Entertainment / Tracking your fingers with the Wii Remote! O:
« on: November 11, 2007, 07:22:59 pm »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0awjPUkBXOU" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0awjPUkBXOU</a>

Wow... that guy is smart! O:

Entertainment / Jack Thompson failed once again!
« on: October 31, 2007, 10:51:21 am »
Manhunt 2 has finally been released in the USA, and Jack Thompson tried to prevent this so badly! :D Now you as gamer, do your job and buy the game! ;)

Other Discussion / Some problems with my Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector!
« on: October 27, 2007, 02:58:09 pm »
I have some annoying problems with my Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector!

Problem 1:
When I try to connect to my Wifi stick it says it can't find it while it's plugged in my laptop and running!

Problem 2:
It's trying to connect and it goes well but after a few seconds it stops!

Does anybody knows what causes these 2 problems? I use Vista and I had these problems on XP too!

Other Discussion / A good and free firewall for Vista?
« on: October 27, 2007, 02:54:50 pm »
I used Sunbelt's Kerio Personal Firewall on XP but it's sadly not compatible with Vista. So can any of you recommend me a good Firewall?

Much appreciated!

Audio / REQUEST: Super Mario Bros (8-bit) Sound Effects
« on: October 24, 2007, 10:53:14 pm »
I need all the sounds effects from Super Mario Bros (8-bit) I thought I would find them on Mario Fan Game Galaxy but they don't have them... I know one of you guys has them, so if you have them then please post it in this topic.


OMG... this episode was awesome! way more better then Episode One in my opinion. It took me 7 hours, and it sucks it's over already! Because I hunger for more! Also why did Eli Vance had to die? it made me sad... >_>

I can't wait for Episode 3 now! O_O

Audio / Request: Video game sound effects website
« on: October 16, 2007, 09:51:41 am »
We all know www.vgmusic.com and I was wondering if there exists a website that is filled with Video Game Sound effects?

Entertainment / Blind Painter (EPIC)
« on: October 12, 2007, 12:37:13 am »
University of North Texas (UNT) student John Bramblitt paints beautiful works of art in vivid colors, despite the fact that he's been blind for years.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=8P84bfFpVWE (God I miss the youtube tags)

It's really impressive that a blind person can paint so good! O:

Entertainment / Monster Hunter 3 on the Wii! (I !@#$% lol'd)
« on: October 11, 2007, 09:41:53 pm »
The game is already EPIC Win since it won't come out on the PS3 anymore. I !@#$% lol'd so badly when I saw so much angry comments from all those Sony fanboysgirls. They where totally pissed off! :D Now I can only hope that the game is really good and it get high ratings in the reviews. So the Sony fanboysgirls, know that they miss a lot! 8)

Good job Capcom!

Entertainment / World of Whorecraft
« on: October 05, 2007, 10:02:26 pm »

I can't understand that she offered her body for some gold in a game... how much lower can a human go? :o

Entertainment / Halo DS! Screens and 2 movies revealed! :O
« on: October 03, 2007, 09:49:46 am »
Halo DS
Some time ago, I blogged about playing a cancelled version of Halo DS. The game was the real deal, created by a real development studio and with a very big publisher. But for reasons we won't discuss, Halo DS was never released. Clearly. Obviously. Still, it would've been cool, huh?

My Halo DS blog has haunted me since I posted it because many people were skeptical of my claims. I wouldn't make something like that up, of course, but that hardly silenced any of my critics. When my brother called me the other day and told me that I even have a Wikipedia page that calls into question my Halo DS blog, I realized I had to at the very least prove that I hadn't completely hatched the entire thing. So I figured what better way to mute naysayers than to show off the game I played. With that in mind, I present to you Halo DS videos and screenshots below. Please, somebody update my Wikipedia page.

And here's the link to the movies!

EPIC Win! It's sad they canceled it though..

Entertainment / All Wii's Sold out?!!! GET a Vii from China!
« on: October 01, 2007, 08:01:27 pm »

Nintendo has to sue the !@#$% out of them!

Discussion / My Game Maker 7 rant!
« on: September 24, 2007, 09:36:59 pm »
The whole yoyo games crap is stupid as hell! What the !@#$% did Mark Overmars thought when he made a deal with them? It's not like they can protect his program from getting pirated or something.
(Funny fact: A cracked GM 7 exe appeared within a week on the internet after Game Maker 7 was released...)

We had to wait ages for a new version and it has nothing really interesting that would make you want to get Game Maker 7 while you have Game Maker 6! The only "good" thing is that it runs on Windows Vista... yippee !@#$% yay![/sarcasm]

Also why does it make the exe so !@#$% big? for example my gmk file is 47kb because all the sprites, backgrounds, sound effects, music, are extern except for a few objects and scripts, and it also has only 1 room. But once it's transformed to a exe the size changed from 47kb to 2,232kb!(WTF?)

There are probaly more lame things about Game Maker 7 but these are the few things I noticed after I used Game Maker 7 for a few minutes...

So Game Maker officially wins the EPIC Fail award from me!

Entertainment / Callous Booth Babe Moment: What They Really Think Of You
« on: September 24, 2007, 07:35:38 am »

Look closer!

I !@#$% lol'd!

Entertainment / Scan of Link's Crossbow training!
« on: September 24, 2007, 06:39:42 am »

Now you know you want and have to buy the Wii Zapper!(That is if you're a real Zelda fan)

Entertainment / Miyamoto playing Super Mario Bros!
« on: September 23, 2007, 12:18:53 am »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQbcIoLCknI" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQbcIoLCknI</a>

Entertainment / I just played Tingle's Rosy Rupee Land! :D
« on: September 16, 2007, 10:44:21 am »

The game is hilarious! funny animations and story, nice interaction with things, and don't forget the EPIC fight with a rubber ducky in the battle training! So I'm defenitly going to buy it!(I'm playing it on my R4 atm) and YOU should atleast try it, wheter you are a Tingle Hater or not! It explains his greed for rupees, so maybe you can understand why he was so damn expensive with maps in the Wind Waker! Just put your Tingle hate aside! He's so hilarious you have to love him!

May the Rupee God kill you if you say bad words about the game without having played it!

THE former rally driving champion Colin McRae was killed and his five year-old son feared dead in a helicopter crash yesterday afternoon. The aircraft came down in Jerviswood, Lanarkshire, half a mile from the family's home and burst into flames just after 4pm.

Jean-Eric Freudiger, McRae's agent, said the 39-year-old driver had been piloting the helicopter himself. Also on board were believed to be his son Johnny, another adult - said by locals to be a school friend of McRae - and another child. McRae's wife Alison and their daughter Hollie, 9, were not on board, friends said.

Strathclyde police said in a statement: "Four people were onboard the helicopter," adding "The bodies were found within the helicopter which is owned by Mr Colin McRae of Jerviswood House, Lanark. It is believed he was onboard the helicopter."

McRae became Britain's first World Rally champion in 1995. He was one of the country's most successful sportsmen, achieving 25 wins in World Rally events and 42 podium places. He was a flamboyant driver, inspiring one the world's best-selling computer rally games.
Related Links

    * A legend of the road

    * The people’s champion

The helicopter came down within half a mile of McRae's 16th-century home, which has an adjacent helipad. The weather had been overcast, with southwesterly winds gusting to 30 knots and good visibility.

Officers with dogs and torches continued to comb the woodland near the crash into the night.

McRae's wife, a childhood sweetheart and his former co-driver, was taken back to the house under police escort shortly after 6pm.

McRae's friend the rally journalist Jeremy Hart, who flew with him several times, described him as a "very good, very measured pilot".

"Colin regularly flew all over the UK and into Europe," said Hart. "He knew the terrain and conditions at Jerviswood very well.

"As a sportsman he was a true hero. As a driver Colin was misunderstood slightly as being reckless but everything you saw with him came from pure raw talent as opposed to being learnt. He was the Michael Schumacher of rally driving.

"It's so ironic that he should die in a helicopter crash when he had competed and had brushed with death so many times as a rally driver."
Wow... that shows once again that life can be over any day! >_> I wish my condeleance to his family!

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