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Topics - Q.K.

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Audio / Village... A short 30 second preview.
« on: April 27, 2006, 03:38:20 am »
Alright, this is my latest work. I probably won't release the whole thing right away, seeing as how it's for one of my indie games, but I figured I'd post the first 30 seconds of it. I just started on this an hour ago, so if something isn't sounding right, don't worry. Let me know about any problems, and they'll be fixed for when I either release the music, or release the game, which would of course have the music in it :P.

Click here for the mp3.

EDIT: Darn, I just noticed the volume was way down. I raised that a bit, take a listen to it again, hopefully it will sound closer to what I intended.

Audio / Street Fighter 2 Remix
« on: April 23, 2006, 07:45:37 am »
Alright, so this is a remix SkaterD and I recently finished. It's a remix of the title theme from Street Fighter 2. Hope you like it. Any C&C is welcome. Thanks.


EDIT: In case that doesn't work... http://www.skdgames.com/music/StreetFighterTitle.mp3

Audio / Shima - New song
« on: April 07, 2006, 05:03:16 am »
Well... this is technically a bit old, BUT, I have reworked a lot of it, and made an mp3 out of it, using FL Studio. I was a bit reluctant to release this, seeing as how it's for my indie RPG, but I figured what the heck, it's not like you guys are gonna go stealing it.

(BTW, it's named Shima for the village that it plays in)

There's the link, I hope you enjoy it. This is really my first time making any music with FL Studio.

(It might take a while to load)

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