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Topics - Scooternew

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Other Discussion / Jesus
« on: May 25, 2006, 10:26:45 pm »
Jesus didn't walk on water. I believe it is connotation that he walked on ice, bitces.

Discussion / Game Maker - Unitialized Variables
« on: May 23, 2006, 09:55:29 pm »
I just posted this in another topic, but

Any Game Maker user who uses "treat uninitialized variables as 0" for anything other than testing purposes deserves the unterminating hell it brings upon the game making process.

'Nuff said.

Other Discussion / WoW - should I get it?
« on: May 18, 2006, 09:58:45 pm »
How fun is it? Is it addictive? How many gigs does it take? I just don't know if I can or even want to spend that amount of time into a game. And how much are the fees?

Other Discussion / Hahahaha LOL
« on: May 18, 2006, 09:39:26 pm »

Other Discussion / Do YOU Have a Life?
« on: May 11, 2006, 04:27:27 am »
Just wondering.

Other Discussion / Do YOU Love Scooternew?
« on: May 08, 2006, 02:57:15 am »
I just wanted to know what people thought about me. I just decided to have some fun. Vote Away!!!

Please post if you even know who I am...

Other Discussion / CrapFyre
« on: May 08, 2006, 02:46:18 am »
Uh...at the top left of the screen, where it normally says "Hosted by LightFyre; Thank you for the great service and discount!", it says "Hosted by CrapFyre". Why does it say "CrapFyre"....?

Audio / Suspense Piece (I Made)
« on: May 08, 2006, 01:42:33 am »

Technically, this was included with the FL Studio 6 Fruity Loops edition, but I recreated the whole thing from ground up by myself to teach myself how the new version of FL Studio works along with learning a bit about the effects. I still understand very little. This isn't a whole piece, just a small "thing" - because remember, as I said, I was recreating something that already was there.

Either way, here you go - and you can use, but credit would be appreciated. A 20 second clip that loops.

Coding / [Example / Listing] You CAN Use D3D in 2D Mode
« on: May 07, 2006, 07:36:55 am »
Again, I didn't make a tutorial (but I might), but you can use the D3D commands in Game maker in 2d mode. Plot this into the draw event and see what happens when you place it in an empty room:

direction += 2;

Viola! And no need to use lengthdir_x and stupid crap.

Other things in d3d can be used in 2d mode also. Fog is a useful one.

Just showing something many people don't know.

Other Discussion / GMC hecking - New Theories
« on: May 06, 2006, 06:11:23 pm »
New information about the hacker. It MAY or MAY NOT be true, so don't spread information about it saying it is true.

If you don't know, the GMC was hacked.


I've just realized that of the three forums I am a part of, each has been hacked.

Other Discussion / Game Maker Forums...Hacked...
« on: May 05, 2006, 08:16:56 pm »
Holy !@#$%. That explains the about 20 trojans I got yesterday.


Well - ain't that a !@#$%.

I was just playing around with execute_string, and lo and behold, I found something out;

Code: [Select]
var temp;
temp = 20;
execute_string("if(temp > 15) {keyboard_wait();};");

I was just trying to test something out with execute string, and for some reason, execute_string doesn't seem to recognize temp as a variable. Is there a reason that this happens, or am I just a blabbering idiot? If not, does anyone know a way around this problem?

Discussion / Engine?
« on: May 01, 2006, 09:44:14 pm »
I was just interested in educating the many non-believers of the community that a few lines of coding isn't an engine. I'm focusing more on GM users, since I am mainly a Game Maker user.

Saying "can I have a text engine" doesn't really mean anything. 20 lines of code that draws some text on the screen isn't an engine. It is a subroutine. In fact, it is hardly a subroutine - just some coding. An engine would be more along the lines of being basically a set of programming instructions designed to perform a specific limited task; like a graphics engine which takes care of particles, drawing, 3d effects, camera, the works, and is integrated into the rest of the coding.

I just wanted people to know that 5 or 30 or 16 lines of coding aren't really engines; there arne't HUD engines, movement engines, or at least the kind you mean when you request. I just wanted to say this because people don't realize the type of energy needed to create an entire engine. Drawing a sprite on the screen or playing a sound isn't an engine. Neither is making your character change his position.


Coding / [Example / Listing] Freezing the Game for a Menu
« on: April 28, 2006, 12:16:45 am »
Again, not quite a tutorial, but just another perspective and helpful method of something.

When creating Zelda games, it is useful to create a menu....obviously. When the menu is created, though, nothing should move. Nothing should do anything when the menu is open. Realize, though, that deactivating all instances will also disable drawing their sprite. So, here is what you do in the creation of the menu object:

Code: [Select]
s = surface_create(view_wview,view_hview);
Now, let me explain what this does. First of all, it creates a surface on whic the screen will be drawn. All graphics on the screen are captured onto this surface. Then, all instances are deactivated, all of their drawing stops, but the menu object is still activated. In the draw event, all you must do is draw the surface onto the screen, redrawing all of the previous graphics that aren't drawn when deactivated. Even so, there is a slight problem. Surfaces have a weird error in which rather than combining alpha values on top of each other (.3 + .4 = .7), only the last alpha value is drawn (.3 + .4 = .4). To remedy this, first, the whole surface is cleared (draw_clear_alpha), and then after the sccreen is captured, a special blend mode is set. A black rectangle is drawn, but since the blend mode forces black to become transparent, it resets the alpha to 1 without actually adding or drawing anyhting else to the screen! This fixes any alpha problems there might be in a simple, quick line of code.

When you are ready to exit the menu, make sure to free the surface from memory (surface_free(s)), reactivate everything (instance_activate_all()), and destroy the menu instance.

I like this apporach because I don't have to deal with technicalities of going to another room or manually stopping ecah and every object's speed, image_speed, sound, etc. to give the impression of the game being paused. This method actually pauses the game AND fixes transparency values, also in the quickest possible way.

Thank you, and goodnight. Crap, I overcomplicate things.

Other Discussion / Code Requests
« on: April 19, 2006, 04:51:51 am »
I'm really kind of tired of people asking for engines in the coding section. If you aren't able to code something yourself, then chances are you aren't able to code an entire Zelda game. Yes, maybe you can get Link to move by hitting ctrl+x and then ctrl+v, but what are you gaining by that? Some copied code that probably doesn't fit in with the rest of your game. When I started programming, I wuold spend more time editing copied code to fit in my already (horribly) coded game rather than just coding the whole thing by myself.

A Zelda game is no small task. I just don't see how you can possibly say "yes...I have problems moving around...please can someone make me an engine". Rather, strat with something smaller, such as a platformer, and learn how to do it yourself.

It is like a 5 year old doing your taxes. He could possibly (and I mean possibly) stumble through it, using help from numerous people and barely accomplishing it, but at what cost? No tax reductions and the 5 year old not learning anyhting anyway. I'd rather hire a lawyer who studied and learned rather than someone who used too much borrowed help at the expense of other people's time.

Excuse my frustration. Rough day. But still, this is undeniable truth.
Now...who wants to go get ice cream!


Unfortunately, line thickness was taken out of GM6. Luckily, this wil tell you how to put it back in. Basically, the fastest way to do this is to draw a stretched sprite.

First, create a sprite called "sprLine". It should be a 1x1, non-transparent, black pixel. Then, call this script whenever you want to draw a line with a certain thickness (in pixels)

Code: [Select]
var thickness, startX, startY, endX, endY, tX;
startX = argument0;
startY = argument1;
endX = argument2;
endY = argument3;
thickness = argument4; //in pixels
tX = abs(endX - startX);

EDIT: THere is a slight glitch in this, and I'm working on it.

Coding / [Example / Listing] Saving a Sprite as a File
« on: April 16, 2006, 07:35:56 pm »
I didn't see a tutorial section anywhere, so I'm posting here. This simply allows you to click a sprite and save it as a file. This isn't perfect - it doesn't include a menu (like in Windows), and it may capture gray area aroudn the sprite (or background) depending on how the sprite is shaped. Either way, this is how you do it.

Code: [Select]
temp_id = instance_position(mouse_x,mouse_y,all);
if(temp_id != noone) {
    var tx, ty, tsw, tsh;
    tx = temp_id.x;
    ty = temp_id.y;
    tsw = sprite_get_width(temp_id.sprite_index);
    tsh = sprite_get_height(temp_id.sprite_index);

That can go in global left pressed.

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