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Topics - GieVeNT

Pages: [1] 2
Other Projects / Spinners - Very simple GML game
« on: September 16, 2012, 07:54:59 am »
Hey guys haven't post here in a LONG time.  I've recently made my debut back into game programming.  The projects I used to work on were large ambitious 8 dungeon long Zelda games which never made it past a simple movement/menu engine.

Anyways... I decided to make a simple game using completely my own graphics and engine and I came up with this little game I call Spinners.  I made it in about 10 hours and it was a blast to put together.  Be forewarned, I am terrible at making sprites so essentially everything in the game very basic looking.  I may go back and make a graphically pleasing version if there is interest.

So without further ado I present: Spinners!

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?zzx1zuqrhoo2ln0

Help file (F1 in game)
Welcome to Spinners!

The yellow circle is the player.
The floor beneath you spins in 2 directions.
Brown floors spin clockwise.
Red floors spin counter-clockwise.
Avoid the enemies that spawn on the 4 sides of the room.
You will gain points for every second that you live.
For every 3000 points you gain you will move onto the next level.
The enemies spawn rate is higher with each consective level.
There are 8 levels.
Try to get the highest score!


Arrow Keys: Move
Esc: End the game

Please give me your thoughts!  Post your scores and let me know what you think about the difficulty.

Entertainment / Dark Knight Rises likely storyline
« on: November 26, 2010, 06:54:20 pm »
After reading a number of articles I've put together how I think Dark Knight Rises will basically go.  As of now we know that when Dark Knight ended the police were after Batman and public opinion of his actions had dropped.  As soon as I heard Tom Hardy was  going to be in it, even before the rumors came out that Dark Knight would be based on "Prey" I believed that Hugo Strange would be one of Batman's next adversaries.  In the comics Hugo Strange is a psychologist who is intrigued with Batman and was hired to put together a team to hunt down Batman which Commissioner Gordon heads, he later tries to takeover the Batman identity.  I think we'll see someone similar; instead of Strange being portrayed as a crazy psychologist he would be portrayed more as a detective, who quickly discovers the identity of Batman and plans to kill Bruce to takeover as Batman.  Now here's the part I'm not totally sure about.  I am not a fan of the comics necessarily and after seeing  Batman Returns and Catwoman, I thought I would never want to see Catwoman portrayed onscreen again (I mean seriously? Dies and then is revived by... cats?).  After thinking about how Nolan would portray Catwoman I realized it would work and would fit in perfectly with the Hugo Strange arc.  Like the Joker, there would be very little backstory for Catwoman (ie. how she became Catwoman), it would only explain her motive.  Her motive could be one of two things, perhaps she has a personal vendetta against Batman for killing someone she loves (which of course he didnt do), or perhaps she has decided to become a masked vigilante in hopes of becoming the hero Batman once was, whereas she would become more of an antihero.  Commissoner Gordon is struggling with his duty to catch Batman as well as keep his loyalty to the figure he knows is a hero.  The film would again have Bruce Wayne struggling with his dual identity that is being further tainted by Strange and would have to redeem himself in the eyes of the people of Gotham.

Entertainment / Okami sequel hits DS
« on: September 06, 2009, 07:21:26 pm »
Finally an Okami sequel. I bought the original 6 months ago because of how many people recommended it. It was truly a remarkable game, it blew away twilight princess in my opinion.

Please Welcome:

Aha Chibiterasu!

The DS sequel is set 3 months after the original finishes and will feature the same Celestial brush ability that was in the original.

A video:
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FtQvLrGUak" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FtQvLrGUak</a>
It kinda looks like the DS is having a hard time running those graphics. Anyway they'll fix it up in the product. A playable demo will be at the Tokyo Game Show.


Entertainment / October 21st is soon
« on: October 15, 2008, 02:54:03 pm »
If you guys recall, King Mob said he would update his webpage on October 21st. I think he'll have a new demo, what do you guys think.

I'm excited, no matter what it is...


Entertainment / So my parents just got a Wii
« on: August 30, 2008, 03:25:36 am »
My Mom was convinced by her friend to get a Wii because of Wii Fit. She unexpectedly went out and bought one with 2 Wiimotes/Nunchuks, Wii Play, Wii Sports and Wii Fit. I'm not complaining!

I was wondering if you guys can help me with some game ideas, I would like a multiplayer game that uses Wii motion very innovatively, but not something plain.

Other Discussion / Hockey Joke - Funniest joke ever...
« on: June 18, 2008, 06:09:31 pm »
This guy's my teacher.
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShwtuTe0xyA" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShwtuTe0xyA</a>
I love how he gets so into the joke. HAHA

Other Discussion / Help me find the name of this song
« on: June 06, 2008, 05:03:14 pm »

These guys are really good eh? The first song is called Technologic its the "peaches no logic" remix, can you help me find the name of the second song/instrumental?
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHUrfSbPDFY" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHUrfSbPDFY</a>

Entertainment / Gamemaker on PSP? Possible?
« on: January 06, 2008, 06:46:59 am »
I've heard you can do things like porting windows and mac onto a psp. Since these have obvious limitations, is it possible to use game maker for psp?

MC & FS / [Solved] MC water tiles
« on: November 13, 2007, 09:38:02 pm »
I need the all the MC water tiles with the different frames for each one.
Mod Edit: Added "request" to the topic-title.

Coding / Changing a color of the sprite in GM6
« on: October 27, 2007, 06:02:18 pm »
For example, if I want to change Link's clothes color from green to red without having lots of sprites, I want to change just the green on his suit to red. Is this possible and how in GM6?

Graphics / Help with Kokori Ganondorf MC sprite
« on: October 13, 2007, 03:42:28 am »

I requested a Kokori Ganondorf a while ago and this is m editted version of it. Can someone do side views of the top one?

Coding / {Request} Goodnights grass connecting script
« on: October 03, 2007, 08:23:39 pm »
Hey I was wondering if I could get Goodnight's long grass connecting script.

Graphics / MC inner tree tileset
« on: October 01, 2007, 08:16:42 pm »

I'm looking for tiles for a room like this. I believe it can be found somewhere in Minish cap but I'm not sure. If this is TRM's and he's not willing to share then could someone find something like it that I could use.

Also I'm still looking for MC chicken sprites.

Coding / {Question} I want my NPC to follow Link
« on: September 25, 2007, 10:40:46 pm »
I have an NPC that I want to follow Link's path, and I could do this by recording Link's position every few points if Link is moving and have the NPC go there. This is way more complicated than I would like it to be. Does anyone have suggestions for how this can be done?

Entertainment / What TP should've had...
« on: April 05, 2007, 12:21:47 am »
Personally I like the game Twilight Princess as a whole. Excellent for gamecube and even better for Wii. But I think the Wii version disappointed me because it was too much like the gamecube version. Don’t get me wrong, I loved using the Wiimote as a sword and the Nunchuk as a Shield but the engine really lacked.

Now let tell you my take on engines in game. You can have unbelievable graphics, innovative dungeons and a great story but still have a crappy game. Why? Simple, the game engine. This is the most important factor in the game. This is why none of my own games have gotten far, because my game engine was never good enough for me.

What would I have like to seen? Well lets use the Wiimote and Nunchuk for example. The manual of the book said to think of the Wiimote as your sword. But I stood there and slashed my sword vertically, Link would slash his horizontally; if I stabbed the Wiimote then Link would slash horizontally. I would’ve like to see more of the game doing what I told it to do. The Z-targeting in the game was good but too much like the previous versions. Instead of running forward and pressing A to do a jump attack, I think it should just make you jump towards the foe; then you could do your own slashing through the air. I also would’ve like to see the same style used for the shield. Personally I dislike how the shield was difficult to use in both TP and WW. I would’ve liked to point my shield in the direction I chose to block attacks. If there had been a mirror shield then this would’ve been helpful for redirecting light aswell (not saying that should’ve been in the game)

Off the topic of engines…the All the fights with Ganon were awesome but too easy, they needed improving. Actually the beast Ganon sucked, it was boring.

So what do you guys think? What could’ve improved TP?

Here is my project TLOZ:AO and I do actually have quite a bit more done than this.  I'm posting this here looking for an MC spriter for things MC doesn't have, like side jumping, rolling sideways, jump attack, etc.  Some of these things are already implemented with simply edited animations.

I also had a question that I might as well post here about sprites in GM6, sometimes, when I use a sprite as an animation, it will skip some of the images or skip the whole animation altogether.  Anyone know why?

I have a Word Document 3 pages full of storyline/ideas.  This game will be set as the prequel to OoT, and will happen years and years before it.  As this will be the first Link, their will be no legend telling of a green hero or anything like that.  Zelda is not set to make an appearence in my game, although this could change.

Well here is a test that took me about an hour, excluding the text engine which took me another two.
Keys are set up like Visual Boy Advance
L=A //L-Target
R=S //Action
A=X //Item
B=Z //Item
Start=Enter //Open Menu
Select=Shift //Info

You can roll, jump, target, switch item and get info on them (the items dont work), pull out your sword(bad animation) and probably more
The tiles are ZFGC style because I was trying them out.

Here it is: (Update with a few fixes)


Edit: I forgot to mention that this is in GM5.3 right now, but thats cause I'm on my buddys comp with my flash drive.

Coding / GM6 Help: Bounce effect
« on: November 29, 2006, 05:54:15 pm »
You know in games when you touch an enemy or an enemy touches you and there in a little bounce, well I need that effect.  I'm using Goodnight's movement engine if that helps anyone.  Thanks.


Everyone loves the endless number of puzzle found in the various zelda games.  You've got easy ones and hard ones, and ones that are not quite hard or easy.  If you dislike these puzzles then shame on you.

Sadly... not all puzzles can be completed more than once.  There are many in fact that you can only do once, and it annoys you to have to rerun the whole game to solve one blasted puzzle that you happened to like.  Then there are some of us (ahem...) that find these puzzles incredibly easy and beg for harder ones.

The solution?  Zelda Puzzle Collection.  Every puzzle you can think of plus more, in a fun way where you complete puzzles and win minigames.

So send me your puzzles/minigame ideas, whether they are official TLOZ game puzzles or just ones you made up.  I want some extremely difficult ones that god himself couldn't solve.

Progress begins now.


Discussion / GM6 and GM5 function questions...
« on: October 26, 2006, 12:50:12 am »
     I have been working with GM since GM6 now and decided the other day to download GM5.  Using a converter I converted a file from gm6 to gmd.  I used the same code (it didn't need any conversion changes) and when testing it, it did something completely different than what I wanted it too.
     So is this a problem with the converter or are functions do different things in GM6 than GM5?

Coding / {REQUEST}GM6-Fairy engine fix
« on: October 10, 2006, 04:49:31 am »
So I've been searching ZFGC for a good targeting system and found none that I really like so I used made my own with a few suggestions from one of the forums. It works fine but whenever the fairy is near Link it jumps arounds rapidly. I thought that I had fixed this already but it doesn't work. Can anyone fix this? (I can make an example if they don't get how its used)
if distance_to_object(objLtarget)>24{if distance_to_object(objLink)<1{
objLink.x + lengthdir_x(16, direction),
objLink.y + lengthdir_y(16, direction),
  }}else if distance_to_object(objLink)>48 or losetarget=true{

  if losetarget=false{
if distance_to_object(objLtarget)<24{
if distance_to_object(objLink)<8{
objLtarget.x + lengthdir_x(16, direction),
objLtarget.y - 8 + lengthdir_y(16, direction),

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