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Topics - SilverShadowX

Pages: [1]
Entertainment / Devil May Cry anime series!
« on: June 22, 2007, 05:35:18 pm »
I just caught the first episode of the series, and although it had horribley written subtitles it wasn't too hard to figure out what was going on. It also surprised me that Dante wasn't spurting out a bunch of cheesy lines here and there. That action was over the top too, with really cool gun and sword fighting and lots of demons and bloodshed and !@#$%! YARR!!!


The link above is the only place I could find the episode with the sub titles. You might be able to find it on youtube but I didn't have too much look with that.


This link has better subtitles but poorer video quality.


The second episode, not subbed though...


Here is the second episode with English subs. High quality and it's also with DivX.

Entertainment / I made a rant about emo kids today!
« on: February 28, 2007, 01:54:27 am »
Yeah, its mildly entertaining and it gave some practice with implementing subtitles.


So that's basically my view on emo, lol.

Entertainment / I've lost all faith in Link... *MAJOR TP SPOILERS!*
« on: February 12, 2007, 12:01:56 am »
Okay, first off I've beaten TP not too long ago and went absolutely ballistic over the ending. First off, Ganondorf dies standing up, that's just plain weird. More importantly, however, I'm angry at Link. HE GOES ON A HUGE JOURNEY, SLAYS COUNTLESS MONSTERS OF IMPOSSIBLE SIZE AND POWER, STRAINS HIS BRAIN ON PUZZLES, AND RUNS AROUND AS A GENERAL ERAND BOY FOR A PLETHORA OF PEOPLE AND AN IMP and after all that he saves not ONE PRINCESS, but TWO, and you know what he does? He lets one get away and doesn't even bother to try to get with Zelda! What kind of a hero is he? AND THEN HE GOES BACK TO ORDON? To be with that girl who loves Epona more than him? I DONT THINK SO! Link, I've lost all faith in you....

Then I beat the game again to see if I missed something. THERE IT WAS! Why did Midna say "See you later" ? Is it because Link is destined to fight his way back into the realm of twilight somehow? And then, is Link riding into Ordon, or is the crazy horse girl watching Link ride off away from the village as he goes on yet another journey to find a new way into the twilight realm? I dunno, but I like that idea better.

Link should definitely have stopped Midna from breaking the mirror and married her and then Ilia could have married Epona and Princess Zelda could have married Link too and the Yetti people could have renewed their vows and it would be a happy marriage ending and stuff! WHY COULDN'T IT BE THAT WAY? We may never know, maybe in a sequel...

Entertainment / Final Fantasy 12 rules!!!
« on: January 25, 2007, 12:48:34 am »
Yeah, so I only got so far in it so no spoilers please. Anyway, it's awesome, I like it a whole lot better than FF10 and it's pretty cool with the gambit system and all that. And for some damn reason I have a crush on Balthier but hell I really don't swing that way. He's just so damn awesome, quite possibly my favorite Final Fantasy character altogether just because of his wit, charm, and overall cool behavior. Also, Vaan doesn't seem as whiney as Tidus did, and he's all right (for being an annoying main character and all).

Entertainment / The History of Canada (Full of random fun)
« on: January 18, 2007, 10:35:18 pm »
I wrote this myself out of sheer boredom a while back. It has nothing to do with the actual history, and that's what makes it fun!



   One may say that Canada had, quite frankly, always existed since the beginning of the earth, and/or even the universe. You see, the same molecules that make up Canada today have theoretically been around forever, but what point in time does the massive number of molecules that reside in Canada today become Canada? We may never know. They could always have been Canada, or they could have never been Canada up until a few years ago, or they could have been Canada the moment that it was aptly named Canada. Which ever way you want to see it, Canada has been around for a long time. This is true, unless you’re the person who says it was only Canada a few years ago, then we might have some problems; I’m watching you!
   Now we will first talk about the first native inhabitants of this interesting land, the llama. The llamas migrated from South America from the modern day Andes Mountain Range. Thereafter, due to the cold climates and tough, rugged lands of the region of Canada, they evolved into the modern day moose. From here on, the moose (The correct form of the plural moose, my computer says so) were free to roam, explore, and eat anything they wanted in this new and vibrant land. This can be considered a paradise, for there was peace.
   The era of the reign of the moose lasted for thousands of years until a new species arrived on a land bridge that connected the American Continent to Russia. This species was called the humans. These people became the Native Americans and continued to migrate south, although some stayed in Canada. Still, these were nice humans, for they only killed five moose a day, unlike the mean type of humans that were yet to come…


   Years later when the land bridge had closed and the Native Americans had long forgotten of their original lands, the Chinese had a plan to sail out as far as they could. According to historical records, this was, in fact, earlier than Christopher Columbus. With them, they brought a revered object. The object was an egg, but not just any egg; it was an evil egg; an evil egg with something evil inside of it. Well, at least the moose believed it to be evil, for it was really just your average fifty-story high lizard that was soon to be named Godzilla by the Vikings.
   The Chinese stayed in Canada for a very long time (Really only seven and a half years) to learn the way of the moose and bring the moose culture back to their homelands. These years were very prosperous for the overall wellbeing of the moose. Chinese technology, such as the cheese grater, plunger, back scratcher, and gas station made life easier for the moose. When the Chinese set sail back for their homelands, they left the evil egg.
   It wasn’t long before the egg hatched, and out of it came Godzilla (As mentioned before). Godzilla ravaged the moose empire and destroyed all that was in his path. The moose had no hope what-so-ever, and soon Godzilla made his way to become supreme dictator of the entire country of Canada. If anyone defied him, Godzilla would just fry them and have moose burgers for dinner. No one dared to oppose: they all lived off rations, were forced to be equal, and America hated them. This was the earliest form of communism, and thusly the same nation that Karl Marx looked to in order to obtain information for his book, The Communist Manifesto, which would later be picked up by Vladimir Lenin and become the government of the former USSR. All that’s another story though, for a ray of light shined off the coast of Canada.


    The moose looked to the sea for years while under the rule of Godzilla, hoping that some day, some how, some way, that someone would come and defeat their oppressor. The Vikings unknowingly answered their call, as they had discovered this new land. The Viking leader, Eric the Red, and his right hand man, Billy the Blue, set off to explore deeper into this new land. Godzilla was the first to meet up with the Vikings. He gave them many gifts, like back scratchers and cheese wheels. The Vikings were glad and there was much rejoicing.
   This happy era went on for a month, or at least until it happened. The Vikings were, as usual, partying on like no tomorrow. There was much intoxication and confusion, if one wasn’t drunk, in fact, he was at least high; high on stilts (drunken people can’t balance on those things). So, anyway, Godzilla came in and accidentally fried Eric the Red’s left hand man, Gillard the Green, with his death lasers that he shoots out of his mouth. Eric the Red was furious! He took up arms against Godzilla, and this thusly provoked the Thirty-One Minute War. It was, in fact, the quickest war ever in the history of everything.
   In the first five minutes, a pact was made between the Vikings and the moose, and in the next 16 minutes, they prepared for war. Ten minutes later, there were no more Vikings, for Godzilla had eaten them all. However, this instigated a rebellion among the empire. The moose took up arms as the Vikings had, but instead, they used Godzilla’s one true weakness: Scottish Terriers.
   The moose quickly sent in the Scottish Terriers to profusely bite at the ankles of the great, monstrous lizard. Then, they followed up with a volley of coconuts that were launched from catapults! Godzilla never stood a chance. He then moved on to terrorize Tokyo instead. Canada was once again safe from giant lizards.


   The moose were still animals, and thusly did not need any form of government at all. Eventually, American refugees, Mexican refugees, French refugees, and so on made their way to Canada. They attempted to set up a government, but failed again and again. Eventually (as seen in exhibit one http://myspace-836.vo.llnwd.net/00670/63/87/670007836_l.gif), some of the moose followed a new evolutionary pattern and evolved into the modern day Canadian Lumberjack.
   With the aid of the Lumberjack, the refugees were then able to establish a government, one that was exactly like America. Thusly, this is the exact point in time when Canada became not only Canada, but America Junior. Why do most Americans hate Canadians? Canada’s exactly like an illegitimate child of America; an illegitimate child that was raised by moose and outlaws. So, as you can see, Canada is a brilliant place.


   One can only theorize the future of such a country. Eventually, the Canadians may revert back to there primal state and go on living the life of a moose. Well, at least before reverting back into their primal moose state they will probably splice insect genes into a variety of moose. This will create a super moose! A moose capable of withstanding a nuclear war! So when we all kill each other with nukes, the moose will live to see another day, a day of peace.
   Hundreds of years from now, Canada will be the capitol of the world. All humans would either abandon earth from the nuclear fallout or die in it. Moose will lead the simple life of galloping through meadows and eating flowers and trees. As you can see, Canada shares a vital role in the continuation of life on planet earth.


   Canada has given us many great things, like Vikings and Godzilla. Who knows what more it could possibly give us in the future! One things for certain, though, Canada is a very interesting country. 

Entertainment / Historical Fiction?
« on: January 05, 2007, 08:52:37 pm »
I have to read a historical fiction book for my term paper but I don't really know of any that would keep my interest. My problem is that I want something exciting based around true events (Take Metal Gear Solid 3's story line for example, it captured all the fears of nuclear war from the 60's yet had an extremely awesome sci-fi twist with giant robots and crap!). Basically, I'm open to all suggestions, but a few points in history are my favorites, like the time of samurai, ancient greece (Be careful not to submit mythology though... >_>), and actually, that's about it...

Any suggestions on what to read?

Entertainment / Wii controller causing injuries?
« on: December 14, 2006, 08:51:22 pm »

My grandmother said something about the Wii being dangerous and the controller detaching and hitting people in the eyes, so I looked it up and found some... interesting... articles. Apparently the Wii causes injury because you hurt the next day after swinging around the controller and crap. OMG! Ouch, I'm sore, boo hoo. The other way it causes injury is due to people flailing about and whacking stuff. Like the guy who hit his fiancee, lol, and he also it the dog while bowling. Now, my grandmother made it sound as if it was a design flaw by nintendo, but hell, in truth it's a design flaw in humanity. The flaw is called stupidity, and I believe that if a stupid person can't use a product right the company should file a lawsuit on them for being so stupid instead of the other way around.


The Dark Lord Ganon was resurected 100 years after the events of Ocarina of Time (timeline check by someone who's a little more familiar with the actual time line, I don't know if it interferes with other games). During his slumber his followers managed to amass a dark army in complete secrecy. No longer would a solitary hero be capable of slaying their master. The world would soon be enshrouded in the dark rule of Ganon, and all hope that good will prevail lies within Link (Another decendent of the original Link... >_>). However, as previously stated, he can't do it alone, so he is charged with the task to create an army of good to combat the army of evil. Everything hangs in the balance as Ganon threatens to obtain absolute power from the Triforce by using Princess Zelda as a gateway to the Triforce's power.

That's just the general story line for now.


The actual gameplay will be something close to that of Fire Emblems. Link will be able to utilize bombs, arrows, and his trusty sword merely by switching weapons on the attack screen. There will be a little bit of character customization, for instance, you can choose what jobs you want certain characters to perfom (Archer, Bandit, Warrior, Wizard, Ninja, etc.)

Shiekah Ninjas that attack with needles and chain whips
Goron berserkers that throw rocks and attack with hammers
Zora that can swim through water with ease
Hylian soldiers who are the basic footmen with spears
Gerudo Bandits
Kokiri magicians and Archers
Hyrule's calvary! Provided by the Lon Lon Ranch.
Chain Chomp (or whatever they're called!)! We need one of them...
Zelda Bosses as Boss characters! (a little redundent...)

Each character will have one of the Triforce's three affinities: Courage, Strength, and Wisdom (Not actual pieces of the triforce, but the general piece that they're personality relates to). They all have their strengths and weakenesses, and practically point the player in the direction that that they should develop that particular character in.

For example, a character who is tied to the wisdom affinity would make a great magician, strength would make for a good brawler with heavy weapons, and those with courage can remain calm in the heat of battle so that they may weild a bow with ease.

And that's all I can think of right now... what do you guys think?

Discussion / Generations of Chaos: Rebirth of the Pheonix
« on: November 19, 2006, 04:34:18 pm »
It's a tentative title, but I have the story line and gameplay mechanics all mapped out in my mind. The only problem is that I have absolutely no idea how to code or sprite. Anyway, here's the overview:

~Story Synopsis~

The game takes place far into the future where there was a recent (about 50 years ago) collapse of a super government that had united the entire world under one rule. It fell apart due to the "rebirth" of magic, for it could not combat the unknown threats that magical powers produced. So, in the time that the actual story takes place the world is in chaos. The most sovereign type of states exist as massive cities. People within the cities are basically cut off from most of the outside world because of all this. Oh yeah, and there's the remnants of the super government, called the Crimson Armada, and they're trying to reunite all the cities and stuff by "Join or be destroyed" tactics.

So anyway, onto the main character's story. His name is Geido and he was orphaned when he was really young. The soon-to-be leader of the city state, Sojuro, found him and realised his already uncanny ability to control flames. So, Sojuro trained him to be a warrior, a politician, and a gentleman. Then, something arises that screws everything up. They recover a downed Crimson Armada science vessel and in it there's a bunch of dead scientist, a peculiar sword, and an even more peculiar body of some weird creature. That's when the crazy crap starts to happen. So, Sojuro becomes demon possessed, and Geido does as well and follows Sojuro's every whim for he is the somewhat of the more powerful demon figurehead. So then Geido does a bunch of stuff that he will regret until some mystery person comes by, seals the demon, and gives him 3 days to train and utilize the power of the demon without losing his human consciousness in order to defeat Sojuro and continue to repent for what he had done.

And that's only the beginning, or it could just be the first chapter and one game altogether, I still don't know.

~Game Play~

I don't know exactly how to describe the mechanics. It will be played from a top down perspective, but it will also be actiony. I would want to compare it to DBZ: Adventures (or whatever the heck that gameboy game was called) but I really never played that game, just watched someone play it. There would be a bunch of flame oriented spells that you can assign to keys, and there will also be a bunch of weapons from swords to guns and everything in between. When you kill a guard, I want to be able to have Geido pick up his weapon and use it until it outlived it's usefulness where he can then toss it asside.


-Demon mode! w00t! A raging, destructive form that Geido takes on where he can utilize nearly unlimited ammounts of fire energy. However, the demon wihtin him cannot weild flames as expertly as himself, therefore there are a limited ammount of spells/fire attacks. However limited, though, they are effective, brutal, and strong. Part of the gameplay will be based around expertly chosing to switch between demon and Geido.

-Lots of weapons. I want to have Geido initially decked out with a sword and a high calibur pistol (one that's specifically designed so that he can use it in conjunction with his fire magic). From there he can pick up guns that guards drop, stuff that he just finds lying around (I want a flaming shovel, just for fun), and boss's weapons (Those he can permantly keep though, unlike the guards' weapons where you just toss them to the side after you're done with them).

-A good story line, one that is emersive and well thought out, and full of twists that leave for OMG moments.

-I would like to implement multiple characters, but that might have to wait depending upon whether that whole one scenario I wrote out is the whole game, or if it's just the beginning.

-The spells and abilities will be off the wall. I want to incorporate dead body possession into the game, where Geido can ressurect a dead soldier and use him to infiltrate bases and stuff (Geido's part necromancer, but he doesn't realise that until later on).

-There will be creative scenarios. For example, there's this one time where Geido will go completely demon and slay an entire city single handedly, with tanks, countless soldiers, and everyone trying to stop him. One massive power trip!

-Vehicles would be fun to mess around with, but right now they're not a big part of the gameplay mechanics I have in mind. If they're easy enough to implement it'd be awesome.

-I want to have epic battle scenes mixed in with close-quarters run throughs, so it has a little of everything.

And probably more that I can't come up with right now...

Wow, that's a lot. Feedback would be highly appreciated  ;) .  (Actually, I'm not really considering to even attempt to get a team together until I get enough feedback...)

Debates / *EDIT* Is Wii a better name then the Revolution.
« on: November 17, 2006, 09:25:43 pm »
Why did nintendo call their "Revolution" the Wii? I thought that Revolution was a darn good title for a system, and now every time I here Wii I cringe just a little. So, the question is

Should Nintendo have stuck with Revolution, or are they better off now that it's named the Wii?

First of all, I think Nintendo definitely made the right choice by changing their system name, but probably should have named it something else. The Revolution is just too big of title to completely justify Nintendo's ambitions. It's been tried, many times in the past, to make gaming a more interactive experience plus Sony even added motion sensing to their controller. So, "Revolution" would have made Nintendo seem like they're trying to pass off a somewhat used idea as a Revolution. However, I think that Wii is a little bit ridiculous. I can understand that the ease of the word appeals to little kids, and that big words often confuse people, but Wii? Everyone knows of all the jokes going around about the systems name, or, was that nintendo's plan? Did they intentionally name the system so that people would make jokes about it so that it would become more well known? WHAT IS NINTENDO THINKING!? We may never know.

My conclusion: Changing the name = Good Idea, Changing the name to Wii = Highly questionable

**** I edited the topic title since people were getting off track, I know, it's my fault, but I wasn't trying to ask about justification, jeeze, I was trying to ask if Wii was a better choice than Revolution*****

Entertainment / I am completely terrified of the PS3 now...
« on: November 13, 2006, 09:51:35 pm »
I just saw a commercial for the PS3 and it seriously scared the crap out of me. There was a robotic baby and it was looking at the PS3 and then it started to have coniptions and it's eyes started to flare and change colors. Its voice also deepend and it looked like it was melting. And then, it snapped back to the regular way and called the PS3 "Ma-ma." What is with this kind of advertisement? I don't know about any one else but that commercial is scary crap... 

I'm actually kind of scared of getting a PS3 now, if it's going to make me halucinate and make me call it mom...

Ah, found it on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqkNPcUMffU

Discussion / A mech game idea
« on: November 13, 2006, 01:45:35 am »
Okay, so I had this idea long while ago. It sort of occured to me while playing a game called Metal Warriors. It was a 2D sidescrolling mech game that rocked. You could exit your giant robot and hop into another. The problem was that being on foot was rather bland, and I think that it should be a more exciting aspect. What I came up with was a game that had similar physics and gameplay to Megamand Zero, but you could also hop into a mech and wreak havoc. The other important thing to note is that the giant robots shouldn't be completely invincible and that they should be able to be taken down by some one who's on foot with a few shots from a rocket launcher. Also, there should be some rather cool boss battles if it is to be any good. Like fighting while plummeting to the bottom a vertical shaft, those types of things are always fun. So yeah, that's my idea. Any improvements/takers?

Graphics / A drawing I made!!!
« on: November 13, 2006, 01:03:37 am »

I don't think it scanned too well, but either way that's what I drew. His name is Geido and he's tied into the whole big story thing that I'm trying to write. In fact, he's actually the main character throughout the final segment.

It's a huge epic story that spans out accross a past long forgotten and into a futuristic sci-fi kind of era. It's built around the idea that it could have really happened within this world, and it has an immense ammount of nuts and bolts that I already worked out. Anyway, I don't want to go too far into detail just yet so I'm just going to put an exerpt in this post. It's essentially the beginning of everything within the story.

Oh yeah, I'm also lacking a title, lol. It would be nice if you guys could give me a little constructive criticism here and there. I know I could word things a little better throughout the piece, but oh well, I got most of what I wanted down.

Odieg hobbled across the barren wasteland that was strewn out before him with his head hung low. The ground consisted mostly of bone-dry dirt and a few scraggly bushes here and there. When he looked up, he saw the horizon which was painted with a brilliant golden-orange that reminded him all too well of the recent battle. Such a brilliant color imprinted itself into his mind, and it was as if he could see it in the shining suits of armor that his allies had always worn with pride. The same armor that still encumbered him as he made his journey ever further into the emptiness. It was too soon to put the past behind him, but he knew there was no other way.
His so-called betrayal to the Gods had marked him for life, although he had done nothing against them. He had been cast out of his legion, the only thing that held true meaning in his life. There was nothing left in this world for him.
Odieg watched as the last strip of sunlight slowly sank into the ground. He felt the sword that rested on his shoulders grow heavier; his strength was leaving him. Tonight he would have to rest if he had any hope of continuing. With a steady heave, he swung his sword from his shoulders and thrust it into the ground. The blade caught the new moonlight in such a way that it gave off a gentle blue glow; a glow that clearly indicated that it was an enchanted weapon. His mind started to drift off to the day that he had first obtained such a blade.

It was his very first battle. He had been trained to fight wars throughout his entire life, and now was his chance to show what he had. Odieg was but one soldier among many while he stood in the frontlines with his spear in hand. His appearance was no different from any of theirs, but he had a divine power on his side. Odieg had always given worship to the Phoenix God known as Akaragi, and he had thusly been blessed with the very seal of Akaragi himself. His skills with fire magic were untouchable; that of a God???s. He was ready for the carnage that was coming.
Odieg grinned and looked out to the horizon. The enemy army was advancing towards their ranks. Among them a great figure stood out as he rode on an armored horse. The great general wore armor as dark as the night, and the sun created glittering stars within it. The most fierce aspect of him, however, was the massive sword that he held high over his head with his right arm. The blade of the sword was nearly as long as most men stand tall, and it was almost as wide as Odieg???s waste.
When his eyes met the sword that the black knight carried, they lit up in awe and lust. Something deep within him told him that this knight, the great general, was to be his opponent, and the prize would be non other his massive blade.
Suddenly, however, Odieg felt himself being pushed to the side as Meldon, his commanding officer, made his way to the frontlines.
???Oropheus shall die by my axe, and my axe alone!??? Meldon hollered as rushed to meet the dark warrior head on.
The two generals met each other long before the two armies had. Oropheus swung his massive sword at Meldon, and it met and stuck to the blade of Meldon???s great axe. Meldon pushed the blade of the dark knight back with a mighty shove of his weapon and swiped at the ankles of the armored horse his foe rode on. Oropheus fell to the ground with his horse, tumbled, and sprung to a standing position. The two combatants then proceeded to rush at each other head on once more. Their blades clashed, but Odieg lost sight of them as they were finally swallowed up by the two advancing armies.
He readied his spear and charged into the endless sea of the dark armor that lied before him. With each stab, swipe, and kick he expertly defeated opponent after opponent. Before long his comrades had been pushed back, and he was surrounded by the enemy.
???Just the way I like it,??? he thought to himself as his eyes flared.
There must have been at least eight enemy soldiers who had encircled him, but it mattered not. They raised their blades and all swung at what seemed to be the same time. Odieg rose his spear and caught four of their swords, and managed to twist into such a position that he dodged the others. He then proceeded to attack with a sweeping kick, tripping the foes that had locked their blades against the shaft of his spear.
It was now that he felt the Phoenix burn within him. He turned around to see the other half of the encirclement readying their blades once more. Odieg raised both his hands slightly as they were engulfed in a magical fire, and then clapped them together with a fierce force, resulting in a magnificent wall of fire that flew outwards and destroyed more than just the men that stood before him, but a good fifteen or twenty soldiers that remained behind them.
Surprisingly, the soldiers somehow managed to fill the gap with blinding speed and once again he was almost completely encircled. Odieg left out a low chuckle and thrust his palms into the earth at his feet. Fire rose from the ground and engulfed everything around him. Small bits of dirt and rocks flew upwards with the steady stream of fire and were incinerated, as were the soldiers who were unlucky enough to be caught directly in the blast radius. The force was so great that it fell soldiers who were even remotely near the great amount of fire. When Odieg finally let up, there was a huge hole in the enemy army that he stood at the center of.
The flames didn???t burn him because they couldn???t. Being an associate of Akaragi, he was bestowed an immunity to fire and heat. In his mind, he was near invincible.   
However, his moment of glory was short lived as the circle seemed to widen and invite two new combatants into it. Meldon and Oropheus continued to fight each other, and had coincidentally managed to work their way into new empty area that Odieg had created. Their ferocity was just as great, if not heightened from the time that Odieg had lost sight of them.
The enemy army watched as they continued to fight, but did not get involved. It was an odd scene to describe as Odieg stood among countless dead soldiers and live ones. They no longer seemed to have any interest in killing him, but rather in catching a glimpse of this legendary fight. He somehow managed to become a spectator among an audience that consisted mainly of his enemies. It made him question the hatred he truly had for these men, but he still managed to remain among them, as if he, himself, was one of them. The fight between two great men was all that mattered now, and Odieg watched on, strangely at ease even among men that wanted him dead.
That???s when he realized it, the truth of battles such as these. Those two men held the entire weight of the war. Whichever side won this small skirmish would no doubt win the battle, for it showed that the greater powers favored them.
His mind suddenly snapped back to watching the battle that was unfolding before him. Meldon was hunched over and looked worn out, yet Oropheus stood just as tall as ever. Something told him it wasn???t the end yet though.
???Damn you Oropheus! There is no way that you can win! I fight for the Gods!??? Meldon hollered at his silent, unmoving foe.
???Gods? I???ll have nothing of them! The Devils have always been supreme! Their power cannot be matched!???
It was the first time he truly heard the man in the black armor speak. His voice seemed to boom, and even struck fear into Odieg???s very soul.
???I suppose it is time to end this,??? Oropheus said as he readied his massive blade.
Before he even had a chance to move, however, Meldon put his right arm out and invoked the holy power of the Gods. In an instance a white aura flooded over him and he stood up straighter and more ready to fight.
???It ends here!??? Meldon yelled, and he attacked Oropheus with such speed that it seemed as if there were three of him. Amazingly Oropheus held up against the rapid onslaught by managing to make his sword meet his opponent???s axe every time. The dexterity involved in accomplishing such a feat made Oropheus seem inhuman to say the least.
After for what seemed like an eternity, Oropheus outstretched one arm and seemingly grabbed at nothingness. When Odieg looked closer his stomach lurched. Some how he managed to grab Meldon by the neck, right out of his high-speed frenzy.
???That was rather interesting. Too bad, though, it just wasn???t enough!??? The dark knight said.
The whole crowd froze. For all of them it meant absolute victory, for Odieg, however, it meant utter defeat. Or did it? A new thought crossed his mind as he was brought back to the beginning of the battle. Was it truly his destiny to slay Oropheus?
???This sword I have here was forged with both the powers of God and Demon alike! It makes me invincible! I can be slain by no mortal man!??? Oropheus??? voice was triumphant and thunder like. The crowd cheered around Odieg. This gave him the odd feeling of being in an arena; as if the whole battle was just an illusion.
His line of thought was broken, however, when he saw Oropheus thrust his sword into the ground with his one free hand. From it he seemed to draw out some sort of red and blue energy that formed into an irregular sphere in the palm of his hand.
???It- it can???t be,??? Meldon managed to say, as he slowly let go of his great axe that fell to the ground with a loud thud.
Oropheus didn???t even seem to acknowledge Meldon???s last words as he thrust the ball of magical energy into his opponent. In an instant red lightning shot through Meldon???s being and ripped his body to pieces, and what seemed like a blue flame outlining the body that was previously held in the killer???s hand was the only thing left.
???This flame is that fool???s very soul! He has been destroyed from the inside out! Such is the power of the almighty Hell Breaker!??? Oropheus preached to the crowd as he held the sword high.
The crowd cheered. Odieg thought for sure that their attention would almost immediately turn to him and that he would be slain in a matter of seconds if he was not careful. However, they didn???t seem to notice him at all. They all believed that the battle was over, and that they had to fight no more.
No one even seemed to acknowledge his presence when he stepped out into the circle and made his way to Oropheus. However, when he picked up the axe of his fallen comrade the entire world seemed to grow quiet. The silence was odd, but what he found even more fascinating was how light the axe felt in his grasp. Odieg had always admired Meldon for his extreme strength, and how easily he could maneuver and attack with such a massive weapon. Somehow it made him feel as if he had been cheated, as if Meldon really wasn???t all that strong, but in the end he caught himself overlooking the fact that he was probably just as strong as his idol, if not stronger. Akaragi had given him more than just the divine flame.
???What do you possibly hope to accomplish, soldier???? Oropheus??? voice boomed. It broke Odieg???s trance, and it also caused the immediate readying of arms all around him.
???At ease, this fool is mine!??? Oropheus told his men. Immediately they relaxed and watched on.
???Oropheus,??? he began, ???Meldon???s last words to me were rather interesting. He said that you shall be slain by his axe, and his axe alone. He never said anything about who wielded the axe.??? Odieg smiled a wide smile as the irony sunk in. The crowd however laughed and mocked him. They obviously weren???t aware or had forgotten of how he managed to dispatch a hundred of them beforehand.
???You think you can stand against me when your superior fell? You are a curious fellow, but nevertheless, a dead man!???
With that said  Oropheus raised his blade and seemingly flew at Odieg. With great force he brought his sword down upon him. Odieg, however, managed to meet the blade with Meldon???s axe, and in an instant he broke away and swung at his foe. The dark knight swiped at the axe with Hell Breaker, and it made Odieg recoil. The sword was now coming down upon him and he wouldn???t be able to swing the axe to meet it this time. Instead, he abandoned the axe by rolling to the right as the sword flew straight into the ground. It caught a few of the hairs on his head, which gave him a grim sense of how close he had truly come.
In an instant Odieg sprung up and jumped onto the blade, preventing his foe from lifting it with ease. From there leapt up and kicked the dark knight in the head. Oropheus hobbled a few steps backward and held his hand up to his helmet. Odieg landed, and without hesitation he summoned up a fireball and threw it into the chest of his opponent. Oropheus flew backwards and tumbled with sword in hand. He managed to stand up almost instantly, as if he was barely phased and rose his sword ready for more action.
???You fight too well to be just a mere soldier! What is your name???? His voice once again boomed, but this time Odieg felt no fear. It was a proud moment, like how a child overcomes his fear of thunder.
???My name is Odieg! And I shall make it famous by slaying you!??? He said with a wide smile.
Odieg took a few steps back so that the axe remained at his feet. Meldon???s last words came back to his mind once more. This axe really was going to be the death of Oropheus.
The dark general charged at him, his sword now enveloped in the same blue and red energy that had destroyed Meldon. Odieg summoned all the fire he could and concentrated all of it into a small orb around his fist. Oropheus was on top of him in an instant, and that was when he thrust his fist into his chest and released all of the energy he had built up. Flames shot through Oropheus??? chest and blood could bee seen flying outward and turning brown from the heat. The force was immense, and if he had not been wearing such heavy armor his body would have been ripped to shreds as he flew backwards once more.
His sword flew with him, and stuck itself into the ground at angle right next to where he lied down. Slowly, but surely he managed to get up to his knees, but that was where he remained. Odieg looked up, exhausted from the massive outburst of flame energy. After a few deep breaths, he straightened out and picked up Meldon???s axe. He walked towards Oropheus with no haste for his opponent was a dead man either way.
???Men aren???t supposed to have an immense power such as that! What are you???? Oropheus whispered.
Slowly, unbeknownst to Odieg, Oropheus was gathering more of that malicious energy from the sword for one last strike.
???I am a servant to Akaragi, the Phoenix God. He has bestowed these powers directly to my being, unlike yourself. You derive your powers from your weapon.???
???It doesn???t matter,??? Oropheus said, and without warning he swung his arm around from behind is back and shot Odieg with the red lightning.
Odieg felt it hit the side of his stomach. It began to tear apart violently, but instead it seemed to move up into his back. The red lightning shot out of his back and through his armor. Blood shot forth in a crimson wave. Strangely, it didn???t cause Odieg much discomfort.
???That was all? One final big attack with a magic such as that and you fail to truly rip me to shreds???? He said with a strong and unshaken voice as he raised the great axe high above his head. He swung downward and cut deep into the helmet of his enemy. Blood poured out from every crevice of the armor as the body went limp and sprawled out by his feet.
Odieg stood tall, and wore a triumphant smile upon his face as he turned towards the sword that he had fought against.
???A worthy prize indeed,??? he said to himself as he pulled it out of the earth and rested it across his shoulders while holding the handle with one hand. It was a double-edged sword, but it could not cut through his armor.
He then looked around at the crowd that surrounded him. They were terrified of him. It seemed as if they wanted to attack and destroy this being who had just torn through their leader, but they were too hesitant to run to their death.
Odieg smiled and raised his sword high as he rushed into their flanks. The enemy began to retreat and those who fought for the Gods had won once again.
Odieg had managed to truly show that he had the makings of hero, and for it he was made the new general. He was the supreme figure of the side of good.

???The side of good?????? Odieg  said aloud to himself as he sat by the small fire he had started, ???If only there was still a definite line that separated good and evil.???
He thought back to the events over the past seven years. His immense devotion to one god had won Akaragi most of the credit. Apparently this angered other supreme beings, even other gods themselves. Before long, it wasn???t just the Gods versus the Devils, but the Gods versus the Gods themselves. So many factions had arisen and there lacked the unity that they all once had. It made everything unstable, an instability that would eventually have led to his downfall.
Odieg sighed as he looked into the glowing blade of the sword. The recent events began to come to mind once more.


Thanks for reading it. Please post whats on your mind  ;D. I'm not afrad of constructive criticism.

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