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Topics - Mitsu

Pages: [1] 2 3
Entertainment / My Unfunny Self
« on: May 13, 2012, 03:01:49 am »
So I recently started making short comedy sketches.  Only have two so far and I don't think either one is terribly funny, but I'm having fun doing it at least.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMMnncGk_OE" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMMnncGk_OE</a>

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2olHUg7upk" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2olHUg7upk</a>

Graphics / Various Sprites and Stuff
« on: April 12, 2012, 10:16:19 pm »
Due to Minalien's project I've gotten back into pixel art so I figured I'd make a topic to house some of my work.

This is everything I've made for him so far.  Yea, the octorock was done pretty quickly and with little thought :P

I've got some other stuff I've been working on that I'll post shortly.

Discussion / Metroidvania Concept
« on: November 06, 2011, 03:23:40 am »

I've been playing around with a Metroidvania styled game concept for a while, though it originally started with the thought, "What would System Shock 2 be like if it was a 2d sidescroller?".  I figured that probably wouldn't be very good, so the idea eventually evolved into a more typical RPG type affair.


A simple sidescroller in a large dungeon with emphasis on exploration, much like any Metroidvania style game.  To make it more like System Shock 2, resources are very limited. 

Your character does not gain levels.  Instead, you find magical spots where you can choose to upgrade an attribute, however there will be more up-gradable attributes than there are spots and you can only choose one for each spot.

Weapons have their own levels.  These are gained by killing enemies.  Weapons also degrade over time and can break.  If you had a level 5 sword that broke, the next sword you got would be back at level 1 so it's important to keep your weapon in good condition.

I haven't thought much about what kinds of weapons would be available.  I know swords and bows/guns for sure, but I want to make sure that each weapon facilitates a different type of combat and isn't different in only how much damage is done.

Magic spells can only be leveled up at the upgrade spots, so if you want to play as a mage you would be forced to sacrifice other attributes such as strength or weapon proficiency.

The magic spells I'm considering at this point are basic damage spells such as fire, ice, bolt, and effect spells persuasion and sleep.  Persuasion and sleep are different in how they operate.  To determine if the spell succeeds or not, a die is cast.  For example, at level 1 you would have to roll a 5 or 6, and level 2 you'd have to roll 4, 5, or 6, and so on.


You play as Fitz, a low level gang member who has just been put in prison.  However, an unexplained supernatural force suddenly ravages the entire area, transforming the prison into a tree-like dungeon, setting all the prisoners free.

Specifics haven't been ironed out yet, but this sets up a dynamic between the enemies where the prisoners and guards are fighting each other, but both of them will fight the monsters spawned by the supernatural force.

Anyways, just some basic, extremely derivative ideas.

Graphics / Art Dump
« on: June 13, 2011, 03:52:30 pm »
Messin' with paint

My colour theory mid term project

Colour theory final project

Done for an art show at my college, didn't get in

Drawing 2 mid term project

Watercolour assignment we did in Drawing 2


Half assed Drawing 2 assignment...  I still like it...

My favourite project from Drawing 2

My Drawing 2 final project

It's a horse....

Drawing 2 dog assignment.  I absolutely hated drawing this

Graphics / WIP Sprite
« on: November 10, 2010, 12:50:30 am »
Looking for constructive criticism and suggestions and stuffs...

Recruitment / Looking for something to do...
« on: September 25, 2010, 09:45:59 pm »
I'm extremely bored and my college work is keeping me far from busy.  If anyone needs help designing characters or writing stories or scripts for projects I'd be more than happy to help.  I don't have any programming skills, however.

Graphics / Some drawings
« on: July 28, 2010, 01:57:10 pm »

I was tabletless for a really long time, now that I've got it back I'm trying to get used to it again...  C&C would be muchly appreciated.

Oh, and I suck at choosing colours... it's really hard...

Graphics / Commander Keen
« on: June 02, 2010, 10:52:33 pm »
I want to remake all the Commander Keen 1 levels, but my first try was a bit smaller than I want...

That's what I got done before I realized I wanted to make it bigger.  I kinda want some input to see if people like the direction I'm taking with some of the changes.

Here's the original

Entertainment / Finally have my first console.
« on: March 22, 2010, 10:14:38 pm »
I now no longer have to go over to friends' houses or depend on emulation!  YEESSSSSSSS!!!!!!

It's an old, fat PS2, but it works perfectly and I got FFX, FFXII, KH, and KH2.  I am very happy.

Entertainment / Game Overthinker
« on: March 12, 2010, 03:38:39 am »
.Taka made a topic 'bout these a while ago which got me to watching them.  There's around 30 videos now.  Does anyone still watch 'em?  I think they're fairly interesting.

Entertainment / Alice in Wonderland
« on: March 07, 2010, 01:34:18 am »
WARNING: Spoilers ahead

Okay, Alice in Wonderland. This movie... is a disaster, but I'll start with the good points. The CGI is good, the soundtrack is good, and the acting is good (except for Alice). Well, that's it for the good parts. The movie starts off with Alice's father telling her the best people are mad or something to that effect.  Her father's name is Charles, which I can't help but think was supposed to be some sort of weird allusion to Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, the author of the books. The movie then skips 13 years to a party where Alice is expected to accept the proposal of some idiot. This scene is particularly awful as almost everyone she meets is a parallel of some character in Wonderland (which, according to the movie, is supposed to be Underland). It gets better for a minute or so when Alice falls down the hole and goes through the whole door ordeal. Immediately afterwards however, it becomes very apparent that Wonderland is nothing like it should be and that the creators of the movie are very much in love with the poem Jabberwocky. The plot is more like a flimsy epic than a robust nonsense land. The fact that it has a plot at all is absurd because the book certainly doesn't have a plot, it's just a series of quirky events which Alice is shuffled through without ever having any control over the situation. All the good things I listed do not make up for the horrendous mess that this movie is. Shame on Disney, shame on Burton. Shame on whoever thought mixing the Red Queen and the Queen of Hearts together was a good idea, especially since the character turns out to be ONLY the Queen of Hearts with only the name of Red Queen tacked on.

I know this movie was never expected to be good (not by people with a brain at least...) but I still can't help but feel disappointed...  

Entertainment / The Vanishment of Haruhi Suzumiya
« on: February 14, 2010, 06:15:10 pm »
I just realized we didn't have a topic 'bout this yet...

I dunno if we have any members in Japan, but this has been in theatres there since the 6th... it looks pretty awesome.  It's about the same length as 8 episodes, so it makes up for the Endless Eight saga (for you crazy people who didn't like it...).

Graphics / Comic and Schtuff...
« on: January 07, 2010, 03:29:39 am »
A friend and I have started a "webcomic" here


He's going to be writing... so it's pretty much guaranteed to be lame... but I'll be doing most of the artwork it seems.

Entertainment / So... Kingdom Hearts
« on: October 05, 2009, 09:58:00 pm »
358/2 Days is out now...  I've got it... I've been playing it...

It's not all that good.

Now, granted, I'm not a big Kingdom Hearts fan anyways, but this game just isn't very good at all.  I gave it a decent chance (played to Day 132 or something like that) and it just didn't grow on me.

Entertainment / Poetry/Song Discussion and Analysis
« on: September 26, 2009, 10:20:02 pm »
I've wanted a topic like this for a while but didn't feel like making it myself, yay for lazy.

Anyways, just post the poem or lyrics and say what you think it means.  I'll kinda give an example with everyone's favourite metaphysical poet.

Song, by John Donne

Go and catch a falling star,
Get with child a mandrake root,
Tell me where all past years are,
Or who cleft the Devil's foot,
Teach me to hear mermaids singing,
Or to keep off envy's stinging,
And find
What wind
Serves to advance an honest mind.

If thou beest born to strange sights,
Things invisible to see,
Ride ten thousand days and nights,
Till age snow white hairs on thee,
Thou, when thou returns't wilt tell me
All strange wonders that befell me,
And swear
Lives a woman true, and fair.

Note: The mermaids are sirens

This is pretty easy to understand.  It's a somewhat cynical view on women.  All the things listed in the first stanza are impossibilities.  The second stanza is saying that even if you can find the answers to all these impossible queries, you will still not be able to find a true, fair woman.

Can't get much discussion outa that since it's so straightfoward, but I'm sure you know what I'm getting at.  I'ma gonna go ahead and post another one.

Human of the Year, by Regina Spektor


Calling a Karl Projectorinski
To the front, of the cathedral
You have won, dear sir
May I congratulate you first
Oh, what an honour

Human, human of the year and you won
Human, human of the year and you won

Why are you so scared
You stand there shaking in your pew
The icons are whispering to you
They're just old men
Like on the benches in the park
Except their balding spots are glistening with gold

Human, human of the year and you won
Human, human of the year and you won

Hallelujah... Hallelujah... Hallelujah... Hallelujah

Outside the cars are beeping
Out a song just in your honour
And though they do not know it
All mankind are now your brothers

And thus the cathedral has spoken
Wishing well to all our sinners
And with a sigh grew silent
'Till next year's big human winner

Outside the cars are beeping
Out a song just in your honour
And though they do not know it
All mankind are now your brothers
All mankind are now your brothers...

Hallelujah... Hallelujah... Hallelujah... Hallelujah

Calling a Karl Projectorinski
To the front, of the cathedral
You have won

Note: Icons are artistic representations of Christian saints, or Christ.  I usually associate icons with crucifixes or the Passion of the Christ shown in Catholic churches.

I have a few ideas about this, but none of them seem to work with the entire song.  My first inclination was the the Human of the Year was the ultimate sinner (it's human nature to sin, therefore the most human person is the one who has sinned the most).  That would explain why this man looks scared in the second verse and apparently is intimidated by the images of the saints with their golden heads (halos).  I don't think this quite fits with the middle of the song, specifically "And though they do not know it/ All mankind are now your brothers"  My second idea was the instead of the ultimate sinner, this man has just been saved.  This makes more sense with the car and brother parts.  Unfortunately, if he is a newly saved man, it doesn't make sense that he's scared.

Eh, that's all I've got on that, I'd love for someone to enlighten me.

Entertainment / Good PSone Games
« on: July 21, 2009, 09:56:46 pm »
My new best friend is giving me his Playstation, so I kinda wanna know which games are the best to get.  After looking at a few Best Of lists and from what I've already played, I know I wanna get...

Metal Gear Solid
Final Fantasy 9
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Threads of Fate
Vagrant Story
Alundra (haven't played this one, but many descriptions said it was Zelda-like)
Legend of Mana

I really like RPGs (FF9 is the only Final Fantasy for PS1 I'm interested in) and sidescrollers, or platformers.  I don't care for fighters much, except for Street Fighter and Guilty Gear.  I like FPS games, but I've always played them on my computer, and I'm concerned about the awkwardousity of using a gamepad.

Graphics / Another Mitsu...
« on: March 01, 2009, 04:53:10 pm »

I finally started using my SureFall account.  Once I get Photoshop or something I'm going to re-do this one and colour and shade it of course.  Expect more soon.

Entertainment / Mirror's Edge 2d
« on: February 27, 2009, 01:32:39 am »

If you like Mirror's Edge, you might like this.

Entertainment / Old TMBG promo for Apollo 18
« on: January 13, 2009, 11:51:46 pm »
Random YouTube search yields seven minutes of entertainment.

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biwkHJcxkIg" target="_blank">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biwkHJcxkIg</a>

I'm glad I have most of this album.

Graphics / Quick Pixel-work
« on: October 12, 2008, 02:48:44 pm »

It's a mash-up of Ashitaka(from Princess Mononoke) and my character, Mitsu.  Not quite done, but I got lazy.

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