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Feedback / Community Speak is hating on me
« on: June 10, 2009, 04:48:28 pm »

I get this when I try to go to community speak. Anyone else have this problem? It's only CS too.

Entertainment / Call of Duty 5 Servers
« on: January 15, 2009, 03:35:29 am »
I'm so alone :(. You see, me and my friends decided to make a small clan, and make some servers for us to play on. We've done that much, but we aren't doing so well at getting people to play on our servers :'(. Part of that is probably lack of people to tell about them. So I am here today to give the IPs to the servers, so that maybe we won't be so lonely 8).

But seriously, we have two servers at the moment, both based inside the homes of our clan members, and we want people to play on them. So if you have the game why don't you join us sometime. Preferably sometime while others are one so that you don't get ridiculously bored and leave. One is a Search and Destroy server, and another is a Free-for-All PowerLevel server. At some point we might set up some more as well.

Here are the IP addresses;

FFA (PowerLevel):

Hopefully I'll see some of you around there.

I hope this doesn't this count as advertising

Feedback / Logging in on site pages
« on: December 23, 2008, 07:52:56 pm »
So, whenever I try to log onto zfgc from any of the site pages I'm unable to. Only on forum related pages. Anyway you could go about fixing this, please?

Audio / Zelda's Lullaby mp3
« on: August 14, 2008, 02:21:45 am »

Yeah, so, I 'obtained' FLStudio XXL and started messing around with it. Ended up making Zelda's Lullaby in it. So what do you think of it? Is it good, okay, or does it suck entirely?

Entertainment / Valve Complete Pack?
« on: April 18, 2008, 10:51:13 pm »
So, my birthday is coming close and I was trying to think of something to tell my parents to get me for my birthday, and I stumbled upon the Valve Complete Pack and was wondering if I should ask for it. It only costs about $100 and I can buy it off of Steam, and the games all look like they would be fun, other people have said they are, and I really need to get some new games to play. It seems like a good idea to get it, but then again I don't really know, so I'm asking for your opinions on it.

My questions are this basically:
1_Should I get Valve Complete Pack?
2_Should I get it off of steam, or try to find it in a store if that is even possible?
3_What is its total cost including tax?

Other Discussion / Um... I have something to say...
« on: February 25, 2007, 04:18:19 am »
I have noticed that a lot of you seem to have something against .Takam ... and I don't completely blame you... because he seems to be being a bit of a hypocrite here... at least compared to what he thought about mods doing whatever they want to you on Sep 8 2004 @ 03:19 AMGMT? and I sorta want to know why he thought that a mod shouldn't be able to just disrespect him, yet he disrespected other members as a mod. He basically acted like the mods did towards him, and I mean from both the chat and the topic. Even now that he has been de-modded I have seen him do that too at least once.

My main thoughts on this was that if he didn't think that he was overreacting in his topic then he shouldn't blame other people for overreacting themselves, and he should not treat other members in a way he does/did not wish to be treated.

And before I post this, I found this out here: http://z4.invisionfree.com/ocarina/index.php?showtopic=20131&view=getnewpost

[off-topic]i need to find a good spell checker...[/off-topic]

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