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Topics - Benito

Pages: [1]
Entertainment / Zelda Themed Wii-mote addon
« on: August 07, 2007, 01:06:53 pm »

Zelda Wii Hero Pack.

I found this while browsing and I couldn't think what else I should do with the link other than to post it here on a Zelda themed board obviously, but anyway I found it reasonably quirky and it made me laugh as a fan of Zelda hehe.


Graphics Requests/Archive / [Solved] Nice big photo of a GB colour
« on: June 25, 2007, 03:29:58 pm »
Solved thanks to Chaotic_Death

Like with the DS photo I've seen about with people putting screenshots of their own games and whatnot I'd like a suitable gameboy colour photo that it would be possible to do the same with, also it must be on a white background, having a small shadow from the GB is fine mind you.

I have looked on google but so far they have all been a really nasty resolution and/or they are on a poor background, mostly both.

Thanks :).

Coding / PHP: Image Editing
« on: March 15, 2007, 10:06:07 pm »
I have looked into making images/editing images using PHP and found out about the GD libraries and I still cant find much help in the area I wanted it in.

I need to know how to display a row of same size images (like tiles) each named 1.png to 10.png, so I'd    imagine there was some way of opening an image and pasting it into a part of the created image at a certain x and y coordinate?

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks :)


Would I have to use a loop and use these always:
Code: [Select]
$img ImageCreate(480,48) or die ("Cannot Create image");
$count 1;
while ($count <= 10)
$tile imagecreatefrompng(&#39;images/&#39;.$count.&#39;.png&#39;);
imagefilledrectangle($img, (($count-1)*48), 0, ((($count-1)*48)+48), 48IMG_COLOR_TILED);
header("Content-type: image/png");

I'm not even sure if you can do that.. but just an idea I cant try it right now as I'm going very soon.

Coding / Help! Can you stop TimeStamp during update?
« on: February 25, 2007, 08:51:08 am »
When Updating a record is there any way to stop a timestamp field from changing, I want it to keep the time from the creation not each update...


Graphics / Advice needed! (FINISHED)
« on: February 17, 2007, 08:04:33 pm »
I needed advice on stone work (see bellow). But messed around with it a lot and came out with this:

Think its done.


Well I've had a huge break from doing any isometric pixel art apart from one piece anyway and during this break I got bored of the style I use.. its far too cartoony.

I studied some photos etc and decided that tonight I'd try out a new style, heres what i have so far:

Now I'm happy with the wood, with the tiles on the small bit of roof and with the texture of the walls. I just cant get the stone looking right, not sure what to do with it really, the current stone on there is 1/2 finished but isn't really going anywhere, and yeah the lineart was unfinished theres a good load of the building to come.

Any advice from some of the great pixel artist here would be very much appreciated. Thanks. I'm going now though so I'll check back tomorrow, hope I get some replies hehe.

Coding / Zelda Ocarina Engine NEW!
« on: November 11, 2006, 06:13:10 pm »
Zelda Ocarina Engine

^Just Playing Away^

^Just played Song of Time^

^Learning Song.^

^Playing a song in a "Special" location.^

Rating: Advanced
Size: 1,209 KB
Extensions: Text Blitter - included
Credit: Benito, Chaotic Death - HUD and notes, Faceless - Ocarina Icon.
For: Multimedia Fusion Only (includes .exe)

-- Download (ZIP) --
-- PM Me --

Author's Comments
This is a re-make of an engine I made a long time ago, it was posted here on ZFGN when I first made it and people seemed to like it, this new version includes learning new songs and also it has none of the problems the original had. Includes all the songs from Ocarina of Time :D.

Please note non MMF users, the .zip includes a .exe of the engine in action, please comment on it :)

Graphics / [request-ish] GB zelda questions
« on: June 22, 2006, 01:13:38 pm »
Well I noticed that there is no set palette for Link? or am I wrong.

I am looking at the OoS/OoA games here and I notice that in the start link isn't the same colours as most of the sheets I have found.

Is this because his palette changes or just because the Oracle games use a different colour system to the Link in the DX links awakening? if this is so can I get a full sheet of the oracle Link or something?


Coding / [MMF] Zelda Tutorial Multipack I
« on: June 02, 2006, 01:41:53 am »
Zelda Tutorial Multipack I

Rating: Fairly simple
Size: 632 KB
Extensions: All included.
Credit: Benito
For: Multimedia Fusion Only (includes .exe)

-- Download (ZIP) --
-- PM me --

Author's Comments:
This is a collection of my smaller tutorials/engines made mostly for other people or just to test out ideas I've had. But then they are too small to release on their own so here they are all together!

Fairy Particle Effect
Originaly made for Zorafan and his game Blade of Light it shows how you can have a magic dust type trail effect with your fairy, this example also includes a shadow for the fairy.

Random Drops
Made for Zamp, this shows how you can make bushes or any other object randomly drop objects when they get destroyed, also how to make it so a particular bush or badguy allways has a set item underneath, another thing I added is that some items are more or less likely to come up than others.

Zelda LTTP Style Map
Made as a test more than anything, just something quick, I know its not exact and it dosent have the zoomed out view but still it can be used for something im sure.

Chain Link
Made as a test again, could be used for a hookshot also. Shows you how to add a chain like effect, some zelda bosses use it and the hookshot as mentioned.

Please note non MMF users, the .zip includes a .exe of the engine in action, please comment on it :)

Thanks to Solly for hosting this for me on Frider Waves :).

Feedback / I can see things I'm not supposed to
« on: May 06, 2006, 07:33:46 pm »
Just thought you should know that while using the Dark theme I can see "Warnings:" in peoples posts above the online or not image. I'm pretty sure thats not something I'm supposed to be able to see.

Audio / Request: GB zelda SFX
« on: April 22, 2006, 05:34:00 pm »
I need the sword swing and spin sound effects please.

Thanks :)

I don't need them anymore as I'm just going to use lttp sfx, but if someone has GB sfx can they upload them somewhere as I'm sure someone will need them.

OoA/S & LA / [Solved] A little GBC help with sprite positioning
« on: April 21, 2006, 10:47:30 pm »
I have been asked for help by a friend who I am teaching to make games a little and he wants to use GBC zelda graphics, I need to know  the correct animations for using the sword in everyway and how they would be possitioned frame by frame, the sheets I have are imprecise about this, could someone get me a sheet where link is in 32x32 size boxes for each frame or 24x24, whatever works best really so I can get it looking right, thanks :D.

Link sheet:

From Shyguy Kingdom

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