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Topics - Beta Link

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Zelda Projects / [Demo] TloZ: Island of Dreams (Updated May 15, 2008)
« on: March 02, 2008, 03:59:00 am »
The Legend of Zelda: Island of Dreams by Beta Link
I remember making a thread for this ages ago... But I'm posting another one to prevent breaking grave-digging rules.  :P

Anyway, for those of you who don't know, Island of Dreams is my Link's Awakening remake. It is being made in the latest Zelda Classic 2.5 build, which is constantly being updated, so it'll always be the latest build  ;) I have a bunch of screenshots to show off, and a demo!

None of those are actually from the demo itself, but thay are all included in the demo.  ;) And yes, I realize that a tree in the second shot is messed up.

And speaking of demos- IoD Demo 2 That demo includes everything through the first dungeon. But after that, is still being worked on.

There are a ton of credits, but I'm too tired to list all of them... But off the top of my head, I can name a few people...

Radien- Tileset
Joe_Dirt- Title Screen background
Joe_123- Most of the ZScripting
Moonwhisper- Support

I don't have a support banner yet... And I wasn't really planning on making one, but whatever. :-\

One more thing I feel I should mention- The story is not exactly the same as it was in LA/DX. There are some alterations. Specifically, the Wind Fish is now the Ocean King (from Phantom Hourglass), and there is an "Oracle of Dreams" Involved. ;) I also have figured out where in the Zelda Timeline I think it goes... LttP -> OoS/A -> LA/DX  :P

Audio / [request] Doctor Who sfx
« on: September 13, 2007, 05:45:59 pm »
I am in need of several sounds from Doctor Who. First of all, I need the sound of the TARDIS taking off and landing. Second, I need a sound for the Sonic Screwdriver. Third, I need the Dalek "Exterminate!" sound. I can't think of any other sounds I need at the moment. All of those sounds should be in .wav format, and in mono, not stereo. Thanks in advance. :)

Edit - I got the TARDIS sounds, so now, I just need the Sonic Screwdriver sound, and the Dalek voice.

Edit 2 - I managed to get both other sounds... I guess I should have tried harder to look for the sounds.

Audio / [WIP] Doctor Who 1963-66 midi
« on: August 28, 2007, 04:05:02 am »
Lately, I've been looking on the internet for a midi of the original Doctor Who theme from 1963. The only one I've been able to find had only 3 tracks, all whose instruments were horribly chosen, and was made on a Commodore Amiga like, 15 years ago.  ::) To remedy this, I am working on a new midi. It is being made on a Windows 98, not an Amiga, and it will have at least 5 tracks.

DW 1963 version 0.4 here

Full version of the 1963 "Derbyshire" Theme here

Graphics Requests/Archive / [Solved] Doctor Who tiles
« on: June 16, 2007, 04:20:57 am »
In case you didn't see my topic in Indie Project Development, I'm working on a Doctor Who game and I need a heck of alot of graphics. What I need at the moment is graphics for the TARDIS, a Dalek, and the Doctor.


There's one of the TARDIS and a Dalek. The Dalek is the robot. The TARDIS is the blue box. I'd like the TARDIS to be 40 pixels high plus the siren, and 32 pixels long. The Dalek, I want 32 pixels high and 24 pixels long.


Then there's the Doctor. I'd like him to be 32 pixels high and 24 pixels long.

Thanks alot!  :)

Edit: Oh, one thing I forgot to mention, these should be able to fit in a 16 color palette. Thanks again!!! :)

Discussion / [Pre] Doctor Who (working title)
« on: June 16, 2007, 04:02:35 am »
I'm making a Doctor Who game based on the Doctors second adventure (called "Daleks") It will not, however, have the first doctor. It will have the fourth doctor, Sarah Jane, and K-9. This may sound kind of dumb and un-conventional, but I am using Zelda Classic to make the game. I don't really like using Game Maker and RPG Maker. Besides, there are already plenty of Zelda Classic games not based on Zelda. I don't have alot of graphics for the game so far. I have basic tiles for buildings, roads, grass, and even cars, though I won't need them. My current graphic requests are in Project Develpment.

Oh, yeah, here are the logo tiles I made for the title screen,

Zelda Projects / [WIP] LoZ: Island of Dreams
« on: April 10, 2007, 12:54:54 am »
I don't have any support banner yet, but I am working on a game in Zelda Classic called LoZ: Island of Dreams. Don't think that just because it's a ZC project, it has to be horrible. 'Cause I think it's coming along fairly well. If you go to Purezc at all, you might have heard of "Link's Awakening ZC". It's the same as this. But problems arose, and I had to restart. So I changed its name as well as the tileset. It is being made in ZC 2.11 beta 12d using the Dance of Rememberance tileset.
Here are some screenshots

^ Old ^

^ Old ^

^*New*^ 4/30/07

Support Banner:

I know it's not much, but I don't really want to make a big deal out of making a support banner.
staff (that includes bugtesters, people who help me with graphics etc.) includes:

-Moonwhisper from Purezc
-Video Game Kraz from Purezc (We haven't spoken in a while... I wonder what ever happeneed to him...)

If you would like to help out with anything, please let me know. :)

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