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Topics - Rukiri

Pages: [1] 2 3
Coding / Polycode
« on: May 08, 2012, 07:15:30 pm »

Abstracted engine core can be easily ported to any device or operating system.
Abstracted renderer (currently implemented via OpenGL).
Abstracted shader system (currently GLSL and Cg support).


Hardware accelerated 2D and 3D graphics.
2D graphics simplified and separated from 3D.
Entity-based hierarchy for grouping and inheriting objects.
TrueType and OpenType font rendering in 2D and 3D.
Basic 2D shapes and 3D primitives.
Shader-based material system for texturing and post-processing.
Support for many modern 3D renderer features such as realtime shadows.

Effects and Animation

2D and 3D Particle Systems.
Full skeletal animation support.
2D sprite sheet animation support.
Easy to use tweening classes.
Bezier path tweening.

PNG image support.
Custom file format for 3D meshes and scenes.
Import tool for 3D assets supports COLLADA and many other formats.
Material definiton file for easy material management.

Lua Scripting

Standalone Lua API mirroring C++ API.
Simple Lua class system with inheritance support.
Custom app format and standalone player.
Custom tools to build apps for different platforms without compiler.

OGG and WAV file support.
Easy to use 2D and 3D positional sound support.

Other features

Full Unicode support and custom Unicode-friendly String class.
Resource management and archived resource loading.
Dictionary object system for easy writing and loading data in XML and JSON files.
Config system for easy configuration management.

Additional modules

3D Physics and collision integration (via Bullet).
2D Physics and collision intergration (via Box2D).
Themeable UI.
Kinect (via freenect).

Features currently in development

iOS Port.
2D and 3D editor tools.
Standalone IDE for Lua development.
Browser plugin.

Discussion / Going to Blitzmax from Game Maker?
« on: August 07, 2011, 09:47:52 pm »
I think I've taken my games as far as I can with Game Maker, while it's a great tool it does take awhile to load even with external resources and it being slow at times was really pushing me away from it.
So, I've been looking at going to Blitzmax and yes I would have to relearn some things and obviously how to use tile-maps as well game maker's is built right into it so there's no thought when making your maps.

Would anyone suggest blitzmax coming from game maker, or PureBasic/PlayBasic by any chance?  I hear Basic is a great language to use for 2D and 2.5D games which is basically all I'm going to do do.
I could go into C++/SDL but I personally don't have the time for it, would like to though :P

Coding / [GM8] RPG Maker Function Engine
« on: October 30, 2010, 03:09:16 am »
This is an engine I've been working on for a little while right now I'm mostly focusing on movement as all movement is used by 1 script which simplifies things and makes everybodies life a whole lot easier.

Current Features:
- 4_way Tile Movement (Trying to add 8 way(check the discussion topic)) but having problems)
- RMVX Menu
- alpha. 0.3 RPG Maker VX Tenkai Battle System (Game maker Port)
- Rukiri's RPG Actor Script Ver. 1.1
- RPG Maker VX map settings, basically there's only 1 setting can_pass or cant_pass. O or X.
- RPG Maker tint screen
- RPG Maker flash screen
- Rpg Maker flash sprite
- RPG Maker Show Dialog (supports names, faces, colored dialog, and end message pointers)

Upcoming features:
- 8_way Tile Movement
- Chrono Trigger Menu
- Original Battle system/side view
- Animated title
- RPG Maker Window object, like RM you can set the width/height of a window for message boxes, menus etc. Great practice for rectangle based menu's/dialogs edit.
- Final Fantasy IX Message_Window style

This "engine" is supposed to be nothing more than a "function" engine, basically it's RPG Maker VX except the fact it's made in Game Maker.

Help would be appreciated and this would be nice having around!

Coding / [GM8]Tile-Movement: Read the topic
« on: October 29, 2010, 03:08:51 pm »
This script is to replicate RPG Makers set-move-route, it does it perfectly, the only problem is.. it won't do diagonals, yes you would need to remove the "exit" command but than you got timing issues.
Hopefully someone can help

Here's my diagonal moving code, and my RPG Maker like Move_step script.
Code: [Select]
// move diagonally
   if dir_8=true
    if keyboard_check(vk_down) && keyboard_check(vk_left)
       motion_set(point_direction(0, 0, -tile_x, tile_y), point_distance(0, 0, tile_x, tile_y) / movesteps);
    if keyboard_check(vk_down) && keyboard_check(vk_right)
       motion_set(point_direction(0, 0, tile_x, tile_y), point_distance(0, 0, tile_x, tile_y) / movesteps);
    if keyboard_check(vk_up) && keyboard_check(vk_left)
       motion_set(point_direction(0, 0, -tile_x, -tile_y), point_distance(0, 0, tile_x, tile_y) / movesteps);
    if keyboard_check(vk_up) && keyboard_check(vk_right)
       motion_set(point_direction(0, 0, tile_x, -tile_y), point_distance(0, 0, tile_x, tile_y) / movesteps);
    if keyboard_check(vk_down) && keyboard_check(vk_up) { moving=0; motion_set(0,0); }
    if keyboard_check(vk_left) && keyboard_check(vk_right) { moving=0; motion_set(0,0); }
   if dir_8=false
    // stop ilregular movement ( if diagonal movement is needed this is the area to add it )
    if keyboard_check(vk_down) && keyboard_check(vk_up) { moving=0; motion_set(0,0); }
    if keyboard_check(vk_left) && keyboard_check(vk_right) { moving=0; motion_set(0,0); }
    if keyboard_check(vk_left) && keyboard_check(vk_down) { moving=0; motion_set(0,0); }
    if keyboard_check(vk_left) && keyboard_check(vk_up) { moving=0; motion_set(0,0); }
    if keyboard_check(vk_right) && keyboard_check(vk_down) { moving=0; motion_set(0,0); }
    if keyboard_check(vk_right) && keyboard_check(vk_up) { moving=0; motion_set(0,0); }

RM like move_step.

Create event, should be in every object you make.
Code: [Select]
   move_speed = 4;
    tile_size_x = 32;
    tile_size_y = 32;
    tile_x = x / tile_size_x;
    tile_y = y / tile_size_y;
Step event, just place in before or after step.
Code: [Select]
if (tile_x * tile_size_x > x) { x += move_speed; exit; }
    else if (tile_x * tile_size_x < x) { x -= move_speed; exit; }
    else if (tile_y * tile_size_y > y) { y += move_speed; exit; }
    else if (tile_y * tile_size_y < y) { y -= move_speed; exit; }
Actual scrip:
Code: [Select]
// Moves the character based on tile position in direction argument0
    // This set of conditionals is strictly for Movement!
    move_up = 1
        move_down = 2
        move_left = 3
        move_right = 4
    // example, scr_move_step(1,5) will move up 5 tiles.
    if (move_up = argument0) { if (!place_meeting(tile_x *tile_size_x, (tile_y - 1) * tile_size_y, obj_wall)) tile_y -= argument1; }
    else if (move_down = argument0) { if (!place_meeting(tile_x * 32, (tile_y + 1) * tile_size_y, obj_wall)) tile_y += argument1; }
    else if (move_left = argument0) { if (!place_meeting((tile_x - 1) * tile_size_x, tile_y * tile_size_y, obj_wall)) tile_x -= argument1; }
    else if (move_right = argument0) { if (!place_meeting((tile_x + 1) * tile_size_x, tile_y * 32, obj_wall)) tile_x += argument1; }

Basically once you can move in all 8 directions with this script, it's pretty easy to just use it for movement(and save a ton of time)

the script works like this.
First argument is direction, the second argument is how many tiles are you going to move. For actual players you're only going to use 1 as you're going to be using keyboard checks, but for cut scenes you won't have to. But you're going to have time issues with out exit.  hopefully someone can help as this could be a really useful script.


Here's a demo if it helps.

Really need this for my engine, literally.. almost have everything done(you're only going to find movement here) don't both with obj_player and just worry about the contents of object6.

This script if someone can actually get 8-dir working on this without either moving exit or making it so tile_x or tile_y doesn't add rapidly when holding down the key, it should only add when it's on a new tile. Or stop on the current or next tile.
For 4-way this is done as is, I just can't get 8-dir working.  And I don't want to go back to really long(100+) for just getting directions, movement etc. This makes everything simpler and I don't have to code just use the script.

Coding / [Request] Diagonal Grid movement
« on: May 28, 2010, 09:51:55 am »
This is a pretty common problem from what I'm reading, it's generally easy creating 8-dir movement without the grid but I'm creating an engine that requires the player and npcs to be on it but still able to move diagonally.

To really keep this short and simple here's the code.

Create Event:
Code: [Select]
// RPG Maker VX Movement setup

tile_x = 32;
tile_y = 32;
dir = "d";
movespeed = 4;
tile_solid = false;
moving = 0;
image_speed = 0.3;

Step Event:
Code: [Select]
if place_snapped(tile_x,tile_y)
   // get the direction
   if keyboard_check(vk_down) { dir="d"; }
   else if keyboard_check(vk_left) { dir="l"; }
   else if keyboard_check(vk_right) { dir="r"; }
   else if keyboard_check(vk_up) { dir="u"; }
   // move/stop the character
   if keyboard_check(vk_down) { moving=1; motion_set(270,movespeed); }
   if keyboard_check(vk_left) { moving=1;  motion_set(180,movespeed); }
   if keyboard_check(vk_right) { moving=1;  motion_set(0,movespeed); }
   if keyboard_check(vk_up) { moving=1;  motion_set(90,movespeed); }
   if keyboard_check(vk_nokey) { moving=0; motion_set(0,0); }   
   // stop ilregular movement ( if diagonal movement is needed this is the area to add it )
   if keyboard_check(vk_down) && keyboard_check(vk_up) { moving=0; motion_set(0,0); }
   if keyboard_check(vk_left) && keyboard_check(vk_right) { moving=0; motion_set(0,0); }
   if keyboard_check(vk_left) && keyboard_check(vk_down) { moving=0; motion_set(0,0); }
   if keyboard_check(vk_left) && keyboard_check(vk_up) { moving=0; motion_set(0,0); }
   if keyboard_check(vk_right) && keyboard_check(vk_down) { moving=0; motion_set(0,0); }
   if keyboard_check(vk_right) && keyboard_check(vk_up) { moving=0; motion_set(0,0); }
   // check for collisions
   // control the sprites. Since VX uses 2 walk frames (walk,stand,walk) it's easier to just switch back and forth
   if moving = 1
     if dir="d"
       sprite_index = spr_player_d;
     else if dir = "l"
       sprite_index = spr_player_l;
     else if dir = "r"
       sprite_index = spr_player_r;
     else if dir = "u"
       sprite_index = spr_player_u;
   else { image_index = 1; }

Discussion / Multimedia Fusion 2 (Yes I know it can use lua...)
« on: November 25, 2009, 07:25:48 am »
Okay, I got some money to blow and I've used this in the past and thought it was pretty good. But how far can it go, and what are it's limits.

1 limit is programming but that was fixed recently with Lua(something GM should switch to)

I can create movement and running without any problems, hud should be easy. It's the RPG party function that will most likely kill me.

But as of GM8 they both have the same capabilities...

Discussion / Sphere "RPG"
« on: April 09, 2009, 03:45:58 am »
Basically what this is, is a free version of Game Maker. It uses Java instead of GML, though in all honesty I find it better than Game Maker. I wouldn't say easier to say the least, but RPGs are a heck of a lot easier here.

It's been in development since 1997.

Sphere is just one of those good game making gems, not overly popular like Game maker. But may I add once all functions are created it's 100X easier creating a game in sphere than game maker with the functions also created?

Discussion / Action Game Maker
« on: April 09, 2009, 01:02:56 am »
Enterbrains latest game editor.

Allows you to not only create A-RPGs but platformers, shooters etc.

Personally, I still find Game Maker superior. It was nice that Enterbrain broke away from being tiled with movement, the engine is extremely limited if you don't know what you're doing, if you're a master at the thing it'd be god send.

But really... we love programming to much.

I see plenty of crappy zelda fangames coming this way.

Discussion / Torque "2d" Game builder
« on: February 01, 2009, 11:26:54 pm »
Switching to mac soon and was wondering what's available for mac game development.

I was looking at torque and it seems nice, just want to stick to a-rpgs like zelda lol but want to keep it easy like game maker, xna was just a huger step than I could handle atm so I'll move little to litter.

Is torque 2d any good?

Discussion / Tile Studio
« on: December 21, 2008, 07:27:57 pm »
A Pretty good map editor, I see a few XNA users use it so I downloaded it, I must say it's pretty good at what it does, though for effects with the specific map or time, or event I'd ask around the XNA community.

But this is a great way for creating 2D Maps with XNA

Discussion / XNA 3.0 - Animating Sprite sheets
« on: December 20, 2008, 11:03:31 pm »
Since He/She didn't finish or release lesson three I went online and searched XNA sprite sheets and found this, I've NEVER tested it cause I'm at work and can't download, but it should work.


Discussion / Constuct game maker
« on: December 16, 2008, 09:04:07 pm »
This is something that was referred to me by one of my college buddies, it's called construct.

Create games and applications with:

    * Super fast hardware-accelerated DirectX 9 graphics engine
    * Add multiple pixel shaders for special effects, including lighting, HDR, distortion, lenses and more
    * Advanced rendering effects like motion blur, skew and bumpmapping (3D lighting)
    * Innovative Behaviors system for defining how objects work in a flexible way
    * Physics engine for realistic object behavior
    * Place object on different layers for organising display, parallaxing, or whole-layer effects - also freely zoom individual layers in and out with high detail
    * Debugger giving you complete control over all aspects of your game for testing purposes.
    * Python scripting for advanced users - however, Construct's Events system is still powerful enough to complete entire games without any scripting.
    * Smaller, faster specialised runtime for applications
    * 60+ plugins ranging from Tiled Background to Windows controls and a C++ plugin SDK for custom development

There has been a lot of Game Maker user transfers to this engine because of python, but hey can't beat a real language, plugin support, and being better.

I can't wait for 1.0 to be released!

Coding / Dialog: Color tag issue
« on: November 08, 2008, 12:00:01 pm »
Well just coded about 10% of a RPG Dialog box, but well I got a color tag issue, it works but it'll change ALL dialog to that color and not just a word>< it also shows the the keys that trigger the color change.

Well hope someone can help.


Zelda Projects / Screenthread
« on: July 13, 2008, 01:58:54 am »
Ok I think this would be a nice lil topic, you basically just show wip screens or full screens of your games, ya basically post here if you don't want to start a topic.

Right now I'm working on a few games, but atm I'm working on a Action-RPG Script.

Coding / Making the ai move backwards after it's hit
« on: July 11, 2008, 04:36:53 am »
Ok, I generally have it working, but sometimes when I'm really close to the enemy it'll go over me and not backwards(opposite x/y of it's direction).

This doesn't happen often, but it's a bug that's really annoying me... sometimes it will happen allot.

Code(Not this is from the step event, all variables are set up in the scripts)
Code: [Select]
if global.hit=true {
if place_free(x+lengthdir_x(8,direction),y+lengthdir_y(8,direction))
if place_free(x+lengthdir_x(8,direction),y+lengthdir_y(8,direction))
if (place_meeting(x,y,atc_mask)){speed=2;direction=point_direction(global.herox,global.heroy,x,y)
if global.hit_timer>12 {

Note it's generally the same in all 4 objects, but only hero_is is actually changed.

Here's a demo as well, it might help with the problem visually.

Z is to do Melee attacks
X is to do Ki based attacks(only ki blast as of now, haven't coded any others yet, or implemented)


Also, since it's an action battle system(ABS) it will move in diagonal movements depending on where you strike the ai, that's one of my favorite things about GM, Pixel Perferctness!

Coding / Collision Problem
« on: July 10, 2008, 05:35:42 am »
Well when I fire a bullet and it hits the ai, it never stops, I tried everything, i set x+=0, hspeed to zero, vspeed to zero, speed to 0. And yet... it continues to go on!

If anyone can help that'd be great!

Oh and also the bullet object is supposed to change into object37 and then dissapear 3 seconds later, the enemy is supposed to go backwards, and the object37 object stays in place and erases itself later.

Discussion / Other Makers
« on: May 22, 2008, 09:37:21 pm »
Well we all know most people use GM here, but may I ask you a question. Do you or do you know someone that uses another maker? Preferably an RPG-Maker(not the RM(enterbrain) series) I'm talking about Sphere, Ika, Verge, engines like that.

Coding / [GM7] Mode7
« on: May 21, 2008, 02:43:55 am »
Code: [Select]
    // set the projection
    d3d_set_projection(x,y,10, x+cos(direction*pi/180),y-sin(direction*pi/180),10, 0,0,1);
    // set color and transparency
    // draw floor and ceiling

I'm basically trying to create mode7,and well I've had no luck I dunno if it can be fully done in Game Maker...

As you can see I failed... if anyone wants to help me that'd be great.

Coding / Dialog Help
« on: April 21, 2008, 05:12:58 pm »
Well I have my textbox fade in and the text shows before the fading is done, I'm using the switch statement to control my text. I have tried using true/false but since it don't work in the step event I couldn't fix.

You can download the GMK here, hopefully someone can help^^

in obj_demo replace the enter event replace the code with this.

Code: [Select]
global.face = fcs_Goku_001;
if object_exists(obj_textbox) {
with obj_textbox instance_destroy(); }
if global.show_textbox=true
switch (dialog) {
case 0:
textbox("   --~Mystic`-- # Legacy of Goku ]perfect` dialog engine.",false,0,fcs_Goku_001);  break;
case 1:
textbox("   --~Mystic`-- # 1",false,0,fcs_Goku_001);  break;
case 2:
textbox("   --~Mystic`-- # 2",false,0,fcs_Goku_001);   break;
if dialog>3 {
instance_destroy(); }

In obj_demo you'll see you have to enter twice!

Coding / Request - Finish Coding GM7
« on: April 18, 2008, 10:12:26 pm »

Ok you'll encounter an error "Object_index" well in order to fix the problem you'll need to make everything related to the hero and AI into sprites so this error is depleted.

So you got melee for the hero, ki blast ext. Just use Execute_String and this error will go away since the 2 objects are " obj_hero and ai_goku ".

Hopefully someone can finish it.

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